ttc after a d&c

Guess they will have to and my rainbow baby special care! I am making sure they do this!!! I want my child this time. Wonder if its why liam had so many heart and organ defects??? Ugh no one told me that before love u have to be rh compatible!!! Grrr thank you for info cause i didnt get it!

yay amy!!! Catch that egg!!! :)

Bethany im so excited for sept 18 :)


jen it doesnt cause problems on first pregnancy only on subsequent ones xxxx just to make u feel better xxxxxx big hugs xxxx
Thank you all for your kind words. I knew I should've joined sooner!

Jen- I agree we all do need our baby. My AMH is .87 (low side of normal), FSH 8.1 (on target). I try not to look at numbers though. My mc's were random unlucky chromosomal defects, so I'm thinking of starting Royal Jelly (need one good egg!). A couple OB's my sis works w/ told me no need to fret the RH-. Since you've had the shots (like me) you should be fine. I'm with you on can't help who we fall in love with...didn't think to check his blood type!

Glad I have a place I can now admit this, but my heart is broken. I put on my "face" when around others though. I smile thinking about my babies in heaven with my DH's parents, but pray everyday they come back to me.

im so sorry ur hurting babe, it does get easier but takes a lot of time, take it easy on urself . i know what u mean about a face, i did and stil do that sometimes, i havent talked to any ( bar OH a bit recently again ) about mc in a while and here is the place i get to unbottle all my feelings. its still very raw for u honey, take ur time xxxxxxxx take plenty tlc and big hugs to u hon. sometimes its to preserve urself that we put on a face too cos otherwise we would be qs and studied too much. i hated people looking at me for awhile after i always thought they were looking to see how i was doin and i didnt like too much sympathy. :) i didnt feel up to talking about it so i just pretended i was fine while having to go to the loo in work to cry and crying all the way home in the car :) :hugs::hugs::hugs: to all the girls here xxxxxxxx
jen and amy thanks.
silly me in my haste forgot to say i got bloods back too, the second ones came back even though the doc office thought they were lost,no pcb antibodies and 95% of people with pbc have the anitbodies :) well the whole scare made me learn lots of things and more determined to lose weight :)

well anyway drum roll please, its official i have joined ye in ttc. just had our first BD without a hat , followed by sneaky o:blush: foloowed by a propped up snooze :) :) :happydance:

so its perfect timing today is cd 13 , should Ov tomoro and hoep htat i a in time to catch it this month , if not then at least im currently trying. :)

doc just said to wait till liver was checked out first , i reckon its checked out now and so does OH, i didnt even ask again cos im sick of um and they all differ. im just gonna hope and pray that things turn out good this time :)
so i could get bfp at same time as ye after all :) :dust::dust:
i banish u :witch: ha ha :)
Thanks angel, hope you are all okay today. Apart from the fainting and dizziness im not weepy today! Just made a cd and about to go have a nice relaxing bath n a bucket of tea and listen to some music.

Angel yeah we basically are on the exact same point at the moment, we can do this together, to be honest i am hoping for a BFP but AF would be nice if not, just so i know where im at, have to keep updating on here. Currently 7 dpo from looking at things i have been keeping track of. And i know we have been BD every other night if not more since the 20th august im hoping for BFP. At 5dpo all of my pregnancy symptoms i lost 4 weeks ago are back, its either a great new sticky bean or a huge unfair pregnancy come down xxx

hey babe, welcome to here, i know u havent really seen me yet cos i wasnt around for few days, so sorry about ur loss xxx it something that no one should have to go through , yet alone nice peole like u xxx
hoep u stay feeling better hon, i didnt have same as u but it hits us all in different ways, it was prob from all the stress ur under at the mo. :hugs:
ur so right at what ur doing, look after urself and give urself lots of tlc xxx
i so hope its a sticky bean for u hon. the girls r right though ur doc sounds so unsympathetic. would u consider a change or is ur doc normally better ? take care chick xxx
im gonna be such an idiot now ive decided im ttc, im already squirmy and excited about POAS and it is a tad too early for me ha ha xxxxxxxxxx
Hey all, nice bath accomplished..

