Sandi- I'm glad to hear your tattoo is on the mend.
Navy-Fx'd u get you BFP!
AFM- I am finally almost done with school. I graduate next Thurs and will be with my family once again. Yay! I'm so excited for next week. I take my last test tomorrow and then no more studying. I should be able to dedicate all my time to obessing over symptoms and chatting on I
I'm not sure what DPO I am. My AF was two days late last month and I didn't do any tracking this month. I tried to pay attention to CM, but I never noticed EWCM. I noticed it changed from creamy CM (TMI) to watery stretchy (Sorry again) late last week. We only

on Sat night(more like 1 am Sun). We were just to busy getting our home together for our tenants and moving into a hotel. I will say that we managed to both have orgasms at the same time (never happened before) and I decided not to jump up and take a shower that night. Other than that, we didn't try anything different. I am not symptom spotting this cycle...well not much

Last cycle I just knew I had really good sympoms and was even late, but the

still got me. I don't have any symptoms right now. My boobs are a little sore, but that has happened every other cycle too.
Whew...sorry for babbling on and on, but u ladies are the only people I can talk to about this. Every one else is either tired of hearing about it, doesn't care or doesn't understand.
Thanks!! Fx'd for all the TR ladies. I'm praying that all of you will be blessed with your BFP.