TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Nostress-before I got pregnant I was 125 almost at my goal weight, I had stopped working out and was cutting calories to get down a little lower. When I fell pregnant, I started eating better cause I didn't want to starve the baby and I didn't want to work out cause I started spotting at 6 wks. I'm now 140 and started running on the treadmill this week to relieve some stress and maybe lose a couple pounds.
Hi girls,

I have a lot to catch up on with everyone's news! Good to hear that a few of you have now got BFNs and AF. I díd a HPT on Fri and got a very faint +ve, so fingers crossed when I test on Mon its -ve. I have been doing one every 3 days and each time the line gets a bit lighter.

I had a week of light bleeding/spotting, which finished on Thursday. No idea if it was a light period or not.

I phoned my Ob on Fri to see if the test results were back yet and his secretary said another 2-3wks, because it takes 4-5wks for them to come back. They are testing the tissue/embryo to see what went wrong - chromosome abnormality/infection that I could be carrying etc.

I'm going to email the secretary tmw and ask a bunch of questions which I'll post on here. She'll ask my Ob and email me back.

I am desperate for a BFN so I can start trying again!

in the mean time I have been eating a lot of sushi, oysters, rare meat, and drinking a lot of wine and champagne! Making the most of it before we start TTC!
I don't get it Twinkie.

Here I am, not even preggers yet, just TTC, and I won't even drink unfiltered tap water, chew sugarless gum, let my husband goes on and on...and she's not even going to take her BP anymore? How hard is it to take your BP? I'm sorry, I don't know her, but I'm upset for you!

I know! I just want to scream at her, "I lost my baby, yours is healthy right now, get over yourself and grow up!" Luckily I haven't had to see her in person yet!
nursekelly - I hope you get your bfp soon! and lucky you with the animal for a husband (mine has actually been pretty awesome lately!)

Twinkie - I'm sorry about your SIL, ugh, we would do anything to ensure a healthy pregnancy and... ugh, well you can finish that. I would want to slap her too!

Aunie - I hope you ovulate soon!

Janet - Getting my AF would indeed be a relief.. seeing as how my HPT turned +ive again... UGH! Getting my hcg blood count on Tuesday. Hopefully that'll yield good news.

Ok, off to play video games with the hubs, watch some of his anime... then do a little something for me ;-)

Reading the past two pages gave me a couple really good laughs:
"see ya later, OVULATING..." LOL
"turkey baster and head lamp"

Has anyone started working out again? I just did yesterday and today... I was 146 when I started this last pregnancy and now I fluctuate between 151-153... I would love to have my old tone and 140s back before we get pregnant again. I actually ran a half marathon before we got pregnant this last time to signify me being in the best physical fitness to get pregnant... and then through the first month of feeling crappy and the second month of worrisome m/c symptoms and then having my D&C... well I kinda lost that good physical shape I was in. Anyone else?

I'm the opposite. I started off my pregnancy at 153 and started losing weight right after I found out, depite the fact that I was eating and didn't have morning sickness (probably should have been the first clue something was wrong). Now 8 weeks later, I am hovering right around 139 and still losing slowly (maybe .5 lbs a week). I have cut calories some (I just try not to eat as much at one time) so I am hoping that I keep some of this weight off atleast until my next pregnancy.
Peter, they took my baby for genetic testing and told me it would probably be a month before results came back. Do you know what happens if it is a chromosome ab? Do we just try again or does that mean we are unlikely to have healthy babies? I'm very nervous about the test, if somethings wrong with me I pray its just a little something. All of my blood results should be back by weds, 2 1/2 weeks after my d&e
Nursekelly, I’m sorry for the BFN.:nope:

We had genetic testing done too. No abnormalities. But even though they usually send the fetal sample in with a sample of the mom’s blood, apparently these tests aren’t very reliable in early miscarriage. I’m not really clear on this, but I guess it’s because the maternal DNA gets mixed in with the fetal DNA. I don’t think this is the case if you were further along. I haven’t done my usual obsessive research on this yet, I’m not sure why. Maybe it upsets me, even though I don’t like to admit it.

