TTC after a loss: buddy's now pregnant

Contractions got worse and worse all morning but they were bearable. I was either on the bed or sitting on the birthing ball or standing leaning against the bed. I wasn't allowed to walk halls or be in a tub or shower because they needed to monitor Megan the whole time. If I had to go to the bathroom they unhooked the monitors but I still had the iv with me and then they put me on the monitors again. I felt like vomiting and they convinced me to eat some lunch (toast, jello, broth, popsicle) and I felt better. I was 4 cm after lunch. Then they broke my water. It felt odd but didn't hurt. Just a gush of warm fluid. The dr said I could get an epi anytime after that. The nurse told me I should wait for the epi and experience true labor. So I was listening to her vs dh. Dh really wanted me to get it as he was starting to freak out. After they broke my water my pain just went through the roof. The contractions were on top of each other and I wasn't handling it. But I was listening to the nurse for some reason vs dh. Well I then decided I couldnt take anymore and screw the nurse. Lol so got the epi. It was fantastic! I should have gotten it right when they broke my water vs waiting. Anyway..was checked after the epi ( around 4pm or a bit after?) and was still 4 cm.
Right then the dr was concerned about megans heartrate and they had issues keeping it on the monitor so she put an internal monitor on megans head and then it was fine... It was just the monitor, not her heartrate. So I was relaxed and resting and the nurse monitored Megan for the whole next hour as that is their policy after an epi I was told. Her heartrate started going down right after the nurse left the room after that hour so i called for her and asked about it. Was told it was fine as it was going right back up. So I dozed on and off and we decided it would be a good time for dh to get some food since he hadn't eaten all day as I wouldn't let him leave my side. Lol well he decided to run home and make sure we had remembered to feed the cat enough for a few days and get a sandwich, as we lived only 5 minutes away. The nurse said she was going to go eat supper and would put in my catheder after she came back. When they were gone a different nurse came in and introduced herself as the charge nurse. She said if I delivered before midnight she would be my charge nurse. I thought yeah right! Lol as I had just been 4 at 4 pm and this was right at 6pm and they hadn't even put in my catheder yet. Well megans heartrate dropped when she was in there and she said has it been doing that. And I said yes but they said it was fine as it goes back up.
She asked if I was feeling pressure and I said yes but they said it's normal to feel pressure just not pain. Well she said she wanted to check me.., so she did and said "the baby is right there!" and she went running out of the room. The dr and my nurse and 2 students and the charge nurse all raced into the room. I was panicking as dh wasn't there! The dr put the room phone on my chest for me to call him and I couldn't figure out how to get it to work so she called him and said "the baby is at zero station, get here now!" so she hung up and said he said he would be here in 5 minutes.... She said how far really is it? And I told her less than 5 minutes, so she paused and said ok then we can wait for him. So they got all set up and my dh ran in the room 4 minutes later and i started pushing right away with the next contraction. 8 pushes during 3 contractions and she was born at 6:16pm. They layed her on me and dh and I both laughed and cried at the same time. Dh cut the cord. She weighed 5 lbs 14 oz which was bigger than expected. I cried when I heard how big she was as I was so relieved. I delivered the placenta which the dr said was much smaller than it should have been. I got one stitch. I was up walking with help to the sitz tub within 1 1/2 hrs. Before then I was having bp checked multiple times and dh wiped Megan off ( her first bath they called it) tried breastfeeding, pumped, and all of megans checks and bonding time.

We stayed in the hospital til Friday morning.
Wow daisy, that is quite a birth story, sounds tense and scary! (to someone who has never done it) ;) I'm getting a scheduled c section. At least at the end she came out quick!
Yeah I can see where it would come across that way. Lol that wasn't my intention! The worrying part for me was just wanting Megan to be ok. I think my induction went great as far as inductions go. It was basically textbook and went how it should. Id heard so much about increased need for csection, forceps, etc. And how epi would slow down labor where mine it sped it up. We've said dh will never leave the hospital again while I'm in labor. Lol that was stressful to us as we were afraid he would miss the birth.

But my memories of the day aren't bad thoughts. It was the best day ever. It was the biggest rush ever to give birth. And everything was worth it when we saw Megan. I think that no matter what your birth story it feels special to you because it's the birth of your baby. It honestly feels like it could have been yesterday.

I am actually worried that things won't go as well this time! Lol like it went as well as can be expected... I mean 1 stitch, 8 pushes, short labor considering they consider start of contractions to baby as labor which was 8:30am to 6:16pm.

