Heavy heart.... Sorry you've had sucha rough week and sucks that your diabetes kicked in already! That would be tough!
I had a maternity pillow during megans pregnancy and it's in a tote in my basement now as I didn't like it.

it was too hard to roll over in bed with it. I use a kingsize pillow between my legs, and smaller squishier pillow to hug that helps support my bump and then my pillow for my head. It seems more comfy to me than that pillow. But there are different pillows out there...so maybe there are better options, I spent at least 50 if I remember right and it seems silly to me to buy a different one if it would just be a waste of another 50?
Future... Im sorry your having to share this time.

one positive out of it is that your lo will have a cousin to play with at family functions which is always a good thing for your child! Maybe your in laws will surprise you and be more fair with the 2 kids than you think? If not then you will have to take over the job of spoiling your child!
Kate... Hope your blood sugar stops being silly. I was lightheaded a lot during 2nd tri where I would feel like I was going to pass out... And the dr said low blood sugar and low blood pressure are really common during 2nd tri. Also blood pools in your feet more with the change in blood flow. I had to make sure I was eating on a very regular basis or I'd feel awful.
Mirage... A lot of symptoms for me didn't start til 6 weeks. And some women have hardly any symptoms... Am I the only one in this thread who was vomiting all of first tri?? Don't remember anyone else here actually getting sick?