I see a line on the second one. I had a line on one and a few days later no line.. but I had faints on frer and another test too.
Hi everyone
Can I be added to the list please ? Just had a MMC (blighted ovum) and had medical management last Thursday.
It's a little too soon for us to start TTC again (especially as OH is currently recovering from a broken femur !) but it definitely won't be too long before we start trying again.
I think i can see a line Amos! And that's saying something, because i'm RUBBISH at line spotting... fx'ed for you! Congrats to all the ladies with their new s!
I have no idea how many DPO i am, or if i've even ovulated...we didn't wait for AF after losing Freya so i have no previous AF to go by. It's kind of good though, not knowing, otherwise i would be counting down the days til testing and it would drive me insane We have just been as much as possible, and for the last few days i've had some cramping, leg pains, headaches, tiredness and my nipples are sore. So either AF is on her way or i'm pregnant. Also 3 days ago i had some light brown EWCM. So we will see!
Actually, while i'm posting, does anyone know how long it should take for my hCG levels to go back to 0? I haven't had any tests to see what they're at now, and i dont know what they were when i was pregnant, but i didn't know if there is a guideline anyone knows of (Megg? You're the queen of knowledge on here!) saying how long it takes for hCG levels to return to 0? It's just i wouldn't want to test in a couple of weeks and get all excited to see two lines, just to find out it's from my previous pregnancy.
Hope everyone is well! xx
could you add me please? I found this thread such a comfort after my MC, so I'm hoping my shiny new will help other people have hope too
30th May 2010. MC 23rd Mar 2010.
Lots of luck to everyone and congrats to the s xxx
Amos I see a faint line too so we all must be crazy or your wearing blinkers xxxx