TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

sorry it's been a while! work has been keeping me busy!

janet-we're all dying to know?! hopefully good news soon!:yellow: ohhh...and as for sneaking around w/ the kiddo is 4 so it takes a lot of creativity and seizing the moment as much as possible!

jenna-maybe it's too early?! if not...maybe af soon so you can get started!

aunie-good luck w/ hubby giving up smoking! and yay for the genetic tests coming back good!

nostress-how did the move go?

twinkie-yay for af! we're only a few days apart then...i'm praying for bfp's the first week of oct!

as for is gone (she was such a b*tch!), clomid just a few days and i'll get on w/ the opks...i just got mine in from amazon...woah! that's alot of sticks!! still having weak moments. today i teared up a little in thinking this week would have been our 2nd u/s and finding the sex of our baby :cry: i would have been 19 wks. praying for a :bfp: soon, so maybe it will sting a little less.

good luck ladies ;) praying for rainbow babies soon for all of us!!

Well unless we both get our BFPs this month we won't be a few days apart long, I fully expect to be waiting awhile to O (normally I O around CD 21) I might not even O until Oct!:dohh:

I was just thinking about how I should be going in for my second Dr. appt next week. I would also be finding out the sex of our baby next month :( I still miss my little angel so much. I just hope that I get to give them a little brother or sister soon!
Hi girlies. I'm in a lot of pain today from the fertility drugs, because I have a lot of follicles. The IUI went great. I'll elaborate and touch base tomorrow if I feel better.

Take care of yourselves.:hug:
Had a hard morning this morning, it's been a month and a day since I lost my lo and it hit me hard this morning, I was really hoping I would be pregnant again but obviously that has not happened. I feel so hopeless today, ughh I hate feeling like this. I would be 20wks allready and would have seen our lo in an us and found out what we were having (a boy).

I have my follow up apt today and Im scared of what my dr is gonna say. (I dont know why lol). ANyways, hope you all are having a great day today. I am struggling, but I know it will get better (I hope).

Have a great day girls!
Had a hard morning this morning, it's been a month and a day since I lost my lo and it hit me hard this morning, I was really hoping I would be pregnant again but obviously that has not happened. I feel so hopeless today, ughh I hate feeling like this. I would be 20wks allready and would have seen our lo in an us and found out what we were having (a boy).

I have my follow up apt today and Im scared of what my dr is gonna say. (I dont know why lol). ANyways, hope you all are having a great day today. I am struggling, but I know it will get better (I hope).

Have a great day girls!

:hugs: I hope your follow up goes well.
My follow up went good, I found out I dont have an incompetent cervix and I lost the baby to pre-term labour . I apparently had an infection in my uterus and it sent me into labour. I didnt get checked early enough so it went untreated. So next time I get pregnant (god willing), I wont need a cerclage and I will be sent for an early urine tests to make sure I dont have any infections. This makes me feel so much better, knowing it most likely won't happen again (fx).

My doctor did say we can try again and laughed at me when I said we allready were trying again. He said I am really fertile after my mc so now is a good time to try. He said he sees alot of women come in right after a mc and be pregnant right away, so I have a renewed hope hearing that from my own doctor lol.

It feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, hopefully I get my BFP or AF soon so I can really start trying my butt off lol.
My follow up went good, I found out I dont have an incompetent cervix and I lost the baby to pre-term labour . I apparently had an infection in my uterus and it sent me into labour. I didnt get checked early enough so it went untreated. So next time I get pregnant (god willing), I wont need a cerclage and I will be sent for an early urine tests to make sure I dont have any infections. This makes me feel so much better, knowing it most likely won't happen again (fx).

My doctor did say we can try again and laughed at me when I said we allready were trying again. He said I am really fertile after my mc so now is a good time to try. He said he sees alot of women come in right after a mc and be pregnant right away, so I have a renewed hope hearing that from my own doctor lol.

It feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, hopefully I get my BFP or AF soon so I can really start trying my butt off lol.

That's great that it wasn't an incompetent cervix! FX'd for a BFP or AF! When my MC was diagnosed I went in to speak to my Dr and he said that we could try again after one cycle and that most woman are back in his office within a few months with a healthy pregnancy. I just thought he was trying to reassure me, but maybe it is true!
Jenna-that's such great news! I'm glad you're feeling better and have hope love.
Thanks! I am relieved I don't have an incompetent cervix, so no un-needed surgery for me if we get pregnant again!

