....Thanks for answering. I'm 36, three awesome boys from my first marriage. I had my Tubal done 03/02/05 after c-sec and TR done in 01/25/10. Had it done in Edmonton Ab Canada where I live. Dr said all went well, begged for a HSG to see if there was blockage and had that 04/25/10 (dye ran through...yay) Had a lite period May 15, thought it was odd, addicted to POS and was doing them about 3 times a day...faint shadows but coulc be evap lines. To my amazment a BFP on May 21 confirmed by beta. Low HCG levels off the bat, went every two days. Were doubling but still LOW. Was feeling prego then after a week a switch was turned off and I felt nothing. No BB's tingling etc. HCG taken, levels dropping. Dr said I had a Blighted ovum. But i passed nothing never bled only cramped. So....had O symtoms and all was looking normal again. Should be 11DPO but not 100% sure. Feeling symptoms but BFN, maybe I'm just going nuts. I have never had something consume my life like this and we have only been TTC for just over 4 months.
I read some history in the forum and see you had a loss, I so understand you frustration and sadness as well as wondering why this happens. But we have to take the positive out of these events and know that the sperm met the egg and the path is open. (easy to type but hard to live by for myself..lol) So thats my story. I am so glad to have found a place with others who are going through this hellish at times experience and can obsess with others and cheer them on. Thanks for the reply. BTW....My name is Carole