TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

tater when I said "shot" I meant chance. My husband is in the Army and is currently deployed to Iraq. He will get to come home in Feb and it is supposed to be during my fertile period.

I know some may have answered you about the hsg question but I'm going to just in case cause I prob wont get a chance to read through all the post from today. I had mine done on 12/10/10. My TR surgeon suggested getting it done 2 mo post op I just didn't have the opportunity due to my life craziness. Anywho I was able to get it done. It wasn't that bad at all for me. I cramped a little afterward but nothing major. Some ladies have said it hurts. Most of the ladies that said that had a blockage and sometimes this HSG can remove that blockage. They say you are more fertile for up to 3 mo after. I will be on my 2nd cycle when DH gets home. I would highly recommend you have this done. It puts your mind at ease and it could clear some things up for you.

I belonged to a forum for the place where I went to have my surgery (cause I went to MX) for 9 month before I even went to have my TR. I still belong to it to this day. This is where I learned soooo much information.

I hope this helped you out a little. Ask away.

Thanks Girl!!I actually DID make the appt today for lots of Q's and to discuss the's NExt fri the 21st..I came to my breaking point today and figured going to see the doc is pretty much only thing going to make me feel better..DH was TOTALLY on board,which made me have tears..and so yeah, phew, I DO feel lots better...The doc office did tell me that HSG isn't necessarily a fertility or infertility issue, so most likely ins WILL cover it, or at least something:) YAY!! I have HUGE pain tolerance~so I'm really not that worried about THAT part at all..just want SOMETHING figured out!!! Thanks for your patience and all your info ..super duper appreciate ya!!!!
I'm praying and hoping and x'n everything for ya, for THIS cycle girl!!!!
loads of :dust: to ya!!!! Keep us posted:) :) :) :)
fx'd for ya Super!!!!! Looking real forward to hearing about that bfp!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!
I POAS again tonight negatory...but now my moods all up up up b/c I made that appt w/ doc!!!

Routing for all my TR girls!!!!!!!!
holy canoli, my bb's are KILLING me..I NEVER EVER noticed this b4 AF b4's making me nutso...haha, what doesn't..? BUT seriously ..this is CA razy...I got my IC's~tested 2x's def neg and def thinking I'm feeling af coming on, but wowza, my bb's...anyone else's af closing in and having treeemendous bb pain?!?! this is pretty darn near all of a sudden too..for a couple of days now my R armpits been sore, then today my L started w/ that same feeling, but not it's right behind my nips...Ugh, I just wanna hold them..
I have insomnia, I know, I'm talking to myself!
lots and lots of:dust:
HOLY COW!!! last time i was on which was today cuz i wrote in my TTC journal .....but actually checking in with the group we were at page 395 or we are at 407(I have alot of reading to do!!) LOL
nothing much to report....this is CD4 and af was in town for 2 days and very light and spotty,not normal for me but i'll take so i can go on to a new cycle!!
DH did make me laugh tonight though....we went and visited our friends that just had their baby on Sunday afternoon....Dh held baby Dillion and fell in love with the little tike:) well as we were walking back to the car he looks at me tells me he loves me and that he has baby fever!!! LMAO
DH says we need to put more effort into making another baby(i'm not sure how much more he wants us to do cuz we do it all right now!!)....I was rolling cuz the look on is face is so serious and determine :) and then at home DH says he is going to have a "talk" with is swimmers and give them strict orders to follow....:haha: I can't help but laugh ladies it's just too cute and funny!!!
Sad part is that this month will be a bust for us cuz DH is leaving this week for 3 weeks,so hopefully Feb. will be our lucky month.
Ahhh...just as I thought. A negative test this morning. Bummer.

