Hello Anna....that must be hard having to say goodbye to hubby. How long is he gone for? As for the CM.....thats how mine was and still is since last week. I think I am around 12 DPO? I had a miscarriage last month, Dr said it wsa a blighted ovum but I never bled or passed anything but my hcg levels dropped fast & I have not had my period since April. But I have been monitoring my CM since the TR in Jan 2010 and now know what to look for so thats where I get my 12 DPO give or take a day or two...lol. Crazy waiting game! The metal taste u had the other day is a good sign, I have read that others have had the same in early pg.
Fingers crossed for u!!!
Jaimad so glad to hear from you...glad as well!!I just had my 3rd chemical and really thought this was it I had a nice strong line...but see a new doc on monday.
nothing else new with me girls...we have decided to for sure sit the month out on ttc. i have done my temps so far but missed one morning how do I chart the day I missed??