TTC after a loss: buddy's now pregnant

sounds like a good sale - but alas I don't have anything to trade in!

I know I've got lots of time still to get everything ready - but I'm getting antsy to start getting stuff like the crib and car seat etc. The gender won't matter for those things- but if I'm going to make trips I want to do as much as I can while there and so I think it is best to wait just a little longer to see if we can find out- then do a big shopping spree to celebrate.
Soooo - I just ordered a crib online from! It's the DaVinci Kalani - super excited :)
Nice! Looks similar to megans .. Hers is espresso colored.

If you sign up to bru. Club then they will send you coupons as well. Just got one today looks like 20% off one item.
Thanks for the tip Daisy - I'll have to look into that. I think I'll do a registry there for sure because I've heard that after your due date things that are still on it you can get at a discount. Here's my "dilemma" my shower will probably be in May... but I'd like to wait until after the garage sales this April to see what I can find used first- so If I don't make my registry until the end of April/ beginning of May - then it won't give my guests much time for shopping- plus to include registry info in the invitation it would probably need to be done before then too. SO what do I do if I make my registry so it is done in time, but then find items and don't need them purchased anymore?
You could either take them off the list or you can return them if they bought them off your registry before you have time to take them off. I found that most people for mine were very last minute shoppers ... 2 weeks before is when the first people started buying off of the list.

I got a lot of small baby clothes that I didn't register for and couldn't return as they didn't give me receipts. Tiny baby socks, newborn, and 3 month sizes were the most popular gifts I got. Others went off the registry.

When is your due date again?

Another idea for you is when you do garage sales this spring if you find a really old (even broken) swing, portacrib, highchair, etc for close to free then get it and keep it in your garage for upcoming trade in bru. sale. They seem to have them a couple of times a year? Either that or time just goes fast for me. :rofl:

And yes they give you like 10% off everything left on your registry... Think target may do it to? They send you a coupon a month before your due date i think. I remember for me it was way too late as I knew I would be induced soon and wanted to have everything ready before then. It was also winter and didnt want to be out shopping in the cold and snow with a newborn.

Havent seen Kate for a while... How are things?
Hi ladies! How's everyone? Sounds like a lot of shopping going on, lol.

I'm just laying around, lol. I have no energy! A friend of mine asked me to be a practice dummy this wknd. She's teaching volunteers how to do ultrasounds for a womans clinic. This should be intresting!
Oh how fun mirage!!! Yeah I have no energy either. It's truly pathetic how little I want to do during the day. When I get a spurt of energy I take advantage as I have so much to do! I should have done more during 2nd tri. It's when I had the most energy. Did the lemon drops help?
Daisy - I'm due end of July.
BRU really takes things that are old and broken? Why? What do they do with it?

Mirage - that's a neat opportunity for you! You'll get to see your baby for an extended period of time while they're all practicing :)

I'm sure this trimester is when I'll have the most energy comparatively too - BUT I do still feel really lazy! It's hard for me to stay focused and want to get anything done. If I could I'd spend everyday camped out in front of the TV.
Yes.. The first time I saw the pile of things in the store that people had traded I was shocked! Lol Beat up old things from the 70's that people had found from somewhere. I read somewhere that they claim it's there way of getting some of the old equipment to be not used anymore.... I mean they just trash them anyway. It's not like bru are going to reuse them. So it's bring in any used car seat, stroller, travel system, high chair, play yard, bassinet, walker, infant swing, bouncer, entertainer ( like a exersaucer or jumperoo), crib, or kids bed. You then get 25% off any of those things and it doesn't have to be the same type of item you brought in. So you can bring them an old swing and get 25% off of a stroller, etc.

If you have your shower at the end of may of beginning of June you should be fine with having time to do your garage sales first. You can go in store and register and then update online. I think registering with the little scanner in store is way more fun than just registering online. Lol but maybe that's just me!
hey everyone
sorry i have been mia - work is a big nuts, and we are tryign to prepare for our cross country move, which includes selling our furniture which has proved to be a challenge.

im 20 weeks today, so happy about that. the babies activity seems to have slowed a bit but im not terribly worried.

im having this really tight feeling in my chest, almost like my heart is skipping a beat, or tearing or something.. anyone else experience that
The lemon drops helped a little. I think I'm just doomed with this taste forever!!

You don't have long to go Daisy so its ok for you to be lazy!lol....I'm lazy when I really don't want to be at all!! I wonder if my family is getting suspicious, I've skipped the last 2 gatherings because I just wasn't in the mood and that's not like me at all!

