TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

You know what Amos? Sometimes I think to hell with it.. I mean is anyone (apart from us all of course) ever sensitive to our feelings? When they are showing off their scan piccys etc do they ever stop and think about how we are feeling.... NOPE! But then again we will rise above it because we are more thoughtful are caring and therefore make perfect Mums when the time comes!

They told me my AF will be bad when it comes... really looking forward to that NOT!

Your rules chick... the beauty of your rules is that if you don't like em you change em! So when are you gonna start trying again? July for us!
Amen Padbrat! I THINK we are going to start trying right after this AF comes and goes. Although- I am finally going to get in to see a recurrent mc doctor (hello- it only took FIVE losses) The RE that I was referred to after my ectopic come to find out is not a specialist in RCM. ONLY IVF and things like that.....DAMMIT. So I have basically wasted 4months!!!! So back on topic lol- if this new doctor tells me to wait a bit, of course I will. I am going to ask her about NK cells and if she rolls her eyes at me like my last doctor did, I might just go off.
So we both might be trying in July- here's to future golden oldies sticky bump buddies!!! LOL
Firedancer - I am so sorry - it is heartbreaking no matter when it happens - in a way it is good that it is noted with the Dr - it is part of your medical history and if - god forbid - anything did happen like this in the future it might help indicate possible causes....
So sorry again :hugs: hx

Congratulations to the new BFP's :)

Bloody Docs!!! Bah to them! :growlmad: All they ever seem to do to me is roll their eyes!:nope:

But HOORAY for TTC in July... maybe the good weather will help our eggies be good and ripe and ready to stick!

Would be wonderful to be Golden Oldie Very Sticky Bump Buds... quick, send good vibes to ovaries, eggies, cervix etc.... come on, we can do it!:hugs::happydance:
Listen up OVARIES- hear this FALLOPIAN TUBES- pay attention UTERUS:
You will ALL work together along with the nice, dancing spermies to unite and form a ball of cells that will then continue to grow 9 months and pop out nice and easily out of our va-jay-jay's. GOT IT??? NOW GET TO IT!!!

Listen up OVARIES- hear this FALLOPIAN TUBES- pay attention UTERUS:
You will ALL work together along with the nice, dancing spermies to unite and form a ball of cells that will then continue to grow 9 months and pop out nice and easily out of our va-jay-jay's. GOT IT??? NOW GET TO IT!!!


Hallelujah to that Amos!:happydance:

Message to self: You hear what Amos says? Do ya? Do ya? Well get on with it then!!!
Hello ladies congrats to the new BFP and FXXX for those getting ready to test.
AFM still in limbo. Had another blood draw today after Fridays increase. Started spotting brown on Sunday and only when I wipe. Cant remember with my first ectopic if I started out with brown blood. Didnt make it to bleeding with the second as they found it and removed the tube. Have a scan tomorrow so I hope I will at least get some answers. Every cramp or twinge is driving me crazy.
Hiya Ladies! :hi:

Sorry i've not popped by for a while. I hope you are all well and that the TTC-ing is going good. All the ladies undergoing tests - i truly hope you get some good answers soon.

I can't believe we are up to 64 BFPs!!!! :happydance: That is just amazing!!! Congratulations to all the new BFPs, wishing you all a very happy and helathy 9 months.

Take care girls and looking forward to seeing you all soon in PAL.

Lots of love,

Michelle X
I'm sure it will happen for you hun, DH's know nothing about ov pain!!!! I can't even take a deep breath today without pain......tsk men!! It may just be happening a little later this cycle, did you take soy this time??? :hugs:

I did take Soy. Soy always gives me O pains from a few days after my first dose up until CD16 when the bad pains hit and then nothing. Well, this time... I had the pains while I was taking it, but then they tapered off. I haven't felt anything in days. And, then my temp went up today... which is weird. Here's the thing. The first few months of temping, today's temp would have been a post-O temp. But, the last couple of times, my temp was getting into high 97's or low 98's post-O. So, did I miss it? Or, WTF? I'm about to beat my head against a damn wall!

Sorry Firedancer41- :cry: I had a chemical at the begin of may and am trying already..i decided to keep tracking my fertility and me and my hubby decided if we were still up to it when around Ovulation then we would try, (which we are..) but the first week or so i definitely had my doubts. :hugs: do what your body and heart tells you to the rest will fall in place.. best of luck!:hugs:

VGibs- no worries ewcm is perfectly normal and definately healthy during pregnancy..Good Luck, Health and Happiness!:thumbup:

Cheers to the new BFP !!!:happydance:

Meg- My hubby I had took a road trip today and had O pain in the car and it was really bothersome, (not that i wasn't happy to have it, i was estatic) but definitely had pain, he could not comprehend why I kept huffing and puffing. Men Have no Idea sometimes what we go

:dust: LOADS OF BABY DUST To Everyone TTC :dust:

Men definitely have no idea! :growlmad:

I just love logging on and seeing those BFPs going up!! Woohoo!!!
I agree with the others re ewcm, totally normal to the point where u think you've peed your knickers!!

