ttc after a d&c

Laura I hope everything went well at your Dr appt :friends: Who kept Simon when you went?

Amy I think Thursday should be renamed to It'sAlmostFriday! Ha! When do you go back to the Dr?
Any plans for Memorial Day weekend? Leslie & Amy will you have a long weekend or do you work Monday?
Hi guys.
App went well.
They praised my weight loss and blood results
They don't want yo see me again for a year
Yo give me s chance to lose the rest
Then make sure that fixed things.
My eyebrows are falling out like crazy
Think its still thyroid.
Asbout half of them came out this eve
they look terrible, have big gaps in them
Back to Doc next week for thyroid blood test
Always something

Leslie seems late for af or bfp.
But didn't Bethany get bfp a week late?
Hoping ur still in
But glad u have Doc as back up

Aangel make Sis ur hotel hasspas and pool
Hee hee

Amy fx for u hon
Come on sticky bean xxx

Love to all
Simon stayed with dad Angel
He took a hol day
I had given him medicines and bottle before I went
Also had washed night bottles. Sterilised the stuff
Made lunch and laid out brekkie
I'd prefer if oh,only had Simon to focus on while gone
I even went to a shop after and got my Sis a present
Andsome stuff for me ;-)
Was quite a nice day
angel his mand lateral incisor was very early!! i wouldnt be too worried. teeth have there own unique eruption pattern. he should have 20 teeth by 2. :) give im some time before u worry.

laura glad u had good day.

amy fxd iui works

leslie i hope its a sticky bean just being shy ... fxd to hope!

zoeys fever broke finally tuesday night and now she has rash. roseola virus is what she had. now im dealing with clingy baby and angry dh. itd been horrible here.
Popping by quick to let you know I think AF is finally paying me a visit on 19dpo. It's streaking when I wipe and much more crampy. At least I know for my appointment soon and can figure out testing based on this!
Hope everyone is doing well and I will let you know what happens after the appointment :)
Thanks Leslie for update
stupid af xxx
Best of luck at appointment x
Bummer about AF Leslie. Looking forward to seeing what the Dr tells you today!

Laura ~ Yay for weight loss and good liver. The loss of eyebrows...yikes! Glad your OH managed well with Simon...even better is that you enjoyed your day.

Jen ~ Thank you for the info on teeth. So glad Zoey finally feels better xoxo

Jess, Bethany & Lisa ~ :wave:

Amy ~ :dust:

TGIF!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

Leslie, nooo :brat: I was really hopeful for you this cycle. I really really hope that the RE has some answers for you hun.

Laura, so happy for your results. You have worked so hard on your weight loss and all that you do and Im glad to hear its paying off. :D

Angel, we should name thursdays that! lol How are you doing?? Any updates on the SIL sit?

Jen, glad Zo is feeling better hun. I hope she continues to get better :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend (long weekend for those in the states) :)
Hi Ladies, I hope all of you have a lovely weekend! Natalie's first psychologist appointment is today. Leaving soon so big :hugs: to all of you!
I really did want to address everyone but I'm having trouble focusing! Going to try and give a play by play on appointment then catch up soon ( promise!). I really liked the RE I saw..she gave me much hope. The SA was explained as not as bad as it seemed as she showed us how to divide the different numbers together to get the end result of what they look at. She did an ultrasound and confirmed I am at the start of AF. I have a cyst, probably from clomid, which she says is normal from the medication and not a problem. Took blood work from DH and I including genetic testing. I'm going to do an hsg soon, probably the week after this coming week ( depending on when my cycle actually starts). She said don't count days as spotting as day one and I will call them Tuesday to let them know what day I am on and to schedule the procedure. After this and the blood results come back I will have a follow up to discuss a plan. IUI seems to be where we will go, but I guess we will see. We haven't discussed medications just yet. Looks like because all testing/ procedures are done in a specialist office I only pay my $50 specialist co pay for whatever they do...such a relief financial wise. They cover 9 iuis. If we ever had to look at IVF unfortunately not covered at all. Hopefully not needed. She does not feel I should continue to do OPKs because she feels it is stressful, not always accurate, and she wants me to put that into their hands to figure out when I ovulate. She did recommend mineral oil for a lubricant but doesn't think we will need to worry much longer and fertility friendly lube ( which is why I believe IUI is the route she is thinking). She was knowledgable and empathetic. We have a team of the doctor, nurse, financial person, and type of patient advocate. We can email or call when needed with questions. DH thought it was too good to be true money wise and I am not sure if he is a believer because he doesn't know much about this stuff but I will convert him! He's on board either way.
I am happy so far and hope my cycle will be short next month so we can get moving to the real deal ;). I had wished that we could conceive and a bean would stick naturally but that is not in the stars for us now.
My next move is talking to my supervisor because with follow ups and procedures I will be taking off time and I don't want her to think its something it's not.
Phew sorry for the storybook.
Thanks for inquiring and checking in. I really appreciate everyone's love and support <3 hope everyone is having a good weekend! :D talk soon
Jess hope app went well xxx

Leslie they sounds great
Glad ur mostly covered finance wise
Fx af leaves soon so u can have hsg xxx
Lots of people
Seem to get bfp after, hope it happens for u.

