TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

The genetic test from the baby came back, there was a chromosome abnormality but its non-recurrent. Nothing wrong geneticly with hubby or me. I'm very happy about that but at the same time frustrated that I keep losing my babies. I don't feel well today, I feel weak and tired. (Tmi) I went to bed with a super tampon and super pad, I woke up soaked with blood, seems to be slowing down a bit now thank god!

Sorry about AF, I hope she doesn't stick around too long! Great news that the chromosome abnormality is non-recurrent. I hope you get your rainbow baby soon!
The genetic test from the baby came back, there was a chromosome abnormality but its non-recurrent. Nothing wrong geneticly with hubby or me. I'm very happy about that but at the same time frustrated that I keep losing my babies. I don't feel well today, I feel weak and tired. (Tmi) I went to bed with a super tampon and super pad, I woke up soaked with blood, seems to be slowing down a bit now thank god!

Great news that there is nothing wrong with you or your hubby! You will get your sticky bean soon!!

I know how you feel about AF, i went to bed last night thinking I was almost finished it, well woke up this morning soaked in blood. It decided to come on heavy while I was sleeping. Had to double up at work. It's not too bad now but hopefully its gone soon.
I do hope everyone gets a sticky bean this cycle! Would love to see success stories here for everyone :)

I've just completed my course of antibiotics. Feels good to be done with that. The spotting seems to be gone too. Apart from a slight tender feeling where the baby was (is that normal?) I feel physically fine. Also decided to take another week off work to spend more quality time with my toddler. I have not decided what to say to my co-workers since I took off so suddenly...they have no idea what happened. They think I got some virus or something like that (most of them are still single)
I do hope everyone gets a sticky bean this cycle! Would love to see success stories here for everyone :)

I've just completed my course of antibiotics. Feels good to be done with that. The spotting seems to be gone too. Apart from a slight tender feeling where the baby was (is that normal?) I feel physically fine. Also decided to take another week off work to spend more quality time with my toddler. I have not decided what to say to my co-workers since I took off so suddenly...they have no idea what happened. They think I got some virus or something like that (most of them are still single)

It is hard to decide what to tell co-workers. I have a couple close friends at work so they knew I was pregnant and they also knew I was having some complications too (I had cramping and spotting for a week, before my MC was confirmed on an U/S). So I texted them when I got the bad news. But no one else knew I was even pregnant, so it was hard to decide what to tell them. I could tell when I came back that some of them wanted to ask what was going on, but only one nosey lady had the nerve to ask. I just told her it was personal. I told my boss and that was it. I did end up sending an e-mail to a bunch of ladies I work with about a memorial walk/fundraiser I am doing and I mentioned my loss in it. Most were very nice and supportive. The same lady that asked me what was wrong decided it was her job to forward my e-mail to a male coworker who didn't know, which kind of made me mad. I didn't care that he knew, it was just not her place to forward my e-mail on just for gossip purpose...

I don't know if my experience will help but I thought I would share. Good luck deciding what to say, I know it is difficult!
aunie-glad to hear the genetic defect isn't hereditary. sending a big hug your way!

praying that we all get our bfp's in october!

i've been having a hard time the last few days and i'm not really sure why?! i'm just feeling alone with all this lately. it's like all around me everyone's lives are moving right along and i still just feel empty. maybe i've just been hormonal b/c of O or maybe b/c the tww is getting to me, but geez! i mean i work with tons of women at the hospital, and each week somebody else pops up pg! i am genuinely happy for them, but it's like another knife to the heart each time. i feel like i need to be getting over it by now, but i'm not sure i ever will. :cry:
Sorry to hear that nursekelly. I have my moments still I work on my own most days and am alone with my thoughts so I keep replaying my mc in my mind most days while I am working. It sucks, sometimes I want to break down and cry but I try not to. I feel like people wouldn't understand me being upset still since it happened over a month ago. I hate knowing everyone's lives are moving on and all I want is a baby, I feel so empty too and try to stay positive but I keep thinking it just might not happen for us again and that really scares me. If I don't get pregnant this cycle I don't know what I'm going to do. I really don't know if I can take that. I want this so bad, and if I got pregnant this cycle it would be due around my daughters bday and that would be awesome. I really hope we all get our BFP in October or late September if anyone is still having to test this month!.

This stupid AF needs to be over lol. I am so over it. I thought it was on its way out last night, it had pretty much stopped but I woke up this morning and it was back full force. And was here for most of the day now its pretty much gone again. I'm so confused, I am so scared its going to keep up like this and its gonna prevent me from Oing or its gonna mess it up for me. I just wish my body would straighten out allready. It's driving me crazy.
Well ladies, I've been thinking a lot lately. Does anyone ever tell you stories about so and so was told they couldn't have kids and as soon as they adopted they got pregnant? Or so and so tried for a year and decided to take a break and got pregnant? I keep getting these stories a lot lately and its starting to get to me. Now i'm thinking the harder i try the longer it's gonna take to happen. I think with all the stress me and hubby have with losing the baby, all the medical bills and having to re-save money to by a house because of said medical bills, we're gonna but ttc on hold for a few months. I read that stress really messes with hormones and sperm quality and i just can't risk another m/c. I really really want a baby and i keep struggling with this decision. I think it's the best thing to do but i'm obsessed with trying-it's hard to stop. I would like to stay here with you ladies if that's ok? you never know, come 10 days i might completely change my mind and bd like crazy lol

Nursekelly/jenna-I'm sorry you ladies are having a tough time, this is an awful thing to go through and i don't think anyone really understands until they're in this situation. I don't think you ever really get over it, it hurts a little less with time and you learn how to live with it (at least i hope).