I lost 20 pounds before getting pregnant, and another 5-7 after getting my first BFP…I guess I should have known something was wrong too, losing weight like that without morning sickness.

I wish I could work out, I just had an MRI on Friday for my knee. I need surgery on it, but I’m going to wait until after I have a baby. (Did you see how positive I was just then?!!!)

I found out I was hypothyroid when I got my first positive hCG. I kept telling the doctors I felt like my thyroid was high. They refused to test it for some reason, so I wrote it on the lab form myself! And TADA! It WAS high. I feel so much better now that I’m on meds for it, but I totally wonder if that’s what made me miscarry. And that makes me a teeny bit furious.:brat:
Well it has been over 4 weeks since my D&C and I decided to go out for the first time since the procedure with a group of my DH's friends. What he didn't know is that another couple came along with their daughter who couldn't have been more than 3 months old. DH just can't understand how I don't want to socialize with people who have babies. I wish them all the best, but I just don't feel like being in that situation. I managed to make it through the night, but it was rough. I hope one day I can see a baby and just be happy instead of hurting for what I lost.

I know exactly how you feel. I don't wanna be around pregnant women or babies right now either. Our friends are having a party today but they've all got babies and the last time that I saw most of these people they had just found out we were preggers (thanks to my friend saying something) so I'd have to deal with telling them and I don't wanna go there right now. Today I would have been 18 weeks. :cry:
JanetPlanet - I haven't done my usual obsessive research on the pathology results either (no abnormalities). I think I don't want to stress myself out even more for the next pregnancy. I dunno...
Has anyone started working out again? I just did yesterday and today... I was 146 when I started this last pregnancy and now I fluctuate between 151-153... I would love to have my old tone and 140s back before we get pregnant again. I actually ran a half marathon before we got pregnant this last time to signify me being in the best physical fitness to get pregnant... and then through the first month of feeling crappy and the second month of worrisome m/c symptoms and then having my D&C... well I kinda lost that good physical shape I was in. Anyone else?

Yes I've been working out again not as much as I did before we started ttc. Back then I had a PT that I worked with twice a week and then did cardio on the other days but since my dr said that my BCP were probably helping me to even have a cycle I figured that I better back off when we started ttc. I'm back to doing cardio about 4-5 times a week. I love spinning!! Plus it helps me relieve stress so it's a win/win.

Does it help you feel better too?
Hi ladies :wave:

Sorry I've been MIA lately but it's been crazy busy around here and trying to enjoy so much needed time off with the hubby. Wish I knew when I was gonna O for sure. The last couple of days my temps have been weird doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping well and drank :drunk: quite a bit on Friday night. :blush: I think that I really needed a fun night though. We ended up going to see Reo Speedwagon and it was such an amazing time.

Nothing else to report. We've been :sex: every other day so hopefully whenever I do O we'll catch the eggie.

Loved reading all the comments about :sex: those had me cracking up. :rofl:
Roughly 50-60% of miscarriages are caused by chromosome abnormalities, baby has too many or too few chromosomes, or defective genes etc. The Ob who did my d&c said it will either be a chrom ab or an infection that I. have. He said he expects it to be a chrom ab, rather than an infection, because it's more common for it to be down to a chrom ab, and I don't have any signs of infection such as listeria, toxoplasmisis (bad spelling!), rubella, chicken pox etc.
If it's a chrom ab then there's nothing wrong with you, and you can't prevent it happening again, and it is unlikely it will happen again. I guess if you had 3 miscarriages or more, then you'd need to go to a specialist to find out if there's a reason why it keeps happening.

I have so many friends who've miscarried and none have miscarried twice. Having one miscarriage is so common, it really it just bad luck. We all have a much higher chance of a successful pregnancy than having another miscarriage.

