TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hi Ready, my doc told me i could drive as soon as i felt capable of performing an emergency
Hello Ladies and welcome new comers !! Wow, busy weekend on here. I just scanned through but Happy Birthday Reeds ( I also just turned 37 ) and Happy Thanksgiving. As for driving I was advised not to drive for 2 weeks or until I didn't need the Tylonal 3 with We were away at the in-laws for Thanksgiving this weekend. It's alot of driving so I am exhausted today. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :thumbup:
Hey ladies,

Adanma, I am excited about TTC too. I have tried to prepare myself for the ups and downs. But I know I will never be fully prepare. I am trying to only think positive thought.

Needa, I am going to start TTC about December or January. Only because I want to get my cycles back on track. But we will see. I think my dh wants to start sooner. But I will ask dr today.

Flutter, I agree about the c-sections because I have not taken one pain pill. I have been told that I have a high tolerence for pain. I did have the On Q-pain pump, but that came out on Friday.

I go to the dr today for my post op. I don't want to go back to work next week. I love the place that I work I just do not care for my department.:nope:
Hello ladies well woke up to the big bad witch this morning so ttc will begin again in December
Anxious Sorry the witch got you.

Well I am on cd5.Taking soy again this cycle.Does anyone care to share what you are taking vitamins wise?Would love to her what our preggo gals were taking too.

Hope everyone is having a good week!!
Anxious Sorry the witch got you.

Well I am on cd5.Taking soy again this cycle.Does anyone care to share what you are taking vitamins wise?Would love to her what our preggo gals were taking too.

Hope everyone is having a good week!!

I am taking folic acid, vitamin B complex and isoflavones
Hi everyone, I hope you dont mind me joing the club?

Just wanted to say I had my TRS 17 days ago and I am now officially TTC :happydance: What a joy to be at last posting on this thread which I have been waiting to do for a few years now and I am eventually here......

I will look forward in reading your stories and hopefully including some of my own...

I hopefully start my clomid in next few days as AF is late due to my surgery I think! Please can I ask if anyones AF was late after thier TR surgery? I am not sure if bleeding after my surgery would interfere with my cycle...I am just so keen like everyone else to get started but dont know where the hell I am with this cycle...and I cant start taking clomid until i start this cycle.....Any advice..:hugs:
Welcome crystal.....My name is carole, TL mar 2005, TR jan 2010, mc in may and healthy baby that God has his hand on in Aug 2010. My cycle was bang on after my TR. Another ladie on here named ready just had her TR a week and a half ago so you two are close in stages.
Welcome to this thread and hope your TTC rollercoaster is short!!

AFM....had a crappy sleep last nite and was awake thinking alot. My parents come today...YAY. Have to dye my hair...(I know poo poo on me but I am naturally dark brown hair and I'm a fake blonde) Going to make my dad some cookies and get ready for them. yayayay. Hope all your ladies have a fantastic day!
Hi ladies

Hope you are all doing okay!

Welcome to the newbies! Congrats on your reversals :happydance: I'm Mel and I had my TR last November, we're now in our 11th cycle, 4th on Clomid. I've already 3 children and had TL in 2000. My OH has a little boy too.

Sorry I've been pretty absent lately! With work and the wedding plans I've been pretty busy. Only 17 days to go :D

I'm now on CD 17, and expecting 2 ovulations this month - have been having internal scans and I've too busy follicles! Not sure whether I've ovulated yet, last couple of cycles my pre-o temps have been a lot higher than usual (I suspect it's the Clomid) so I'll have to wait a few days to identify when I've ovulated! Until then we're :sex: like crazy!!
Hello ladies, I have been gone for a few days....My little sea monkey didnt stick and I miscarried this weekend....While it is VERY heart breaking my doc told me to look at it this way, at least we know my tubes are clear for me to try again, nothing got stuck...He told me that it is good to go ahead and start trying again as soon as I feel up to it, so I have started a cycle of Soy to try and improve my egg quality and of course stronger prenatals...

Good luck to everyone...
oh wifey! I'm so sorry! Is the soy supposed to help with mc? I just had one so I'm just curious if that would help. You poor thing. My doc basically said the same to me. It's true and it helps to be positive, but it's no less sad for this one. Fx for you for a quick recovery physically and emotionally.

crystal: welcome! My cycle was about 15 days longer the first cycle after my TR. We were advised not to try until after my first AF so I didn't really mind!

cheeky: good luck girl!

AFM: Hubby is gone out of town again for work. poo. I have my niece now during teh day so it's busy around here. Ian only has half day kindergarten so it's a lot of rushing around in the morning. We'll live though lol! I better get used to it if I'm planning on another one of my own since it will still be just me here during the day!

Our Rondo isn't really working well with all the carseats though. They all fit, but I have to buckle both the boys in cuz they can't reach around the baby seat in the center to do their seatbelts. I'm thinking a van is going to be in our very near future. Used, but at least bigger! I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday!

So sorry to hear of your loss wifey....but your dr is right, the tubes are open. It's seems like all us Tr girls have a MC before a sticky bean.

AFM...I have some bad news, Dr just called me regarding my scan on Friday, he asked if I have been bleeding or cramping? I said...NO, not at all. He asked how my BP was as he does not know it has gone real low and is no longer high. I informed him of the change and that I bought a at home cuff and test it daily. He told me that baby looks good as is growing at the proper rate, HB was good but I have a Subchorionic Hematoma. Which is a bleed between the membranes and the unterus. I am sick about it trying to google away to read more. He said it is small and should just dissolve on its own. I am freaking out and worried as heck right now. Please say a prayer for my baby's health. Thanks girls...
Hi everyone,

Crystal, this is Karen from the other forum. How are you? I have been apart of this group since coming to BnB. I love these ladies.

Cheeky, good luck. Please post wedding pictures after the wedding and when you can. Congrats on the wedding. I hope you and him have a great marriage.

Needa, I am praying for you and your sticky bean.

Wifey, so sorry for your lost. I hope you get a sticky one really soon.

Adanma, enjoy your niece. She is getting you prepare for your little one.

Afm, I am enjoying these last couple of days off before going back to work. I wish I would have asked for another week. But oh well. Have a great day ladies and be blessed.
Sorry for your loss
Needa try not to worry your Baby is growing and healthy .....hugs to you...

AFM have now been put on Clomid and am having a scan next tuesday, depending on the results will then be booked for a HSG....
Can any of you ladies tell me if you experienced a rise in your temperature and headaches while on this???... xxx
Hey loopy

My temperature's have been very erractic since I started taking Clomid, particularly my pre-ovulation temperatures that have been quite high compared to usual
Wifey.......Sorry for your loss sweetie
Needa....Prayers going up for you and your little bean
Adanma.........Sounds like a van is gonna be needed
Cheeky.....Good luck on catching that egg!!!!
loopy..........Dnt know I just started isoflavones this past Monday and I have been nausous and have had a terrible headache
Afm ladies I get on the bus to go to Texas I will be there till the beginning of December so TTC is on hold till then
needa: praying girl!

ready: are you feeling pretty good then? I feel blessed I didn't have a job to return to after mine. The kids are old enough to not need me 24/7 so I was really able to rest. A little too much I think since I gained like 15 lbs since then! lol! maybe I should get back to work..... hahahaaa


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