Future I agree with Daisy end of May early June will allow you time to go to the garage sales 1st! And I hope your going to the store and scan everything!! LOL...thats all dh talks about he can't wait to go to the store and make our registery!
Kate- congrats on 20 wks - whoot whoot! Moving right now would be hard though!
Hi Kate! Glad things are going ok... Hadn't seen you in a while! Yay for 20 weeks!!!!! :happydance: 1/2 way there!

I had lots of heart palpitations ( where I could feel my heartbeat) and things like that during 2nd tri. Think it's due to all the extra blood. If you are worried though I would call and ask. 2nd tri is also when I would get lightheaded and almost pass out. I've only had the heart beating thing once recently and almost passed out a few weeks ago which surprised me as it had seemed like it had been a while since I'd had one of those episodes.

Yes I imagine that such a huge move is going to be lots of work!

I've found that my baby has lazy days and active days. They say don't do kick counts and such til 28 weeks. At 20 weeks baby still has lots of room and depending on how they are laying you might not feel all the movements. Someone said during growth spurts they aren't as active.

Mirage... I can't afford to be this lazy though! Or baby will arrive and Ill have nothing organized! Lol I had more of an excuse earlier... Now it's getting to where I really should be getting things checked off my list!

Dh is coming home early today he thinks as not much going on at work... Hoping to either get some shopping done or get something in the house organized. Neither sound fun at the moment. Ha!
Hi Ladies!! I'm so over the moon!! Saw the baby!! Heart rate 162 and measuring 9 wks 1 day!! Dh was so excited! We told the family today, we couldn't hold it any longer especially after seeing the heartbeat. Everyone was so excited!!
So excited for you mirage!! And yay for telling the family! I want details!

Megan is very sick and we've had a rough weekend.
O no!! What's wrong with Megan? I hate when little ones get sick!!

As soon as we saw the baby's hb the tech asked had we told the family yet and we said no. Then she typed the see you in sept on the pic and said here you go,lol. Dh immediatly wanted to tell everyone now. We figured everything is measuring fine, strong hb, why not!! We bought a card and put the pic in it and took it to the inlaws. Of course my mil cried and was just overly excited!! She can't stop talking about all the stuff she needs to buy!! We did the same for my dad and his wife. They were both really excited too. Their 1st grandchild! My dad swear he already knew something was going on, he could feel it, lol. He was just waiting for us to say something. I haven't told my mom yet. We will tell her tomorrow. As for my close friends and 1st cousins I sent them a text with the pic attached! Of course they all called me very excited!Everyone has been waiting for us to have a baby, since we're the only ppl without a kid in the last 3 years!!

Now here's the kicker!!! My sil just found out she was pg yesterday!!! Last time she found out she was pg like 2wks after I mc! WTH!! lol, good grief I just want my moment is that so bad!!??!! Soon as she told us dh just looked at me and said its ok, dont be mad our babies will grow up together, and its still our moment. WHATEVER, is all I was thinking,lol...but I'll get over it because its our 1st baby and her 2nd!

I'm just praying it still wasn't to early to tell everyone, we were just so excited!!
:hugs: Not too early to tell everyone. Whenever it felt right to you is the perfect time. So fun to show family scan pics! What's with these sil's getting pregnant in this group? Lol awww don't let her ruin your moment.

Megans been running a high fever, coughing, and really bad sore throat. I've had to force her to even drink some water as she has been refusing. Last night she woke up every 20 minutes at least. It was a rough night. I've never seen her cry so much. We wondered if we should have taken her in to urgent care today but we didn't... I think maybe tomorrow if she isn't doing any better. Every time she coughs she cries as it hurts her so much. This seems more like a flu or something vs. Just a cold. I don't know. Her cough sounds horrible though and makes me worried about croup. Its no fun when they are sick. I would rather it be me than her!
hey ladies
my laptop is broken so i haven't been able to get on here too much.

10 weeks until the move, i got a lot of packing done this weekend which was fabulous. now i just need to sell all of our furniture. fun eh? :(

whats new everyone?
Dr appt today, bp was better. Hoping I can make it closer to 39 weeks vs 37. Anxious to meet baby but that extra week or 2 would make a big difference. I have another growth ultrasound next week and did a urine test today for protein for pe. Hopefully everything is looking good.

A few extra weeks would give me extra time to get things done too! Lol

I feel like baby dropped. My bump looks totally different. It used to be higher and poke out at the top, now it seems to stick out more at belly button area. Doesn't feel like baby is camped out in my ribs anymore either, and crotch pain is worse.
Fx that baby stays in there long as possible!! How's Megan? I hope she's feeling better!! You better get to is missy & get everything together quick if your stomach dropped!!

Kate, I know how you feel! We're moving on the 28th and just began packing today!! Our move is only around the corner though.

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