TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Thats a load of surgery in a short space of time...!!! I can understand your worries...!!! i know its no consolation but at least you know you can get pregnant...I just dont know wwhat to feel or think..You know those questions that go through your the sperms not getting there are my eggs crap is the lining all wrong......
I've got my consultants appointment on saturday hopefully he'll have a plan of action which will restore my PMA.....xxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs: It took me 13 cycles to get pregnant after my TR, so keep a positive chin up:hugs:
Thats a load of surgery in a short space of time...!!! I can understand your worries...!!! i know its no consolation but at least you know you can get pregnant...I just dont know wwhat to feel or think..You know those questions that go through your the sperms not getting there are my eggs crap is the lining all wrong......
I've got my consultants appointment on saturday hopefully he'll have a plan of action which will restore my PMA.....xxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs: It took me 13 cycles to get pregnant after my TR, so keep a positive chin up:hugs:
How did you manage to keep positive cause thats a long time...??? :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Joanne, he is a cutie and I love is little smile. Makes you want to bit those chubby cheeks. I could spoil him.

Iamrestored, praying this is your month.

MissJellyBean, I hope it all works out for you

Needa, I am slowly getting back to normal. DH gets mad because he thinks I am doing to much and makes me get back to bed.

Reeds, How are you feeling today?

Numan, Thanks for the encourgement.

Afm, I am doing well. I see things that need to be done but DH keeps telling me to wait until he gets home. He had to go back to work today. I hope all is well with everyone.
Ready ....Glad your feeling better.
Joanne...what a cute baby.
Iamrestored....u need to stay positive and know God is good and keep your faith.
jellybean....good luck on yout TTC journey, hope it's a short one., you need to chill girl. After my mc in may, I had made an apt to see my TR dr..soonest I could get in was July. I can back from Calgary for the apt as Dad was still in ICU then. I begged my Dr for fertility drugs, he laughed at me and said no way. He told me to relax as we know from the MC that the TR worked and there was no way at that time he was putting me on meds. He says it takes time to get pg and not to stress out. And low and behold, next cycle we caught the egg. It's all about timing and doing all u can to see when your ovulating. I charted, used preseed lube, opk's, checking CM and the pillow under the ass! I so wish all u ladies luck with getting your BFP soon, I so so so know how hard it is and stressful it can be TTC.

I will share alittle story, I don't tell many people this as I do no want to be judged for our choices, only my family knows and a few close friends. I went into my marriage June 25, 2009 knowing full well that if we could not have a baby we would divorce. (my hubby has no children and wanted at least one....I was not going to not let him have the joy of having a blood child of his own) My parents we so not pleased, they loved my hubby and thought he was a great man but they felt I should be marrying someone who already had children. I have never had easy pg's and always had complicated deliveries that ended in c-secs with infections to follow requiring hospitalization sometimes. One even resulted in me having 3 blood transfusions....
So u want to talk about pressure to concieve, we had decided that we would try IUI and possibly IVF. We even talked about a surrogate mother but that was very $$$. We have so much love for each other we just knew that God would see how good we were for each other and left it in his hands to hav a baby. So 7 months after we got married we had the TR secretly and did not tell my family or friends as not to worry them. Only after my mom and dad had come to visit 2 weeks before my dad got sick did they even know we had the TR. Mom kept offering me a drink and I had just MC, so I wasn't drinking while TTC so it was a red flag to her. (guess I liked my So...I told her we had just lost a pg and I had the TR in Jan. She was very happy for us and was all in baby mode. We even went shopping and she bought the "future baby" some things at the disney store.
My point is, no matter what religion u are (I'm Christian and Husband is Muslim) God will take care of you. There is a higher power, how else could we grow life inside us like we do, it's truly a miracle. Do all that u can do that's in your power an trust that you will be taken care of. It will happen.....with all the tools we have in medical science and having faith, ALL CAN HAPPEN!!!