I will just have to try again...looks like I will be trying that baking soda thing after all....
Navy that is too funny at least you and your husband can make lite of some stressfull situations sounds like a great relationship god will surly bless you :)
Sag im so sorry but your not out until the witch comes :)
Tater I feel ya im crazy too when it comes to this stuff sometimes I live on the computer looking up stuff or reading others stories, The dr. will def. ease your mind
:flower: is baking soda the same as bicarbonate of soda :wacko: or bking powder?? we have both inthe uk.. and they both contain some bicarbonate of soda, though the baking powder is a raising agent.. I seem to have lost track of things on here too... :blush::blush:
HOLY COW!!! last time i was on which was today cuz i wrote in my TTC journal .....but actually checking in with the group we were at page 395 or we are at 407(I have alot of reading to do!!) LOL
nothing much to report....this is CD4 and af was in town for 2 days and very light and spotty,not normal for me but i'll take so i can go on to a new cycle!!
DH did make me laugh tonight though....we went and visited our friends that just had their baby on Sunday afternoon....Dh held baby Dillion and fell in love with the little tike:) well as we were walking back to the car he looks at me tells me he loves me and that he has baby fever!!! LMAO
DH says we need to put more effort into making another baby(i'm not sure how much more he wants us to do cuz we do it all right now!!)....I was rolling cuz the look on is face is so serious and determine :) and then at home DH says he is going to have a "talk" with is swimmers and give them strict orders to follow....:haha: I can't help but laugh ladies it's just too cute and funny!!!
Sad part is that this month will be a bust for us cuz DH is leaving this week for 3 weeks,so hopefully Feb. will be our lucky month.

I hope so too Navy x
awww saga:( bummer:( when is AF due?
I took a test this a.m. too and was also :bfn: OH well, looking forward to a newly devised plan for this up coming you BBT/chart?
Keep us posted if anything changes!!!!!
that's funny Navy!!
yeah, really, like how much more effort?!?! HAHA, I didn't realize this was all sooo much stinking work..I mean, this cycle I'm going this route: SMEP, BBT/Charting and Robi, I'm wondering how much time that's really going to consume, plus ya gotta add the time in the bedroom ;)
it's crazy b/c I've NEVER "tried" before and it just happened...
God WILL bless us!! He KNOWS the desires of our hearts, just doesn't happen to always fulfill them in OUR's not easy, that's for sure but how much greater will it all be after we've tried so hard!?!?!
fx'd for ya in Feb Navy~keep us posted on that talk he has w/ his:spermy: lol!!!
howdy momma!!!
think, no, i know DH is getting tired of me living on the puter...BUT, up side is I've learned SOOO much..I'm a real simple human, so my insomniac nights of reading have actually given my brain overload:wacko:
everyone's opinions/sites vary, and I already confuse EaSiLy:dohh:
but certainly have gained LOTS of info...
I would NEVER have thought I needed a visit to the doc if it wasn't for this site, and this thread in that I've come to find out about HSG my hopes are sooo much higher than 2 days ago..

fx'd and prayers for all my TR girls!!!
:dust: :dust: and more :dust:
awww saga:( bummer:( when is AF due?
I took a test this a.m. too and was also :bfn: OH well, looking forward to a newly devised plan for this up coming you BBT/chart?
Keep us posted if anything changes!!!!!

It's due on Friday, but I am cramping and spotting today, which is weird. The only time I EVER spot before AF is the day the spotting kind of surprised me. I ALWAYS have a 14 day luteal matter when I start cramping, etc...but to me, it seems like AF is coming early with these symptoms? Weird. And with EVERY AF, I have a low backache, but not this time. I don't think I am pregnant though....I really think AF is coming. I just think my body is adjusting to "running normally" again after TR. I just wish it would regulate so I would know what is normal and what isn't...

Oh and I am 12dpo today
I'm sorry, I'm sure you said, when was TR?
Yeah, things do seem abnormal this time huh?! hopefully IF af even does come ;)
you'll be back to regulated from this cycle!!!

it's sooo frustrating when it all seems a guessing game...
awww, honey...keep you chin up !!!!
fx'd for you girl
awww saga:( bummer:( when is AF due?
I took a test this a.m. too and was also :bfn: OH well, looking forward to a newly devised plan for this up coming you BBT/chart?
Keep us posted if anything changes!!!!!