I've been told that I'll most likely be induced again... And I'm not scared of it at all. Just wanting baby here safe and healthy!
Daisy- thanks for sharing! That was interesting to read. Really glad your hubby made it back just in time!! :)
Thanks for sharing Daisy!! I knew dh was going to be at home when things!! 8 pushes sounds great!! I've heard some stories that made me want to cry, lol, but 8 sounds like I can breathe again!
Lol... Yeah dh had just gotten home and opened the front door when the dr called him. He didn't even have time to check on the cat so when he went to grab food later for us (Arby's) he ran home to make sure the cat had food and to see if he remembered to shut the front door. :dohh:

I've heard that some people are afraid to push. My mom even said she didn't want to push with her male dr there so he left the room so she could push. I think you just have to not care at all ( and I didn't at all) an entire band could have been in the room and I wouldn't have cared. I'm sure that's not everyone's issue but I've read it some on here.. Especially those afraid of pooping. I also think the break I had from the epi helped me have the energy to push well.

We said this time we won't be letting the students in the room. At least the student nurse as she hung around a long time afterwards.... Even when dh was getting food and that was closer to 2 hrs after she was born. We felt like the nurse would have been including us more in the checks vs just telling everything to the student. The student dr only was there for delivery and when I got my stitch.
That's going to be my big issue! I don't want anyone in the room! LOL!! I'm sure that may change when the time comes but as of right now I only want the doc 1 nurse and hubby!
thank you for sharing daisy. dh took some pics for me last night at 18 weeks, here is one :)


  • Bump! 067.jpg
    Bump! 067.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 4
What a great picture Kate! I took some of myself in the mirror last night but they didn't work very well. I told dh this weekend I want him to take some of me! I only have a few from Megans pregnancy as well and wish I had more.

What I really wished we had more of though is pictures of me and Megan those first few weeks. There are tons of just her, and tons of dh holding her. But I don't know why but it's like those first few weeks she looks like she didn't have a mom. Lol, even though I was the one holding her the most. Ha! Dh just wasn't that good at picking up the camera. Also said this time I want more pics during the hospital stay.
dh always laughs when i tell him i want bump pics lol, i hate having to ask him, but its better that we have them right? make sure you take tons!!! can't wait to see yours from this weekend
I Love it Kate!! You look so cute! I want my bumb now!!lol
Good pic Kate! Really pretty top :) I have a couple pics of my 14wk belly in my journal. I don't really have a bump yet though.

We're having a get away weekend starting today! We get to go to a concert tonight in the cities and stay in a hotel tonight and tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to eating out at lots of good restaurants!!
Future... Sounds like a great weekend planned! What concert? ( I'm jealous!)

We are going to owattonna to a little water park in a hotel next weekend. We had so wanted to have a real vacation before baby comes but it wasn't in the cards. And I decided I wasn't even up for traveling to the dells now. So owattona is only like 1/2 hr away.... Hope I can handle that! With that contraction scare last week I want to just take it easy.
It is Friday ladies!!

so a little update on my job. i told my boss it was too stressful and i was goign to go back to my old job, she is now offering to give me a workload person 3 days a week, so i think that I will try that out, at least for a few weeks. that should be great.
cute bump pic kate!

future- have fun at the concert! we are so lucky it's still pretty warm out!

daisy - i'm so happy that you are doing better, are the bh contractions gone now?

i have pics, had a scan yesterday and it was awesome. i was 14+2 yesterday and baby a was 14+5 and baby b 15+1. i have pics on the other forum:
Kate.. So does that mean they give you someone to help with your job?

Hopeful... Yes bh are back to where they were before my whole scare. I get maybe 4-8 in a whole day which is very normal for me. I feel so much better! But I've still been taking it very easy as I'm scared to do much thinking they will come back! I have a dr appt Monday with a better dr and I'm going to ask lots of questions about it.

Yay for a good scan! Awesome they are measuring ahead! Is that very typical with twins? I would have thought the opposite.
not sure what usually happens with measuring twins? i know the date i conceived for sure ;) with IUI
i think they have measured ahead at every scan which is nice.
Great scan pics hopeful! So amazing how they change so fast!

And that is amazing that you found good daycare! I did home daycare before Megan was born... And yes it sounds like you found a needle in a haystack! Women in Rochester were on waiting lists for months with twins as infant openings alone are hard to come by, and it sounds like she is fabulous! And so close to you! Like it was meant to be!

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