TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

sooo, saga, talk to me about it pill? i've been reading about the Robi b/c I'm going to start it this cycle..but was reading that pill form isn't as effective...? that's why I'm asking... and what's the baking soda??? You do b.soda hand in hand w/ robi or mucinex or is it used alone?
learning something EVERYDAY!!!
I'm w/ya why when some of us do have children want more..? and sometimes I think i'm crazy, but since my 1st lil fella past and I've been blessed w/ the 2 I have I'm able to see what a HUGE wonderful awesome fruitful blessing it actually is to have children...I think some people that "don't" like kids look at children in a very distorted, untrue view...AND, ppl like that tend to forget that they once we're little used to make me crazy, but that's all changed and I can't seem to have enough lil ones around me..they are the blessing and joy of life!!!!(if you ask me!!) maybe that wasn't related much to what you were saying, but it all just came out...that's why I love my tr girls..ya'll don't care and will STILL listen~even if I make no sense or an all over the place...
sooo, saga, talk to me about it pill? i've been reading about the Robi b/c I'm going to start it this cycle..but was reading that pill form isn't as effective...? that's why I'm asking... and what's the baking soda??? You do b.soda hand in hand w/ robi or mucinex or is it used alone?
learning something EVERYDAY!!!

I take the pill form...400 mg's every 4 hours...the baking soda is something I have never tried but will if this is not my month...from what I understand, you use it when you have a positive OPK and it should not be used more than once a cycle...
I'm w/ya why when some of us do have children want more..? and sometimes I think i'm crazy, but since my 1st lil fella past and I've been blessed w/ the 2 I have I'm able to see what a HUGE wonderful awesome fruitful blessing it actually is to have children...I think some people that "don't" like kids look at children in a very distorted, untrue view...AND, ppl like that tend to forget that they once we're little used to make me crazy, but that's all changed and I can't seem to have enough lil ones around me..they are the blessing and joy of life!!!!(if you ask me!!) maybe that wasn't related much to what you were saying, but it all just came out...that's why I love my tr girls..ya'll don't care and will STILL listen~even if I make no sense or an all over the place...

Oh tater im so sorry to hear that about:hugs: your lil boy I really cant even imagine. was it something that was sudden or did you know you would only have him for a short precious period of time? :( On a different note im in my fertile period just sterted the egg white cm today and pretty sure I ovulate around the 12th 13th or maybe 14th so im on top of it the next few days :)
sooo, saga, talk to me about it pill? i've been reading about the Robi b/c I'm going to start it this cycle..but was reading that pill form isn't as effective...? that's why I'm asking... and what's the baking soda??? You do b.soda hand in hand w/ robi or mucinex or is it used alone?
learning something EVERYDAY!!!

I take the pill form...400 mg's every 4 hours...the baking soda is something I have never tried but will if this is not my month...from what I understand, you use it when you have a positive OPK and it should not be used more than once a cycle...

do you drink it??
I'm w/ya why when some of us do have children want more..? and sometimes I think i'm crazy, but since my 1st lil fella past and I've been blessed w/ the 2 I have I'm able to see what a HUGE wonderful awesome fruitful blessing it actually is to have children...I think some people that "don't" like kids look at children in a very distorted, untrue view...AND, ppl like that tend to forget that they once we're little used to make me crazy, but that's all changed and I can't seem to have enough lil ones around me..they are the blessing and joy of life!!!!(if you ask me!!) maybe that wasn't related much to what you were saying, but it all just came out...that's why I love my tr girls..ya'll don't care and will STILL listen~even if I make no sense or an all over the place...

Oh tater im so sorry to hear that about:hugs: your lil boy I really cant even imagine. was it something that was sudden or did you know you would only have him for a short precious period of time? :( On a different note im in my fertile period just sterted the egg white cm today and pretty sure I ovulate around the 12th 13th or maybe 14th so im on top of it the next few days :)

aww it's really OK...he would have just turned 8 in Sept...It took me 5 years to get through/past, to mourn, grieve have's all come now thanks to the GOoDness above but it WAS NOT was freak accident..which, those usually seem to follow me around LOL I had to work late the night before and early the next day so he was sleeping over at my parents and at 9am their house blew I lost my whole fam that day...not a good year.
Horray for the FUN part of ttc!!! Hope you have FUN FUN FUN Bd'n w/ your dh!!!what's your plan of action for this cycle? other than the mucinex and possibly the baking soda?
fx'd crossed THIS is THE month!!!!
keep me posted...are you a ss-er or are you calm..I don't wanna ss made me CA-RAZY haha
I'm w/ya why when some of us do have children want more..? and sometimes I think i'm crazy, but since my 1st lil fella past and I've been blessed w/ the 2 I have I'm able to see what a HUGE wonderful awesome fruitful blessing it actually is to have children...I think some people that "don't" like kids look at children in a very distorted, untrue view...AND, ppl like that tend to forget that they once we're little used to make me crazy, but that's all changed and I can't seem to have enough lil ones around me..they are the blessing and joy of life!!!!(if you ask me!!) maybe that wasn't related much to what you were saying, but it all just came out...that's why I love my tr girls..ya'll don't care and will STILL listen~even if I make no sense or an all over the place...

