Hey all
Jaimad - The "Mel" Plan is a concoction of tablets i've put together this month to see if they help conception. The link in my signature "Cycle 5 Diary" explains it all

ReedsG and I will be following it for a month to see what happens, hopefully it'll get us our BFP!
Mrs Mommy - You'll experience lots of different pains/ache etc for the first month (or even longer), it's all normal so don't worry. Of course, it could also be ovulation pains
Josey - Glad you managed to get some Conceive Plus, just beware, it's very runny lol We've managed to get in some right messes using it, keep a towel handy! Let me know if you need any help with the charting. Have you registered for Fertility Friend? It's a great site, the link's in my signature "Stalk my FF chart"
Anyway, CD1 here AGAIN, started taking my tablets today, am hoping for an early ovulation this time as i'm seeing my FS on 9th April, CD13, and it would be great if he can see what's happening to the little eggy whilst i'm there