TTC after a loss: buddy's now pregnant

hi ladies, thought id check in with you all :winkwink:

ive had a rough time of it the last week, i caught a really bad cold/flu which triggered my asthma. Yuck it awful, having a 6 and 3yr old to look after was no fun at all with hubby working 26hr shifts. Lucky i had wonderful parents from the school that took turns about in taking and bringing home my eldest to save me having the school run to do. Just before i got the cold i was called in to the hospital for blood testing and turns out my gestational diabetes has kicked in super early so iam now testing my blood 4 times a day and really on a strict can and cant eat program to try and keep my sugars down for as long as i can before using the insulin. Iam just glad they caught it early this time, they didnt with my youngest and she ended up 10lbs 5oz:dohh:

Now that iam through the other side of a rotten week iam feeling good and happy. My hubby has ordered me a lovely comfy pregnancy pillow to help me get comfy at night and also a good support brace to hopefully help with my spd. Its not terrible at the moment, just noticeable but i know the pain thats to come!! All worth it for my rainbow though.

Hope your all keeping well ladies, i see some of you have had some rough times too :hugs::hugs: xx
Hi Mirage! Glad to see you join us :) Congrats!

Hi Heavyheart- Sorry that you were feeling yucky- it is good that you'll be able to monitor the diabetes though. Let us know what you think of the pillow... I might look into one, I've been more uncomfortable trying to sleep now than before.

Well... I'm annoyed. I found out that SIL is 8 wks preg. yesterday at a family party (when we were announcing our news and being congratulated- everyone started congratulating her too.) She's 5 years younger than me- 9 years younger than DH (her brother), they were just married in July and have only been together a few years. I don't feel like they're in a great state to be having a baby yet and feel like they could have waited longer. It seems like she is always copying everything we do right on our coat-tails. I know it isn't a competition, but I wanted the spotlight to myself for a little bit I guess. I want my kid to be special and spoiled for a while. Now there will only be 1-1/2 months between our kids. It is hard for me to be happy and excited for them. Her/DH's parents have always babied and favored her as the youngest child/only girl. DH being the eldest had it the worst and basically has never had anything easy. I don't think there will be fair treatment of our kids - and I think that is why I feel so upset. Now because there are two at the same time we probably won't get much if any help buying all the stuff we'll need. I know I'm going to have to get over my negative feelings about this because it is what it is- but I wish it wouldn't have happened this way.
Heavy heart.... Sorry you've had sucha rough week and sucks that your diabetes kicked in already! That would be tough!

I had a maternity pillow during megans pregnancy and it's in a tote in my basement now as I didn't like it. :shrug: it was too hard to roll over in bed with it. I use a kingsize pillow between my legs, and smaller squishier pillow to hug that helps support my bump and then my pillow for my head. It seems more comfy to me than that pillow. But there are different pillows out maybe there are better options, I spent at least 50 if I remember right and it seems silly to me to buy a different one if it would just be a waste of another 50?

Future... Im sorry your having to share this time. :hugs: one positive out of it is that your lo will have a cousin to play with at family functions which is always a good thing for your child! Maybe your in laws will surprise you and be more fair with the 2 kids than you think? If not then you will have to take over the job of spoiling your child!

Kate... Hope your blood sugar stops being silly. I was lightheaded a lot during 2nd tri where I would feel like I was going to pass out... And the dr said low blood sugar and low blood pressure are really common during 2nd tri. Also blood pools in your feet more with the change in blood flow. I had to make sure I was eating on a very regular basis or I'd feel awful.

Mirage... A lot of symptoms for me didn't start til 6 weeks. And some women have hardly any symptoms... Am I the only one in this thread who was vomiting all of first tri?? Don't remember anyone else here actually getting sick?
Future I know how you feel my sil is ttc right now and its really pissing me! I know I should be happy but damn it I want my own spotlight for a while! Not to mention we haven't even told anyone yet so I'm just boiling on the inside!

Heavyheart hope your feeling better completely!

Thanks Daisy I know its silly but I want symptoms!! Maybe they'll kick in within the next couple days :-) Well my boobs are getting a little sore and riding in the car is a pure nightmare! Maybe those are my symptoms!! I think I just want all of them so I can feel like everything is ok. I'm doing pretty good at not stressing/worrying! You ladies are so lucky to be so far along already, I can't wait till I get there!!
We've all been there mirage! :hugs: I worried every day any symptoms werent there. Those first weeks are so hard but just try to think positive thoughts! I was hoping for ms with this pregnancy and once I had it I was relieved but sooo sick that it was awful! One day at a time!
hi ladies

future - aw the pregnancy support pillow is amazing!!! i love it not only at bed time but for using sitting in the chair at night, so good for helping support the back

mirage25 - aw iam feeling for you and totaly understand how your feeling, think i would be the same :hugs:

Hope everyone else is keeping well :thumbup:

I had my first of many appointments at the diabetic clinic today, been put on metaformin tablets to try help control my sugar levels. All the consultants and different doctors i saw all seemed in a bad mood today and rushed off there feet. Iam dreading when they start asking me about birth plans, ill be terrified to tell them i want to vbac2, they look like they would eat me alive for suggesting it :haha: will have to get my strong head on for next appointment! xx
Heavyheart.... Hope the meds work for you!! That must be stressful to see different drs and such. Do you see them on top of your normal drs then? How often do you have to be seen now with the diabetes?

