TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Well, then i'd have to say I'm due..It will be a year since my surgery on Feb. 16th...I've BEEN preggo 2 x/s now..just haven't stuck...WAS really counting on this being the month..but attitude and feeling has changed since this morning...DH is pisssssssssssing me OFF>....arrrrrggg. I wanna cry, wait, i DID cry...I wanna freak out, wait I DID freak out..I just wanna POAS and they aren't here yet:(
I'm going to call dr right away ~maybe even tomorrow just for kicks,..if ends up I get my bfp I'll have fun canceling the appt!!!
Thanks girl!!!!
you sweet!!!
i have tried and CANNOT read through the zillion pages on this thread,,can u will u tell me your story-i "needafriend!!?!?!?!?
Girls I'm real nervous about this clomid business. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm pretty sure I O on my own. I'm doing opks this cycle to confirm and I should know in the next day or so. So do you think it is too much to do 100mg to start with instead of the normal 50? I'm questioning this because it is my general prac. that is giving it to me not a FS or GYN. I think she is just doing whatever she can to help cause she's such a sweetie. I know I'm gonna take baby asprin with it. I just want some input

Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!!! I'm Tally, 32 TR 3/6/10 5cm ea side. HSG 12/10/10 open tubes. Only TTC 2mo so far cause dh is in the Army and deployed. Preparing for our one and only shot for 9 more months in Feb.[/QUOT

I'm sure the other ladies has already answered your question, I just wanted to wish you good luck!!

Hey hun just wanted to let you know that OPKS do NOT confirm Ovulation. THey can just comfirm you get the lh surge but if that surge is not stong enough you will not ovulate. The only way to know for sure when and if your are ovulating is by doing your temps. You will have a temp spike after O and yes opks are a good indicator that O is near that can't confirm that you have so by doing both you will know for sure what your body is doing.

Tater with the 2mcs your dr may be hesitant to do a hsg as they will say the pregnancies are proof your tubes are open. How far where you in the pregnancy before the mc? I had 2 chemicals prior to my hsg and the only reason my dr agreed to do mine was because apparently those can happen even with your tubes blocked. Good luck
Tater im semi new to this whole thing and have learned alot from these ladies :) my dr. is not very informative either but you just have to be pushy and ask questions. This is my 4th month trying and I have yet to get my BFP and I know how much of an emotional roller coaster this is some days I really have to force my self to take a shower and function I feel like im just waiting all the time waiting to try waiting to find out waiting for af to go away. Hang in there it's going to happen its just the length of the journey that is untold. Keep positive :)
Fam: sorry AF found you:hugs: Hopefully you'll be having an October baby:thumbup:

Momma: Dh & I weren't going to "try" either. Just get the reversal and if I get preggo yea! if not, we're still happy. Well, that theme stuck for about 2 weeks:haha: Now it's GAME ON! We would actually love to have SEVERAL more dc:happydance: We know that it is ultimately up to God..and we'll do our part as well.

Tater: :hi: Welcome! Oooh, I hope you get a BFP this cycle! Are you having any symptoms yet?:happydance:

afm, 3 dpo according to FF...dh asked yesterday, "so when can you test?":haha: he's still learning the whole science in the TTC thing. We never "tried" with our other dc so he assumes the same this time. Plus he's an extremely postive person..which helps when I'm not feeling so positive:pop:
FAithe I see you had your TR the month after me so your fairly new here too, have you had any bfp yet? I hope this is our month!!!!! Im not playing around anymore lol the last 3 months I tried just not as hard as im going to this month:) GOOd luck to you :dust:tons of just to all the TR ladies
I was told that as well by my TR DR about opk's....but I was having the surge every month and used them. He told me to forget about them and BBT. To each their own...and whatever wrks.
thanks momma!!!
It's amazing to me how crazy and crappy I seem to be through this..I mean, c'mon, it's not like I DON'T have ANYTHING to be thankful and grateful's totally opposite, I have zillions of things to get on my knees before our Creator and give much thanks and praise...I DO NOT know what has taken over my like WHOLE's just amazing to ME that I'm focusing on what I don't have rather than what I DO have and I REALLY REALLY really need to cut it out...
THanks for your encouragement. I need to get positive to help those that truly ARE less fortunate than me..just SUX that I THOUGHT I knew best and decided to go against my body and chose to get fixed
love and thanks and loads of :dust:
i have tried and CANNOT read through the zillion pages on this thread,,can u will u tell me your story-i "needafriend!!?!?!?!?

