TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Twinkie, I'm sorry you have inlaws like this. I would gladly yell at all of them for you.

I don't think anything you said was unreasonable at all. In fact, I would be much angrier than you are.

Thanks. I feel bad for feeling this way, but I am at my wits end! It is probably good that DH is out of town, I probably would have started a huge fight with him over SIL. Well latest update is that she had some bad heart rates at the hospital this evening, so she might be induced tonight. Hopefully everything goes well.
I don't know that you can always count the first day you get a negative pt as CD 1 because I would have O'd sometime around CD 4-6 then!:haha: Unless maybe the test I used was just really sensitive and my levels were very low at my last + test.

I spotted for several days before AF after my MC and she started right at 35 days after my D&C, so maybe she is a knockin'. (or I will keep my FX'd for a + test if not:winkwink:)

If she's knocking I am not answering lol. Woke up this morning hoping to see AF but nope stopped spotting last night, and nothing today so far, expecting it to start again tonight but we will see. This is frustrating lol.
Twinkine, So sorry you have to deal with in laws like that, I can kind of relate as my inlaws are the same way. Wonder if its something to do with being closer to the daughters children (lol sounds weird I know). My MIL is much more interested in my SILs DD than in our DD. And we live right next door to them. So they have ample opportunity to spend time with her and they don't really try. It was worse when we lived farther away we rarely heard from them ever. I have flipped out on them a couple times but nothing changes, they don't care, so I am over it.

When we had our mc my MIL didnt really care at all. She barely reacted when I told her I was pregnant. Its a crappy situation to be in. I hate it, but I love my DH and I will deal for him! hopefully it all works out for you!!
Can I join u? I just had my d&c last Friday, Sep 16th. I was 7 weeks along. Reading all your positive posts has certainly helped me lots!

Everything happened so fast. I started spotting fresh red blood at 7 pm Wednesday night. Rushed straight to the a&e where they did a scan. They found the baby and the heartbeat was strong. So they sent me home with orders for bed rest and some progesterone pills. But on Thursday the bleeding continued and my cramps got more intense. I called my regular doctor and she told me to come in right away. She did a scan and found that the baby's heartbeat was still strong but the baby was small - measuring only 6 weeks when I should be 7. She sent me home after a progesterone shot. But the bleeding and cramps continued. We called my doctor again and she said to go back to the hospital. It was midnight but she did a scan anyway. This time the baby's heartbeat was weak. By morning, when we did a high definition scan the heartbeat was completely gone. I did the d&c that very afternoon.

I have no idea what happened. One moment I was happily expecting and the next I am not. What's worse is that I am now getting morning sickness. I did not have that at all while I was pregnant. Actually, I should have guessed something was not right then.

I wanted that baby so badly.
Goodluckbear, welcome. But I wish I didn't need to welcome you here. What a devastating story. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Goodluckbear, welcome! I am so sorry for your loss! And I really wish you didnt have to join us!

I just wanted to say.....Not having morning sickness is not a sign of anything some people just don`t get it or get it a little further along. I didnt have morning sickness with my first pregnancy (only 1 time did I get sick and I was almost 4 months) and I had a healthy pregnancy, this last time I had no morning sickness until later on and only a handful of times. I mc at 16 weeks. So no morning sickness is really not good or bad.

Hopefully you get your BFP soon!
I didn't think much about the lack of morning sickness too as I didn't have serious nausea with #1. but this time round, I hardly felt pregnant. The only time I felt sick was when I got my bfp at 13dpo. This would have been #2 btw.

The doctor advised me to wait 2 cycles to get my hormones in check. But I dun think we can! Just can't wait to get started all over again.
I know what you mean, after my mc all I could think about was trying again. Well who am I kidding that's all I still think about lol. My Dr said I could start trying right away, although I would have no idea when I am ovulating if I didn't wait for my first AF. So that is the predicament I am currently in. Waiting impatiently for my first AF to show and she isn't. It`s frustrating not knowing what is going on.
I totally get that. It's like having 2 voices at the back of my head. One voice says 'no no you got to wait. Build back your health and make better eggs before trying' and another goes 'it's going to be a perfectly good egg. And nothing happens if you don't try!'

