mommylov, what's your average o day?
guys, i am a compulsive list gatherer and if you don't mind, here it goes:
jen435 -
lilesMom - happy bday! ultrasound results coming soon
Storked -
horseypants - cd11 (expecting to o on cd21)
mommylov - cd8
aaronswoman79 -
xxserendipity - cd13 and positive opk today!
TTCSecrets - possible
haha, im a bossy pants. can you guys all sign up for fertility friend and post your charts in your signature so I will know for my lists!![]()
whats fertility friend hun?? x
Thats true Horsey... I guess its the waiting game all over again!
Im going to request blood tests tomorrow, deep down im hoping its new pregnancy, but also just expecting the worst, i hope you all get your BFPs this month or next.. Would be nice especially since next time i get pregnant i dont want to tell anyone in case anything goes wrong, but will be nice to have support from the lovely ladies on here xxx
For sure!!! I dont plan on telling anyone except you ladies until I am at 20 weeks.. I MIGHT tell dh.. lol jk ofcourse I would tell him