TL done after 3rd section in 2005 ---cut and coagulated. Divorced, remarried June 2009 to a great man with no kids. TR in Jan 2010, Dr said tube lengths were good. HSG done in April 2010, got pg, early mc in may. Was unable to TTC for a month due to lack of period and family was ill so I was out of town. Got a BFP in Aug 2010. Had some minor bleeding early due to a subchoromic hematoma but it has since absorbed and I am sure I had them with 2 of my other pg's but I had a gush of blood.
I have a great Dr here in Edmonton, he is pretty old and only works part time. He did my reversal, is my baby Dr for the pg and will also be doing the seciton April 1 and the circusisum as he is a boy. This will be my fourth son....I turned 37 in Oct 2010. I used opk's as I was able to see a surge, I had great CM prior to the surge, I did BBT faithfully the month I concieved. Dr also put me on a high dose of vitamin D3..1000iui daily. We used preseed lube all the time when TTC as well as legs in the air-bum on a pillow for 20 mins after intercourse. (I have a major retroverted uterus)
Hope that
thanks NEEDA
It's nice to hear someone elses story that HAS gotten thd BFP..I've seen them, but no sticky beans, all losses:(
I really think I need to get to the doc and have that HSG...and also see what he advises about baby aspirin, b6 etc I just don't feel confident starting any or all of that on my own..don't wanna do it blindly...
Also, am concerned about the COST of HSG. I have read that girl paid like $930, $3100 for TR and We had to take a loan out for almost $11,000 for the TR itself and wonder how much more should we/do we invest into this...IVF is out for several reasons, but I wanna do what I can, but our ins didn't pay a cent for TR and I doubt will for the HSG...I just don't know what to do...???? I am tired of disappointments though:( DH is sooo relaxed..he's all like, lets just let it happen...well, we got pregger w/ our 1st son 2gether only 5 mo after dating and NOT ttc, then got married and was preggers AGAIN 2wks after wedding WHILE USING a CONDOM...go figure...
I've used preseed, but seem to have plenty of my own CM..not sure what's happening..AM bound and determine to BBT this month though!
thanks for your story horray for stick boy bean!! I love boys!!!
thanks NEEDA
It's nice to hear someone elses story that HAS gotten thd BFP..I've seen them, but no sticky beans, all losses:(
I really think I need to get to the doc and have that HSG...and also see what he advises about baby aspirin, b6 etc I just don't feel confident starting any or all of that on my own..don't wanna do it blindly...
Also, am concerned about the COST of HSG. I have read that girl paid like $930, $3100 for TR and We had to take a loan out for almost $11,000 for the TR itself and wonder how much more should we/do we invest into this...IVF is out for several reasons, but I wanna do what I can, but our ins didn't pay a cent for TR and I doubt will for the HSG...I just don't know what to do...???? I am tired of disappointments though:( DH is sooo relaxed..he's all like, lets just let it happen...well, we got pregger w/ our 1st son 2gether only 5 mo after dating and NOT ttc, then got married and was preggers AGAIN 2wks after wedding WHILE USING a CONDOM...go figure...
I've used preseed, but seem to have plenty of my own CM..not sure what's happening..AM bound and determine to BBT this month though!
thanks for your story horray for stick boy bean!! I love boys!!!

:hugs:I also did not think my ins would cover the hsg.I have ins thru my work and DH's but when I called they said they cover very little fertlity treatment.So I thought well that sux.They do however cover all testing and said hsg and sa were covered so it is a worth a try if not you are only wasting a phone call.It could just be taking a little longer for you than some.Stay strong and I hope you get that BFP soon.I have noticed too that TR prices vary.I think it depends on how far you are willing to travel.
Hey guys! I'm so glad to have found an active board for post-TR TTC! I had my TR on 12/27 and am currently waiting to TTC. I have my post-op this week and will see what the doctor says. But I'm hoping we will get the OK for my Feb cycle- I should O around the 25th.

So nice to read the stories! Does anybody know how many successes there have been since the board started last May?
Well we have had no delieviries yet but Needafriend and I are due within days of eachother. So 2 babies will be born in April.
Fam: sorry AF found you:hugs: Hopefully you'll be having an October baby:thumbup:

Momma: Dh & I weren't going to "try" either. Just get the reversal and if I get preggo yea! if not, we're still happy. Well, that theme stuck for about 2 weeks:haha: Now it's GAME ON! We would actually love to have SEVERAL more dc:happydance: We know that it is ultimately up to God..and we'll do our part as well.