I asked my doctor how long before I get AF if I dont get rpegnant right away and he said it could be 6-8 weeks , so if she isnt here in a few weeks I should start testing lol. Hopefully the :witch: stays away and I get a BFP soon! Well hopefully she stays away for all of us!!:happydance:
so i saw a thread on here of a girl who found her baby's heartbeat at 8wks with a sonoline B doppler, some other girls posted that they loved their sonoline B dopplers. I totally ordered one yesterday lol! I have a cheap one from amazon but i couldn't find my baby's Hb until 14 wks, i knew something was wrong when i couldn't find it at 17 wks, i was hoping the baby was hiding really good :( anyways, this new doppler counts the hb so i will be able to see if my next lo hb slows down or something. Now all i need to do is get pregnant!
I'm stressing about money tonight, there's some weird goings on lately. First i went to my post-op appt and i wanted to pay my doctors bill for the d&e which goes towards my insurance deductible. At pre-op they said the bill was going to be $450, but when i went to pay it she said i don't owe anything! That stuff doesn't happen to me, a $450 bill doesn't just disappear, i'm afraid i'm gonna get a letter in a month saying they're sending me to collections! Then i get my insurance statement saying i have met $3,338 of my deductible and i owe $2,888. That doesn't make sense cause i've only paid $1,000 so far on my deductible plus my deductible is only 5,000! I'm gonna have to call and straighten some stuff out blah!
so i saw a thread on here of a girl who found her baby's heartbeat at 8wks with a sonoline B doppler, some other girls posted that they loved their sonoline B dopplers. I totally ordered one yesterday lol! I have a cheap one from amazon but i couldn't find my baby's Hb until 14 wks, i knew something was wrong when i couldn't find it at 17 wks, i was hoping the baby was hiding really good :( anyways, this new doppler counts the hb so i will be able to see if my next lo hb slows down or something. Now all i need to do is get pregnant!

I bought one of those when I was pregnant and listened to my lo daily. It made me feel better , definitely the best purchase I made. I did record my babys heartbeat on my iPod and still listen to it now and then it's the only real thing I have to remember my baby. Definitely a good investment though. I love mine and hope to get to use it again in the near future!
I'm stressing about money tonight, there's some weird goings on lately. First i went to my post-op appt and i wanted to pay my doctors bill for the d&e which goes towards my insurance deductible. At pre-op they said the bill was going to be $450, but when i went to pay it she said i don't owe anything! That stuff doesn't happen to me, a $450 bill doesn't just disappear, i'm afraid i'm gonna get a letter in a month saying they're sending me to collections! Then i get my insurance statement saying i have met $3,338 of my deductible and i owe $2,888. That doesn't make sense cause i've only paid $1,000 so far on my deductible plus my deductible is only 5,000! I'm gonna have to call and straighten some stuff out blah!

Don't you love insurance companies! I had my D&C on August 5th and I just got the bill for that last week. I have yet to get any other bill (not even for my co pay for the blood work I had done in July!). I am sure that you will get a bill if you really do owe the $450, they won't send you to collections right away. Most hospitals will work with you too. It just sucks having to deal with all of this.
so i saw a thread on here of a girl who found her baby's heartbeat at 8wks with a sonoline B doppler, some other girls posted that they loved their sonoline B dopplers. I totally ordered one yesterday lol! I have a cheap one from amazon but i couldn't find my baby's Hb until 14 wks, i knew something was wrong when i couldn't find it at 17 wks, i was hoping the baby was hiding really good :( anyways, this new doppler counts the hb so i will be able to see if my next lo hb slows down or something. Now all i need to do is get pregnant!

I bought one of those when I was pregnant and listened to my lo daily. It made me feel better , definitely the best purchase I made. I did record my babys heartbeat on my iPod and still listen to it now and then it's the only real thing I have to remember my baby. Definitely a good investment though. I love mine and hope to get to use it again in the near future!

I've heard of so many women using these at home. I would love to use one, but I am afraid I would freakout if I couldn't find a heartbeat. I know that sometimes Dr's have trouble finding hearbeats, so I don't know that I would want to put that much pressure on myself.
As cool as I think the dopplers are, I think it would be somewhat of a curse to those of us who have had a loss. I think I'd be obsessive over listening to the hb, and I'd completely freak if I couldn't find it on demand. When (or if) I get pregnant again, I'm not going to get a doppler. I'm going to insist on early scans, but I'm going to leave it at that.

How is everyone today? I've been thinking of you girls.

I am sooo getting one of those dopplars when I'm past 9 weeks. IF I get preggers. I've had it on my wishlist on Amazon since I was like 4 weeks pregnant.

