TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

hey girls!!
I'm Bethany:) 29 and ttc after tr...had surgery Feb 16th last year..Had my cycle starting around the 20th and was preggo in march but mc'd on Easter sunday:( Then got preggo again in May and mc'd AGAIN in early July...Nothing since then but believing this IS THE month!!!!!
I'm 8DPO and I'm a POASA!!! I just ordered some IC's and as soon as those lil darlings come I'll be getting busy!!!! AF due the praying she doesn't show ugly face for the next year!!!
Any one get BFP's after TR???? Anyone 8DPO and having weird symptoms?!?!?!
loads of :dust:

Hey there Bethany. I am Sandi 34 had my TR in April 2009. Had 3 early losses before gettting a sticking bean with my July 2010 cycle. Progestrone dropping to soon was the cause for my mcs. I got my BFP at 10dpo. Now expecting a little boy due April 12. Good luck. FX this is your cycle!:hugs:

So Sandy...yay!!! for you!!!! Was just did you find out that you were MC'ing b/c of the progestrone dropping too soon? I'm wondering if that is what was happening w/ me? Did the doc's do anything to get your sticky bean this pregnancy??
I'm REALLY thinking this is THE month...praying and believing for GOoDness this month!!!! You are due in the month that will bring you to the year mark of your surgery!! That's AWESOME!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Hiya Momma!!!
it IS nice (i guess) to know that I CAN get preggo..but kind of feel like it would be better if I didn' then I could not be sooo obsessed w/ the trying..ya know..?? When we opted for the surgery we agreed that if we DID NOT get preggo I wouldn't be disappointed BUT, since I Have been TWO makes it a lot harder...I'm REALLY hoping and believing and praying that THIS IS THE month...many weird symptoms...wish I would have journaled and charted w/ my 1st 33. I'm racking my brain about what I felt!! LOL

Well, Loads of :dust: to you and thanks to you ALL for welcoming me right into your thread!!!!!
Hiya Momma!!!
it IS nice (i guess) to know that I CAN get preggo..but kind of feel like it would be better if I didn' then I could not be sooo obsessed w/ the trying..ya know..?? When we opted for the surgery we agreed that if we DID NOT get preggo I wouldn't be disappointed BUT, since I Have been TWO makes it a lot harder...I'm REALLY hoping and believing and praying that THIS IS THE month...many weird symptoms...wish I would have journaled and charted w/ my 1st 33. I'm racking my brain about what I felt!! LOL

Well, Loads of :dust: to you and thanks to you ALL for welcoming me right into your thread!!!!!

Yeah I think wheather you have been preggo and mc or have not at all it really makes you obsessed!! I find my life divided into 2 week stretches its really consuming. My husband and I said we were not even going to try we were just going to wait for it to happen on its own but it's soooo hard becasue you dont even know if its possible. The symptom thing is really hard I feel like every pregnancy symptom is also a AF symptom. Good luck :dust:
CD 1 for me,I can't wait for the witch to take a long vacation.

I hope everyone is having a great day!Here is some :dust:for my fellow TR ladies!!
yeah, no af til 10, 11 months or so....I'm tired of dealing w/ her...9DPO and anxious to test!! Want those IC's TO COME NOW....

prayers for our :bfp:
Thanks momma...I'm SERIOUSLY mostly sure i WILL see that :bfP: I'm dying~just wanna POAS!!!!
I've had 5 pregnancies and have KNOWN before the test said yes that I was w. ALL but the last MC...
SO, I'm feeling it...just expect it to last this time!!!!
so, how did you figure out you were low on progestrone? just wondering if I find out different than my intuition if that's something I possibly should look into...and what did they do about it after they found that problem?
Fam: sorry AF found you:hugs: Hopefully you'll be having an October baby:thumbup:

Momma: Dh & I weren't going to "try" either. Just get the reversal and if I get preggo yea! if not, we're still happy. Well, that theme stuck for about 2 weeks:haha: Now it's GAME ON! We would actually love to have SEVERAL more dc:happydance: We know that it is ultimately up to God..and we'll do our part as well.

