ttc after a d&c

congratulations :) if you dont mind me asking how long did you wait to try again..yeh i have moments in the day when i feel abit upset but it makes you realise how strong we actually are doesnt it.
yes im very grateful for this website and i am also off work due to my miscarriage but going bk next thursday but the break has definetly helped xxx

i waited 3.5 months ish but only cos i had funky liver blood tests and needed um to be checked out, i would have gone for it sooner otherwise :)
they decided my liver problem isnt that serious after all ,they reckon its fatty liver disease which is reversible and shouldnt affect pregnancy. :) hurray :) so when the liver U/s came back pretty good and the serious things were ruled out , i went for it, it was CD12 i got the phone call and i only had to wait till 12 dpo to get my bfp :) i got preg straight away i was so happy. ; i do believe that mc makes u more fertile but i also believe our bodies r pretty clever and wont get bfp again till we r ready. xxx
best of luck honey xx
did people in work know u were expecting? i had told all mine and goin back was hard but in a way good, its good to get back to normal a little bit too xxxxx a couple had heard i was expecting but didnt know i mc so telling them was hard, i think they were more embarrassed than i was
yes i told work due to my job really,well i hadnt felt upto anything til last night and it felt right juat hope i havent done any damage if you get me,was going to wait until had my 1st period but with my doc saying that was only to be able to date then i understood it posed no risk in any other way xxx
mommylov - surely someone else will step up to be annoying now lol i shouldnt tempt fate. enjoy the peace xoxox

Dear AF :witch:
I think we have started off on the wrong foot. When I asked you to come in a timely manner, I did not mean like NOW! You showing up unannounced when I was a teen was like my right of passage into womanhood...women everywhere can relate. We are now at a point where I need you to keep at bay, stop holding my uterus hostage and give me a chance to properly conceive. I know you are busier than :xmas6: on Christmas Eve, but I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Bethany/Horsey, I TOTALLY am enjoying this and really treasuring every moment :coffee::smug: lol and youre right, there are plenty of people here that are more annoying :ignore:. She just sits RIGHT next to me so she is sometimes hard to avoid but these others I can slip away :argh: heheh

Angel, I swear your "dear AF" letters are the best! :rofl: I hope she gets it right this month :trouble:

Angel's letters are the bomb!
Haha I am telling you Amy just as soon as you settle in to your peace in your area she will be back from vacation and you will be so much more annoyed because for a while you had a break from her ;)

yes, angel, you are so right about how we dont want her permanently evicted. i always forget that, so i am glad it is you drafting the letters. i get too emotional and wanna kick her out for good - hold me backl! whew!

bethany, you got it. and coincidentally today i am having delusions of grandeur about starting a famous makeup blog and that is my other excuse for wanting more more more - i mean other than the fact that i need makeup porn to survive.

mommylov, i am impressed with your use of emoticons. how many posts until we've used them all i wonder?

hehe I LOVE emoticons!!!!!!! :haha: I love when anyone uses them! :bunny: After the holidays this year, Im sure I would have used them all :xmas13: :blush: lol When Im on my phone or Ipad I dont use them but on the comp I do for the most part ... weeeeeeeeeeeee! :wohoo:
storked, there is so much to tell. i am a sinner. please give me some time and i will try to post a web thingy somewhere very soon. ooh i bet flirty honey is good. clinique is wierd with the browns. sometimes im like ugh. quit tryina be so (new jersey accent) classy! i love the look of those chubby sticks. do you like it? i also like the deodorant they make actually. it's not healthy - it still has aluminum in it - but it's a fragrance free roll on. they also have these tiny compacts with eye concealer that i like but i dont have one of those. i think i have one of those eyeliner pots where you have to put the stuff on with a brush - it was never any good though, too claylike/hard. did you know you can return used makeup to the store? have you ever done it? i did recently. bought a chanel lipstick (ok yeah, i am evil) and it looked hideous on me. i went back and got a different one. chanel does that wierd brown thing with some of their older lipsticks too, where you're like, yay, i look like i died, thanks 40 dollar lipstick :rofl: my favorite ever though, is a color called russet moon / lune russe from chanel. it is a beautiful deep red that's almost too dark but you can blot it on and it is amazing. funny how hard it is to find a good red... major hooker potential 80 percent of the time, but if done well it can be pin-up gorgeous, better than any red dress for sure. but i digress.

lilesmum xoxoxox, i bet you look good in burgundy colors.