Tater: :hi: Welcome! Oooh, I hope you get a BFP this cycle! Are you having any symptoms yet?:happydance:

afm, 3 dpo according to FF...dh asked yesterday, "so when can you test?":haha: he's still learning the whole science in the TTC thing. We never "tried" with our other dc so he assumes the same this time. Plus he's an extremely postive person..which helps when I'm not feeling so positive:pop:
FAithe I see you had your TR the month after me so your fairly new here too, have you had any bfp yet? I hope this is our month!!!!! Im not playing around anymore lol the last 3 months I tried just not as hard as im going to this month:) GOOd luck to you :dust:tons of just to all the TR ladies

Hi Momma! Yep, I'm pretty new to this TTC thing. No BFPs yet. This is our 2nd month of trying. Last month the only "help" I used was opks. However, I quit using them after CD 15...thinking I either o'd early or wasn't going to at all that month! What I didn't realize it that you can O later :dohh: Also, AF came for a visit 2 days early. NOW, on to month #2, I've been temping, using pre-seed (didn't actually insert as I had plenty of CM this cycle) and opks. I actually got a + opk this month! I didn't O until CD 17...which probably happened last month too, just didn't know it! so now I'm 4dpo :happydance: ...unfortunately, I've caught dh's cold :sad1: I have a really runny nose and headache...i hate to take anything for it..just in case

Anyway, I HOPE THIS IS OUR MONTH:happydance: What new things are you going to try this cycle?
DASH-Congrats on your TR you will find being part of this thread to be so great! THe woman here are sweet, informative, and its so helpfull to have woman that are in the same boat to talk to. Im so happy to have found this thread it really makes a great difference in my well being. Where did you get your TR done? I had mine done locally and I was told to wait 3 months before trying but I did'nt listen I have been trying ever since my first period after the TR. Good luck
Fam: sorry AF found you:hugs: Hopefully you'll be having an October baby:thumbup:

Momma: Dh & I weren't going to "try" either. Just get the reversal and if I get preggo yea! if not, we're still happy. Well, that theme stuck for about 2 weeks:haha: Now it's GAME ON! We would actually love to have SEVERAL more dc:happydance: We know that it is ultimately up to God..and we'll do our part as well.

Tater: :hi: Welcome! Oooh, I hope you get a BFP this cycle! Are you having any symptoms yet?:happydance:

afm, 3 dpo according to FF...dh asked yesterday, "so when can you test?":haha: he's still learning the whole science in the TTC thing. We never "tried" with our other dc so he assumes the same this time. Plus he's an extremely postive person..which helps when I'm not feeling so positive:pop:
FAithe I see you had your TR the month after me so your fairly new here too, have you had any bfp yet? I hope this is our month!!!!! Im not playing around anymore lol the last 3 months I tried just not as hard as im going to this month:) GOOd luck to you :dust:tons of just to all the TR ladies

Hi Momma! Yep, I'm pretty new to this TTC thing. No BFPs yet. This is our 2nd month of trying. Last month the only "help" I used was opks. However, I quit using them after CD 15...thinking I either o'd early or wasn't going to at all that month! What I didn't realize it that you can O later :dohh: Also, AF came for a visit 2 days early. NOW, on to month #2, I've been temping, using pre-seed (didn't actually insert as I had plenty of CM this cycle) and opks. I actually got a + opk this month! I didn't O until CD 17...which probably happened last month too, just didn't know it! so now I'm 4dpo :happydance: ...unfortunately, I've caught dh's cold :sad1: I have a really runny nose and headache...i hate to take anything for it..just in case

Anyway, I HOPE THIS IS OUR MONTH:happydance: What new things are you going to try this cycle?

FX crossed you caught that egg:thumbup: I have'nt been as serious as other woman on here seem to be I did do the opk last month but as soon as I got the double line I stopped testing and just Bd that day. I did order the pre seed it still has not come yet so im sure I wont be able to use it this month I figure starting today Im just going to BD everyday until sunday lol that this months method. Im so lost when it comes to tracking temps and stuff like that I dont know what a spike means or a drop and really it seems overwhelming to me. I find myself very obsessed wtih this whol process and if I temp and opk I think I will be even more obsessed. hopefully we dont have to try again after this month then I wont have to worry about temping but if I dont conceive this month I will look into it.SO anyway wow! o on day 17 I can see how you probably missed it last month. Im still semi + this month because I could have missed mine the last 3 months as well.:dust:truck loads of dust to you hope your another success story for us TR ladies ps: sorry I write so much and often im a sahm and obssesed lol
Hi Dash! Hi Tater! Dash, congrats on your TR! I wish you both babydust!

