ttc after a d&c

There are so many pages here.. I read quite a few and I see a lot of u are pregnant again.. gives me much hope. Ill be having a d&c this week..any of you far along ladies get prregnant the month after ur d&c.. or was it only a success after the three months.. I honestly don't wanna wait.. I'm scared it will hurt as I'm hurting pretty bad right now.. is it true its easier to get pregnant after a d&c? Sorry if this is in the wrong section or this threads topic died along time ago.. just looking for success stores or unsuccessful stories.. thanx ladies

Hi Impatientwait, first I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through. I am so sorry for the pain that you are feeling now. It doesn't matter how far along you are when you lose a baby, it is so painful at any time. All of us had losses at different times during our pregnancies. And all of us on here are now pregnant, with the exception of one young lady who has taken a break from this site. I lost my daughter at 19 weeks, and I was pregnant 2 months after losing her. I also had a d&c, well I was actually forced to have one because I wouldn't stop hemorrhaging, I would have bled to death ( this had something to do with how far along I was). I think for many it is very easy to get pregnant after a d&c or mc. One of the ladies on here has just given birth a couple days ago (we are actually awaiting to hear about her birth story). Another lady on here is about to give birth, and I am almost 34 weeks pregnant. I know how hard it is and it does take a while to heal. If you do decide to get the d&c I do suggest you ask your docs advice about when it is safe to get pregnant. I too, didn't want to wait, but I was told I had better chances on having a healthy pregnancy if I let my body heal a bit. I got pregnant after my 2 complete cycles, just as my doc suggested (2 months are mc and d&c). If you weren't very far along, maybe doc will tell you to start very soon. Either way, if you have any questions or need somewhere to vent, this is the perfect place. Take care hon. :hugs:
Thank you so much! I'm very hopeful after reading that almost all are expecting. I was only about 6 weeks.. when my husband asked my ob she said right away after the bleeding stops.. but on my own the bleeding is getting worse.. idk if I've passed the baby or not so I'm calling about the d&c today to speed things up. I don't want this put on Me emotionally for longer than needed.. I don't wanna see it pass. So I can stick around here with you guys cause I know next time every little thing is going to worry me.
Hi there, well om officially here, i found out i had a mmc on 20th april, and had a d&c 24th, after alot of blood loss and infection i recovered in a week or 2. My af came 21st may, - 25th. Im now on cd9. been ttc since period stopped, we are using ov sticks but are also just dtd twice a day everyday, sometimes more lol. My birthday is 28th june, hoping for BFP for then xx
Hi Impatient, Im sorry to hear about your loss as well. Like Jess said, we have all gone through having a D&C and loss and different points in our pregnancies. When I met these wonderful ladies after my first losss, I felt so lost. I got the go from our dr after our d&c to try again and ended up going through a second loss. I had gotten pregnant twice naturally and pretty much on the first shot. After the 2nd loss, I had a hard time and changed drs and under went testing and fertilty treatment. Everything came back normal for me with the excepetion of one thing. I had something called MTHFR (heterozygous) which meant that my body wasnt processing folic acid correctly. "Treatmemt" was something that I never thought I was ever going to have to do but just recently found out that it worked and am pregnant again. To answer your question about ttc right after your D&C... it really depends on the individual and what your dr says. Some of the ladies here got pregnant realtivley quickly after thier loss and are doing great and some like me went through a 2nd loss right after but still managed to get pregnant a 3rd time. I have seen some ladies in other forums that have had many losses (3+) and are pregnant and some are still trying. They say that the odds are in your favor when you ttc after a loss as most of the time the reason for the loss could be just bad luck or something being wrong with the baby. I hope whatever you decide to do that it all works out for you. You found a great support group here so if you ever need to talk or have questions, this is the place to be! :hugs:

bexi, Sorry about your loss as well. I hope everything works out for you and you get your bday :bfp: ! :) They say its better to bd every other day until +opk. then bd bd bd for 3 days, one day off, then one more time. That seemed to do the trick for lots of ladies! :)

Still no word from Laura :( but I know she mentioned that she wasnt going to probably come on until she went home so it might be another day or so. Cant wait to hear her story and see pics of her little guy!

