ttc after a d&c

Hi ladies. Hope all of you are having a great weekend. Fx for Amy!! Leslie, I still have my fx for next month and so glad that you such a compassionate re.

Laura, OMG Simon is almost 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angel glad pierces 9 month old appointment went well! Any news on SIL? When does DH actually come home? I believe that they figure out when I am ovulating with the ultrasounds and monitoring. Only month I have to worry about is this month but maybe this should be my month to chill out and see what happens.
We are going to see xmen movie are a fan of those, right?

Laura anything new? So great and weight loss and blood tests going well. Sorry about thyroid :( that can mess with so many things. Hope doc can help and everything gets better.

Amy how is your cycle going? Random question but how does the trigger work and do they do that in an office? I am almost wondering if they will do that for me. I will probably be asking you loses of questions coming up!

Jen I hope things start getting better now that Zoey is starting to get better as well. You said angry DH.. Everything ok?

Hi Bethany! I hope everything is going well with you and the family! Miss you

Jess so sorry about what you are going through and about Natalie's appointment. We have many on depakote where I work, mainly adults. It is used for bipolar but so is risperdal. I'm surprised they jumped that quick to something like that. If she was ever on it they must do monthly blood tests to monitor the liver. Either way, sounds like you will not give to her. If she responded well to other meds sounds like you know which way to go. Hope they will give you another appointment with someone better soon. Is she seeing a counselor?

Hope all is well Lisa!

AFM DH is home until at least Thursday because of his neck injury acting up...I love him but he is being such a baby :D men!
Calling on Tuesday to schedule hsg. I'm nervous about hsg and everything moving forward but I know it's what is needed for the end result. So very thankful for the financial stuff being in our favor...hopefully it stays that way and there are no tricks! I am gonna get mineral oil soon and start BDing later in cycle ( maybe around day 18) and hope hsg is all that's needed. Hopefully DH is also feeling better when we do need to bd.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Sorry about DH's neck Leslie. I hope he recovers quickly...would be kinda tricky to work out BDing with a bum neck! Eek! And I do <3 Xmen! I haven't been to the movies in ages! I want to also see Maleficent!

Jess ~ I am shocked a pediatric clinic would jump quickly to the more controversial meds right off the bat...even more peculiar is a nurse doing the prescribing and not even having an actual diagnosis! :grr: I hope you get in for that second opinion soon, sounds like you need a break and soon!

Amy how is your Dad?

Laura ~ How's Simon? When is your appt for your thyroid?
AFM ~ AF officially reared her ugly head...was out for a jog/walk w/ P yesterday, came home and the witch was in full force! Startled me at first because for so long any spotting or red was bad, you know? Feels weird to not be temping or tracking, so for reverse ttc purposes I'm using the app on my phone. As for SIL, she plans to come for 4 nights...she is trying to see if she can use a timeshare on those dates (her idea, I guess my subtle hints worked?). We shall see...

:wave: Hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day.
Hi ladies. Me and the family are at this nice little beach town. Its Sophie's first time seeing the ocean up close. We went in 2 separate cars and I am scared to drive home through the mountains at night so we might stay at a hotel :winkwink: . Hope all of u are having a great day!!
Sorry having a busy week here.
Not had much time to come on here.
Simon is in good enough form
But still no food.
Saw dietician today.
Upping his laxative to see if it helps
If not prob going on motilium.
Bday tomorrow ;-)

Jess enjoy ur break Xx

Angel hurray for time share ;-)

Love to all x

Leslie any test results back
Hope all's well x
Laura, I bet your excited about Simon's bday!! So he is getting one of his top front teeth? Sophie's 2nd tooth broke out yesterday during our trip. :nope:, made her extremely cranky.

