ttc after a d&c

angel forgive my ignorance but shorter lp isnt a problem is it, i thought longer was bad? ? might just be still ur body normalising after ur loss xxx

bethany, i know i hate doin those types of calls too, but it will be a relief once u do xx
any food that i like :)
hey everyone..we found out 2 just 2 weeks ago that my boday had miscarried and had a d&c 2 weeks ago today but me and my partner couldnt resist last night as i needed to feel close with him and it made me feel slightly better,so just going to have to sit back and wait for either my period or a positive pregnancy test :)
felt abit bad after enotionally due to being scared it did something to my body like caused a infection but i havent really been bleeding that much.

hi hon sorry for ur loss xxxxxx :hugs:
i was told wait 2 weeks and till bleeding stops to avoid infection so u should be fine in that respect hon. so sorry ur goin through this xxxxxxxx
hope ur holding up ok. xxxxx
fx for a pos test for u but dont feel too bad if it doesnt come right away.
give urself time it will happen xxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs:
I'm not well versed on LP, but I thought if LP was too short, then eggy won't have time to implant because lining starts to shed too soon? I need to bring this to the Dr's attention. I asked the lab tech this morning about it, but all she said was a D&C might impact your first cycle, but not your I'm in a quandary :shrug: How did I go from on the dot, never varying cycles my entire courtship with AF, to this 25 day bologna???

I need to consult Dr Google!

that lab tech is speaking bull, all of us have had weird 1st and 2nd af , i had kinda weird 3rd af too, xxx
how much was it shortened by, is it 3 days?
thats loads o time to implant, only takes a week nad then has few spare days to get snug xxx
but do ask cos im guessing :) xxxxxxxxx
Dear AF :witch:
I think we have started off on the wrong foot. When I asked you to come in a timely manner, I did not mean like NOW! You showing up unannounced when I was a teen was like my right of passage into womanhood...women everywhere can relate. We are now at a point where I need you to keep at bay, stop holding my uterus hostage and give me a chance to properly conceive. I know you are busier than :xmas6: on Christmas Eve, but I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Hi Ladies,
I am new to this site and alittle scared have been through so much in the last few months. I had a miscarriage on the 4th july and passed the baby 5 days later was very heart breaking as they never put me in for a D&C. Then i had a mass bleed on the 31st july and ended up in hospital and ended up getting a infection they finally decided to do a D&C after the D&C i had a bleed for 10 days then it stopped for a week and i got a period. I was shocked that i got one so soon and i though when is this bleeding ever going to stop i just want to get back to normal.
My period stopped on the the 3rd of september what a relief. Only to start my period again on the 27th sep 4 days before it should be due and a heavy bleed for 2 days and then nothing after 3 1/2 days had completely stopped. Has anyone had this before after a misscarriage do i need to go get it checked out . Need some help
hey everyone..we found out 2 just 2 weeks ago that my boday had miscarried and had a d&c 2 weeks ago today but me and my partner couldnt resist last night as i needed to feel close with him and it made me feel slightly better,so just going to have to sit back and wait for either my period or a positive pregnancy test :)
felt abit bad after enotionally due to being scared it did something to my body like caused a infection but i havent really been bleeding that much.

hi hon sorry for ur loss xxxxxx :hugs:
i was told wait 2 weeks and till bleeding stops to avoid infection so u should be fine in that respect hon. so sorry ur goin through this xxxxxxxx
hope ur holding up ok. xxxxx
fx for a pos test for u but dont feel too bad if it doesnt come right away.
give urself time it will happen xxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs:

hello thank you im ok have good and bad days to be are you?
yeh it was 2 weeks ago since my d&c and have not bled for a few days so hoping weve caused no infection etc..yeh not going to get my hopes up too much xxxxxx
Angel, I may try OPKs again next cycle. What kind are you using? :)
Did they say whether 60% was good or not? Three vials- WOOHOO! :happydance:
And Angel, yup shorter LP gives less time to implant! When do you get to ask the doctor about it?

