TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Jenna, I love your tattoo!! When did you get it? They did a really good job
I am going to ask my ob at my follow up on the 13th and see if he has any I could have a copy of. I am really hoping he has at least one I can have.
Aunie, ty but its not on me, its on my dh lol. He got it 3 days after our loss. I would love to get one but not sure where as I have no tattoos at all and have never wanted one until now.
jenna -

I am so sorry you've been having a tough time. I agree with Janet, talking to someone can help a lot! But do whatever feels best for you. Sometimes just crying can be nice, to get it all out. I sincerely hope you find peace and comfort in whatever way you can. Please keep coming back here for support, we are stronger together than alone.
The tattoo is precious, I love it! What a thoughtful way for your DH to always remember.
Thank you so much I feel better knowing I can post here when i feel badly. I am feeling better but I seem to feel better at night, its so odd.
Jenna so sorry ur having a tough time, my heart really goes out to u. :hugs: as for the us pics my file has mine yet all they show is the empty pregnancy sac as my bean never grew past 5 and half weeks. They also have pictures from after my mc when I had follow up scans. So I would definitely ask ur doc for a copy of urs. :hugs:

Bastetgirl so glad to hear ur levels are back to normal, and hope ur appointment goes well tomorrow.

Afm I am cd5 and yesterday and today so far my bleeding has got heavier again, so much for the pink tinge straight after the op! I was hoping I was going to be lucky without to much bleeding! Wishful thinking after 9 weeks, but well and truly fed up now.

How long did u ladies bleed for after ur dnc's?

Jenna, I am so sorry you are having a hard time, but trust me it is normal to feel this way and it will get easier! It has been 4 weeks since my MC was confirmed and I am slowly starting to feel like I can cope with that (but my housework is still way behind :winkwink:). I still have bad days where I lay in bed and cry, but they do get fewer and far between. My biggest worry is that I will forget my little angel. Last week I went to a support group for pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and early infant death, and it was so comforting to talk to people who understood. I thought at first that I wanted to handle this on my own, but having women you can talk to and honestly cry infront of is empowering, and nobody says the wrong thing because they have all been in your shoes too.

I am also going to participate in a memorial walk in honor of my baby. It seems silly, but I am excited that I get to honor him/her and I feel like I am really anouncing to the world yes, my child did exist and they were important and loved. Even if there isn't one around you, you could always have a private one. We are going to do a balloon release too and have a prayer service where all the names of the babies are read aloud (mine didin't have a name, so it will just be baby)

If you ever need to talk feel free to message me.:hugs:
Jenna so sorry ur having a tough time, my heart really goes out to u. :hugs: as for the us pics my file has mine yet all they show is the empty pregnancy sac as my bean never grew past 5 and half weeks. They also have pictures from after my mc when I had follow up scans. So I would definitely ask ur doc for a copy of urs. :hugs:

Bastetgirl so glad to hear ur levels are back to normal, and hope ur appointment goes well tomorrow.

Afm I am cd5 and yesterday and today so far my bleeding has got heavier again, so much for the pink tinge straight after the op! I was hoping I was going to be lucky without to much bleeding! Wishful thinking after 9 weeks, but well and truly fed up now.

How long did u ladies bleed for after ur dnc's?


I bleed for about 7 days and then spotted for about 7 more. Unlike your's mine was heavier the first few days and then trailed off (like a really long period). As long as the bleeding isn't too heavy, I take it as a good sign. It means your body is expelling what ever lining/tissue that may have been left and your hormones can get back to normal that much sooner. Good Luck!
Update on charting! My temp was still up today! Hoping that means I O'd and I am that much closer to AF returning!
Bastetgirl so glad to hear ur levels are back to normal, and hope ur appointment goes well tomorrow.

Afm I am cd5 and yesterday and today so far my bleeding has got heavier again, so much for the pink tinge straight after the op! I was hoping I was going to be lucky without to much bleeding! Wishful thinking after 9 weeks, but well and truly fed up now.

How long did u ladies bleed for after ur dnc's?


Thanks Kanga! Me too.

I'm so sorry to hear that you are still bleeding so much. It's not fair that you have to go through this for SO very long. :nope:

I only bled lightly for two days after d&c but my levels were only at 20 by then so I believe that most of it was already gone and the d&c just cleared the rest.
I only bled for about 2 days, and even then just needed a pantyliner, it was barely pink, mostly brown blood. It's been about 10 days sent my procedure. I took another hpt today... doesn't seem any lighter than 4 days ago... but it did TAKE longer to show up... is that normal?

I plan on BDing at least every other day till my +ive hpt goes away... then time to do OPKs. We'll see from there.

It's very depressing seeing a +ive hpt... boohoo, I just want to be back to normal... In other news, my temps are normal and low. So just playing the waiting game.

Anyone else still sleepy and achey 10 days post op? I went to bed at 6pm last night due to a really bad headache and slept till 6am this morning... WOW
See that's what I was hoping for, after the op I had some bleeding the first few toilet trips, then it was just pink tissue. Then out of nowhere I have cramps and more bleeding.

My levels were at 27 a week and a half before the op, and most I mc'ed naturally just a tiny bit stuck around.

I haven't done a hpt for a while but my last one before the op was positive still. Might trying and hold my pee for a while and do one later to check it out!

Nostress I hope ur levels are back to normal soon :hugs:

As for feeling tired and achey I'm still like it 5 days post op, but then I haven't had chance to sit around and rest much and I'm back in work tomorrow morning, boo :(
I had bleeding for a day or two and then brown spotting until 9 days post-op. I got a neg on hpt 7 days post op. I'm gonna start the bding tomorrow until sunday, take a couple days off then go again just in case cd1 is the day of neg hpt.
Nostress, when do you go in for your post-op? I hope your levels hurry up and drop! I guess we're all pretty much in limbo one way or another
I only bled for about 2 days, and even then just needed a pantyliner, it was barely pink, mostly brown blood. It's been about 10 days sent my procedure. I took another hpt today... doesn't seem any lighter than 4 days ago... but it did TAKE longer to show up... is that normal?