The whole entire weekend as a complete disaster. On Sunday we went to the Golden Gate park, huge huge park. And while we were there we found someone's purse. we waited and waited to see if the woman would come back to get her purse and she never did. we checked inside her purse to see if there was a number or any way we could reach her. That is when we found out that her whole life was in that purse. Her cell phone, money, credit cards, passport, immigration papers!! So, we tried over and over looking for her number on the internet, since her drivers license had her address. There was no number listed. She also didn't appear to have a facebook page either. So then we went all over this freakin city to try to send it to a lost and found. we asked at the fire station and they are not aloud to keep lost purses so they sent us to the police station, but they gave us the wrong address, we were dumb enough not to use the gps at that point. what was scary was the fact that the police stations in San Francisco are in some bad areas. The gps wasn't working correctly. It sent me down a one way street the wrong direction, it was night time and I realized it was a one way street when I almost got into a head on collision. I hate driving in SF, it can be very confusing and people drive very very crazy! Oh, and earlier in the day as I was making a turn and a bus almost hit me at full speed because the idiot had his directional to turn and he went straight instead!! How irresponsible!! I was so so ready to have a nervous breakdown. Finally after 3.5 hours since the time I found the damn purse we found a police station, a bunch of scary and suspicious people were in that neighborhood. My dh walked my mom into the station while I stayed in the car to watch the kids. we took separate cars because I decided to invite my mom to come with us on Sunday. Dh didn't want to return the purse and just leave it at the park, but I put a guilt trip on him and told him what if it was him who lost all of his belongings. Let's face it, most people who would have found that purse would have taken it, this lady had a very expensive cell phone, lots of money, social security card, credit cards, passport!! And I also thought what if she was kidnapped or something, you never know. we finally made it out of the city alive and well, thank God.

Yesterday I decided to invite my mom yet again to come with us to a little coastal town up north.. a huge mistake because that meant I had to drive again. I feel the need to invite my mom sometimes when we go on trips because my brothers never take her out or do anything with her. I was stuck driving through this long long windy road in the mountains on highway 1, same highway that takes you to all the nice beaches in LA but only we live in Northern California. This was just bad judgement on my part. I have motion sickness and anxiety issues along with having severe pms over the weekend. I felt like throwing up through this mountain, but it had beautiful ocean views. I was driving right next to a cliff so kind of scary. I did all of this because we promised to take Natalie to the beach over the weekend and on Sunday when we got to the beach in SF it was way too cold, so we went to Golden Gate park instead. Then we reassured her that we would take her to the beach the next day. But I was dumb enough to decide to take a 2 hour drive just to go to a scenic town. I did all of this because Natalie's mental state has been so so terrible that I didn't want to say no to her, or tell her that we would have to go the next weekend. And guess what? we couldn't stay the night in this city because we only packed enough formula for Sophie for only that day and the next pharmacy or store was 1 hour away through the mountains.. so no way. we just left earlier, so I could make it through the mountains before the sun set and went to some restaurant that was suppose to be 4 stars but the food was not even great at all. lol. It didn't help that I am a hormonal mess and my monthly cycle has been all over the place since my last 2 consecutive pregnancies. So Sophie's tooth broke through during the trip yesterday which made her very very annoyed. Sorry for the rant ladies. I finally had a chance to come on here since Sophie is napping, which she rarely ever does anymore!!
Hope all of you ladies had a great weekend! Sorry about af showing up Angel. I am sure you didn't miss her at all! lol. That's whats great about breastfeeding, that sometimes it take a long time for af to come. Did you feel hormonal at all or suffer pms before your af showed? So, when does your dh come back? Or is he already home?
:cake: Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Simon, happy birthday to you!!! :cake:

I believe you are 5 hours ahead of me Laura, so that makes it Weds where you are xoxo
You are a good person Jess! You know no one else would've went through the trouble like you did. You wonder how that poor lady could've went about her day and not noticed she didn't have her purse?? Crazy! You really had some frightening experiences driving this weekend...glad you are safe at home. Your Mom is lucky to have you...not sure if I'd be willing to take 2 cars, so you really are a sweetheart! You're a great daughter and a fantastic Mommy!

I have been having phantom AFs for the past 2 months (all of the symptoms, but no flow). Last week I thought I was having a phantom AF, turns out it was PMS! Guess we shall see what my AFs will be like now. Breast feeding kept her away for an extra 9 1/2 months! I've certainly not missed her. I hope she came to me because she is going to take a break for Amy's bean! <~~positive forward thinking!