Angel, so cute about your lo's head of hair!! :cloud9:

Jess, how are you feeling??

Jen, hope you are a little more comfortable hun. Shes going to be here any day now!

Bethany, how are you feeling? Hows the doppler?

Rayray, hows the bump???

Hope everyone is doing well!

AFM~ panic starting to set in.... again. I did forget to metion that the dr said that I was measuring about 5w-5w2d ish instead of 5w5d. I changed my ticker to reflect this but she said she wasnt going to change my due date in the office. I know its only a matter of days but now I cant stop thinking about it :( . She didnt seemed concerned at all though. She said she took a look at when I ovulated (cd15) and when we did the IUI (cd16) and also compared my blood results and said that everything is on track. I know that things can fluctuate a few days here and there esp in the begining but that really worried me. I think its because with my 1st pregnancy, I went in for a 6+week scan because I had some cramping and I was told that I was measuring a week behind so now that is stuck in my head and Im scared. :(
Jessica, it is pregnant brain! I am constantly using the wrong words when I talk. My husband thinks that it is hilarious *grumpy face*

Jen, pretty sure my uterus is normal :)
Hopefully stripping the membranes did the trick! Little Zoey will be here before you know it!

Amy, try not to worry and to enjoy your baby. Easier said than done but it is really the best that you can do. The first tri is really out of our hands, ya know? And it can be hard to get an accurate measurement that early. So just visualize that baby growing healthy and strong.

Impatient, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. A loss is so hard and you are never the same afterwards :hugs:
It is different for everyone. I actually got pregnant the first time immediately and needed a D&C at 12 weeks for bleeding (I had started to miscarry naturally). But then I couldn't get pregnant for 9 months. Almost a year after I got my first BFP I got my second one. If it does take time to get pregnant again, don't be too hard on yourself. This seems to be my rainbow baby and they were totally worth waiting and trying hard for <3

Bexi, sorry for your loss as well honey :hugs: mine was also a MMC. It is so devastating. I wish you luck with TTC :flower:

Last night was terrible. Projectile vomiting in the living room. Hips and back hurt all night. Feeling better today though and excited to see the OB tomorrow MORNING! Think it is the only morning appointment I will have this whole pregnancy and I am terrified of sleeping late. I will be nearly 17 weeks <3
Bexi, I am so sorry for your loss hon :( . Thank God you are already trying and looking ahead to the future. That's all we can do, although we never forget our angels. Amy (mommyluv) gave you some good advice about when to bd and what works for many of us ladies. I bought the opk, the clearblue one I believe, it is the one with that shows the happy face when you are oving. That was the first time I have ever bought an ov predictor and it worked like a charm the first month I used it. I got pregnant right away. Good luck hon, I hope you get your Birthday bfp!! :hugs:
Amy, the exact same thing happened to me. At times I showed 3 days behind and once I even measured at 5 days behind. But I think it matters more that the doc could already see the sac and the yolk, which means that everything is progressing normally. That much more the me than the measurements at this point. Because if there were something wrong, I don't think she would have been able to see yolk and sac so early, and she did!! So that is great news. I remember when I went to emergency at 5w 6d and she said I was measuring 5 days behind, but get this, she was able to find the babies heartbeat on a abdominal ultrasound. So even though I was measuring behind she found the heartbeat very early!! So for me I knew since there was already a very strong heartbeat and she was able to find it on a abdominal ultrasound (the usually find it that early on a vaginal ultrasound) that it was very good news. That is what my husband kept reassuring me and he was right!! :hugs:
Oh no Bethany!! Projectile vomiting??!!! You poor thing. I hope the vomiting stops very soon for you. Can you take medicine for it?? As for your morning appointment, I hate those. I am so not a morning person, never have been. I use to suffer when I was a child and had to get up and go to school, I still hate getting up early! lol
Awww Bethany, boo for projectile vomiting :( I hope that you feel better and cant wait to hear about your appt tomorrow! Are they doing a scan? 17 weeks... WOW!!! How time is flying for you!!! :D