I think I probably will go for it anyway. Waiting for af is probably going to drive me crazy. I need a distraction!
Goodluckbear, welcome, and I am so sorry for your loss. I'm very glad you found us though, these ladies have helped me TREMENDOUSLY since my D&C! If you'll look at the first post in this thread and give me your stats I'll add you! And BD-ing is a WONDERFUL distraction!

Twinkie - I am PISSED for you, I could see my sister being selfish and not taking a pregnancy seriously and it would make me sooooo mad! Ugh!!! And the dynamic with your in laws is odd to say the least. But it's their loss... would you really want your DS around people who are close minded and selfish like that anyways... (I have issues with my own family so my husband tells me to think that way. He tells me it's their loss they don't want a close relationship with me, I reply, no it's DD's loss too, she doesn't get grandparents. He says... Would I really want her exposed to their behavior though? And of course I wouldn't want her influenced by their selfishness). But I digress, your SIL is being ridiculous, but I do wish her all the best this evening if she is induced. Keep us posted!

AUNIE!!! I bought hpts today to hold me over till my cheapies arrive in the mail. BFN. Ah well, had some period like cramps earlier...
Janet - Just read your post from earlier, I've felt like that too, I'm sure we all have... Being a fat hungry monster can be nice sometimes though. It's like your taking care of that inner persona that doesn't get to come out very often, and you're doing it at a very opportune moment, what with everyone out tonight. I do hope that you are able to satiate that inner monster in one night though, or watch out DH! LOL. ;-)
Can I join u? I just had my d&c last Friday, Sep 16th. I was 7 weeks along. Reading all your positive posts has certainly helped me lots!

Everything happened so fast. I started spotting fresh red blood at 7 pm Wednesday night. Rushed straight to the a&e where they did a scan. They found the baby and the heartbeat was strong. So they sent me home with orders for bed rest and some progesterone pills. But on Thursday the bleeding continued and my cramps got more intense. I called my regular doctor and she told me to come in right away. She did a scan and found that the baby's heartbeat was still strong but the baby was small - measuring only 6 weeks when I should be 7. She sent me home after a progesterone shot. But the bleeding and cramps continued. We called my doctor again and she said to go back to the hospital. It was midnight but she did a scan anyway. This time the baby's heartbeat was weak. By morning, when we did a high definition scan the heartbeat was completely gone. I did the d&c that very afternoon.

I have no idea what happened. One moment I was happily expecting and the next I am not. What's worse is that I am now getting morning sickness. I did not have that at all while I was pregnant. Actually, I should have guessed something was not right then.

I wanted that baby so badly.

I just wanted to say that I am sorry for your loss. I lost my second pregnancy at 7 weeks also (although I never got to see our little one on an U/S, he/she never grew that far). I have an 8 year old son, which I am lucky to have, but I wanted this baby so much. I wanted my son to get to be a big brother.

The ladies on this tread are so supportive. You can post whatever you are feeling and they don't judge. So sorry you had to join us, but welcome.:hugs:
Twinkie - I am PISSED for you, I could see my sister being selfish and not taking a pregnancy seriously and it would make me sooooo mad! Ugh!!! And the dynamic with your in laws is odd to say the least. But it's their loss... would you really want your DS around people who are close minded and selfish like that anyways... (I have issues with my own family so my husband tells me to think that way. He tells me it's their loss they don't want a close relationship with me, I reply, no it's DD's loss too, she doesn't get grandparents. He says... Would I really want her exposed to their behavior though? And of course I wouldn't want her influenced by their selfishness). But I digress, your SIL is being ridiculous, but I do wish her all the best this evening if she is induced. Keep us posted!

Thanks for for being pissed for me! I am trying to let things go, I figure the resentment and anger isn't good for anyone! I sometimes just have to rant awhile to get it out of my system.