Yeah Angel i am counting DandC as CD1. I know they say it messes with things and it wont be regular but apparently the body ahs no idea what has happened to it and just assumes that there is no viable oregnancy and once the bleeding starts on DandC day, it thinks its CD1, it might take a while to come back to normal but yeah im classing it as CD1. I only bled for a few days so dont think ill be out by too much. xxx
hey all i changed my signature, new ticker and ttc buddies :) did i get every1 in? and is it ok that i added ye all xxxxxxxx
Thanks angel, hope you are all okay today. Apart from the fainting and dizziness im not weepy today! Just made a cd and about to go have a nice relaxing bath n a bucket of tea and listen to some music.

Angel yeah we basically are on the exact same point at the moment, we can do this together, to be honest i am hoping for a BFP but AF would be nice if not, just so i know where im at, have to keep updating on here. Currently 7 dpo from looking at things i have been keeping track of. And i know we have been BD every other night if not more since the 20th august im hoping for BFP. At 5dpo all of my pregnancy symptoms i lost 4 weeks ago are back, its either a great new sticky bean or a huge unfair pregnancy come down xxx

hey babe, welcome to here, i know u havent really seen me yet cos i wasnt around for few days, so sorry about ur loss xxx it something that no one should have to go through , yet alone nice peole like u xxx
hoep u stay feeling better hon, i didnt have same as u but it hits us all in different ways, it was prob from all the stress ur under at the mo. :hugs:
ur so right at what ur doing, look after urself and give urself lots of tlc xxx
i so hope its a sticky bean for u hon. the girls r right though ur doc sounds so unsympathetic. would u consider a change or is ur doc normally better ? take care chick xxx

Wel my normal doctor is amazing but hes on leave for 5 weeks so ive been having to see a , whats the word, a locum?! And the midwife, which is very painful tbh.. Yeah they basically said just test in a few weeks n i thought, well give me £20 for some decent tests then :/ Do they realise how expensive it is to keep testing lol! Ive spent a fortune!

Im feeling better today, done alot of crying yesterday, and my boyfriend has to go away to work tomorrow night until Friday so im really not looking forward to that, but we cant pay rent without him going :/ I am not lookin forward to this week at all, im just hoping AF or BFP turn up this week.. I know it sounds daft but i think im wishing myself pregnant, i swear i just feel pregnant, i feel exactly how i did last time, i literally knew three weeks before i could test how weird is that, and i was trying for 10 months n never felt pregnant until i was, i never even wished myself pregnant to the point i got symptoms :(

BFP please?!?!

How are u liles x
thats a long hol for ur doc, pity on the timing. soon after my loss my OH had to go away for 5.5 weeks to america for work , it really sucked, u just want them around at times like this dont u xxx be worse if we didnt miss um i suppose :)
r u in america too r UK? i live in ireland but i geet my tests from happy bumps, its 25 sensitivty which is better than most dearer ones, i buy the test strips and they work just fine :) fast delivery to ireland too. but it does still add up if ur as bad as me for testing :)
fx for u hon, xxx
jen and amy thanks.
silly me in my haste forgot to say i got bloods back too, the second ones came back even though the doc office thought they were lost,no pcb antibodies and 95% of people with pbc have the anitbodies :) well the whole scare made me learn lots of things and more determined to lose weight :)

well anyway drum roll please, its official i have joined ye in ttc. just had our first BD without a hat , followed by sneaky o:blush: foloowed by a propped up snooze :) :) :happydance:

so its perfect timing today is cd 13 , should Ov tomoro and hoep htat i a in time to catch it this month , if not then at least im currently trying. :)

doc just said to wait till liver was checked out first , i reckon its checked out now and so does OH, i didnt even ask again cos im sick of um and they all differ. im just gonna hope and pray that things turn out good this time :)
so i could get bfp at same time as ye after all :) :dust::dust:
i banish u :witch: ha ha :)

Omg!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad that you didn't have to wait till the end of the month!!!! I'm so happy for you Laura, the long wait is finally over!

