TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hi Ladies......:flower:

Cheeky,I'm praying also that you get your BFP soon hun...I know its hard...:hugs:

Famof6, how are you doing?...thats exciting to go shopping for halloween stuff...I love to decorate for Halloween and Christmas...did you get alot of stuff? was your weekend?..

Navy, I hope AF misses you this month but looking at your chart AF might show her ugly face I'm praying that she don' was your weekend hun?....what do you have planned for this week?...have a great day ...and hope that the witch doesnt come at all and you get your BFP...:winkwink: oops! about forgot to say you said that you were having brown bleeding you do not count that as day 1 hun they say only count if its red blood...hope this helps...

Adanma, I'm sooo happy that you and your DH had a wonderful time together on your date night you know i think me and my DH need to have a date night we have been married as of this coming up december 21st will be our 19th wedding anniversary and we haven't had a date night since way before might be just what we need...:winkwink: hope this was your time that you get your BFP hun...sending you lots of babydust to you...:dust::dust:

Flutter, how are you doing? just wanted you to know thinking about ya and praying that this year will go by fast for you..I'm sure its hard but know we are here for you ....:flower:

Reeds, how are you doing hun?...are you taking it easy?...stay in the bed and get lots of was your weekend?..what all did you do?...did you buy anymore baby items...:winkwink:

, wow!!! only 8 more days hun I'm sooo excited for you...woohoo!!!:happydance::happydance:

Iamrestored77, sending you lots of babydust your way hun...:dust:

future_numan ,how are you doing?..did you have a good weekend?

Needafriend, I'm doing ok I guess thanks for asking, how is the BP meds going I know you said that they were giving you headaches hope its eased up on you hun...:hugs: Glad that your dad is doing better...just know your in my thoughts and prayers hun...:hugs:

AFM~ I am home from work due to my neck & spine killing me today well this is my last week working at that job and I'm excited about my new job but I have to wait and see what the hickory orthopeditic tells me tomorrow I'm going to also get a 2nd opinion also but anyways I'm home today and will be checking back to see how you lovely ladies are doing..oops!! also I'm on cycle day 27 and I'm still not ovulating but I wonder if its all because of the pain meds that I'm on and other meds...
frogger: thanks! Our son's psychologist told us we need to have a monthly date night to encourage sanity! lol! Having a kid with Asperger's does make for some stress and it's hard to put your relationship at the top of the priority list, but we're trying. That's a good point about the meds too. I wonder if that does have an effect?

Navy: let us know what happened! Fx it's not AF.

AFM: confused again. lol! I had a temp dip 3 days ago 96.9, then the last 2 days it has been 97.5. Well this am it went back down to 96.9? I have never had it go below 97 if it's not my O dip and I've never had it dip twice? So confused.

I hope everyone is having a nice monday. Gotta get the boy to school and get some laundry done. ick.

Good morning ladies :hi:

Navy..maybe that was a bit of implant bleeding, since it was brown that means it was "old" hoping:af: ..

Adamna .. How was your date night ? We have only gotten out once since we had Emily by ourselves..We kinda live pretty far away from our family and friends so we really haven't got anyone we trust the baby with yet ( since she is still so little )

Fogger.. Our weeeknd was great, thank-you. We managed to get some of our halloween / fall decorations up and do some fall cleaning..How was yours ?
Hello everyone,

I hope all is well with everyone.

Navy, you don't count it as CD1 until you see full red.

Adamna, I am glad you and hubby had a great date. I love when my DH and I have date nights.

Frogger, yep just 8 more days. I am so excited.

AFM, my sinus and now cold (I think) are trying to take over. But I am praying over my body. Just hope and pray I am not sick next week. I think I am going to ask for Monday off. Because I will not be able to think here at work. LOL Plus I am giving my DH a surprise party this weekend. It is his birthday and the first one without his mother. She passed away this past March. He stills doesn't want to talk about it. We both miss her so much. He still mad at himself. Because he use to go see her every Thursday and the Thursday before she went into a coma he didn't go. Well she called that night and asked him why he didn't come. He didn't go because he want to come home a play a video game. Well the next day she went into a coma. He tells me all the time I will never get that Thursday back. He doesn't even play the game anymore. He never played it again. So I thought it would be nice to surprise him on his birthday and get him and his sisters, stepfather, stepbrother, and good friends to celebrate with him. Everyone is excited. He really needs this. I will post pictures next Sunday.