Megg....maybe your ovaries are taking a breather just to get ready to fire that big ripe eggie out?!! GL and FX'd.

Can I just ask an OT question ladies?
I have ordered Soy, agnus castus and b complex for next cycle. I know how to take the first two, but can't find info on whether to take b complex the whole cycle or just after O? Also, how much?

Maybe! But I don't like it! To answer your question... I don't know, BUT do NOT take Soy and Agnus Castus together! That's a HUGE no-no! They don't play nicely together!!!

Yay Lawa and Wanna!!! :happydance::happydance: Stick baby stick!!!

Sis- You know how our bodies like to trick us sometimes. Just in case you better get to it every night!!

Nothing new to report here- just waiting on AF to show her face. Never been so excited to see her. I don't think we are going to wait 2 months, I think we are just going to get past this cycle and try again. Time is ticking, ticking, ticking......

Chart doesn't look like she's on her way, tbh! Have you tested again?

So ladies I had my blood drawn on friday and it came back as 717 that bad??? The dr wants me to get more blood drawn because she said it was low. I dunno what to think :S

Roll on July 1st!! It will be here before you know it! I know what you mean about everyone around you- when I hear about a friend who's pregnant AGAIN since we started this ttc journey, it makes me seeth on the inside. But of course I could never tell anyone about that because it makes me sound so insensitive.
I am really good- the AF cramps are starting now and I can't wait for her to come and go. I think I am going to be a rebel and only wait one month. My docs didnt even say I HAD to wait- this was all my own thinking so.....I can bend my own rules right?? lol

You can DEF bend your own rules!

Listen up OVARIES- hear this FALLOPIAN TUBES- pay attention UTERUS:
You will ALL work together along with the nice, dancing spermies to unite and form a ball of cells that will then continue to grow 9 months and pop out nice and easily out of our va-jay-jay's. GOT IT??? NOW GET TO IT!!!


I hope mine listened too!

Hello ladies congrats to the new BFP and FXXX for those getting ready to test.
AFM still in limbo. Had another blood draw today after Fridays increase. Started spotting brown on Sunday and only when I wipe. Cant remember with my first ectopic if I started out with brown blood. Didnt make it to bleeding with the second as they found it and removed the tube. Have a scan tomorrow so I hope I will at least get some answers. Every cramp or twinge is driving me crazy.

FX'd for you!
:hugs: Amy, I am so sorry you are in limbo.

VGibs, Amos is right you just need to see how much it goes up next time.

Megg, Soy has done that to me too. My body thinks its oving right now, but I dont think it is. Matter of fact I am not sure it has since Jan. I hope your ovaries perk up and move out!
Amy- my fingers and toes are crossed for you babes. I pray the baby is in the right place and will be sticky. Sorry I have been missing the one tuber thread- for some reason I wasnt getting the notices when someone posts, so I thought no one was posting on it!!! Weird!
Michelle- Wow 17 weeks already?? Wow it has flown!
Sis- remember I am taking progesterone so that's why my temps are high! Plus I am starting to cramp so I know she is on her way. I am pretty clueless when it comes to soy and all that, but it sounds like its job has been to confuse, cause it has sure has done that. :)
Amy- my fingers and toes are crossed for you babes. I pray the baby is in the right place and will be sticky. Sorry I have been missing the one tuber thread- for some reason I wasnt getting the notices when someone posts, so I thought no one was posting on it!!! Weird!
Michelle- Wow 17 weeks already?? Wow it has flown!
Sis- remember I am taking progesterone so that's why my temps are high! Plus I am starting to cramp so I know she is on her way. I am pretty clueless when it comes to soy and all that, but it sounds like its job has been to confuse, cause it has sure has done that. :)

Same thing happened to me hunni I think it was when they switched it to groups that it messed it up I had to resubscribe to it.
Hmm my OH also seen a line ladies i have been crying I am so scared!

Dont know what i will do if I go to the consultant next week and she says I cant carry?

I am taking my asprin and pregnacare :/
It is confusing for sure, Sis! But that's unusual, honestly! Its not been confusing any other month I've used it. Its been very clear! I'm just hoping that my temp drops tomorrow. I don't think its possible to O only 3 days after my last Soy dose. Hoping, hoping, hoping that it goes down in the morning!

Lawa - Hoping so much that she doesn't say that! :hugs: FX'd for you, love!
OK- so now I am intriugued- Megg says she can see something on this, but what do you think??

I really dont think I'm pregnant by the way.....anyone?


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I see a hint of something too. I have heard the dollar ones dont pick up that well. I think we need a FRER for the morning.
Thanks Amy- I kinda think I see something too, but there is just really no way. I bet I start either tonight or tomorrow. It sure feels like it anyway. And it's not a pg type's ok cause I should have been sitting out this month anyway!!!

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