TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

We are all pleased that there is still enuf love in them to give it another try......
Thanks so much for the warm welcomes! :hugs: I've been reading some of the earlier posts and I can definitely tell that everyone is so supportive of one another. I need a place like this, because I've been wearing the DH out with all my TR talk. He's just ready for the surgery to be over so we can start all that BDin'! :winkwink: LOL! I look forward to learning more about everyone and sharing our journeys. Congrats to Adanma for the BFP!!!!!
Wonderful news anxious!!! is an amazing group, I stalk other threads but this is my main one as it's small and personal. We can all relate to and share what each of us is going through with the TR and TTC as well as sharing our day to day issue with each other. It's my new facebook!!
Ok ladies Well my FIL was a coward we did all that talkin last night , he agreed to try to fix things and this morning when everyone was sleeping he told my MIL that he did have a girlfriend (wich by coincidence has the Sister in laws name) and he wants to be with her not his wife.....Why are sooooo many men such Jerks, 28 years together and he just up and leaves outta the blue
Oh my gosh!! I am so sorry. He is a coward and I so hope your MIL is doing ok. Sounds like she has a really supportive family behind her though. xxx
anxious: So sorry to hear that. There are a lot of a-holes out there. My hubby's dad did that to his mom and he didn't talk to his dad for like... 5 years.

welcome jasmine! Dr. Rogers did my TR. The staff and everyone there were amazing! So welcoming. Dr. Rogers did a nice prayer before surgery too and my hubby was with me right up until I went in to the OR. They did my sedation with him there so that was the last thing I remembered and he was there when I woke up. So nice.

Thank you everyone for your congrats! I'm still tingling with excitement and I'm nervous! I hope it sticks and is where it needs to be. I am a bit concerned about the faintness since I'm already 16DPO, but I have Fx for the best.

here you guys go!
YAY and Congrats on the BFP Adanma :happydance: :bfp: Happy and Healthy 9 :happydance:

I love that we are getting new gals in here......WELCOME to the group:)
Congrats Adanma!!!!!That is great great news..Hoping for that dark dark line tomorrow.

Welcome Jasmine!!Great group we got here..
Congrats Adanma!!!!!That is great great news..Hoping for that dark dark line tomorrow.

Welcome Jasmine!!Great group we got here..

Keeping my FX'd you see two line tomorrow......:dust:

Okay even though I took a two hour nap today I still feel very tired..I am heading to bed,my eyes are heavy and I have a wicked headache that has just started about 30 mintues ago....Good night Ladies :hugs:
I will be looking for updates on everyone tomorrow and will let ya all know if my temp goes up for a third day...hopefully i will get my Cross hairs tomorrow:)
Anxious, I am sorry about your in-laws. I hope your DH and his mom are doing okay.

Adanma, I am so excited for you. I can see the faint line. I know you are on :cloud9:.

Reeds, I thought I saw someome with twin ticker but don't think it was this site. I will have to do my research. LOL

Needa, I am still praying for your dad and your family as well as for you.

I cannot believe I have 3 weeks left. :happydance: I don't know how you ladies do the 2ww thing. I am going crazy with 3 weeks. LOL
Anxious ....sorry about your family situtation.
Adanma, u could have had a later implantation and that would cause a fainter line, but it looks good to me. I didn't have strong lines at first either but it's a line and that's all that matters. Going to say a prayer for your baby tonite!!
AFM: My mom just called there are two specialists that are going to operate onmy dad tomorrow afternoon. He has a litre of old coagulated blood inside that is pushing on his kidneys and left lung. Its old, infected and too thick to drain but too infected for the body to absorb as the body is fighting it and has been for months. That's why he isn't really getting better. They are going to do a kinda risky operation and go between his ribs and make a large incision to get at this clot. They are confident that once they remove this he should start to feel like a super model. So if I am not asking for too much can u ladies say a word of prayer for him tomorrow as I love this man with all I have and he has a new grandbaby on the way. Thanks a ton!!
Hi Ladies,

Hope your all well CONGRATS to eveyone with their BFP happy an healthly 9 months to you all,

Well got some good news in a way......had my operation the 13th august and AF arrived 13th Sept how is that for regular im just pleased the op has not messed my cycles........yipeeee

Im back at work a week on mon then back their for 8 days then off to turkey for 2 weeks i think with everything that has happened its a much well needed break aswell my daughter turns 18 on the 1st oct and my hubby 40th whilst we away in turkey..