Jen, hugs and I agree with Laura. I think you are going to be find and it's great that you now know about this and can have the dr just keep tabs on ya!! Xoxo

Hugs to all!!
Fx Natasha!!!! That's a bummer that oh has to go out of town for work but we are here hun if you need us! :hugs: I hated waiting for af... I was going nuts wanting some sort of normalcy but it came just as the girls here told me it would. 6 weeks post d&c on the dot. I was regular before I got pg so to go from knowing exactly when you O or af was coming to not knowing was rough but af is coming!!!
thanks amy hon, the doc didnt tell me to, but she said U/s was good and that it wasnt anything to worry about so i took that as a yes :) talked to OH and he agreed so we r off :) glad to finally join ye :) xxxx
how r u babe
Yay!!! Laura!!! Catch that egg!!! We will be testing on the same day!!! Yay for hats off!!! :) no poas til we do it together we dont need a false bfn :) yay i cant express how excited i am for you!!! :)

Natasha hope you enjoyed your bath! :) sorry dh is going out of town. I hope your okay! We are here for you! :hug:

Amy thank you!!! Dh and i just talked about it! He said we will dtd 6 additional days just to make sure i dont ovulate late or opk was wrong :) i hope he is sincere. We talked about my fsh level and how my pregnancy is already high risk (arent we all though) and how my ovarian reserve is low. He said he really wants a kid and he knows one will be a miracle. He actually heard reba mcentire angel lullaby and told me if i wanted that to be our childs infant song from us. I told him its like u read my mind. I picked our first sons song out at 7wks pregnant and i am not even pregnant yet but have our seconds picked :) dh also said he would love a dd shocked me! He is like we could name her payson or storm. I said okay just to see him smile. But we will discuss that when time comes lol.

My window in living room is all decorated for fall with all our wedding decorations :) minus the skull fence lol. Love the holidays! :) bethany did u decorate yet?

:dust: too as all! Im so exvited to see all our bfps this month :)
Natasha, no crying (yet) on this end either! Success! As for the dizzy spells: I had them after my D&C but I wasn't eating or drinking hardly anything right after. Too sad.

Angel, jump right on in :flower:
I am so sorry for your losses dear.
I started miscarrying naturally bit had a D&C the next day. From the D&C my AF came 31 days later. No idea if I O'd though.

Laura...I had sex on your birthday ;)
How was Galway?
Glad your liver appears to be alright. Do they have any ideas what could be causing the elevated liver enzymes?
I am with Jen and want to say go for it. :hugs: oh I just read that you DID! :happydance:*

Oh Jen did they tell you that about your eggs? :hugs:
Maybe try taking CoQ10? Studies on mice show that it was good for eggs. No studies done on humans as of yet but can't hurt right? And there is the royal jelly too :)
Yep those docs will monitor you and probably give you injections. But injections are no big when the reward is a sweet baby :)

Amy, how are you doing today? :D

Sorry for missing so much guys- slept a long time lol.
Jen sounds like everything is falling into place. SO HAPPY FOR YOU :)
Lets hope dh was upset i didnt get pregnant last month he finally talked to me about it. Now he knows its not easy. Yes i have to go back to specialist if i dont get pregnant this month. For more bloodwork ect. The doctor said it probably wont happen but she just wants money. I want to prove her wrong!!! I can get pregnant on my own. Last time i used injections doctor thinks its why i concieved but with the defects dont want any meds i feel healthy and fine :)
jen it would be so great if we both got it together, can u imagine the excitement fx :) :)
docs dont know everything, they told my sis she could never had kids and now she has 4 :)
thats great he is co operating, yeah im wondering how many days to keep it up too to make sure i dont miss :) its funny when its someone else asking these qs , i always think i have the ans, now im dithery :) :)
thanks for the support girls , i know i should prob have waited till next month to be off antibs but i figure i be off um by implantation if not fertilisation ( if it happens ) so i should be ok. the nerves r kickin in a little but still excited and hopeful. :) :)

when is ur halloween? cause it seems really early for decorations :) is it same as ours in oct? but hurray for decorations anyway :)

as to the cause they dont know yet but it could just be cos i have some extra weight and all d drugs around mc :) i hope , she said it doesnt look like anything to worry about anyway and thats good enough for me :)

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