TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hi All :hi: Well it's about 10:40pm here in California and yes i am still up while my family sleeps:)
I think i am 9 or 10 DPO...I have been keeping my self busy so i don't drive myself batty!! My youngest,Sarah had her birthday party today and it was a blast!!!!! I will try to post a link so you can all view the birthday pictures :)

Welcome to TNfishinGurl,Great support here and very caring ladies!! I'm Anna, Had my TR March 2010 ,Dh and I have 3 kids and are wanting a 4th....Hope your TTC journey is a short one:)

reeds~ YAY for seeing your little bean,but i agree with the Dr and Needa.....there is another little bean in there hinding!!

Ready~ I am so excited for you to get your TR soon:)

Needa~ OH MY,I turely hope your friend and the baby pull though.....I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. I also hope your father does well with the upcoming surgery sweetie:hugs:

Early Congrats to our two ladies with Anniversary's coming up :)

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend....Well i will be back on tomorrow.....Off to bed for me!! Night
Welcome TNfishinGurl, I am Jessica my Tr was done in March of this year,i have 4 lovely children and working on number 5

needafriend sorry to hear bout your friend and her baby , will keep them in my prayers
Ready... Not much longer till ur surgery, i bet you aré do excited!!!
Reedsgirl... So happy for you!!
Afm ... I have decided not to do anything this mnth and it happens it happens, It hit me really hard this mnth and cant see myself going through this pain to much longer
Hey Jessica this is not a easy journey, please don't give up. I was ttc after my tr 15months before I got a sticky bean. And I am still praying that this bean is sticking. I get nervous all the time. But I know after all I have been through it will be so worth it in a few months. The journey is rough but I firmly agree that all good things come to those who wait and God will provide and take care of us. It makes me so sad when I see you ladies about to give up. Please hang in there I was on the verge so many times as well and all I could do is pray about it. Hugs hunni
Hey ladies,

I hope all is well with all of you. I am not feeling so well today. Sinus and allergies.

Anxious, I agree with Reeds just hang in there. I can only imange the struggle but I am sure I will find out soon enough.

Reeds, how are you feeling?

Navy, can't wait to see the party pictures.

Needa, keep us posted on your friend and the baby, as well as your father's surgery.

Have a good day ladies. If I get to feeling better I will check in later.
Hey Ready I am feeling confused today. I don't have any realy symptoms today so I am fretting. I am sure all is fine I know each day will be different.

They say (I'm sure you know) that the average healthy couple without a TR in the past only have a 25% chance of conception each month. U need to cheer up, and march forward. I know u may think...Oh easy for her to say now but I had my TR in Jan and just now got a positive that is healthy. My advice for you is to start charting, Reeds and I just started a few cycles ago and it really helped us see what our body was doing. I still kinda think my FF chart looks odd and I would have never guessed I would have O the day is said I did, even with OPK`s.If u look at it my guess would have been the 14 or 15. SO point being, try a BBT chart, use some cheapie OPK`s, and RELAX. I honestly thought that way my last cycle, even though we tried and I was charting, in my mind I was thinking, it truly is in God`s hands and I don`t have any say over it but will do all in my power to help. It`s only been a few months hun, chin up and think positive, it`s hard as heck!!

Well.....Baby Layton has taken a turn for the worse. Sad thing is, if the baby can pull through, chances are high he will have tons of medical issues. It`s such a difficult time for my friend and her family. Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts!!
Evening Carole! I sure miss chatting with you back and forth. Hope to get my text problem fixed tomorrow so we can chat away. How are you feeling?
Reeds, hun yes everything is fine I am sure. Don't fret, be of good cheer. :hugs:

Needa, thanks for the update I am still praying for them. How are you feeling?
Well Ready...I feel smoking bloated, I know its not baby belly but holy cow it`s not sucking in like normal. I am a big girl to begin with so I have belly chub but this bloating is crazy. I have been nauseated at times, sore np and a little heart burn. Just had a few cramps this eve for the first time in a week. Made me panic a bit. LOL.....Reeds and I are each others text support when we are feeling scared and over analysing everything. Ur surgery date is creeping up soon now. I am so excited for u!!!
My friend is now on her way to Edmonton as they have been told the baby is not doing well. Will keep u all posted.
I am glad you two are supporting each other. Your babies will be born just weeks apart. No need to panic it will be fine.

