TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

nursekelly, sorry to hear about your unlucky streak. I think we could all use a little better luck. But it always seems like when it rains, it pours.

Well I tried declaring a pregnancy hiatus in my family, but it isn't working. Now besides my SIL who is due in October, and my cousin who is due in January, and my sister who is TTC, I find out another cousin is preggo and due in October and I didn't even know it. I found out when another family member got an invite to the shower in the mail today! Seriously, I am tired of hearing about pregnant people, I am tired of buying presents for babies that are not mine, and I am tired of going to showers. It should be me getting to sport the big belly and buy cute baby things!
To add to my frustration, I am reading posts from my SIL on facebook about how sick she is and how her BP is too high and the medicne her Dr gave her isn't working. Now normally I am a compassionate person, but she doesn't even want to quit working and her Dr. isn't making her yet! She is only 32 weeks! If I were her I would be begging my Dr. to sign me off work so I could relax more (she is a NICU nurse and on her feet all the time). But the only thing she is concerned about is the money. How can someone put work and money ahead of the health of their child? To me that is selfish. And she doesn't know about our pregnancy/MC so everyday she is on FB bitching about something. I really think she needs a reality check and to realign her priorities! My DH wants to tell everyone about our MC, and I keep telling him we shouldn't tell my SIL right now, I don't want to be the one that upsets her and puts her in PTL!
Twinkie, I can't believe your sil isn't more concerned about her high blood pressure. I guess I was the nieve once thinking nothing bad would happen to me or my baby, I wish I could be that way again! I hope everything goes ok for her and she doesn't end up here with us.
Twinkie, I can't believe your sil isn't more concerned about her high blood pressure. I guess I was the nieve once thinking nothing bad would happen to me or my baby, I wish I could be that way again! I hope everything goes ok for her and she doesn't end up here with us.

Well at 32 weeks, even if the baby was born now, it would be small, but should be OK. Her Dr. is monitering her closely too, so I am sure if her BP goes too high he will put her on bed rest/ hospitalize her. She isn't nieve, she had high BP with both of her other girls and they were both delivered early (I think around 36 weeks for each of them, but I am not sure). She is also a nurse in a NICU so she knows what PTL can do- she see's babies die all the time. It just frustrates me that she isn't more concerned.
Twinkie - That's a difficult situation... maybe your DH feels he needs to tell his sister... I know with certain family member I'm close to I've been having an overwhelming feeling that I NEED to tell them about the miscarriage, need the comfort and support and understanding... I dunno. I AM NOT going to tell them, I've just been feeling the need. Perhaps its his way of trying to reach out. But I agree, it may not be the best time for her to hear such news.
nursekelly, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time... ugh, I hope your health returns QUICKLY.
NEGATIVE HPT THIS MORNING!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! Now should I go get my levels checked today at the lab or on Tuesday?
NEGATIVE HPT THIS MORNING!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! Now should I go get my levels checked today at the lab or on Tuesday?


Who knew a few months ago we would be congratulating people on neg tests?:dohh: I'm not sure it makes a difference, but I would be anxious to know what my exact levels were if I were you, plus I don't know about your lab, but mine takes over a day to get the results to my doc, so if you go today you probably won't get the results until Tuesday anyway.
Hmmm, I just don't know, I'll be taking opk's all weekend, so if I don't get a positive before Tuesday, perhaps my levels could tell me it's taking too long to go down or something... I just don't know...
Twinkie - That's a difficult situation... maybe your DH feels he needs to tell his sister... I know with certain family member I'm close to I've been having an overwhelming feeling that I NEED to tell them about the miscarriage, need the comfort and support and understanding... I dunno. I AM NOT going to tell them, I've just been feeling the need. Perhaps its his way of trying to reach out. But I agree, it may not be the best time for her to hear such news.

The thing is he is not that close to any of his family. He is probably closer to mine than his own! He didn't have the best childhood, his parents split when he was young, his dad has been a disappointment his whole life, and his mom plays favorites with his sister (although he won't admit it, he just makes excuses). His family makes me sooo mad most of the time. I realize they are still his family, but I just don't feel like sharing this personal information (especially since it is mostly about me) with his family that treats him like dirt.
But if I get it checked today, it could tell me right away, hey you're ready, go crazy!
Twinkie - That is difficult... hm, I just don't know. I still agree with waiting... maybe tell people after you become pregnant again/give birth... or perhaps after your SIL has the baby... I really hope things get easier for you
Hi, just ignore me if you're not in the mood, cuz I'm excited!


I got my first FRER on August 16th CD22. And I got AF this morning so I guess it took 16 days after the negative test to get AF. Everyone's different of course.

I've never really minded my periods, but I don't EVER remember being THIS happy about it! No wonder I've been so exhausted and such a monster.

Hope everyone's having a great day. I'm thinking about you guys.
Congrats janet planet!! You are on your way babe! I'm so happy for you!
Hi ladies! :waves:

Welcome to the new ladies and so sorry for your losses.

Hope everyone is having a good week. I've been crazy busy at work but at least it keeps my mind from baby stuff. :computer:

Follow up appt went well and nothing to report. We'll see how long it takes for :af: (or :bfp:) to show and then I can decide if I want to start clomid or keep doing what we are doing now. My dr has offered clomid because of my irregular (crazy long) cycles.

I'm just charting my BBT and :sex: every other day so we'll see what happens.

Good luck everyone!
Hi everyone, I am happy for everyone getting back on track! I got a BFN this afternoon on an hpt not even a faint line. I'm happy but kinda disappointed at the same time it's really weird lol. Oh well am happy my body is getting back to normal and I can start moving forward.

No idea when I should expect my first af but we will keep bding often just in case we can catch an egg lol.

Hopefully we all get our BFP's soon!
Hi, just ignore me if you're not in the mood, cuz I'm excited!


I got my first FRER on August 16th CD22. And I got AF this morning so I guess it took 16 days after the negative test to get AF. Everyone's different of course.

I've never really minded my periods, but I don't EVER remember being THIS happy about it! No wonder I've been so exhausted and such a monster.

Hope everyone's having a great day. I'm thinking about you guys.

Congrats! I hope I am right behind you!
Soooooo, for the last two days I've had some brown spotting but today I am having moderate red bleeding and some cramping. Do you think this could be af just 2 weeks after d&e?
It's probably not AF yet, but I could totally be wrong. I'm thinking that you probably wouldn't ovulate the day of, or the day after your D&E, which would give you AF now.

I feel for you. I didn't have a clue what was going on with my body until I finally got AF today.

Have you had your levels checked?:shrug:
I had a neg hpt 6 days after d&e, I go for post op weds the 7th, I'm sure she'll check my levels. This bleeding is annoying. I've been mostly just spotting then a couple days ago I bled heavier for a bit but it was still a dark red/brown then nothing and more spotting now heavy bright red. You are probably right, af is just wishful thinking right now lol

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