AF came with a vengenance and have to say in all my life its been the worst AF in my life the amount of clots i have lost is quite worrying and the blood loss..( sorry TMI).....hopefully will ease over the next few days...

The problem i have now is im due on whilst away in turkey dont really want to take anything to delay period as wanting to let things settle down but dont want to be flooded of my feet might have talk to doc see what he thinks

Sorry to hear about your dad needafriend my thoughts are with you.....

welcome to the forum newbies jo 37 have 2 girls from previous relationship now married to my TR last august fell pregnant in July unfortunately had ectopic left tube removed in aug this year....slowly getting there though .....good luck on your journeys x x

Jo x x
Adanma I see those lines hun. If it was me I would be calling the dr to have my levels checked. I am sure yourpregnant but us TR ladies have to be extra careful. Good luck hun
Good Morning ladies .... So my temp took another rocket shot this morning (take a look at my chart) I had two different weird and vivid dreams last night is it normal to dream so much during your TWW ( i have been having dreams every night since Saturday night) My dreams are not making any sence to me!! BB's are still slightly sore on the sides still....and i woke up with a partial stuffy nose,mild sore throat and a slight headache again!! WHAT GIVES!! I need to get my day started ....

Needa~ i will be saying prayer for your family :hug:

Anxious~ WOW sweetie ,I hope your MIL will be okay :hug:

Ready~ not long now.....YAY!!!:happydance:

Jo~ Good to see you,glad that AF didn't get messed up but i am sorry for your loss:hugs:

Adanma~ You test looks good....and i agree with both Needa and Reeds....You should call and get a beta , but I am sure everything will be just fine :happydance:

Reeds~ how are you feeling sweetie?? Hope the twins are treating you good :)

okay i will be back on in a bit!!
Congratulations Adanma on your BFP. and i agree you should get your levels tested.... xxx
Hi Jasmine, im Louisa i had my TR in july and am on my 3rd TTC cycle...
Hi! I can't wait 'til we're TTC!!! I know the waiting probably won't get any better then, cause then I'll just be waiting to O or waiting for that BFP, but at least I'll feel as if I'm whole again and actually have a chance to conceive. I really wish these next 10 or 11 weeks will fly on by!

Adanma- Great to know you used Dr. Rogers. She seems like a wonderful Dr. and I've heard noting but good things from her patients. I just can't wait to meet her. :happydance: Good luck with your lil' bean!!!
navy: looks good!

josey: good to know you're a ok. I have always wanted to go to Turkey! Have you been before?

needa: praying all goes well with the operation. I hope this is what does the trick for him finally.

reeds: I called to get an appointment and they don't make first appointments until 8 weeks. I explained that I had a TR done and was at increased risk for ectopic pregnancy, so I have a messege in with the nurse who should be calling me back to schedule earlier. Why they can't just schedule for earlier... I don't know. So I will likely be calling them back this afternoon after nobody gets back to me.

I hope everyone is having a good morning! Will be on again later. OH! And I had two good lines this morning! Not really dark, but good ones!

Adanma,.....What is with the medical system in the US. Your not the first person that has said they will not be seen by a Dr til so many weeks have gone by. WTF is up with that. What if heaven forbid a person has an eptopic or other health concerns that need to be addressed? 8 Weeks is a long long time and a person needs to know if things are in the right place and healthy. In Canada u can go whenever u want to your GP and they will refer u to a baby dr but in the mean time u will be sent for bloods and a scan. I am just blown away by how cavalier they seem to be in the US. It's almost like "don't waste our time til your past a more significant date please"....sorry....Just have to rant!!
With all the bleeding I had this pg and with two of my boys, I would have gone out of my mind not knowing anything.
Well off to work now and thoughts are with my dad today. Thanks for all thr prayers ladies, your amazing.
Josey..Glad to hear your well and your cycles are back to normal.

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