Hi Ladies,
Have read through your forum and I would love to join you all!
I have a consultation with fs 2moro, hoping to schedule TR for August 2010 if possible!
I am 39, DH is 40, I have 3 grown children ds 22, dd 18, ds 16 and gs 7mo. he has dd 17, ds 14, his ex refuses to let him see them
I got TL 14 yrs ago, rings to tubes nervous about 2moro! pretty sure still ovulate, am regular etc. bought some opk's so will start this month
How long did you ladies take to recover from your TR? I am assuming mine will be open??? my job is fairly physical!! Not sure how long i need for recovery time, I have booked 3 weeks off work, thats why hoping for august! Plus not sure what tests if any, the fs will want doing, so i guess this gives us some time!
Hope to share with you ladies very soon.
All the best
Sue x
Have read through your forum and I would love to join you all!

I have a consultation with fs 2moro, hoping to schedule TR for August 2010 if possible!
I am 39, DH is 40, I have 3 grown children ds 22, dd 18, ds 16 and gs 7mo. he has dd 17, ds 14, his ex refuses to let him see them

I got TL 14 yrs ago, rings to tubes nervous about 2moro! pretty sure still ovulate, am regular etc. bought some opk's so will start this month

How long did you ladies take to recover from your TR? I am assuming mine will be open??? my job is fairly physical!! Not sure how long i need for recovery time, I have booked 3 weeks off work, thats why hoping for august! Plus not sure what tests if any, the fs will want doing, so i guess this gives us some time!
Hope to share with you ladies very soon.
All the best
Sue x