:hugs: sorry to hear about your loss hun.. I hope you get your BFP soon xx
can anyone tell me if eggwhite like cm means your starting to o? I think I read that or something like that somewhere. thanks :)

Momma, egg white CM is usually a very good indication that you are about to O. Visit and look around. They have lots of good info on CM:thumbup:

I highly recommend as well. That is where I chart and it takes the guess work out of everything.

You can also look at other people's charts as well...which is what I did today. It looks like there are a LOT of ladies out there who ovulated on day 14, like me...AND spotted on day 12dpo and had a negative HPT on day 12dpo....but tested positive two days to a week I guess it's not over until AF shows her ugly face. I will keep my fingers crossed...I guess if implantation was last night or this morning, it would be normal for me to have a negative HPT at this point.

I had light cramping last light it just felt weird and I wasn't sure it was actually cramps...I cramped this morning some and then realized I was spotting... I have NO cramps now...and the weird thing for me is that I start with a low backache at 10dpo...EVERY CYCLE...but not this back pain at all. So maybe it was implantation?

And I never spot this early...always the day before AF and not one minute sooner...and AF is not due until it either means it was implantation spotting...OR I am just getting my period early...

BUT, either way, I am waiting until Friday...either I get it...or I don't...and if I don't, I will retest Saturday morning.'s such a guessing game...will keep you ladies in the loop...

It's so nice to be able to talk to you ladies about this...I don't think anyone else wants to hear me drone on and on about what MIGHT be going on...

Love you Ladies!!!!

Yea Saga!:happydance: This still might be your month hun! I LOVE FF as well! Do you use the feature where you enter any symptoms you have for each DPO and they give the % of women who had those symptoms & got a BFP! Certainly no guarantee, but it is fun! I also love to look at charts like mine that got a us hope:thumbup:

Hope it's your month!
How long has everybody here been TTC? If its not too much of a question to bring up...

My DH seems to think its just going to happen like magic, just as it did before TL and TR. I know I have to be realistic, but I know I'm going to test like a crazy person and be heartbroken every month when it doesn't happen. I'm YOUNG, I'm in GOOD HEALTH, and I CANNOT FREAKING believe I did this to myself! I know the TR took away a lot of the negative feelings I had because I had the TL in the first place, but Im worried that TTC will bring up a whole new set of resentments/fears/worries/anxieties....

How old are you Dash? I am 35. I think it will just take longer because I am older... when I was pregnant before, I was 23 and 27 years hubby is 41...I am remarried and he has no children of his own...and although he loves mine like they are his...we still want one together...and I KNOW, I wish I never had a TL just adds so much anxiety to the TTC process...

Im, actually. Had my TR when I was 23.

We have not started trying yet- just got my TR on 12/27 and have my post op tomorrow- going to find out my tube lengths, and when the doc says we can TTC. We are also supposed to get record snow fall tonight so- I'm nervous!

Did i mention I LOVE this board? And I LOVE knowing you guys are here, having the same worries?
I'm w/ya why when some of us do have children want more..? and sometimes I think i'm crazy, but since my 1st lil fella past and I've been blessed w/ the 2 I have I'm able to see what a HUGE wonderful awesome fruitful blessing it actually is to have children...I think some people that "don't" like kids look at children in a very distorted, untrue view...AND, ppl like that tend to forget that they once we're little used to make me crazy, but that's all changed and I can't seem to have enough lil ones around me..they are the blessing and joy of life!!!!(if you ask me!!) maybe that wasn't related much to what you were saying, but it all just came out...that's why I love my tr girls..ya'll don't care and will STILL listen~even if I make no sense or an all over the place...

Oh tater im so sorry to hear that about:hugs: your lil boy I really cant even imagine. was it something that was sudden or did you know you would only have him for a short precious period of time? :( On a different note im in my fertile period just sterted the egg white cm today and pretty sure I ovulate around the 12th 13th or maybe 14th so im on top of it the next few days :)

aww it's really OK...he would have just turned 8 in Sept...It took me 5 years to get through/past, to mourn, grieve have's all come now thanks to the GOoDness above but it WAS NOT was freak accident..which, those usually seem to follow me around LOL I had to work late the night before and early the next day so he was sleeping over at my parents and at 9am their house blew I lost my whole fam that day...not a good year.
Horray for the FUN part of ttc!!! Hope you have FUN FUN FUN Bd'n w/ your dh!!!what's your plan of action for this cycle? other than the mucinex and possibly the baking soda?
fx'd crossed THIS is THE month!!!!
keep me posted...are you a ss-er or are you calm..I don't wanna ss made me CA-RAZY haha

Oh my gosh...I am so sorry for your loss...
sooo, saga, talk to me about it pill? i've been reading about the Robi b/c I'm going to start it this cycle..but was reading that pill form isn't as effective...? that's why I'm asking... and what's the baking soda??? You do b.soda hand in hand w/ robi or mucinex or is it used alone?
learning something EVERYDAY!!!

I take the pill form...400 mg's every 4 hours...the baking soda is something I have never tried but will if this is not my month...from what I understand, you use it when you have a positive OPK and it should not be used more than once a cycle...

do you drink it??

