Jen, HI! How are you and bebe today?

And you must have a unique accent hehe! I'd cook for you if I was there.
Laura, glad you had a great time with your friend! That movie did look pretty good. How are you and bebe doing?

Hehe thanks for liking my picture on Facebook. Bill Maher was too funny about the debate. DH got mad at me and wouldn't speak to me last night afterwards. BUAHAHAHAHA!
Wannabewillow, I do adore Liam Neeson

So sorry you are having to go through this. When it sinks in that you are starting over it hurts so much
Amy, you could be ovulating later. I know some people on this site take Vitex for short luteal phases but you really never know how that could affect your cycle :-/
Know exactly how you feel about having to try more stuff post op. I got pregnant immediately- I can't help but wider why it is taking so long now. GRRR. We will be rewarded though. We will!
Angel, how dare the witch taunt you and take her time? I'll tell her to hurry up damnit!
And you make your hubby grovel

Are you running tomorrow? Yay! I promise I check my breasts- that cancer runs in my family. My grandma had to have her left breast removed. Was sad but she made it into a huge joke: it became family tradition to hug her and squeeze her fake titty (her word!)
Lamb, I prefer him in Dear Frankie
Natasha, YAY HI! How are you liking the temping? I kind of did it one cycle but missed a lot of days

Omg I cannot believe your coworkers would be such douches to comment on your weight. They are asshats.
Horsey, HI!
AFM: WE GOT THE APARTMENT! Now I have to call the other people and bitch at them for running our application after we said no and tell them we have a better place

Sorry was gone- kitty got the ball chop today and have just been running amok. I am going to miss some of the supermarkets here. Went shopping with my sister and got a haircut. Good day!
European can so many of you fake our accent so well? I couldn't sound like any of you unless I lived with y'all lol!