hey everyone..we found out 2 just 2 weeks ago that my boday had miscarried and had a d&c 2 weeks ago today but me and my partner couldnt resist last night as i needed to feel close with him and it made me feel slightly better,so just going to have to sit back and wait for either my period or a positive pregnancy test
felt abit bad after enotionally due to being scared it did something to my body like caused a infection but i havent really been bleeding that much.
hi hon sorry for ur loss xxxxxx

i was told wait 2 weeks and till bleeding stops to avoid infection so u should be fine in that respect hon. so sorry ur goin through this xxxxxxxx
hope ur holding up ok. xxxxx
fx for a pos test for u but dont feel too bad if it doesnt come right away.
give urself time it will happen xxxxxxxxxx

hello thank you im ok have good and bad days to be honest..how are you?
yeh it was 2 weeks ago since my d&c and have not bled for a few days so hoping weve caused no infection etc..yeh not going to get my hopes up too much xxxxxx
im so much better now babe, it honest to god does get better, i never thought that at the 2 week after stage, it does take a long time though, i stil have my down and weepy patches but they r patches of a day now and not every day anymore so thats good xxx
you would know by now i reckon if u had infection hon, xxx
i know the closeness is needed isnt it xxxxx
i didnt mean to dishearten u, there is no reason u cant get ur bfp, loads o people do, i just mean dont put too much pressure onurself to get it. let urself heal and look after urself and if it happens in the meantime its a wonderfull bonus


to u hon, wish i could take the pain away but nobody can, i do know how u feel though and that does help. no qs is too silly or tmi for here hon dont ever be afraid to ask, that is what we r here for, xxxxxxxxxx