Contractions got worse and worse all morning but they were bearable. I was either on the bed or sitting on the birthing ball or standing leaning against the bed. I wasn't allowed to walk halls or be in a tub or shower because they needed to monitor Megan the whole time. If I had to go to the bathroom they unhooked the monitors but I still had the iv with me and then they put me on the monitors again. I felt like vomiting and they convinced me to eat some lunch (toast, jello, broth, popsicle) and I felt better. I was 4 cm after lunch. Then they broke my water. It felt odd but didn't hurt. Just a gush of warm fluid. The dr said I could get an epi anytime after that. The nurse told me I should wait for the epi and experience true labor. So I was listening to her vs dh. Dh really wanted me to get it as he was starting to freak out. After they broke my water my pain just went through the roof. The contractions were on top of each other and I wasn't handling it. But I was listening to the nurse for some reason vs dh. Well I then decided I couldnt take anymore and screw the nurse. Lol so got the epi. It was fantastic! I should have gotten it right when they broke my water vs waiting. Anyway..was checked after the epi ( around 4pm or a bit after?) and was still 4 cm.