The baking soda? put a little on your finger and insert...from what I understand...TTC makes us weird people, eh? I am not even going to tell my hubby THAT...he will think I have totally lost it...hahaha.
I was really hoping THIS was the month...if It would have due date would have been Sept 22nd and that's my lil angels b-day...I just thought that would have been SUPER special!!!!
this thread rocks I love all ya'll girls!!!!
How long has everybody here been TTC? If its not too much of a question to bring up...

My DH seems to think its just going to happen like magic, just as it did before TL and TR. I know I have to be realistic, but I know I'm going to test like a crazy person and be heartbroken every month when it doesn't happen. I'm YOUNG, I'm in GOOD HEALTH, and I CANNOT FREAKING believe I did this to myself! I know the TR took away a lot of the negative feelings I had because I had the TL in the first place, but Im worried that TTC will bring up a whole new set of resentments/fears/worries/anxieties....

How old are you Dash? I am 35. I think it will just take longer because I am older... when I was pregnant before, I was 23 and 27 years hubby is 41...I am remarried and he has no children of his own...and although he loves mine like they are his...we still want one together...and I KNOW, I wish I never had a TL just adds so much anxiety to the TTC process...

Im, actually. Had my TR when I was 23.

We have not started trying yet- just got my TR on 12/27 and have my post op tomorrow- going to find out my tube lengths, and when the doc says we can TTC. We are also supposed to get record snow fall tonight so- I'm nervous!

Did i mention I LOVE this board? And I LOVE knowing you guys are here, having the same worries?

Oh me too! Me too! No one else wants to hear me drone on and on about whether I may or may not be pregnant this cycle and why...hehe. I love you ladies! Just talking about all my concerns with you guys keeps my head on straight!


My tube lengths are 5cm on the left and 6cm on the'll have to let us know what your doctor says...

I live in SC and we had record snow fall on Monday and it is still on the ground...we are snowed in!
can anyone tell me if eggwhite like cm means your starting to o? I think I read that or something like that somewhere. thanks :)

Momma, egg white CM is usually a very good indication that you are about to O. Visit and look around. They have lots of good info on CM:thumbup:

I highly recommend as well. That is where I chart and it takes the guess work out of everything.

You can also look at other people's charts as well...which is what I did today. It looks like there are a LOT of ladies out there who ovulated on day 14, like me...AND spotted on day 12dpo and had a negative HPT on day 12dpo....but tested positive two days to a week I guess it's not over until AF shows her ugly face. I will keep my fingers crossed...I guess if implantation was last night or this morning, it would be normal for me to have a negative HPT at this point.

I had light cramping last light it just felt weird and I wasn't sure it was actually cramps...I cramped this morning some and then realized I was spotting... I have NO cramps now...and the weird thing for me is that I start with a low backache at 10dpo...EVERY CYCLE...but not this back pain at all. So maybe it was implantation?

And I never spot this early...always the day before AF and not one minute sooner...and AF is not due until it either means it was implantation spotting...OR I am just getting my period early...

BUT, either way, I am waiting until Friday...either I get it...or I don't...and if I don't, I will retest Saturday morning.'s such a guessing game...will keep you ladies in the loop...

It's so nice to be able to talk to you ladies about this...I don't think anyone else wants to hear me drone on and on about what MIGHT be going on...

Love you Ladies!!!!

Yea Saga!:happydance: This still might be your month hun! I LOVE FF as well! Do you use the feature where you enter any symptoms you have for each DPO and they give the % of women who had those symptoms & got a BFP! Certainly no guarantee, but it is fun! I also love to look at charts like mine that got a us hope:thumbup:

Hope it's your month!

Thank you!!!! I will just have to hang on until Friday. I will keep you ladies posted!
Tater that would be so sweet and special:) your not out of the game this month are you? I dont remember you saying you got your .
Dash you were about the same age I had my tl I strongly believe there should be an age requirement and they should not let you make the decision when your preggo! no pregnant person or young person makes the best choices thats my opinion anyway im mean god! I've paid for food at the drive through before then drove away with out my food now thats a preggo brain for ya! lol
are you guys paying for the charts of ff?

The first month, you get all the VIP features for free...which I really can't do without...:winkwink: But, if you want to use it past 30 days for free, you can, they just take away the VIP features.
Geez tater I dont know what else to say besides im soooo sorry :( Im so happy for you that you are now on the upside and you seem like a very upbeat person, Im glad god and your lil angel helped you to find peace.
Tater that would be so sweet and special:) your not out of the game this month are you? I dont remember you saying you got your .
Dash you were about the same age I had my tl I strongly believe there should be an age requirement and they should not let you make the decision when your preggo! no pregnant person or young person makes the best choices that's my opinion anyway im mean god! I've paid for food at the drive through before then drove away with out my food now thats a preggo brain for ya! lol

ITA! If there was some kind of activism to keep people under the age of 25 from being sterilized I would fully support that! I mean, there are cases where I can see it being the best option (23 and on 4th kid, etc) but to ask a very young, pregnant person...its not ok.

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