TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Welcome i am restored.
I had my TR jan 2010, mc in may and almost 10w pg again now. YAY! This is a great thread. Good luck!
Cheeky... fx for u!!
Ready..I wish I could give my dad a huge from u and My parents live 9 hours away from me and I haven't seen them for a month now. But thanks for thinking of him again!! Your Tr is coming exciting.
AFM....felling alittle yuk today but it's all good, I feel so selfish when I bitch so I wont. Have a big Dr apt on wednesday. I am so excited that my baby dr is the same Dr who did my TR. I am so going to hug him and thank him for doing an amazing job when I see him. I think I am going to request a 12 week scan just cause. I ordered a 3MHz doppler online so it should be here in a week or so.
Adanma...Hope your doing well and enjoyed your weekend.
Reeds...hope your ms goes soon, mine pops in and out at times but def better than it was. are those BB's...LOL
:) Thanks :)

Is everyone TTC after TR?

Who all is pregnant after TR?

Yes everyone on this thread is ttc after a tr. I am Sandi. I have my tr in April 09 and I have had 3 mcs but after finding a dr who would listen to me I am currently almost 11 weeks pregnant...was having twins but sadly found out at the last scan thrusday we found out we lost the smaller baby. I am still very excited at the thought of one healthy baby, my baby will have a guardian angel.:hugs:
my name is Jo 37 married , have 2 girls from previous relationship and hubby has 2 boys.....TR done last august pregnant in july....unfortunately ectopic in august....lost left tube .....but we going to try again x
my name is Jo 37 married , have 2 girls from previous relationship and hubby has 2 boys.....TR done last august pregnant in july....unfortunately ectopic in august....lost left tube .....but we going to try again x

Welcome Josie :hugs:
Good Morning Ladies!

I am on CD 10 so time to get to bding.Dh is on day shift again so don't know how thats going to work.I am starting to think his boss does not want me to me to get my BFP.:nope:I have been feeling crappy I went to the dentist thursday and they wanted to do a root canal.I would have had to wait until the 24th to have it done as the dentist who does them was on vacation.So I opted to have it pulled instead all because that should be my fertile time and nothing would get me out of the mood like a root canal.Dh flipped he could not believe I did that.He even called me crazy.:haha:They gave me pain meds and they have my belly all messed up.I am not going to take anymore.I am hoping this is my cycle.I took my soy,using preseed,drinking grapefruit juice and even got DH some red bull.So lets hope I get some BDing in.
fam: I used to work at an endodontist office. Sorry you lost your tooth, but it would have been quite a while to be in pain so.. good choice I say.

AFM: I'm doing well. I try to counter my negative thoughts with positive ones when I catch myself. This has dredged up some really suprising old emotions. I am finding myself really hating my body becuase I feel like it's defective in some way and it's becoming really hard to be a good girl and be healthy.

I've been completely sober since december 2009 and I have been thinking of having a drink. I know I can't do that, but it's in my mind! I have also found myself slipping back into some anorexic behaviors which I absolutely do not want to revisit. I was in the loony bin for a few months in 2002 taking care of that as it had gotten really out of control and I was not even 80 lbs. I will NOT do that to my kids. My mom struggled with that while raising us and it really damaged my sister and I. I won't do that to my boys. It has really been hard though. I've been talking to God a good deal lately trying to get some clarity. Anyway that was off topic. lol! I hope everyone is having a nice day! Fx for you guys waiting for your BFP's this cycle!

Welcome iamrestored!

Hi Ladies! Looks like I missed a lot this weekend. It's great to see so many ladies getting preggers after TR! This gives me so much hope. I hope all goes well for everyone.

I just wanted to say I finally get to schedule my surgery on Wednesday, because the doctor only opens up her schedule on the third Wed. of the month. They said if I call first thing Monday morning I will get the date I want. So, if all goes as expected I will be scheduled for the Friday before Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! I'm in my third year at school so that's the best time for me since I'll get that next week off. :happydance: I'm sooooo happy to actually know that in two months I'll be able to conceive again (of course God willing everything else is still in good working order). Do you ladies think that I'll be ok going back to school after a weeks rest after the surgery? I only have three classes a week for 2-3 hours a class and it's all sitting?
fam: I used to work at an endodontist office. Sorry you lost your tooth, but it would have been quite a while to be in pain so.. good choice I say.

AFM: I'm doing well. I try to counter my negative thoughts with positive ones when I catch myself. This has dredged up some really suprising old emotions. I am finding myself really hating my body becuase I feel like it's defective in some way and it's becoming really hard to be a good girl and be healthy.

I've been completely sober since december 2009 and I have been thinking of having a drink. I know I can't do that, but it's in my mind! I have also found myself slipping back into some anorexic behaviors which I absolutely do not want to revisit. I was in the loony bin for a few months in 2002 taking care of that as it had gotten really out of control and I was not even 80 lbs. I will NOT do that to my kids. My mom struggled with that while raising us and it really damaged my sister and I. I won't do that to my boys. It has really been hard though. I've been talking to God a good deal lately trying to get some clarity. Anyway that was off topic. lol! I hope everyone is having a nice day! Fx for you guys waiting for your BFP's this cycle!

Welcome iamrestored!


Hi Adanma, i am really hopng and praying that the feelings of negativity go away really have proved what a strong person you are already and i hope with Gods help you start believing in youself again........:hugs::hugs::hugs:
jasmine: I think a weeks rest will be fine to go to school, but be sure to ask the doc when you get in. How exciting! You and ready are almost there!


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Your a strong woman and you continue to get stronger every day! You have two beautiful boys that are lucky to have you for a mommy!!
Can i just say Adanma how absolutely gorgeous you and your family are in your picture...........xx
Adanma- How cute! That's a new pic of the family? Your boys are too cute with those mohawks. :) I hope these next 2 months go by fast. This whole TR journey is a hurry up and wait process. I guess I just need to accept that! :wacko:
Hi ladies!!!

Needs~ the Girls are feeling okay,achey here and there,starting to think maybe my new medications and being on Prenatal vitamins are making them feel this way this month....I haven't had anymore of the clear,oil stuff...but that really weird for me!!

Adanma~ I LOVE both of the new pics you put up!! :) Hang in there Girlie,it will happen again and this time it will be a sticky bean:dust:

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

Welcome to our new gal:hi: I'm Anna ,Had my TR in March this year.....Still working for the BFP!!...This is a great and supportive group of ladies :)

AFM: Just not feeling like this is my time...My temps are looking good still,but just not feeling it!! Sorry to be such a downer today! I'll check back later.
Navy: I thought I was out a lot last month because I didn't have all of the crazy symptoms I had been having in previous cycles and low and behold that was when I was pregnant so don't lose hope! Fx!

Thanks everyone for your comments! needa: I have been needing that girl! That pic of my family was taken last month on our family vacation in San Diego. My profile pic is a bit older about a year ago, but I love my vulcan hair and I'm kinda missing it so I put that up! lol!

Hi......Reeds not too bad going back to work next mon we off to turkey in 2 weeks just what the doctor ordered lol.....sorry to hear about your baby but sooo pleased other one is ok...

Cheeky...keeping fingers crossed for you hun:hugs:

Hi to all the newbies who have joined the thread....:flower:

And hi to everyone else x

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