Love to all Xx
Leslie do glad to hear the appt went well. Sounds like you are in great hands! Also so glad it worked out financially as well! Hopefully the hsg goes well and you are one step closer to your bfp!

Jess, hope Natalie's appt went well!!!

Love to you all!
Leslie this Dr sounds so promising! What great news about your DH's SA :spermy: The best part is saying buh bye to the OPKs! I wonder how they will know when to do the IUI w/o knowung the LH surge though...I'm curious and excited and super hopeful for you!

Jess ~ How are the girls? Just as importantly how are you?

:wave: errrbody!

So I've been looking into sunscreens for the baby. I've been using Babo stuff, but came across Blue Lizard on the EWG's list and thought of Lisa. Yet another Aussie product that is safe for babies! Fist toothpaste, now sunscreen! Stay cool ladies :coolio:
I know that I haven't been around in ages, the site doesn't always load completely on my iPad, which is annoying, but want to send out rainbow dust to Leslie and Amy!

I love all of you girls!
Sorry I've been absent lately ladies. I've been extremely busy with my girls. We rushed like crazy to get Natalie to the Psychiatrist appointment only to find out when we got there that the doctor didn't show up again and we were seen by the nurse who happens to be a complete idiot and knows nothing about medicines or mental health care. How she got a job being a nurse in a psychiatrists office is beyond me. She prescribed Natalie Depakote, one of the most dangerous antipsychotic drugs out there and the worst part is that she knew nothing about the medicine or its dangerous side effects which includes liver failure. She called the psychiatrist on the phone during the appointment and the psych agreed on the prescription without ever meeting Natalie. This "psychiatrist" prescribed an 8 year old who she hasn't met nor diagnosed a very serious medicine. When we got home and researched the medicine we were Shocked. I have to go for now I'll reply to all of u later. Take care ladies.
Hi ladies. I sent the last message on the way to a very nice restaurant, kinda rude to text while eating dinner at the restaurant so I had to cut it short. But now I am home, just had a shot of Cointreau that didn't agree with me too much, but in need or relaxation and herbal tea just won't cut it tonight. Friday was a complete disaster. If you read my last message, the idiot nurse prescribed a medicine that I just couldn't justify giving Natalie. I kept pushing this "nurse" to give her Risperdal because Natalie had a good experience with this medication in the past but they kept pushing this medicine called depakote. I have heard about this in the past in a documentary and didn't remember at the time that this medicine was the same one I was actually terrified about giving her. If Natalie Had epilepsy it would be a different story because this drug is given to epileptics, but she isn't epileptic but Risperdal treats all of the symptoms that Natalie has. why they refused to give her a medicine that helped at least a little in the past, is beyond me. I put in the prescription of Depakote but not going to pick it up. I am going to request another doctor asap. Btw, her sleeping medicine is working quite well, no more staying awake until 5 or 6 in the morning. She falls asleep in about 1.5 hours now, instead of after 4,5 or even 6 hours.

The day we had the appointment with the nurse, everything went downhill right after. we went out to eat and Natalie completely lost it. She has an obsession with balloons and we avoid buying them because if we do we end up paying for it after buying the damn things. She has a complete obsession for them and it causes a lot of chaos in the house. Believe me when I tell you, it is for the better that we don't buy them. She wanted us to buy her balloons that she saw at a store right after the psych appointment. we tried to distract her and do all we could to take her attention off of the balloons but she had a complete mental breakdown in front of everybody in that store. People were looking at us in total disbelief and I had to remove Natalie from the store. I had Sophie in her stroller and took Natalie outside of the store. She went crazy. She started hitting me, hitting Aly and I had to restrain her from running into the street into the traffic. It was so terrifying. when we got to the car Natalie started screaming at the top of her lungs and I was even scared that somebody would call the police. She made Alyssa cry, my idiot husband got pissed off at her because he still doesn't understand that Natalie is sick. Her meltdown lasted about 2 loooooooooong hours. Finally I calmed her down. Sometimes I feel that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Nobody seems to understand the extent of Natalie's mental illness but me. Anyways, this has been my weekend so far. Natalie is left without any medicine and I am left here picking up the pieces. Life seems to be getting harder and harder.

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