:wave: ladies
:cake: Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Simon, happy birthday to you!!! :cake:

I believe you are 5 hours ahead of me Laura, so that makes it Weds where you are xoxo

He is,asleep
UN waiting for him to wake :)
Typing with just left thumb cos he is lying in my arm ;-)
Happy birthday dear Simon. What a big and healthy boy you have become. Your mommy must be so proud of you. We are also so proud of you sweet handsome boy. Hope u have a wonderful birthday filled with plenty of hugs and kisses! :hugs: :kiss:
Angel sorry for AF blah. I like your thinking that she is taking a break from Amy! I really liked x men! You know DH and I noticed over the last few years moms taking babies to movies. We were baffled though because some of these were late movies, horror flicks etc. hope the time share with your sis in law works out! I'm wondering the same as Jess...when is DH back home?

Laura happy birthday to Simon!! How exciting:) what are you doing for this day?

Jess ugh about everything you went through with your weekend! Sorry to hear it all. You really go out of your way to do stuff for others and your family. When does Natalie see a psychiatrist or psychologist?

Thinking of you Amy! Anything I need to know about hsg?

AFM I am convinced AF hates me and wants to make me miserable. Please leave me soon ( this month or many months!). I have to fix my 1 was Monday. I was able to confirm this was nurse and hsg is scheduled for Monday. She said thyroid and prolactin levels came back and so far so good. Follow up appointment June 17 to figure out the plan for next cycle! I told my supervisor quick yesterday when she was running to a meeting. I felt kind of dumb, I tend to get emotional and nervous talking about it with certain people and I know you could hear it in my voice. She was supportive though and doesn't have a problem with me changing hours as needed.
Trying to figure out what to do this month...I can't find mineral oil for lube so wondering if I should just press my luck and use my normal lube and hope for the best, either way after this month it will be out of our hands.
Happy Hump Day Ladies!!!! :happydance:

:kiss::cake: Happy Birthday to Simon!!!!!!! :cake::kiss:

Leslie, Im so sorry af is being a pill.... shooo af shooo!! Your new dr sound soo great. Im glad to hear that your levels are good so far with the tests they have ran. :thumbup: The last time I was pregnant was the cycle I had an HSG so fingers crossed the same happens for you!!! As for the trigger, its a HCG injection that they give you when you are ready to ovulate. They typically do this when you have an IUI/IVF done. Instead of relying on LH to help your follicle release an egg, the HCG is more of a "guarantee" that you will release an egg but only if the folli contains one. Forgive my mush brain but are you doing an IUI this coming cycle? If so then its something to def ask about. Also feel free to ask anything youd like and Ill do my best to answer! :D

Angel, Im so sorry AF showed hun and isnt being kind. I cant imagine dealing with phantom AF's... grrr!!! My dad is doing ok thanks for asking. He still hasnt been able to get in to get a scan or anything (Gotta love Kaiser). DH and I are flying out there next wed night so Ill see him face to face and feel like Ill get more clear answers as to whats going on. As of now they dont want to do the surgery until they are really sure they know of ALL his issues with his spine. In the meantime he is going to try and do some shockwave therapy on his nerves. A coworker of mine said that she did it when she had drooping in her face and it worked wonders for her so that has me hopeful. I guess time will tell.

Bethany, Thank you for the dust and love doll! I hope that things are going well with you!!!

Jess, I second what Angel said :hugs: I too dont know how someone wouldnt notice that thier purse was missing! crazy!!!

Jen, I hope that things are well with you and Zoey! :flower:

Love to you all!!! <3
Leslie ~ My AF is enough to cover both you and Amy for quite some time! FX'd she goes away and stays away from you both! Meanwhile, is mineral oil sold online? As for my DH coming home, he is going to miss his first Father's Day :cry: This trip is a long one...the first few weeks are always the toughest, but I've got it now. I still miss him terribly. Pierce likes playing with him on the's so cute!

:wave: ladies!
Amy ~ It's always reassuring to see what's going on for yourself. Prayers and positive wishes for you and your family! xoxo Wouldn't it be dreamy to get to share the news of your BFP with them at the same time? FX'd :dust:

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