And yep, I do BBT charting. My temps have not yet dropped below the coverline...but I suspect they will tomorrow. They haven't risen either...they've been the exact same for the past two I really think they will drop and AF is coming...
I'm sorry, I'm sure you said, when was TR?
Yeah, things do seem abnormal this time huh?! hopefully IF af even does come ;)
you'll be back to regulated from this cycle!!!

it's sooo frustrating when it all seems a guessing game...
awww, honey...keep you chin up !!!!
fx'd for you girl

Thanks so much! I had my TR on October 15, 2010. My doctor told me to start trying right away...but honestly, I had no business trying that first cycle after surgery. I had surgery on the 15th, AF came on the 22nd...a whole week early....from the trauma of the surgery, I guess...and that was the most horrific cycle ever. I cramped the entire month!!! But, even though it showed up early that month, I ovulated just like I normally do (on day 13 or 14) and then had a 14 day luteal phase. SOOOOO....even though I have officially been trying for 3 cycles now (this is the third and this AF will begin the 4th) I really think I should only count 2 cycles TTC because the first one was just not normal and I think I had no real chance of conception that month. So, if I count that way...this cycle coming up will really be #3 and I shouldn't be too'll just take some time.

I guess the two most frustrating things for me are (a) when I wasn't trying before my TL (TL in 7/2004), I got pregnant twice, which resulted in my eldest daughter and my younger son and daughter, whom are happened so easily and now that I WANT it to's taking its sweet time....grrr....and (b) I am remarried...which is why I had the TR. My DH has never had children. I am 35 (will be 36 next month) and he is 41. The scary thing that keeps popping into my mind is...will be be ABLE to conceive together??? I know we will and that I should stay positive....but the only thing that will make me feel better is a BFP...ya know?
Girls I'm real nervous about this clomid business. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm pretty sure I O on my own. I'm doing opks this cycle to confirm and I should know in the next day or so. So do you think it is too much to do 100mg to start with instead of the normal 50? I'm questioning this because it is my general prac. that is giving it to me not a FS or GYN. I think she is just doing whatever she can to help cause she's such a sweetie. I know I'm gonna take baby asprin with it. I just want some input

Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!!! I'm Tally, 32 TR 3/6/10 5cm ea side. HSG 12/10/10 open tubes. Only TTC 2mo so far cause dh is in the Army and deployed. Preparing for our one and only shot for 9 more months in Feb.[/QUOT

I'm sure the other ladies has already answered your question, I just wanted to wish you good luck!!

Hey hun just wanted to let you know that OPKS do NOT confirm Ovulation. THey can just comfirm you get the lh surge but if that surge is not stong enough you will not ovulate. The only way to know for sure when and if your are ovulating is by doing your temps. You will have a temp spike after O and yes opks are a good indicator that O is near that can't confirm that you have so by doing both you will know for sure what your body is doing.

Tater with the 2mcs your dr may be hesitant to do a hsg as they will say the pregnancies are proof your tubes are open. How far where you in the pregnancy before the mc? I had 2 chemicals prior to my hsg and the only reason my dr agreed to do mine was because apparently those can happen even with your tubes blocked. Good luck

Really? You can have a chemical even if your tubes are blocked? Well, ain't that a bummer! I just had a few faint positives which turned into a chemical pregnancy. :cry: I was hoping that meant my tubes ain't scarring back up. I had my surgery on Nov. 19 last year and this was my first month of TTC.

Anyways.....hey to all the new TR ladies! I post more in the other TR thread, but it's good to see so many women along the same journey as me. I'm 34, DH 36 (married almost 13 yrs.), DS 11, and DD 13 (who is also a very good artist just look at my avatar) and like I said before I just started TTC last month, but just found out I M/C. Onto cycle #2 now. I had my TR done by Dr. Rogers in JAckson, TN for $5000 (travel included). I'm in college and husband is a subcontractor so I don't have insurance when I want to get the HSG done I will have to pay for it. I have heard its about $600 or less where I live though.
jasmine: I saw Dr. Rogers too. I had a wonderful experience!

hello to everyone new! looking forward to getting to know you!