Jess, thanks hun. I def wouldve felt better had they saw a heartbeat too but its just too early for me I guess. I know they have a more accurate date for me since I went through folliscans and what not this month. So the fact that she told me that the way Im progressing makes sense when she looks at all the factors but hearing you are a few days behind what you thought still isnt something you want to hear. :(
Hi girls,
Embarrassed to admit I have been reading these posts for at least a couple of weeks right now and only got the courage to post after I saw a couple other new posters. You seem like a tight group and I didn't want to intrude. My name is Leslie and I'm 31. We were told that I was having a miscarriage on may 6 ( 4 days after I went to the doctor and had her confirm everything looked great and showed me on the sonogram). I had started spotting and as far as they could tell everything was fine until that Monday when I had another sonogram done and there was no heart beat. I had a D and C on the 9th. It has been quite the emotional roller coaster and I am imagining that it may only be the start. Went to my follow up today and was told we could TTC again after my first cycle. I am anxious to do so but am so scared at the same time. Reading all of your stories and support for one another really gave me some hope.
Can someone tell me how OPKs work? I just saw something about them and wondered if I should give it a go. I have this impatient feeling wanting to be pregnant right away but I also realize that things happen when they are meant to.
Any advice would be great.
Thanks :)

Well dont look like ill be doing a d&c. This morning was horrible.. I think I experinced something close to labor and had me screaming and crying.. finally it stopped... so I guess ill be doing it naturally? Because my deductible wasnt met and we just don't have three hundred extra right now. Will I need antibiotics?
Impatient, I am so sorry! When I started miscarrying naturally is was seriously the worst pain in my life. How terrible for you :( I don't think you will need antibiotics but your doctor may want to do a scan in a few days to see if you have passed everything. :flower:

Leslie, welcome to the group though I am so sorry that you need to be here :hugs: we can answer any and all questions that you have. And even when you don't have questions and you just need to talk...we are good for talking too! You aren't alone :flower: I just want to say that I am so sorry for your loss. It is definitely a roller coaster.
OPKs...I think you are supposed to start peeing on them on maybe CD 6. Maybe later even, depending on how long your cycle is. There are digitals and there are line tests. I haven't used the digitals- I had finally invested in some before I got my BFP! I also had a ton of wondfo OPKs- you can find these on amazon for cheap. You may want to use a variety of both. The digital is nice because it will be very obvious when it is positive whereas for the lines they can be nerve wracking: they need to be as dark or darker than the control line to be considered positive! Also, it is recommended that you pee on them at about 2 in the afternoon. I think ladies have both because you don't feel bad for using several tests a day when they are cheapies and when they start to look like they might be getting positive, bust out a digital to confirm!
Phew. I hope that wasn't too long :blush:
Psst...wondfos also have HPTs that you can buy in bulk which will be nice when you are in the TWW and itching to test!

Amy, no scan tomorrow. Just the doppler. Should be getting a referral to a peri so will get scans there but my OB won't do another scan until the anatomy scan at week 20 :)
Think positive for your baby. You will want to be able to enjoy this pregnancy the best that you can. <3

Jessica, I was bummed when I saw it was in the morning too. I sleep so poorly that I tend to stay in bed as long as possible to get some rest. Not tomorrow. :( I was taking Zantac for my reflux but then I didn't need it any more. It helped with my nausea. I may need to start it again. I just hate taking anything but my blood thinners and prenatals.
Welcome Impatient, Bexi & Leslie. I'm so sorry for each of your losses, but am glad you've found us! The journey of ttc after a loss can be overwhelming and you've found a good group to help lessen the fears, doubts and complexities involved!

My attempt of answering questions:
I was told to wait one full cycle before ttc again. I fell pregnant after my 3rd cycle (so our 2nd month trying).
I am a fan of OPKs! I used the CBFM and wondfo's. I started them around CD7-8 only because I was pretty sure I ovulated between cd13-16.
Impatient ~ your Dr's office may check your betas and give you a pelvic exam to make sure things have passed properly. If anything give the nurse a call and let her know what you've experienced.