lamb, i waited one cycle and now wish i had gone for it right away! i know people who started trying right away and now they are so far along.
Hi all! Hope you don't mind me joining the gang. I had a D&C 2 weeks ago after a MMC at 11+1 (I was 9+6 when I found out). I really want to get back on the wagon but am a bit worried about managing to conceive this time round. DD1 was conceived with the help of clomid, but this pregnancy was a complete surprise as we had only BD'd once the whole cycle, not planning to get pregnant as FIL had very recently passed away. We were so shocked, but absolutely delighted to find out this had happened. Obviously devastated with the MMC, but I want to try again ASAP. My cycles are eratic at the best of time, ranging from 5-12 weeks since the birth of DD, so I have no clue what to expect from here. Xxx
yes i told work due to my job really,well i hadnt felt upto anything til last night and it felt right juat hope i havent done any damage if you get me,was going to wait until had my 1st period but with my doc saying that was only to be able to date then i understood it posed no risk in any other way xxx

no babe u will be fine. my SIL has 3 angels and 3 kids ( she has heamatoma problem and took aspririn for her kids :) ) , but she got preg on her 2nd child directly after a mc and that child is now my teething niece :) so dont worry on that front.
i read before that they said 3 months becos at the time they didnt know what happened and were saying that to be safe. it does take a few cycles for af to become normal but there is no proof that u have to wait for af to be normal to have good pregnancy :)
my SIL reckons that she only had kids when she got preg direct after MC .
she reckons it 'cleared 'her out for want of a better phrase and didnt give the clot a chance to get big again before she got bfp.
everyone is different but loads have successful outcome form straight away.
long winded , sorry :)
she also reckons that waiting is just for dating, docs like it easier :)
but i see why they wanna be able to date cos it could cause u concern for no reason later, if u think baby seems to measure small and are not sure what date ur preg is at , but that is only early on anyway :) an early scan and they wil know :) xxx
mommylov - surely someone else will step up to be annoying now lol i shouldnt tempt fate. enjoy the peace xoxox

Dear AF :witch:
I think we have started off on the wrong foot. When I asked you to come in a timely manner, I did not mean like NOW! You showing up unannounced when I was a teen was like my right of passage into womanhood...women everywhere can relate. We are now at a point where I need you to keep at bay, stop holding my uterus hostage and give me a chance to properly conceive. I know you are busier than :xmas6: on Christmas Eve, but I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Bethany/Horsey, I TOTALLY am enjoying this and really treasuring every moment :coffee::smug: lol and youre right, there are plenty of people here that are more annoying :ignore:. She just sits RIGHT next to me so she is sometimes hard to avoid but these others I can slip away :argh: heheh

Angel, I swear your "dear AF" letters are the best! :rofl: I hope she gets it right this month :trouble:

Angel's letters are the bomb!
Haha I am telling you Amy just as soon as you settle in to your peace in your area she will be back from vacation and you will be so much more annoyed because for a while you had a break from her ;)

yes, angel, you are so right about how we dont want her permanently evicted. i always forget that, so i am glad it is you drafting the letters. i get too emotional and wanna kick her out for good - hold me backl! whew!

bethany, you got it. and coincidentally today i am having delusions of grandeur about starting a famous makeup blog and that is my other excuse for wanting more more more - i mean other than the fact that i need makeup porn to survive.

mommylov, i am impressed with your use of emoticons. how many posts until we've used them all i wonder?

hehe I LOVE emoticons!!!!!!! :haha: I love when anyone uses them! :bunny: After the holidays this year, Im sure I would have used them all :xmas13: :blush: lol When Im on my phone or Ipad I dont use them but on the comp I do for the most part ... weeeeeeeeeeeee! :wohoo:

amy i declare u queen of the emoticons :) :haha::haha:

here r some of my fave ones for u :)

:dust: and :af: and :bfp: and :crib: for all xxxx

:hangwashing: i just like the look of this one :haha::haha:

im being greedy since my friend got :oneofeach: its seeming like a great idea :) :muaha:

here is angels yacht :boat:
i love :pizza:
i am a pocket :ninja:
and i also just like the dancing :bunny: :wave:

i cant wait till and i love :xmas16: :xmas7:
yeh thats what the doc told me was the only reason they like you to wait,but it is easier said than done to wait,thank you for talking to me and the advice so grateful,where abouts are you from xxx
storked, there is so much to tell. i am a sinner. please give me some time and i will try to post a web thingy somewhere very soon. ooh i bet flirty honey is good. clinique is wierd with the browns. sometimes im like ugh. quit tryina be so (new jersey accent) classy! i love the look of those chubby sticks. do you like it? i also like the deodorant they make actually. it's not healthy - it still has aluminum in it - but it's a fragrance free roll on. they also have these tiny compacts with eye concealer that i like but i dont have one of those. i think i have one of those eyeliner pots where you have to put the stuff on with a brush - it was never any good though, too claylike/hard. did you know you can return used makeup to the store? have you ever done it? i did recently. bought a chanel lipstick (ok yeah, i am evil) and it looked hideous on me. i went back and got a different one. chanel does that wierd brown thing with some of their older lipsticks too, where you're like, yay, i look like i died, thanks 40 dollar lipstick :rofl: my favorite ever though, is a color called russet moon / lune russe from chanel. it is a beautiful deep red that's almost too dark but you can blot it on and it is amazing. funny how hard it is to find a good red... major hooker potential 80 percent of the time, but if done well it can be pin-up gorgeous, better than any red dress for sure. but i digress.