Tater: :hi: Welcome! Oooh, I hope you get a BFP this cycle! Are you having any symptoms yet?:happydance:

afm, 3 dpo according to FF...dh asked yesterday, "so when can you test?":haha: he's still learning the whole science in the TTC thing. We never "tried" with our other dc so he assumes the same this time. Plus he's an extremely postive person..which helps when I'm not feeling so positive:pop:
Girls I'm real nervous about this clomid business. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm pretty sure I O on my own. I'm doing opks this cycle to confirm and I should know in the next day or so. So do you think it is too much to do 100mg to start with instead of the normal 50? I'm questioning this because it is my general prac. that is giving it to me not a FS or GYN. I think she is just doing whatever she can to help cause she's such a sweetie. I know I'm gonna take baby asprin with it. I just want some input

Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!!! I'm Tally, 32 TR 3/6/10 5cm ea side. HSG 12/10/10 open tubes. Only TTC 2mo so far cause dh is in the Army and deployed. Preparing for our one and only shot for 9 more months in Feb.
Faith HOpe and Love, but the greatest of these iS LOVE!!!! if only we ALL would choose love...
ANywho..thanks for warm welcome!!! It's great to have found this site...not going crazy ALONE!!! YIPEE!!! Thanks, I HOPE i get that :bfp: too!!!!!!!! I've felt like I've been having symptoms from 1DPO..but wonder how much was in my head...but then it was like on and off..which was making me suuuuper crazy..but starting at about 6DPO I woke w/ mild cramping, but left shortly after I was up and around...then starting day 7 and 8DPO VERY nauseated...7DPO was ALL day from a.m. and eased up late evening..8DPO was ehh in a.m. but intensified early evening~there's been a mixture of other "werid" questionable things...One strange thing is my armpit started hurting yesterday...just the R one..weeeeeird...BUT, :( today I Feel totally fine..woke up KNOWING had to eat right away but after i did have been normal..VERY small bouts of cramping off and on....We'll see, I'm trusting in the Creator...but sure would be nice if THIS month is in His plan!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm long winded ALWAYS will be, won't ever be able to say anything in 10words or less LOL
loads and loads of :dust: love, prayers and :hug: to my new TTC fam!!!!!!
Girls I'm real nervous about this clomid business. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm pretty sure I O on my own. I'm doing opks this cycle to confirm and I should know in the next day or so. So do you think it is too much to do 100mg to start with instead of the normal 50? I'm questioning this because it is my general prac. that is giving it to me not a FS or GYN. I think she is just doing whatever she can to help cause she's such a sweetie. I know I'm gonna take baby asprin with it. I just want some input

Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!!! I'm Tally, 32 TR 3/6/10 5cm ea side. HSG 12/10/10 open tubes. Only TTC 2mo so far cause dh is in the Army and deployed. Preparing for our one and only shot for 9 more months in Feb.

Is your dr going to monitor you while on clomid?If so I would say go for it since you don't get to TTC again for awhile.My dr gave it to me,but I am not going to take it until I get a HSG done.FX that you get that BFP!!!
Thanks momma...I'm SERIOUSLY mostly sure i WILL see that :bfP: I'm dying~just wanna POAS!!!!
I've had 5 pregnancies and have KNOWN before the test said yes that I was w. ALL but the last MC...
SO, I'm feeling it...just expect it to last this time!!!!
so, how did you figure out you were low on progestrone? just wondering if I find out different than my intuition if that's something I possibly should look into...and what did they do about it after they found that problem?