Sorry your HPT was negative Jenna. :shrug: And YAY for your completent cervix. What kind of infection did you have btw? (Because I need more to worry about.)

Aunie, what happened with your insurance? Genetic testing come back yet?

Twinkie, are you still AFing?

Kelly, good luck with the Clomid!

The IUI went great, I would post the details, but it's a long story and may bore the doodoo out of you.

Because I had a lot of follicles, I was in terrible pain on Monday. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. I like to whine, but I have a high pain threshold so when I got quiet and started doing pregnancy contraction-type breathing, my husband got very scared. Poor thing.

So by yesterday I started A LOT better. Still pretty sore, but not really in any pain. I feel great today.:yipee:Trying to catch up on housework.:dishes:
Janet-I'm so glad you're back and feeling better!! So now you're on your 2ww? let us know if you spot any symptoms! I would assume IUI would be painful, they stick a tube up your cervix right? ouchy!

I'm 6 dpo today and so far no symptoms. I took a hpt this morning 'just in case' i o'd sooner then i thought. then i took another one this afternoon lol! i have like a million so why not go at it?

I like the cheap doppler i have but i couldn't hear the hb until second tri. That never freaked me out cause i knew my doppler was cheap and the baby was small. once i started hearing the hb and then all the sudden for 3 days i couldn't hear it anymore, i knew something was wrong and i was right. But the new doppler i bought, i'll be able to hear a hb sooner and it will count it for me so i can keep an eye on it. I think i will be a wreck the next time i get pregnant no matter what i do.
Janet, I have no idea what kind of infection I honestly didn't even think of asking , I was so relieved I dont have an incompetent cervix I really couldn't think at that moment. I had many things I wanted to ask and forgot them all lol. After my d&c they gave me a prescription I had to take for 7 days.

I have decided to give my dh all my tests and he is gonna hide them. I am gonna hold off til Oct 1st if I havent had af by then, then I will test, but until then or until I get AF I am not gonna waste anymore tests. Ive wasted so many and I have one more FRER left and I really dont wanna waste it on a BFN. So hidden they go! It's gonna be a long way to October 1st lol.

How is everyone today? I've been thinking of you girls.

I am sooo getting one of those dopplars when I'm past 9 weeks. IF I get preggers. I've had it on my wishlist on Amazon since I was like 4 weeks pregnant.

Sorry your HPT was negative Jenna. :shrug: And YAY for your completent cervix. What kind of infection did you have btw? (Because I need more to worry about.)

Aunie, what happened with your insurance? Genetic testing come back yet?

Twinkie, are you still AFing?

Kelly, good luck with the Clomid!

The IUI went great, I would post the details, but it's a long story and may bore the doodoo out of you.

Because I had a lot of follicles, I was in terrible pain on Monday. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. I like to whine, but I have a high pain threshold so when I got quiet and started doing pregnancy contraction-type breathing, my husband got very scared. Poor thing.

So by yesterday I started A LOT better. Still pretty sore, but not really in any pain. I feel great today.:yipee:Trying to catch up on housework.:dishes:

Glad the IUI went great!

I think AF is just about finished- mainly spotting today. I had what looked like EWCM yesterday and today which freaked me out because I didn't think there was any way I could be Oing this soon (I am only on CD 6!) I went ahead and did an OPK yesterday and today. Yesterday it had 2 lines, but the test line was clearly not as dark as the control line and today there was no second line at all, so.... I guess the CM is just AF leaving???? I don't know. Me and DH are going to try to BD everyother day until I get a + OPK or closer to my usual O date and then BD every day. So tonight is "BD" night. I am so convinced that I am going to O at some crazy time this month and miss the egg and since DH is going out of town Sunday - Tuesday and I go out of town the next weekend I really hope that we can get enough BD in to have a chance this month!
Aunie, when I was pregnant with my dd (shes 10 now) I bought one from Walmart, I couldn't hear much of anything until I was pretty far along, not sure if its the same type but it was ok for how far along I was lol. it made me feel better but the sonoline b is MUCH better. I love it and hope I get the chance to use it again! I was going to get rid of it after I lost my lo but my DH stopped me, he said we will use it again. I really hope so! fx!
Aunie, when I was pregnant with my dd (shes 10 now) I bought one from Walmart, I couldn't hear much of anything until I was pretty far along, not sure if its the same type but it was ok for how far along I was lol. it made me feel better but the sonoline b is MUCH better. I love it and hope I get the chance to use it again! I was going to get rid of it after I lost my lo but my DH stopped me, he said we will use it again. I really hope so! fx!

I had no idea you could buy these at Walmart!

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