lilesmum xoxoxox, i bet you look good in burgundy colors.

lamb, i waited one cycle and now wish i had gone for it right away! i know people who started trying right away and now they are so far along.

thank you for replying..yeh i was going to wait but just couldnt but i will take each month as it comes,hope you are ok xxx
wannebewillow, fx for u sweetie xxxxxxxxxxx
best o luck and welcome xx
horsey i never wear burgundy, but maybe i should try :)
my hair is lighter a bit now than on fb :) xxxx

lamb im from ireland, where u from hon xx
no prob lamb, my pleasure :) xx
waitin is too tough , i only waited cos 3 docs warned me to check liver first :)

angel i love mac :) they do the nicest stuffes :)
i want one of everything they make , i be a happy girlie :)
mommylov - surely someone else will step up to be annoying now lol i shouldnt tempt fate. enjoy the peace xoxox

Dear AF :witch:
I think we have started off on the wrong foot. When I asked you to come in a timely manner, I did not mean like NOW! You showing up unannounced when I was a teen was like my right of passage into womanhood...women everywhere can relate. We are now at a point where I need you to keep at bay, stop holding my uterus hostage and give me a chance to properly conceive. I know you are busier than :xmas6: on Christmas Eve, but I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Bethany/Horsey, I TOTALLY am enjoying this and really treasuring every moment :coffee::smug: lol and youre right, there are plenty of people here that are more annoying :ignore:. She just sits RIGHT next to me so she is sometimes hard to avoid but these others I can slip away :argh: heheh

Angel, I swear your "dear AF" letters are the best! :rofl: I hope she gets it right this month :trouble:

Angel's letters are the bomb!
Haha I am telling you Amy just as soon as you settle in to your peace in your area she will be back from vacation and you will be so much more annoyed because for a while you had a break from her ;)

yes, angel, you are so right about how we dont want her permanently evicted. i always forget that, so i am glad it is you drafting the letters. i get too emotional and wanna kick her out for good - hold me backl! whew!

bethany, you got it. and coincidentally today i am having delusions of grandeur about starting a famous makeup blog and that is my other excuse for wanting more more more - i mean other than the fact that i need makeup porn to survive.

mommylov, i am impressed with your use of emoticons. how many posts until we've used them all i wonder?

hehe I LOVE emoticons!!!!!!! :haha: I love when anyone uses them! :bunny: After the holidays this year, Im sure I would have used them all :xmas13: :blush: lol When Im on my phone or Ipad I dont use them but on the comp I do for the most part ... weeeeeeeeeeeee! :wohoo:

amy i declare u queen of the emoticons :) :haha::haha:

here r some of my fave ones for u :)

:dust: and :af: and :bfp: and :crib: for all xxxx

:hangwashing: i just like the look of this one :haha::haha:

im being greedy since my friend got :oneofeach: its seeming like a great idea :) :muaha:

here is angels yacht :boat:
i love :pizza:
i am a pocket :ninja:
and i also just like the dancing :bunny: :wave:

i cant wait till and i love :xmas16: :xmas7:

hahah yay thanks Laura!!! :happydance:
hows BD goin amy :) u get ur opk pos yet? lots of nice anniversay BD i hope :) x
hows BD goin amy :) u get ur opk pos yet? lots of nice anniversay BD i hope :) x

heheh, we actually only :sex: once and that was on Monday. I sent DH an IM just now actually and said "You wanna start to try again? Maybe every other day for now until I get my yes OPK and then we can every day for 1-3 days after that and then back to every other day" and he said "OK :D". Im scared that we either did it too much last month or we stopped too soon and I maybed O late. This time, we are not making that mistake! Monday was fun though... just spontaneous and sweet <3
not very far away so lamb :) , im from cork :) xx

amy thats nice to have BD just for the sake of it too, gets a bit weary sometimes if just ttc BD :) yeah every other day is fine till Ov cos u be worn out and his spermies be knackered ha ha :) what r u now ? around cd12? ish? :)
not very far away so lamb :) , im from cork :) xx

amy thats nice to have BD just for the sake of it too, gets a bit weary sometimes if just ttc BD :) yeah every other day is fine till Ov cos u be worn out and his spermies be knackered ha ha :) what r u now ? around cd12? ish? :)

oh how lovely :) ive always wanted to go to ireland ita very beautiful from what ive seen in p.s i love you :D
Yup! CD13!

I told him to keep those swimmers nice and comfy and to get them ready to swim thier little hearts out! heheh

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