Laura...I still haven't called them. Gah :D

Lamb, gotta agree with Laura that you just don't need to feel bad if it doesn't happen right away. Body goes all wonky after a loss.
Hi Ladies,
I am new to this site and alittle scared have been through so much in the last few months. I had a miscarriage on the 4th july and passed the baby 5 days later was very heart breaking as they never put me in for a D&C. Then i had a mass bleed on the 31st july and ended up in hospital and ended up getting a infection they finally decided to do a D&C after the D&C i had a bleed for 10 days then it stopped for a week and i got a period. I was shocked that i got one so soon and i though when is this bleeding ever going to stop i just want to get back to normal.
My period stopped on the the 3rd of september what a relief. Only to start my period again on the 27th sep 4 days before it should be due and a heavy bleed for 2 days and then nothing after 3 1/2 days had completely stopped. Has anyone had this before after a misscarriage do i need to go get it checked out . Need some help

Hi mumma, so sorry for your loss :hugs:
It can take quite some time for the cycles to regulate. I had my D&C in May and my body still isn't regular :flower:
Hi Ladies,
I am new to this site and alittle scared have been through so much in the last few months. I had a miscarriage on the 4th july and passed the baby 5 days later was very heart breaking as they never put me in for a D&C. Then i had a mass bleed on the 31st july and ended up in hospital and ended up getting a infection they finally decided to do a D&C after the D&C i had a bleed for 10 days then it stopped for a week and i got a period. I was shocked that i got one so soon and i though when is this bleeding ever going to stop i just want to get back to normal.
My period stopped on the the 3rd of september what a relief. Only to start my period again on the 27th sep 4 days before it should be due and a heavy bleed for 2 days and then nothing after 3 1/2 days had completely stopped. Has anyone had this before after a misscarriage do i need to go get it checked out . Need some help

god mummabear u poor thing, u really have been through the mill. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
i dont really have a good answer for u , just that all manner of things happen our bodies after a loss and there is no real such thing as 'normal' for a while after a loss. i would ring my doc if i was u, just to make sure.
whenever i was unsure after i did , they didnt help me much physically but did reassure me on what to do and not do xxxxxx

hope u feel better soon xxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
hey everyone..we found out 2 just 2 weeks ago that my boday had miscarried and had a d&c 2 weeks ago today but me and my partner couldnt resist last night as i needed to feel close with him and it made me feel slightly better,so just going to have to sit back and wait for either my period or a positive pregnancy test :)
felt abit bad after enotionally due to being scared it did something to my body like caused a infection but i havent really been bleeding that much.

hi hon sorry for ur loss xxxxxx :hugs:
i was told wait 2 weeks and till bleeding stops to avoid infection so u should be fine in that respect hon. so sorry ur goin through this xxxxxxxx
hope ur holding up ok. xxxxx
fx for a pos test for u but dont feel too bad if it doesnt come right away.
give urself time it will happen xxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs:

hello thank you im ok have good and bad days to be are you?
yeh it was 2 weeks ago since my d&c and have not bled for a few days so hoping weve caused no infection etc..yeh not going to get my hopes up too much xxxxxx

im so much better now babe, it honest to god does get better, i never thought that at the 2 week after stage, it does take a long time though, i stil have my down and weepy patches but they r patches of a day now and not every day anymore so thats good xxx
you would know by now i reckon if u had infection hon, xxx
i know the closeness is needed isnt it xxxxx
i didnt mean to dishearten u, there is no reason u cant get ur bfp, loads o people do, i just mean dont put too much pressure onurself to get it. let urself heal and look after urself and if it happens in the meantime its a wonderfull bonus :) xxxxxxx
:hugs: to u hon, wish i could take the pain away but nobody can, i do know how u feel though and that does help. no qs is too silly or tmi for here hon dont ever be afraid to ask, that is what we r here for, xxxxxxxxxx
Angel, I may try OPKs again next cycle. What kind are you using? :)
Did they say whether 60% was good or not? Three vials- WOOHOO! :happydance:
And Angel, yup shorter LP gives less time to implant! When do you get to ask the doctor about it?

Laura...I still haven't called them. Gah :D

Lamb, gotta agree with Laura that you just don't need to feel bad if it doesn't happen right away. Body goes all wonky after a loss.

no i wont feel bad just gonna take it as it comes now and have a little hope each month.
angel, can you write to her for me? tell her when she's through resolving your claim, she's evicted from my womb for ev er. :hug: dude seriously, my afs are totally weird after mc. they were weird with my natural mc and after the d&c. i just had my fourth af and it was weird. my cycles are all different lengths the first four times too. and i'm not the only one. i doctor googled the muffins outta that one, lemme tell you! and you know what? my mood has been crazy during af too cause there's so much post d&c anxiety for me. and i know my doctor did a great job because everyone can't stop singing her praises at the ultrasound tech's lab. the tech actually told me how great my doc was mid-examination and every time af comes with a whisper then a bang bang bang bang, i'm still gripped by fear until she's on her way out and things finally quiet down again. i'm pissed off at her for you.
angel exactly hon, we all know , they r goin by books :) xxxxx
fx its just freaky thing and next month af doesnt show at all :) xxxx

bethany pick up ur phone ha ha xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies! Hope you had/have a great night!