I plan on BDing at least every other day till my +ive hpt goes away... then time to do OPKs. We'll see from there.

It's very depressing seeing a +ive hpt... boohoo, I just want to be back to normal... In other news, my temps are normal and low. So just playing the waiting game.

Anyone else still sleepy and achey 10 days post op? I went to bed at 6pm last night due to a really bad headache and slept till 6am this morning... WOW

I had insomnia from the time I found out I was pregnant to about a week ago, so I was always tired! I was also achey for about two weeks after the D&C. I had terrible backaches, so bad I had to sleep with a heating pad! I asked the NP at my appointment and she seemed to think it was normal. She had me take 600 mg of ibuprofen for the pain and it did help some. It has been over 3 weeks since my D&C (Friday will be 4) and I am feeling a whole lot better now. I think it just takes time to recover.
Ok, well today I did something out of character for me. I sent out an e-mail to a bunch of the ladies I work with about my MC. It was about support an nonprofit organization that I am walking in a remberance walk for, so of course I had to preface the e-mail with news of my MC. I kind of feel relieved that everyone will know now, but at the same time I sent the e-mail at the end of the day so I could walk out before anyone had a chance to read it (I'm such a chicken).

Now DH wants to post stuff on FB about it, but I am not sure I am ready. I told a handful of people at work, but it is not the same as telling everyone you know! Plus his family doesn't know yet and to be honest I don't think I want them to know. They like to play favorites with his neices and my son gets left out. So part of me says that they shouldn't get to be sad over my baby when they don't even treat the grandson/nephew they have fairly. Is this too mean?
It's totally irrelevant if it’s mean or not. This is something so personal that happened to you and your body that YOU are the ONLY one that should make this FB decision. AND your husband really really should respect that. But you don’t have to tell him why, you can just say that it would make you feel uncomfortable.
Just needed to talk... Really having a rough time right now, I was going to call DH but he's in class... and not allowed his cell phone.

I've been doing pretty good. This is only my second day back at work and things were looking up. Only a handful of people knew I was pregnant and the majority of them have been notified about my loss... and they left me alone and to my work which was nice. I actually voluntarily talked to one lady about our loss, she is an actual friend, so I did talk to her a bit, but only as much as I wanted and she let me START/LEAD the conversation. I was getting comfortable in the swing of things, however, at lunch today I borrowed a co-worker's microwave in her office. She and I were on the verge of becoming friends a few times, we just never spent enough time together to push past good acquaintance level. So today I pop in to her office to use her microwave, heat up my chili and get all set up in the break room to sit on the cushy couch and really get down to budgeting (I've been slacking, which is UNHEARD of for me) and listing everything we HAVE to do before we move. I was excited to get cracking on this stuff, and happy I was feeling up to it. I usually eat lunch in my office, but today I was physically taking myself OUT of my solitary office and down to the public break room so I wouldn't be distracted by work and would HAVE to work on my lists and SOCIALIZE something I haven't really done since our loss... My food got done in the microwave and my coworker walked back in. We said hellos and I asked her for a plastic fork... She directed me to where I could find one, then on my way out of the office she said, "Oh by the way I hear congratulations are in order! Aren't you so excited for your new little one?" *rubbing her belly*
I just stared at her in shock... said, "Well, I lost the baby. That rumor, about me being pregnant, was NOT supposed to be going around the unit." And I walked out, she looked shocked and apologized profusely and asked me to come back, but I told her I really didn't want to talk about it. Then I frantically walked back upstairs, locked my office door and sat on the floor... crying. It's just sad, I don't want to be reminded, I don't need this right now. I'm trying to move forward. I checked the time and realized I couldn't call DH because he's in class, dug through old emails looking for my birth mom's phone number and couldn't find it, went to the car and realized I left my cell at home. And now I am here... typing this... trying not to break down in the middle of the work day. I still have a couple hours left...

Just makes me wonder, where did this lady hear I was pregnant from, and how many more "Congratulations" am I going to have to hear before I leave this awful place? And if this lady goes and tells people I lost the baby how many idiots am I going to have to deal with randomly stopping me or coming to my office to say "I'm sorry." WHO CARES, if you're sorry, this is not your loss, you are not emotionally invested in this in ANY WAY. If I wanted your pity/sorrow I would've told you about the pregnancy myself... the GRAPEVINE does NOT count! UGH! I could scream.

I don't want the pitying, sad looks... the concerned faces. Just sickens me. My boss is treating me well, letting me take work at my own pace, but still expecting me to DO WORK and not treating me any different. A guy we both work really close with came in and announced to us his wife is pregnant (he doesn't know about my pregnancy and loss), my boss didn't even look twice at me or act like she couldn't be happy for him. She didn't pussyfoot around me. She just said how exciting and I joined, because I am HAPPY for him. I'm glad he didn't know about it, because he probably would've acted weird around me. Which I DO NOT want.

Ok, I'm done for now. Just needed to let that out, I just feel like it's all falling apart. I was moving forward so well...

Now that I think of it I should have just told her, "Who's spreading that nonsense, I'm definitely not pregnant." Hindsight is always 20/20
I meant to post that about an hour ago, but I can't post stuff while at work, so I emailed it to myself.

I'm now headed to my post-op appt, I left work early though. My appt isn't for another 30 mins (and tho they like you to show up 15 minutes early, I still think I left work rather earlier than necessary). I just needed to get away. I was on the verge of tears, and I am NOT typically an emotional person like that.

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