So now its my turn to have all sorts of random thoughts... this whole not conceiving on the first shot post d&c is really messing with me
. My CM is different, periods seem to be a bit more painful and when I call thr dr.. they tell me that this is all normal and wont even let me come in to see them
. Sigh, what if something is really wrong and they wont find out for months
I too get those feelings and I am seeing a specialist. We'll get there may be closer to it than you think! Fx
im gonna go watch a film, gonna try and find a comedy and keep myself lightening upchat soon xxxxxxx
In the non TTC world im doing okay!! Had a few bitchy comments at work about the fact ive still not lost my baby weight :/ but i just smiled and walked away!!
Moving in is going brilliantly i really feel like we have become so much closer if possible than we were before! We sit and chill on the sofa and actually spend time together now! And are laughing more than we have in a while!
Hmm a drop followed by a rise means ovulation? See ive not been OPKing this month at all, havent had time! Done a few half hearted ones but just keep forgetting lol!!
Any women know of any temping tips ? xxxx