Hi ladies! What a friendly and supportive group, may I join?
Name: Sharon
Age: 38
Location: Bristol, UK
How long you were on the pill: off and on for 20 years
How long have you been off the pill: 5 weeks
Months/cycles ttc: nothing happening yet!
Are your cycles regular since coming off the pill: No, nothing has happened so far

What made you realize you were ready to start ttc: Married my great husband, did our big trip of a lifetime and simply cannot wait any longer!!
It's so nice to be inspired by the ladies on here who were in the same boat and now have their BFP!! Gives hope to us all!
I came off the mini-pill 5 weeks ago and had terrible cramps and backache and headaches - I was convinced I was pregnant and even tested, but no. No sign of AF yet at all, but my hormones seem to be all over the shop. I had long/irregular cycles when I wasn't on the pill so who knows what is happening. I just hope I am/or will be ovulating. Age isn't on my side and I am so impatient to have my AF so I can start keeping track of my cycles. I have no idea about ovulation testing, not sure if you can do it if you haven't had AF yet? Any ideas??
It's great to meet you all and have ladies who understand this frustrating wait!!