I have my fx'd for everyone and i'll be here rooting for ya'll!!
Aunie - what you've just said makes perfect sense. I was previously following the smep group and there was a common pattern that emerged. Most of the ladies who went on holiday came back with a bfp! Taking the edge off trying seems to work.

Twinkie - I'm still torn over what to say at work. I guess the good thing is that my boss will be on his annual vacation when I get back next week. Perhaps by the time in returns (in another 2 weeks) he may have other issues to tackle. We'll see. Sorry to hear that your co-worker forwarded the email... They just can't understand what we are going through I guess.
How is everyone doing? It's so quiet in here lately lol.

I am doing good, af is finally done (I think! lol) , we are gonna start bding often so we dont miss an egg. Hopefully I do ovulate this cycle. I will be devastated if I dont. Cant wait to start trying my opks. I dont think my thermometer is working properly my temps are really screwed up may need to get a new one.

Hope everyone is hanging in there!
I was told to wait 2 cycles after my D&C for missed miscarriage. Well, then I bled for 6 weeks afterwards and just finally got a period 12 weeks after the D&C and it's not even what I call normal. So how would I wait for two cycles!!! I'm trying now, I pray it doesn't end badly, because i will not be able to handle it I'm afraid.
Well, I am back from my weekend trip... there isn't alot of news on here! Well I got + opks Wednesday and Thursday last week and had EWCM, so I thought for sure I would O, but so far no temp spike. I am so sad, I really thought I was going to be in my 2WW now. (I was camping in a tent Saturday and Sunday, so I couldn't temp because it was 45 degrees outside!) Do you think spending so much time in the cold could have messed up my temp Monday? I checked my temp periodically on Sunday when I got back and it was low most of the day, but I would think that my temp would be back to nomral this morning, so I guess I am still waiting on O!

I am starting to get frustrated! I am trying not to stress out about TTC, but it is so hard not to!
Twinkie-seems reasonable that the cold would mess with your temps, were you and oh able to dtd? i would keep going at it hun.

Jenna-I'm glad af is done with you finally! She didn't last long for me but she was a b*tch while she was here! Hope you O soon!

It's been real quiet here lately. Weird huh? when this happened to me my world seemed to have stopped completely-I imagine you all were in the same boat. Now look at us, getting things back to normal, that's a good thing. It's still hard, for a brief moment i almost had everything i wanted, but when i look back at me a month ago and me now i realize how far i've come!
Aunie- I am glad you are feeling better!
Janet- 14dpo... I'm keeping my FX'd for you!

Well I got a temp shift this morning. So I went in and put a fake temp in for tomorrow and FF gave me crosshairs on Friday! So I think this is going to be a confusing 2WW, not knowing if I O'd last week or yesterday (either way we got some BDing in, so there is still hope!) Well I guess I will have to wait and see what my temps do!
Still trying to figure out O! I took an 2OPKs one strip and one digital last night and both were +! so I was back to Bding last night! I hope all this work pays off.

How is everyone else?

I went to my second support group meeting. I really thought I could make it through the meeting with out crying, but I started crying about half way through! I haven't cried for about 3 weeks before that, so I don't know why it was so hard last night! The ladies there probably think I am a basketcase!
OPks are so confusing to use . I hate them already lol. I just started using mine (internet cheapies) on CD 8 and I am on CD 10 and am barely getting a second line, barely a shadow I gotta angle it to see any hint of second line. I am doubting I will ever see two dark lines on my OPks. Gonna get DH to bd as often as I can, although I just have this feeling it's not gonna happen for us this cycle. I'm not sure why. I was feeling hopeful but not too much today. I think it's because of my bbt charting, it looks really messed up lol. Like a big V so weird. I really am thinking my thermometer is garbage and I should just buy a new one for next cycle.
OPks are so confusing to use . I hate them already lol. I just started using mine (internet cheapies) on CD 8 and I am on CD 10 and am barely getting a second line, barely a shadow I gotta angle it to see any hint of second line. I am doubting I will ever see two dark lines on my OPks. Gonna get DH to bd as often as I can, although I just have this feeling it's not gonna happen for us this cycle. I'm not sure why. I was feeling hopeful but not too much today. I think it's because of my bbt charting, it looks really messed up lol. Like a big V so weird. I really am thinking my thermometer is garbage and I should just buy a new one for next cycle.

The month I got pregnant I used the cheapie OPKs and mine were completely white for several days then a couple days with faint lines and then BAM, +. So don't rule them out yet. My problem that month was that I only picked up the surge about 12 hrs before hand, so I am not sure they helped much... this time around it seems I picked up the surge sooner.
Ok good to know! Thanks! I may have to pick up a digital on friday. Maybe I will have better luck with those.

I just rechecked the opk I took about 20 minutes ago and it has a visible but still very faint second line so maybe there is hope for me, it got me excited when I saw it. I am really hoping I catch it!
Good luck with your opks ladies? Anyone using the pre-seed? i keep hearing really good things about it. I started taking red raspberry leaves and so far i like it. Its made me start bleeding lightly but it looks like old blood so i hope it's just clearing out my uterus and making it nice and healthy in there. It also makes me pretty frisky!
Good luck with your opks ladies? Anyone using the pre-seed? i keep hearing really good things about it. I started taking red raspberry leaves and so far i like it. Its made me start bleeding lightly but it looks like old blood so i hope it's just clearing out my uterus and making it nice and healthy in there. It also makes me pretty frisky!

I used preseed a couple times this month, but DH says it smells (I don't notice it) and says that it makes it to "slippery" down there, so I quit using it. If I don't get my BFP this month I may try to use it again and just be sneaky about it. :)

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