Hey hun I had did a lot of research on my own. I could just feel the pregnancy leave my body symptom wise and I just knew something was wrong. I finally found a dr who would listen to me and did some testing all came back ok but we started 500mg of B6, 81mg of baby aspirin and a prenatal vitamin. When I got my BFP at 10dpo he checked my levels and started me on progestrone 200mg 2x daily. It worked.
did you just start the B6, aspirin and prenatal on your own?? Or something that dr prescribed...?? I'm sorry to 20 question you...but very interested in this...SO, wonder if when(if) I get my :bfp: I should bring this to the doc's attention that did my surgery.??let him know that maybe should start progestrone JUST IN CASE....
I was going to start my prenatal today...and although I'm BEING AS POSITIVE as I can..I feel really UNprego today :( OHH Boy...was sooo nauseated the last couple of days and now nosick belly at all..??? ReALLY??? UGH..not out til I'm out, but this was helpful.
I HAVE been experiencing insomnia and was reading on it...lots of reasons y, but one things that caught my attention was the B6, B12 vitamins...said if you're low on one, you're low on the other...Maybe it's something I need to look further into..insomnia is NEW, NEVER happened before EVER...I'm usually a very rested girl LOVE TO SLEEP!!!
Thanks girl...greatly appreciate you chatting w/ me about this!!!
The prenatal I started on my own...most dr say that is a good idea while ttc. My dr put on the B6 which helps with your lp and the baby aspirin just in case there is a clotting issue. I had not a single symptom the month I got mine. The only indication was a elevated bbt. I was also taking my temps that month. There is no harm in asking your dr about it and also in asking them to check your progestrone.
Welcome name is Carole, TL March 2005, TR Jan 2010,MC in May and sticky bean now. Had my faint BFP @ 9DPO. Good luck with your TTC......I hope that with the Dr's advice & the support of us TR ladies, it will help u have a healthy sticky bean.

Fam....So sorry the witch found u, i was hoping for you this cycle.

faith....sending dust your way, hope it's yoru month.

fluter...I wouldn't worry too much about the 100mg,before I got my BFP I begged my Dr for it and he was going to start me at that dose.
Welcome tatertahelon, My name is Dale, 33yrs young. I had my TR on the 21st of october and got my 1st bfp on the 23rd of Dec, mc last week :( . I am very excited to get back on the ttc road again. I hope you get your sticky bean :hugs: You have come to a great place. These ladies are great!

Fam sorry the witch got you doll :hugs:

AFM, back to the doctor tomorrow to have levels checked, hopefully for the last time. I had a busy weekend so it helped to keep my mind off things. I just want to move on and ttc again!! :)

Hello to everyone :)
Thanks Needa and Fam. No she isn't really going to monitor me because I'm not going to be on it for repeated cycles as of yet. It's just a one time gig so she's just throwing me a bone so to speak. I think I'm just gonna take it along with the baby asprin. Use my pre-seed and instead cups and bd whenever we want. I may not even opk. I just don't want this short time he is home consumed with TTC. I want us to enjoy eachother and BUT I do hope to get a BFP out of it hehehe
thanks girls!!!!! I'm having tears RIGHT boys are outside sled sliding and I'm here, being emotional all over myself..I was POSITIVE THIS was THE month when I woke up this a.m. and now here we are 4:30 and I'm nearly positive It's not...I can't even take this anymore...I KNOW I can get least enough to lose the babies, so why can't I get preg to carry one..I don't know,,,,yes I AM freaking out and only 10DPO..but I feel sooooo fine can 1 day be so sickly and icky and a day like today I'm SOOOO fine??? I don't wanna be so fine...Oh, I'm crazy....
just feels like the preg feeling shut off....if it's my brain willing it to be, then it wouldn't just stop....b/c I wanted to be prego 5 days ago, 3 days ago, yesterday and STILL today..IDK, I'm sorry, I just really needed to release..
I don't wanna break down to DH...
Thanks for listening mama's!!!
Fluter that sounds like a great plan. What cd is she having you take the clomid? And its ok to take even if you O on your own it just helps those eggs mature and a stronger lh surge to ensure a stonger O if that makes sense. LOL

Tater I know I didn't have any symptoms at all when I gt my BFP and I don't think needafriend did either...they all kicked in about 6 weeks.

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