Angel, I forget... is this your first cycle post d&c? Mine wanst normal at all and I was SUPER regular before my mc. After, it took 6 weeks to get af and then this last cycle she came right at 30 days but I think I O late if that even makes sense so my timing too is still a little off. It does seem to be on its way to becoming more normal but seeing as how you and your dr are monitoring so close, there are things you see right now that we normally dont so that too may play into the whole "Well wait, I thought that phase happens after X amount of days". Hang tight and I agree with asking your dr about it just to be on the safe side.

In other news, it has been SOOOOO quiet here and I LOVE IT! That sounds mean and a part of me does miss the company but boy is it nice to have peace and quiet. I think a lot of people dont like her but for the wrong reasons. She is one of the more social people in my dept and so you can hear her always talking to someone and I think a lot of people here dont like that. I actually love that about her but I dont like that she doesnt give you a chance to respond to her or to talk about anything as she likes to cut off people and begin talking about herself. Other than that, she is ok.

Hope everyone is off to a great morning so far and a great night for Laura! :dust:
hey everyone..we found out 2 just 2 weeks ago that my boday had miscarried and had a d&c 2 weeks ago today but me and my partner couldnt resist last night as i needed to feel close with him and it made me feel slightly better,so just going to have to sit back and wait for either my period or a positive pregnancy test :)
felt abit bad after enotionally due to being scared it did something to my body like caused a infection but i havent really been bleeding that much.

hi hon sorry for ur loss xxxxxx :hugs:
i was told wait 2 weeks and till bleeding stops to avoid infection so u should be fine in that respect hon. so sorry ur goin through this xxxxxxxx
hope ur holding up ok. xxxxx
fx for a pos test for u but dont feel too bad if it doesnt come right away.
give urself time it will happen xxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs:

hello thank you im ok have good and bad days to be are you?
yeh it was 2 weeks ago since my d&c and have not bled for a few days so hoping weve caused no infection etc..yeh not going to get my hopes up too much xxxxxx

im so much better now babe, it honest to god does get better, i never thought that at the 2 week after stage, it does take a long time though, i stil have my down and weepy patches but they r patches of a day now and not every day anymore so thats good xxx
you would know by now i reckon if u had infection hon, xxx
i know the closeness is needed isnt it xxxxx
i didnt mean to dishearten u, there is no reason u cant get ur bfp, loads o people do, i just mean dont put too much pressure onurself to get it. let urself heal and look after urself and if it happens in the meantime its a wonderfull bonus :) xxxxxxx
:hugs: to u hon, wish i could take the pain away but nobody can, i do know how u feel though and that does help. no qs is too silly or tmi for here hon dont ever be afraid to ask, that is what we r here for, xxxxxxxxxx

thank you hun really appreciate your advice and kind words..yes im feeling better than what i did 2 weeks ago but its not without the help from people off here,im just gonna take everyday as it comes and when my body is ready then we will conceive has defo made me a stronger person and i have a stronger bond with my partner,i just felt slightly guilty as i was ment to be pregnant with our 1st child now not trying again but im sure everyone feels like that xxxxxxxxxxx
mommylov - surely someone else will step up to be annoying now lol i shouldnt tempt fate. enjoy the peace xoxox
Hi Ladies,
I am new to this site and alittle scared have been through so much in the last few months. I had a miscarriage on the 4th july and passed the baby 5 days later was very heart breaking as they never put me in for a D&C. Then i had a mass bleed on the 31st july and ended up in hospital and ended up getting a infection they finally decided to do a D&C after the D&C i had a bleed for 10 days then it stopped for a week and i got a period. I was shocked that i got one so soon and i though when is this bleeding ever going to stop i just want to get back to normal.
My period stopped on the the 3rd of september what a relief. Only to start my period again on the 27th sep 4 days before it should be due and a heavy bleed for 2 days and then nothing after 3 1/2 days had completely stopped. Has anyone had this before after a misscarriage do i need to go get it checked out . Need some help

hope u feel better soon xxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:

forgot to say to u hon, my af s were weird after too.
waited 5.5 weeks for first one, its was 2 days spotting, 1 day bleeding.
2nd af was i think a day late, was only 3 days light ish.
3rd af was ontime and was 2 days spotty and 3 days bleeding.
i usually get 5-7 pretty heavy so it is normal to be different after loss.
maybe u had short af cos it was early xxxx
hope alls better for u soon hon, xxxx

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