Blah...blah...blah....know that's what I call a run-on-paragraph.
Ready ....Glad your feeling better.
Joanne...what a cute baby.
Iamrestored....u need to stay positive and know God is good and keep your faith.
jellybean....good luck on yout TTC journey, hope it's a short one., you need to chill girl. After my mc in may, I had made an apt to see my TR dr..soonest I could get in was July. I can back from Calgary for the apt as Dad was still in ICU then. I begged my Dr for fertility drugs, he laughed at me and said no way. He told me to relax as we know from the MC that the TR worked and there was no way at that time he was putting me on meds. He says it takes time to get pg and not to stress out. And low and behold, next cycle we caught the egg. It's all about timing and doing all u can to see when your ovulating. I charted, used preseed lube, opk's, checking CM and the pillow under the ass! I so wish all u ladies luck with getting your BFP soon, I so so so know how hard it is and stressful it can be TTC.

I will share alittle story, I don't tell many people this as I do no want to be judged for our choices, only my family knows and a few close friends. I went into my marriage June 25, 2009 knowing full well that if we could not have a baby we would divorce. (my hubby has no children and wanted at least one....I was not going to not let him have the joy of having a blood child of his own) My parents we so not pleased, they loved my hubby and thought he was a great man but they felt I should be marrying someone who already had children. I have never had easy pg's and always had complicated deliveries that ended in c-secs with infections to follow requiring hospitalization sometimes. One even resulted in me having 3 blood transfusions....
So u want to talk about pressure to concieve, we had decided that we would try IUI and possibly IVF. We even talked about a surrogate mother but that was very $$$. We have so much love for each other we just knew that God would see how good we were for each other and left it in his hands to hav a baby. So 7 months after we got married we had the TR secretly and did not tell my family or friends as not to worry them. Only after my mom and dad had come to visit 2 weeks before my dad got sick did they even know we had the TR. Mom kept offering me a drink and I had just MC, so I wasn't drinking while TTC so it was a red flag to her. (guess I liked my So...I told her we had just lost a pg and I had the TR in Jan. She was very happy for us and was all in baby mode. We even went shopping and she bought the "future baby" some things at the disney store.
My point is, no matter what religion u are (I'm Christian and Husband is Muslim) God will take care of you. There is a higher power, how else could we grow life inside us like we do, it's truly a miracle. Do all that u can do that's in your power an trust that you will be taken care of. It will happen.....with all the tools we have in medical science and having faith, ALL CAN HAPPEN!!!

Blah...blah...blah....know that's what I call a run-on-paragraph.

Very well said Thanks :). We haven't told anyone in our family well one of my sisters know. Thanks for your encouragement it spoke to my spirit. I test this morning it was negative. My God is bigger then that negative its in his timing. It maybe to early to test. Amen my trust is in Jesus. He is a miracle wrker
I was never a believer in God until I got pregnant with Ian. Correction: A few months after I gave birth to Ian! I thought it was horrible timing etc, but once I saw what that little life did for me I was amazed. It made me get my life together, start living, and be a mom! Ian and I are kindred spirits. We thought Preston was bad timing too, but
I remembererd what a gift it was to have Ian and sure enough, Preston was just what we needed. I feel so lucky to have been chosen to be their mum! God is good and He has yet to do me wrong.

Ladies,I am so glad all of you posted.I logged in today in tears.I feel AF is on her way.I have just been so stressed thinking this is not going to happen.That I am one that TR is not going to work for.I had an app. with gyn in Sept. and canceled I got scared after I have not been in so long I was so afraid they would just tell me it wasn't going to happen that something was wrong with me.I have scheduled another on the 25th so hoping they can run some tests or refer me.

I had a dye test in July with my TR and have been asking DH if we can get another.I have been seeing ladies with very short tubes get their BFP so soon after TR,and now I have been thinking since I had 10 cm on each side that the Dr just went with that and didn't make sure there was no scarring and they are really closed.We have only told a few people but I have a feeeling it has slowing spread through our families that we had a TR.I now feel like everyone is wondering why it has not happened.TTC is consuming me these days even though its not taking time away from my kids I feel like I am not here for them 100% mentally as I am always thinking about TTC.Enough of my rant.Hoping we all get those BFPs in time for Christmas.That would just make for some wonderful holidays.Needa thank you for your story.Just what I needed to get me out of this slump I am in.