:dust: :dust:

We all know what it's like to want to be back in the game, know you are not alone! xoxo
Bethany ~ :sick: Vomiting, not fun! Maybe it was too soon to stop the Zantac? Yay for appt tomorrow :dance:

Amy ~ I know it's tough not to worry over each detail, but the Dr is allowed to be off +/- 4 days. Your bean is so tiny right now it is difficult for them to accurately do a crown-rump measurement.

Jess ~ :hi: 34 weeks, wow!! Will your Dr do a growth scan in a couple of weeks? Hope your girls are all caught up and ready to be out of school!

Jen & Laura ~ Thinking of you! :flower:
Thank you, Angel. To be honest the hubby and I didn't try in the way that we looked at exact dates etc. we tried to begin with but due to ( sorry if tmi but I guess with these topics it is hard not to do this) pelvic issues I have that made it harder and the fact that the hubby and I were easily stressed we decided to not be so calculating unless we absolutely had to. We were not trying for very long as I went off birth control January and got pregnant march. I am really hoping it happens about the same. If anything, at least OPKs are an option. I have never been so excited for my cycle to come!
Hi Leslie, so sorry for your loss. :( Don't be embarrassed about following our conversations on here, I did the same for a little while before I joined this group as well. It is very encouraging to see all of the success stories on here. I hope we can help with any questions you have or at least come here whenever you need to vent or need support. We are all here for you!! :hugs:
Angel, I actually had a detailed growth scan not even 2 weeks ago (she was measuring good), so I am not sure if the docs are gonna do another one is a couple of weeks. They aren't big on doing repeated growths scans, just quick ultrasounds in the office. How have you been? Do you have a lot of baby shopping left? We are looking for cribs at the moment.
Angel, I maybe should have kept with the Zantac. May take it tomorrow *defeated face*

Leslie, I hope your cycle regulates soon. Mine still wasn't regular by the time I got my BFP :flower:

Oh crap it is getting late and I need to get to bed for my morning appointment :( hopefully my alarm will wake me up for sure.
Okay, this will be total tmi (how can you avoid that on this thread), sorry, but I need to know.. the past day and a half I've had small pieces of what I thought was tissue and then just red red blood. This morning I woke up to a blood clot I'm guessing a little bigger than a golf ball but not quite as big as a tennis ball... what this... my baby? Will I have more big ones like this? I should mention it was dark red.. but kinda greyish in spots. Thanx ladies... sorry if I ruined anyone's breakfast.. and now I'm hurting again.. does tht mean it isn't over??
Bethany ~ Did you get enough sleep? Wakey wakey it's appointment time!

Jess ~ I remember the detailed scan you had not too long ago. How reassuring to get to see her all nestled in there. Have you named her yet or is it a secret? Yay for crib shopping! I ask about the scan b/c I've heard my HR will do one when I am close to term (36 weeks) to gauge the size of the baby...for birthing reasons??

Amy ~ Keeeeeeep sticking :baby:

Jen ~ Zoey, Come on down!

Laura ~ :hugs:

Impatient ~ Hmm. Certainly sounds like your uterine lining is shedding properly. Baby is so very tiny at 6 weeks (1/4 inch), so really not sure if what you experienced was just lining or baby or both. Just be sure you are not filling a pad an hour, no fever or chills. Pop some ibuprofen (if not allergic) and hopefully the worse is behind you.


Leslie ~ Tmi :shrug: No such thing around here! I too hope you will be able to fall pg the same way as before; however, if you feel the urge to hold Mother Nature's hand, let us know! We've got a list of traditional and no so traditional concoctions for ttc! :haha:

Bexi ~ :howdy:

Afm ~ Sleeping was difficult last night. Time to start using the gigantic body pillow thingy I have. Thumper, aka my LO, was quite busy at 2:30a and who wants to sleep when you can be awake for that kind of show! I think he was dreaming of riding a bike :bike:

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