Hello and babydust to the rest of the ladies!

I am 11dpo today...Usually at 10dpo, I am already having cramps and a backache...but nothing yesterday or today...not that it means it won't start anytime...because I just don't FEEL preggers.

I am going to make myself test tomorrow...just scared I will see negative...again...but it's ok if it is, I guess....I have until May before I have to go back for an whether or not this month...I will just keep plugging away, LOL. And I do have to say, I am intrigued by the whole baking soda thing. If this is not my month, I will try that in addition to everything else I have been doing...and I really pulled out all the stops this month... perseverance, eh?

I saw that one of the girls a while back said that they were sipping on Robitussin... I took Mucinex up until I knew I the pill form...much more palatable...
A few question- what does FX mean? And frer? Been on a few boards and have never seen those ones!

Reedsgirl- Congrats! Very exciting!

MommaX3- I had mine done locally, at a place called GYFT.

The doc previously told me 3 months, but that we will discuss it more based on my healing at the post-op. If I try during my Feb cycle it will be just over 2 months...but i feel pretty comfortable with that. My healing has gone great- the only sensitivity I have left is topical, my skin feels stretched and mad and aches.
Fam: sorry AF found you:hugs: Hopefully you'll be having an October baby:thumbup:

Momma: Dh & I weren't going to "try" either. Just get the reversal and if I get preggo yea! if not, we're still happy. Well, that theme stuck for about 2 weeks:haha: Now it's GAME ON! We would actually love to have SEVERAL more dc:happydance: We know that it is ultimately up to God..and we'll do our part as well.

Tater: :hi: Welcome! Oooh, I hope you get a BFP this cycle! Are you having any symptoms yet?:happydance:

afm, 3 dpo according to FF...dh asked yesterday, "so when can you test?":haha: he's still learning the whole science in the TTC thing. We never "tried" with our other dc so he assumes the same this time. Plus he's an extremely postive person..which helps when I'm not feeling so positive:pop:
FAithe I see you had your TR the month after me so your fairly new here too, have you had any bfp yet? I hope this is our month!!!!! Im not playing around anymore lol the last 3 months I tried just not as hard as im going to this month:) GOOd luck to you :dust:tons of just to all the TR ladies

Hi Momma! Yep, I'm pretty new to this TTC thing. No BFPs yet. This is our 2nd month of trying. Last month the only "help" I used was opks. However, I quit using them after CD 15...thinking I either o'd early or wasn't going to at all that month! What I didn't realize it that you can O later :dohh: Also, AF came for a visit 2 days early. NOW, on to month #2, I've been temping, using pre-seed (didn't actually insert as I had plenty of CM this cycle) and opks. I actually got a + opk this month! I didn't O until CD 17...which probably happened last month too, just didn't know it! so now I'm 4dpo :happydance: ...unfortunately, I've caught dh's cold :sad1: I have a really runny nose and headache...i hate to take anything for it..just in case

Anyway, I HOPE THIS IS OUR MONTH:happydance: What new things are you going to try this cycle?

FX crossed you caught that egg:thumbup: I have'nt been as serious as other woman on here seem to be I did do the opk last month but as soon as I got the double line I stopped testing and just Bd that day. I did order the pre seed it still has not come yet so im sure I wont be able to use it this month I figure starting today Im just going to BD everyday until sunday lol that this months method. Im so lost when it comes to tracking temps and stuff like that I dont know what a spike means or a drop and really it seems overwhelming to me. I find myself very obsessed wtih this whol process and if I temp and opk I think I will be even more obsessed. hopefully we dont have to try again after this month then I wont have to worry about temping but if I dont conceive this month I will look into it.SO anyway wow! o on day 17 I can see how you probably missed it last month. Im still semi + this month because I could have missed mine the last 3 months as well.:dust:truck loads of dust to you hope your another success story for us TR ladies ps: sorry I write so much and often im a sahm and obssesed lol

Hey, you should chart online with It takes the guesswork out of temping and makes it super easy...they also give you lots of tips, etc. I use it. I temp, I take opks (I use ClearBlue Easy Digital...also takes the guesswork out), I take Mucinex up until I know I have ovulated, then I take 81mg of aspirin every day after ovulation up until AF...I also keep a journal of all symptoms just so I know month to month what is normal or what isn't...what is truly new, etc...and I think that is all I do...other than elevate my hips after BD... I try to stay there as LONG as possible, but at the very minimum, 30 minutes...

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