I haven't gone back and read everything yet, but I will get around to it. I hope all is well with everybody!

Cd 10 for me today if I count the first day of bleeding as Cd 1. I don't know how normal this cycle will be. Last time I had a really short luteal phase the first cycle after mc like 9 days. I hope this is a normal cycle. I am going to go ahead and ttc this cycle. I had a long chat with God and I know I just need to have faith and put my trust in Him that his judgement is right. All I can do is take care of myself and have well timed bding. The rest is out of my hands! So we will try. I am already having some O type pain again on both sides although it is alternating, not hurting at the same time this time. It was so awful when everything would just throb and ache at once! I had pain for a few days before Oing this past cycle too though so... will start bding right away and hopefully this will be the last cycle!

I did the baking soda thing just to test it out yesterday and seriously in about an hour I had so much cm! I think I'll be trying it again once O is a bit nearer!

In non ttc news: my husbands grandfather is very very sick. His kindeys are failing and he is refusing medical care at this point. They gave him 6 weeks best case scenario. We are going to go up with the kids on saturday to see him one last time. So sad. His grandma died 2 years ago and that was hard on him. I'm praying he goes peacefully and not in pain.

can anyone tell me if eggwhite like cm means your starting to o? I think I read that or something like that somewhere. thanks :)
Girls I'm real nervous about this clomid business. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm pretty sure I O on my own. I'm doing opks this cycle to confirm and I should know in the next day or so. So do you think it is too much to do 100mg to start with instead of the normal 50? I'm questioning this because it is my general prac. that is giving it to me not a FS or GYN. I think she is just doing whatever she can to help cause she's such a sweetie. I know I'm gonna take baby asprin with it. I just want some input

Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!!! I'm Tally, 32 TR 3/6/10 5cm ea side. HSG 12/10/10 open tubes. Only TTC 2mo so far cause dh is in the Army and deployed. Preparing for our one and only shot for 9 more months in Feb.[/QUOT

I'm sure the other ladies has already answered your question, I just wanted to wish you good luck!!

Hey hun just wanted to let you know that OPKS do NOT confirm Ovulation. THey can just comfirm you get the lh surge but if that surge is not stong enough you will not ovulate. The only way to know for sure when and if your are ovulating is by doing your temps. You will have a temp spike after O and yes opks are a good indicator that O is near that can't confirm that you have so by doing both you will know for sure what your body is doing.

Tater with the 2mcs your dr may be hesitant to do a hsg as they will say the pregnancies are proof your tubes are open. How far where you in the pregnancy before the mc? I had 2 chemicals prior to my hsg and the only reason my dr agreed to do mine was because apparently those can happen even with your tubes blocked. Good luck

Really? You can have a chemical even if your tubes are blocked? Well, ain't that a bummer! I just had a few faint positives which turned into a chemical pregnancy. :cry: I was hoping that meant my tubes ain't scarring back up. I had my surgery on Nov. 19 last year and this was my first month of TTC.

Anyways.....hey to all the new TR ladies! I post more in the other TR thread, but it's good to see so many women along the same journey as me. I'm 34, DH 36 (married almost 13 yrs.), DS 11, and DD 13 (who is also a very good artist just look at my avatar) and like I said before I just started TTC last month, but just found out I M/C. Onto cycle #2 now. I had my TR done by Dr. Rogers in JAckson, TN for $5000 (travel included). I'm in college and husband is a subcontractor so I don't have insurance when I want to get the HSG done I will have to pay for it. I have heard its about $600 or less where I live though.

Wow Jasmine,That is great work your DD did,love it!!I would say you do have a artist on your hands.GL on cycle#2!!:flower:

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