Navy- on sites that I looked at the frist day is when you are fully bleeding.
I used the clear blue easy ovulation test for the frist time today and I got my!!! They are so much easier to read. I used it along with my OPK test strip to make sure I reading them right.
Navy- on sites that I looked at the frist day is when you are fully bleeding.
I used the clear blue easy ovulation test for the frist time today and I got my!!! They are so much easier to read. I used it along with my OPK test strip to make sure I reading them right.
Navy- on sites that I looked at the frist day is when you are fully bleeding.
I used the clear blue easy ovulation test for the frist time today and I got my!!! They are so much easier to read. I used it along with my OPK test strip to make sure I reading them right.
Ok I went and had the scan. Sorry it took me so long, but I had my grandson this afternoon and also my business phones were ringing off the hook. So my grandson just left.
Ok so when he did the scan, he saw a corpus lutem on the left which was rather large. (normal which I knew would be) Also he noticed that my uterine lining was pretty thick. Measuring 7 or 8 mm. There was no signs of fluid (blood) or inflammation of the tubes. What he said is that he thinks I am retaining some tissue somewhere. It may be in my tube or in my uterus. He did not want to do a DNC as he thinks that if it is in the tube, a DNC isn't going to do anything. Also he can't rule out an ectopic, but he thinks it's very unlikely. We talked about methatrexate, but I don't want to jump the gun there. That is a pretty harsh medicine and I don't know if I am ready to do that yet. Nor did he really think we should either.
So right now it is a waiting game. He drew blood today and I should get those results tomorrow or Monday. Then he wants me to test again on Wed. and call his office with the results and then we go from there.
He was glad that I am staying on top of this. I don't like that I have to wait, but I am glad that tubes are ok! At least for now.
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts! I will definately keep you posted.
He also said that if I have any severe pain or bleeding or light headed feelings, to go straight to the ER. But I hope and pray I don't have to.
Also while I was in there I asked him about the tube lengths and about the whole conception thing. He said that really doesn't matter. When he does IVF, the embryo is a 3 to 5 day embryo (years ago, it used to be a 2 day embryo) and that it usually "hangs out" until it is good and comfy in there and implants. He said that is is the health of the tube/tubes that matter.
So it made me feel a little better knowing my "theory" was wrong. This was one time I didn't mind being wrong.
I hope everyone is ok andto all!
Good Morning ladies,
So I went by walmart this morning on my way home from work and bought the 3 pack of frer's.I had held my pee for 4 hours at work which is hard for tested and got excited there was 2 lines but the second had no color at all.So I thought I got a bad test and used another with the same sample and the same thing happened.Is this what everyone calls a evap?I don't buy these often and now I have wasted 2.I have used these before and never had this happen.Its just my luck to pick up a crappy box.I feel a little better knowing I used my $2 coupon on them lol ,also took a ic and BFN.So I guess I will test later in the weekend.
Navy,waiting patiently for the test result,lol.Some how I got off work tonight so no sleep for me today I will be stalking you.GL hun!!
Hiya .. does anyone like dexter?
Navy- on sites that I looked at the frist day is when you are fully bleeding.
I used the clear blue easy ovulation test for the frist time today and I got my!!! They are so much easier to read. I used it along with my OPK test strip to make sure I reading them right.
hey girls!!
I'm Bethany29 and ttc after tr...had surgery Feb 16th last year..Had my cycle starting around the 20th and was preggo in march but mc'd on Easter sunday
Then got preggo again in May and mc'd AGAIN in early July...Nothing since then but believing this IS THE month!!!!!
I'm 8DPO and I'm a POASA!!! I just ordered some IC's and as soon as those lil darlings come I'll be getting busy!!!! AF due the praying she doesn't show ugly face for the next year!!!
Any one get BFP's after TR???? Anyone 8DPO and having weird symptoms?!?!?!
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hey girls!!
I'm Bethany29 and ttc after tr...had surgery Feb 16th last year..Had my cycle starting around the 20th and was preggo in march but mc'd on Easter sunday
Then got preggo again in May and mc'd AGAIN in early July...Nothing since then but believing this IS THE month!!!!!
I'm 8DPO and I'm a POASA!!! I just ordered some IC's and as soon as those lil darlings come I'll be getting busy!!!! AF due the praying she doesn't show ugly face for the next year!!!
Any one get BFP's after TR???? Anyone 8DPO and having weird symptoms?!?!?!
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