Yes please keep us posted on the baby still praying.
Bad friend text messaged me and the brain scan of the baby came back with no activity. They have been moved to a private room in the hospital and it is now the parents decision when to take the baby off life support. Very sad, my heart goes out to Holly and Ryan Layton as well as their tiny angel, baby boy Layton.
omg! so much has happened! I need to stop leaving for a couple days!

fish: welcome! TR for me was at the end of may this year. ttc for two cycles. This is 3rd cycle and not really trying this time. I need an emotional break. Good luck to you and looking forward to getting to know you.

reeds: how amazing would it be if it is twins!?

ready: I am loving excersizing. I'm not weighing myself, but I have already lost because my too tight pants can now be buttoned! woohoo!

needa: I feel for your friend and her family. How tough that has to be. Praying for them.

AFM: my big boy went to school today for a short morning only. Parents stayed with kids this time. Ian was sooooo over stimulated. People were just roaming around and it was loud. My poor boy. I was overstimulated myself! He is looking forward to tomorrow which is the first day without mommy. I'm nervous! In more on topic news: Even though I know I'm not going to actively try this month like with charting etc, I know I'm going to bd around my O time as it falls around my anniversary. Even knowing that though, I still feel more relaxed about everything this month just by not calling it trying. Its so freeing! hahahaa! And I'm okay if I don't get pregnant this month because I'm not really trying you know?

In other slightly related news: I have been visiting my sister and her baby pretty frequently and oh my goodness I can't wait for one of my own! She is so precious. I just stare at her for hours and I could do it for more! It might actually be helping to have a baby fix every day!

Anyway talk to everyone soon!

Adanma three text messages when I turned my phone on. My friend messaged me that she was wrong about the scan not showing brain activity, he did have some but he had a bleed on the brain. But he passed away in the middle of the night. They named him Kobe Layton. Holly and Ryan will be in my thoughts...I can't imagine what they are going through.
Good morning ladies,

Needa, I will be praying for their strenght and peace at this difficult time. I don't know what it is like but I can only imange the pain. Thanks for the update.

Adamna, I am glad you are getting your baby fix. LOL Don't worry your time is coming.

Have a good day ladies. I will check on you all later.
Thanx ladies It is hard and I pray every night for the strength to do this...Dont know what I would do without you guys
Hi ladies :) How is everyone doing today???? So here is the link to see my little 4 year olds birthday party this past Saturday.....

I am going to go do some reading and then i will post again:)
Hey ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm still stuck using my phone so I haven't read thru all the posts. Soo welcome newbies...glad to have ya

Sandi...YAY on getting to see your bean. I'm soo happy for you thoughts and prayers go out to your friend...very sad

Ready..not too much longer girly! Yay for that

AFM...we had a great weekend in TN. We did all the bd'n we could do. I used pre-seed and instead cups so we'll see what happens. He had to say good-bye to our babies last night and it just tore me up. I had to drop him off at the airport early this morn so he could go back to TX. Hopefully I'll get to fly down to see him leave for Iraq next month.
Needa~ Oh My!! I am So sorry to hear that your friend's baby boy took a turn for the worse and passed away :( I will be keeping your friends family in my thoughts and prayers :hugs:
Navy, I so love to jump in bouncers. LOL I am such a kid.

Flutter, glad to here from you. I hope you caught the egg.

Reeds, Where are you today. I hope all is well.

Hello Ladies.We are enjoying our vacation but needed to check in to see how everyone is doing.I still have not got a positive opk.I don't know what is going on.I missed one day without testing maybe that was my day.

Needa sorry to here about your friend and baby Kobe.They are in my prayers.

Well Im off here.Its been a long day.Have a good week everyone.

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