AFM(haha I know what that means now)My DS has his last football game today an hour away so having to pick everyone up early from school.DH took the day off.This is a very tough team and we will probaly lose as they have not lost a game yet.I am just praying noone gets hurt.We had a little boy on the other team last game that they are saying broke his neck so that has me scared to death.
Needa, thanks for the encourgement. We all needed that in one way or another and I am glad you told your story. Thank you very much.
famof6 glad to know this lifts your spirits God is good. This is our first month offically trying and I test today and it was negative 10dpo it maybe too early. It's not over till period. It's not OVER till God says it O V E R. Don't lose hope! Don't give up! God has a special time for each of us :). Keep smiling your whole :)
Thats a load of surgery in a short space of time...!!! I can understand your worries...!!! i know its no consolation but at least you know you can get pregnant...I just dont know wwhat to feel or think..You know those questions that go through your the sperms not getting there are my eggs crap is the lining all wrong......
I've got my consultants appointment on saturday hopefully he'll have a plan of action which will restore my PMA.....xxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs: It took me 13 cycles to get pregnant after my TR, so keep a positive chin up:hugs:
How did you manage to keep positive cause thats a long time...??? :hugs:

I kept my thoughts positive. I never told myself that it wouldn't happen, I just didn't know when. We alot against us from the get go. They only managed to save one of tubes and it was very short. DH also had a low end of normal count. We TTC on our own for 10 months, then we turned to a fertility DR for help. We did two attemps of IUI with clomid and Pergeon injection. We conceived on the second attempt and I had produced seven eggs but only one "caught" ( thank goodness :wacko:) I am a firm believer of positive thought :thumbup:
Hey ladies! PMA does help...I was on the verge of giving up several times and I thought this would never happen. Its took me 15 cycles and 3 early losses to get here. Time, patience and all my trust and faith in GOD! It will happen for all you its not a easy journey but worth all the joy it brings. Hang in there I am praying for all of you
Hi Ladies!! glad to see everyone is doing well :)

Ready~ CONGRATS on your TR, hope your recovery is a fast and easy one :hug:

Needa~ Hope the Dr. can help get your BP under control,that has to be scary for you,hang in there!!!

I loved seeing the Ultrasound pics and the baby pics!!

Congrats to our new BFP!! and sorry to hear about AF showing up for others. I will be lurking in and out of here.... I just have alot going on right now.

Adanma~ you asked if i knew when i would be able to drive again.....well i have to reach my full dosage on my medication(which will be next Tuesday) ,Then i have to stay seizure free for 3-6 months and hope that my Neuro DR clears me.... Next steps are a 40 min. seizure physical done by my Dr and then turning my paperwork in to DMV and hope they don't make me do the written test and driving test over again!! ON A GOOD hubby won't be leaving until April it gives us some more time!! :) Hopefully i will be up and driving by then.
Numan, Thanks for all your positive energy.

Reeds, thanks for your positive words and encourgement. I am not able to TTC but I want to be ready for the journey. I hope for it to be short but it may not. I am glad I have ladies like you to keep me going. :hugs:

Navy, glad to know Dh will be with you. I hope you will be driving before he leaves as well.

Afm, I am feeling better each day. Sitting up is getting little easier, walking is okay I just can't walk very fast. Coughing and laughing kind of hurts too.
I have a question....My FF gave me 30pts....what does that mean?
It total your symptoms that you put in and gives you pregnancy points...I believe mine was like 52 when I got my BFP.
Thanks Ladies!!!

DSs game went well I guess lol.33-6.We scored anyway!So thats a good thing.We had a really good time.Very nice school there,but alot different than our public schools.

So I am waiting on AF to show so I can move on.I had along talk with DH and we strongly believe that it will happen its just a matter of when.So I am going to try to relax and just enjoy my hubby and hope it brings that BFP.Well I am off to nap before work.
Thanks Ladies!!!

DSs game went well I guess lol.33-6.We scored anyway!So thats a good thing.We had a really good time.Very nice school there,but alot different than our public schools.

So I am waiting on AF to show so I can move on.I had along talk with DH and we strongly believe that it will happen its just a matter of when.So I am going to try to relax and just enjoy my hubby and hope it brings that BFP.Well I am off to nap before work.


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