Sorry to ramble. Have a good day everyone.
ready: awwww. I'm sorry to hear that! It's got to be easy to be down on yourself after that, but I hope he knows that her passing wasn't punishment for him not seeing her that time. He will never have that thursday back, but he has all of those thursdays before to remember and she does too. It's so good of you to be throwing him this party! I hope it all goes well. 8 days! yiiiii!

numan: Our night was great. We went out to dinner at a restaurant I hadn't been too and the food was amazing! I had duck breast and Jason had the filet. Yum delish! I had creme brulee for dessert and Jason had apple walnut pie. We had some really good coffee after our meal as well. It was pricey, but worth it!

How are our pregnant mamas doing today?

Hi ladies :cry: AF showed up this morning ....brown bleeding turned into bright red :cry: woke up and have been cramping so bad that i can barely walk,it also hurts arouns my hips and lower back,pain will get to the point where i feel like puking!!! I got the heating pad out and took a couple Tylenol to try and help me out,DH toldme just to rest today and not to lift anything ,that he will help me when he gets home from work....I have my back up pain medication (Tylenol 3) but try not to have to use it unless I have DH home to care for the kids cuz it knocks me for a loop!!
I am SOOO sad right now,cuz i had things happing that have never happened before to me!!....well we are out for October per FS orders!! And DH and I are talking about if we really want to try during Nov and Dec becuz we travel alot for the holidays and things get so busy and stressful ...We might just hold off the baby making until the New Year.....we will see,we are sitting on this one for now...Let ya all know when we figure it out!

SO Sending everyone ALOTTTTTTT of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: and sticky vibes too :)

I need to go back and read some back in a bit.
navy: I'm so sorry! I hope you start feeling better. I hate when the really bad cramps come on. I usually put netflix on for the kids and let the tv babysit for awhile while I soak in a hot tub or curl up with the heating pad.

Okay I know I always say I'm confused but now I'm REALLY confused! I went and had my beta hcg checked thursday which was a week from the miscarriage. I was only 4 days past expected AF when I started bleeding. I bled for 4 days. Well I just got a call from the docs saying I have to go in again because my levels from thursday were HIGHER than the ones at the ER. So now I'm 15 days past expected AF and she said the levels reported would indicate really early pregnancy like too early to see anything on ultrasound? Anyway the test is ordered STAT so I should find out this afternoon what the levels are doing. grrrrr! I hate being confused!

navy: I'm so sorry! I hope you start feeling better. I hate when the really bad cramps come on. I usually put netflix on for the kids and let the tv babysit for awhile while I soak in a hot tub or curl up with the heating pad.

Okay I know I always say I'm confused but now I'm REALLY confused! I went and had my beta hcg checked Thursday which was a week from the miscarriage. I was only 4 days past expected AF when I started bleeding. I bled for 4 days. Well I just got a call from the docs saying I have to go in again because my levels from Thursday were HIGHER than the ones at the ER. So now I'm 15 days past expected AF and she said the levels reported would indicate really early pregnancy like too early to see anything on ultrasound? Anyway the test is ordered STAT so I should find out this afternoon what the levels are doing. grrrrr! I hate being confused!


Thank you :hugs: WOW!! please keep us posted on whats going on with your beta levels... I can understand why you feel confused,that would be throwing me for a loop too:hugs:

Navy, I hope AF misses you this month but looking at your chart AF might show her ugly face I'm praying that she don' was your weekend hun?....what do you have planned for this week?...have a great day ...and hope that the witch doesnt come at all and you get your BFP...:winkwink: oops! about forgot to say you said that you were having brown bleeding you do not count that as day 1 hun they say only count if its red blood...hope this helps...

First, I have to say that little "Hi shadow" makes me is SOO cute!! :flower::thumbup:

Second, Thank you Frogger:hugs: As for What we have planned this will be a busy one!! Today i am just going to rest and take it easy.....Tomorrow i have to pack a small bag up cuz we are driving up to my IL's house, FIL is having Bypass heart surgery on Wed morning at 9am!! We are driving back home late Wednesday afternoon, Thursday After the kids are out of school we are going to a"meet and greet" with the Blue Angels and Canadian Snowbirds....Miramar's Airshow is in town!! And then we are going back up to my IL's house on Friday evening cuz Saturday evening we are going to the LA County Fair and then driving back home to San Diego from the fair so we can sit home and rest on Sunday and just watch Football!!
I hope your neck and spine start feeling better and congrats on the new job:thumbup:

So when i check in with everyone during the week i will be doing it from my itouch cell please bare with me everyone!!
Adanma...WHAT is going on? How much of bleed did u have? Please keep us informed about the results. After my MC my levels went down pretty quickly....very odd. BTW...I have those sexy pig-ear-pinched-off-love-handles as well.
Navy....sorry she came and found u. Have a hot bath and relax. Sounds like u have a very compassionate OH.
Ready....sorry for the loss of Dh's mom, what a sad story. I can't believe u are having your reversal so soon. YAY!!
Frogger...Hope u get feeling better soon and congrats on starting a new job.
Numan.....Good morning...sound like u and DH are due for a date nite
Reeds...hope ur feeling great today.
Flutter....Hopeyour doing fantastic!

AFM...bought a doppler online and can hear the HB on and that's kinda cool.

Sending out some baby dust to all!!!
needa: I bled heavy for 4 days with clots n all. My temp has been low. I'm just confused. I should find out in another hour or so so I'll keep you all posted.

navy: I'm so sorry! I hope you start feeling better. I hate when the really bad cramps come on. I usually put netflix on for the kids and let the tv babysit for awhile while I soak in a hot tub or curl up with the heating pad.

Okay I know I always say I'm confused but now I'm REALLY confused! I went and had my beta hcg checked thursday which was a week from the miscarriage. I was only 4 days past expected AF when I started bleeding. I bled for 4 days. Well I just got a call from the docs saying I have to go in again because my levels from thursday were HIGHER than the ones at the ER. So now I'm 15 days past expected AF and she said the levels reported would indicate really early pregnancy like too early to see anything on ultrasound? Anyway the test is ordered STAT so I should find out this afternoon what the levels are doing. grrrrr! I hate being confused!


Be sure to keep us posted !!:hugs:
Okay so ER level: 14. thursday level: 97. Today: 52. They are supposed to call me back to tell what to do. I have been having pain on my left side which i thought was ovulation, but can i ovulate with hcg in my system? I left a message with the nurse to call me as I am becoming concerned with possible ectopic.

Sorry Adanma I don't know the answer to your question.Please stay on them until you get this figured out.If you don't get that call back soon I would go to the ER but then again I am always paranoid.Saying a prayer that everything turns out just fine.
Ready,Only 8 days left where did the time go?LOL.I bet you are so excited.I know I was at a week before.
Adanma.....I googled that question after my MC as I didn't bleed and wanted to know if I could ovulate with HCG in my system. From what I gathered u will not release an egg as your body thinks your pg. It's kinda weird how it works, I never even passed anything or bled with my blighted ovum body absorbed it?? I would wait to hear from the nurse today and if they don't get back to u I would demand a scan ASAP to see if it's tubal. Don't chance loosing a tube or getting an infection over a ER that doesn't give a crap. I demanded one after my mc as I didn't bleed and wanted to know where everything was and to make sure my tubes was clear. Good luck!!
Thanks guys. They told me with an hcg level that low that they wouldn't be able to see anything on a scan. Shouldn't it have to do more with how many days it's been rather than the hcg? Don't people have varying levels of hcg? How do they know they wouldn't see anything? ugh! So I'm waiting to hear now what they suppose I should do. Of course it's the end of the day so if anything needs to be done it will be at the ER for another 175.00. So tired of it.

BULLCRAP....they can see a gest sac or anything that should not be in a tube. If it's in your uterus it's ok but not in a tube. They can see tubes fine....look at all the ladies that go for scans to see if they have a ripe follicle to ovulate...Buggers. Thats crazy that there is a fee.....
Hope everyone is head is killing me way too much to try to read. I go back to work tomorrow. Dr appt was crap but will explain later. Love to you all
BULLCRAP....they can see a gest sac or anything that should not be in a tube. If it's in your uterus it's ok but not in a tube. They can see tubes fine....look at all the ladies that go for scans to see if they have a ripe follicle to ovulate...Buggers. Thats crazy that there is a fee.....

I agreel, they can do an internal ultasound to see something as small as an egg on the overy ,they would be able to seee if there was anything in the tube or womb. I used IUI to conceive and they did an internal U/S everyday starting from CD3 till egg was released. Then they did a another when I was three weeks along, just to be sure nothing was in the tube ( I only have one open tube and we were deathly afraid of eptopic ) I would be very aggressive with the DR's...Good Luck, thoughts are with you :hugs:

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