Still testing everyday with OPKs, still -. Thats OK since DH is out of town until tomorrow night.

No news yet about my SIL/niece.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Well pretty sure AF is here for me, yeay!! CD 1 for me so now I can start actually trying! I'm so excited that it finally here and the waiting is over! I was going to start temping today but totally forgot when I woke up this morning, is it ok if I start tommorow morning?? I've never taken my bbt before so I don't know the proper procedure to do it lol.

And around when would I start opks? Ive never used those properly either lol. All new to me so I hope I can catach an eggie this month! I am normally a 28-29 day cycle, so we will see if it stays the same after my mc!
Well pretty sure AF is here for me, yeay!! CD 1 for me so now I can start actually trying! I'm so excited that it finally here and the waiting is over! I was going to start temping today but totally forgot when I woke up this morning, is it ok if I start tommorow morning?? I've never taken my bbt before so I don't know the proper procedure to do it lol.

And around when would I start opks? Ive never used those properly either lol. All new to me so I hope I can catach an eggie this month! I am normally a 28-29 day cycle, so we will see if it stays the same after my mc!

Congrats on AF! It is OK to start temping tomorrow. You just need to get a baseline so you can tell when you get your temp spike (my first day of AF, by temps are usually still high anyway, it takes a couple days for mine to go back down to pre O levels). If you are normally a 28/29 days cycle my OPKs say to start using them the day after AF finishes (but I use the cheap dip stick ones, not the digital). If you are using the cheap ones, I also recommend using them twice a day when you get close to your time you O, I would say probably CD 10 for your length cycle. I only got one positive on my OPKs the month I got pregnant and luckily I was testing twice a day, or I would have missed the surge! Good Luck!
Thanks Twinkie thats great to know. I will definitely start tommorow morning then! I will probably start opks (the dip strips lol) the day AF finishes then. I don't wanna miss out on my surge. We are gonna bd everyday or every 2 days just in case anyways lol. But it would be nice to know when I O though lol.
OMG! Update on the SIL...

She had her baby at 3:45 this morning, via C-Section. Baby weighed 3lbs 12oz, but is doing fine and doesn't need any oxygen.

Here is the best part. Neither me nor DH got a phone call! I had to find out on FB! What kind of family did I marry in to? The only reason I knew that she was in the hospital and was going to get induced was because of FB. Neither me nor DH got one phone call this whole weekend. I took the initiative and talked to her on Friday to find out how she was doing. I refuse to comment on FB. I am not even going to pretend like I know. I am beyond mad. How can you announce something like this on FB and not tell you family first?
Twinkie I am so sorry! Did they finally call you to tell you guys? That is really terrible, I am so sorry you have to deal with that!

As for me, I give up I guess I am not officially on CD anything! My bleeding completely stopped and I havent even filled a single pad. I am so confused it's getting to be crazy. I really thought today was it! But nope! Maybe later on tonight or tommorow. I have no cramping yet so we will see. I really was hoping to start while I have my 2 days off. I am scared its gonna be crazy heavy and I dont want any "accidents" at work lol.
Twinkie I am so sorry! Did they finally call you to tell you guys? That is really terrible, I am so sorry you have to deal with that!

As for me, I give up I guess I am not officially on CD anything! My bleeding completely stopped and I havent even filled a single pad. I am so confused it's getting to be crazy. I really thought today was it! But nope! Maybe later on tonight or tommorow. I have no cramping yet so we will see. I really was hoping to start while I have my 2 days off. I am scared its gonna be crazy heavy and I dont want any "accidents" at work lol.

I never did get a phone call, but DH said she called him this afternoon, but I think it is because he posted something on her wall on FB. He told her that if anything chanes that he better get a phone call and not find out on FB. Good for him!

Sorry about AF or the lack there of! Hopefully she comes for real soon, so you can start fresh.

Of course while DH is out of town our internet connection goes down, so I am relying on my phone to keep up with all of your posts, so sorry iif I miss something!

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