I didn't have a blood test done, they just sent the embryo/tissue away. I'm hoping it's a chrom ab thing because it means there's nothing wrong that needs treating (such as an infection), and hopefully it won't happen again.
Well FF thinks I am 12 DPO, I think I am 10 DPO and no signs of spotting/AF. Normally my LP was 10 or 11 days with spotting around 8 or 9 DPO so either a) this MC has "reset" my hormones and my LP got longer :happydance:or b) I haven't ovulated yet and I have no idea when AF should arrive. :dohh: I am hoping for option a, but I don't know. Does anyone know if your LP can change after a MC?:shrug: This is also the first month since I have been of BC that we were actually preventing so could the spotting be from implantation bleeding each month and the egg not sticking? I would be so happy if my LP got longer, but I dont' know if that is possible with out meds? (although the month when you are actually waiting on AF is not the month that you want a long LP!) Getting confused. I really hope AF shows in the next few days!
Peter, that makes me wonder. I did have BV (bacterial vaginosis) after the D&C. It's very common after having any sort of pelvic surgery, and commonly goes undiagnosed. But maybe I had it before I got pregnant and that's why the miscarriage happened.

I sort of feel like my doctor wants me to just accept that it's very common and move on. But I want to know WHY!! WHY WHY WHY!!????

Oh, I've been meaning to ask...did you guys have normal beta hCG's? Mine were low from the start and took 2-3 days to double, sometimes more.
Roughly 50-60% of miscarriages are caused by chromosome abnormalities, baby has too many or too few chromosomes, or defective genes etc. The Ob who did my d&c said it will either be a chrom ab or an infection that I. have. He said he expects it to be a chrom ab, rather than an infection, because it's more common for it to be down to a chrom ab, and I don't have any signs of infection such as listeria, toxoplasmisis (bad spelling!), rubella, chicken pox etc.
If it's a chrom ab then there's nothing wrong with you, and you can't prevent it happening again, and it is unlikely it will happen again. I guess if you had 3 miscarriages or more, then you'd need to go to a specialist to find out if there's a reason why it keeps happening.

I have so many friends who've miscarried and none have miscarried twice. Having one miscarriage is so common, it really it just bad luck. We all have a much higher chance of a successful pregnancy than having another miscarriage.

I didn't have a blood test done, they just sent the embryo/tissue away. I'm hoping it's a chrom ab thing because it means there's nothing wrong that needs treating (such as an infection), and hopefully it won't happen again.

My Dr. told me the same thing about the chromosonal abnormality. He thinks that was my problem since I miscarried so early (7 weeks). They didn't do any genetic testing since it was my first MC (I don't even know if they can do genetic testing when you miscarry that early), just the normal pathology. He really thinks that I will carry a normal pregnancy next time, since I have carried one baby to term already. This optimism should make me feel better but it is still hard not to worry. My Dr. said he would do blood tests and an early U/S which I am going to hold him to.... I just need another BFP!
Peter, that makes me wonder. I did have BV (bacterial vaginosis) after the D&C. It's very common after having any sort of pelvic surgery, and commonly goes undiagnosed. But maybe I had it before I got pregnant and that's why the miscarriage happened.

I sort of feel like my doctor wants me to just accept that it's very common and move on. But I want to know WHY!! WHY WHY WHY!!????

Oh, I've been meaning to ask...did you guys have normal beta hCG's? Mine were low from the start and took 2-3 days to double, sometimes more.

Mine were not normal at all...they were WAY higher than normal which got the dr thinking that we had multiples but later an u/s confirmed only one. Two weeks later we mmc. So I guess it was obviously that there was an issue from the beginning.
Sure hun, go to your FF page and up near the top toward the right will be a link that says "Sharing".

Click on that and then go to "Get Code". When you get to that next window, copy the link under "Your Charting Home Page Web Address:".

Then just paste it where you normally type stuff in.

Hope that makes sense.
Sorry I am attempting to multitask, by posting and cooking dinner at the same time and it isn't working well. Thanks for the instructions!

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