I had a growth scan today which was fabulous! Baby is head down, 54%ile and weighs over 3 lbs! Hard to believe!! Her cysts are gone as well which is good to know, even though it matters really only to me. As doesn't lower her risk of Edwards and they don't actually affect her brain.. But it's relieving to me to hear they are gone. Bp looked good! Fx it stays that way so baby can keep growing!
That's great Daisy I would be excited that they were gone as well!Fx crossed, Grow baby grow! I'm predicting she will be 6lb 4oz !! :-)

heavyheart sorry all the docs weren't so great. Next time you go I'm sure they'll be in a better mood, just don't make anymore Monday, maybe that had something to do with it.

I quit my job today!! They wouldn't switch my position so I had to go. I was pushing/pulling carts that weighed 200 plus lbs! I told them I was pg and about previous mc and why I wanted to change positions but they didn't care! So I did what I felt was best..Hubby wanted me to quit a long time ago anyway!
Wow mirage.... Good for you! Can't believe they can get by with not accommodating pregnant women! You must feel relief after that huh?

6 lbs 4 oz would be a great weight! Megan was 5 lbs 14 oz and she was 50%ile at 32+6 as didn't have a growth scan this early with her. I'm glad I'm not on track to have a 12 lb baby though! LOL Megan was only 5 lbs 5 oz when we brought her home and my mom and mil went out and bought her some premie clothes. Hard to believe she was that little! Dhs cousin had a baby right before new years and was 8 lbs something... And holding her a few weeks ago... She seemed soooooooo tiny! Cant believe Megan was smaller than that! Think it's easy to forget when I see her everyday! Lol
Yes! I feel great! I prayed about it before I did it then did it!! I've never been the type to just do it was quite liberating :-)

My friend just had a baby boy weighing 8lbs 9 oz and I was like wow big baby! then I got there to c him and was like wow he's so tiny! lol!! I only weighed 4lbs 4oz and hubby was 3lbs 8 oz both premies!
Mirage- sorry to hear that they weren't willing to work with you, but great to have the ability to end it then.

I got laid off from my job at the newspaper tonight. I had planned to stay through May, so this wasn't the timing I was hoping for. It will create a bit of a money pinch for us. That's the only part I'll miss though is the security of the income. I will not miss the job, hours, or co-workers at all! Good riddance to a company that never treated me well anyways. I hated that place.
Sorry to hear that Future! I know what u mean I hated everything about my job except 3 people!'re going to b in a money pinch too but hey a peace of mind can go along ways. Things will work out for the best!
Wow lots going on with jobs in this group! Sorry to hear future! If it was a layoff can you collect unemployment or not since you also have your business?
No, I won't be able to collect unemployment because I'm still self-employed.
hey everyone
sorry i havent been around too much, not feeling great, :(

i have read through and hope everyone is doing great, sounds like we are all staying positive :)

However, a little note about people stealing our thunder..


Geez.. when i had my loss in may, my sister in law announced her pregnancy two days later (and she knew) she announced to me on skype so she could see my despair.. i burst into tears and shut my laptop...

brutal. and now that im due in July, she is due next month, just in time to sweep it all away and remind me that my baby woul dhave been due this month... :(

so all in all, i hear you and your feelings are much more than warranted!
Oh wow... How can people ( especially family) be so heartless! Totally inappropriate to announce that soon to you Kate. Dhs cousin had a miscarriage at 18 weeks and she was due a week ahead of me. I didn't announce the baby's sex on facebook as I knew she would see it. It just made it all seem so wrong to even talk about with family for weeks. I can't imagine how hard march is going to be for her as I will probably give birth in march and she was due in march. I will be trying as hard as possible to not have it in her face. It will be tough enough for her.

Same reason that I wouldn't let my mom announce this pregnancy at my brothers wedding in October. I was 13 weeks. I made her tell family before the wedding so my brother could have all the spotlight that weekend. People still talked to me about it but it wasn't a huge announcement that way either.

Sorry you haven't been feeling well Kate... Ms or what?

Future... Hopefully it will work out ok. At least you will have extra time to yourself before baby comes and will have more time to get ready! :hugs: sucks though, I know it's not the way you wanted it to work out.
Yay for lemons future! I'm not even sure what I am... I should go have a look!
Aww, Kate- big hug to you! That's even worse than what my SIL situation is. I am starting to feel better about it. One of my friends pointed out to me that I'd be even more upset if I wasn't pregnant yet- which is true. At least we both are, not just her. I'd rather be a part of our family's baby boom than be left out of it. So I really am trying to look at the bright side and not let it bother me. I hope that you'll feel better Kate!

Daisy- you didn't have the fruit ticker before did you? It's fun to see where everyone else is at!

Well, I enjoyed my first evening of freedom :) I relaxed on the couch watching TV. Tonight I think I'll try to be a bit more productive. I'd like to go to the gym and walk for a little while, then maybe do a load of laundry too. Trust me- I won't have any trouble finding things to fill up my new-found extra time!

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