Hi everyone, I'm new this this site. I have been reading through a lot of your posts, so I no longer feel so alone with all I have had to go through. I am sorry for all of your losses and the pain that you all have had to endure with either problems ttc or miscarriages. To give you a brief summary of my situation. I have 2 daughters ages 12 almost 13, and a 6 year old. Been married for 7 years (tomorrow is my anniversary actually). My husband and I decided back in March to try for another child, and at first try I became pregnant (didn't think I would get pregnant that quickly because of pcos and only one ovary). By the 5th week of my pregnancy I started spotting, and went to the ER. I was told that I was having a threatened miscarriage, of course I felt like my whole world was falling apart. They didn't find a heartbeat. I returned at 6 weeks with bleeding, was told I was probably having a miscarriage. I told my husband if I am meant to have a miscarriage at least I am having it now and not further along, where i would be so attached to the baby (even though I was of course already attached and loved my baby so much). We went in for the ultrasound and there was the heartbeat, which gave us a lot of hope. Well, I didn't end up miscarrying and the bleeding stopped. I was told I had a subchorionic hemorrhage (blood clot somewhere between the placenta and uterus) that was 1cm big. I was also told that this would probably resolve on its own. By 8 weeks everything was going great, no bleeding, baby was growing perfectly. Went in for the 10 week appointment, baby was growing perfectly. Every time I asked them about the blood clot I had they would brush it off and say as long as the pregnancy was going fine there was no need to check it. I Went in at 12 and then 13 weeks had an ultrasound and baby was growing strong and everything was going fantastic. Took the maternal serum screening with consisted of 1 blood test, and ultrasound, then a 2nd trimester blood test. The first blood and test and ultrasound came out great. They said I had a 1 in 3,800 chance of down syndrome and a 1 in 100,000 chance of Trisomy 18. They told me those were optimal test results for a 32 year old woman. I though everything was going great until 18 1/2 weeks. I started bleeding again. Went that night to the ER. They took an ultrasound and for the first time I noticed my baby wasn't moving. A couple hours later they sent me in for a transvaginal ultrasound, we kept asking how was the baby, and they wouldn't answer. But I already knew. The doctor confirmed to us that the baby died sometime that day. What is really sad is that my husband said he thought he saw a faint heart beat when they did the first ultrasound and so did they doctor. He believes that was probably when the baby was about to die. The doctor suggested a d&c. We told her to let us think if over that night. And we would come in the next day. So of course I was a wreck, my husband was a wreck. We went home that night feeling miserable. I had grown so attached to my son ( I really wanted to have a little boy for my husband because we are all girls in the house, plus I had a feeling we were having a boy). Next morning get up to go to the bathroom and bamm, a huge blood clot flew out of me. My husband rushed me to the hospital, and right in front of everybody as I was checking in, I hemorrhaged. It was so traumatizing. I was worried because there were children in the waiting area, and I didn't want them to see. I was in complete shock. There was blood all over the floor, and this was happening in front of everybody. I was rushed into a room and withing a few minutes I passed my precious baby, and it was a BOY. I was due to find out the sex of my baby that very week, and I had to find out through a miscarriage. To make a very long story short. I almost bled to death. Had an emergency d&c about 6 hours later. Don't know why they took so long. According to them, they wanted to see if I would pass the placenta on my own. They warned that if I didn't stop bleeding they might have to perform an emergency hysterectomy. Thank God they didn't have to, and by some miracle with all of the blood loss, I didn't need a blood transfusion. So right now it is 2 1/2 weeks later, and I am still in shock. At times I still feel the baby kicking, although I know it is all in my head. The grief if so horrible to deal with. My husband and I lost our first little boy. It was so hard to break the news to my children. The babies due date was between Christmas and New years, and we would talk about how the baby was going to be a Christmas gift for the whole family. I am sorry I vented so much here. I have not talked about this to anybody, only my husband and my mother. Now all I want is to be pregnant again. My pregnancy was just cut off almost half way through. And I want to feel pregnant again. I want another baby so badly, and at the same time I am scared to death. I am also scared that maybe I will keep having these difficulties because I am 32, maybe it is my age I don't have any idea. I know of plenty of woman older than me, who haven't had any of these problems. Anyways and feedback would be greatly appreciated. I feel so much better to find a community of women who understand what I am going through.