TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Well I got another temp rise, so FX'd that it stays that way this time. I never thought I would say this but I am anxious to get to my 2WW, this has been a long 3 weeks!
Ok good to know! Thanks! I may have to pick up a digital on friday. Maybe I will have better luck with those.

I just rechecked the opk I took about 20 minutes ago and it has a visible but still very faint second line so maybe there is hope for me, it got me excited when I saw it. I am really hoping I catch it!

I decided to use the cheapos this month and then back it up with a digital if it looks close to +. There were a couple OPKs that I would have considered +, but I got a - on a digital one.
I only have a few cheapies left so I may have to order more lol. Havent decided on the digital yet. May wait but Im not sure, knowing me ill go buy it tomorrow after work lol.
I really am hoping for my BFP this cycle. I would be due 4 days after my daughters birthday. I would be pregnant almost the same days I was with my daughter 10 yrs ago lol. I think I've gone nuts! lol

Also just found out a girl I work with is pregnant and due in April. Ughh another bump I have to look at.... I am happy for her but really hope I have my own bump to look at too :)
I am very hopeful this month too. Assuming I really O'd yesterday, we DTD the three days before O and the day of, so I don't know how much more I could have done! :) I am so anxious to find out, and I am only 1dpo! Waiting sucks!
I am just hoping i actually O at all lol. I am so scared its not gonna happen. Stupid Opks, stupid temping (my chart looks like its on crack), stupid everything lol. I should just throw it all out the window and just bd a lot lol.
Well, I am beginning to second guess whether or not I actually O'd yesterday... this happened last month too. I took my temp when I got home and it wasn't nearly as high as it was this morning (I know that is not accurate, but it is starting to freak me out!) I guess I will wait and see.
Hey ladies, sorry about being MIA, been moving! Officially starting my cross country road trip on Sunday, just got into a hotel with internet so thought I would pop in and say hey and good luck to everyone and see how ya'll are doing! I am hoping this will be our month! Check out my chart! When do you think I'll ovulate? Ugh, soon I hope, going to BD like crazy over the weekend (well as much as we can) and hope we catch our egg!
good luck with the rest of your move, nostress :)

aunie...we use complaints here

jenna & twinkie...fx'd for you!

i really need to get myself together! i'm poas like it's going out of style! i'm 12 dpo and they're all still neg. my 21 day progesterone was 12.5 and i'm pretty sure that's too low to be pg. i'm expecting af next tues, which is also the 2 month "angelversary" of my sweet LO. so if all i get is af and no bfp...i'm gonna be a wreck :cry:

best of luck to you all,

So I woke up this morning to a temp spike! I can only hope it was just a fluke and goes back down. I've been getting negative OPKs for the past 3-4 days. I've been kind of irregular in what time I take them and what time I temp... Perhaps the temp spike was from my hard workout yesterday... or maybe I'm getting sick! Ugh!!! We only BD-ed once in the past few days! I woke up at 6 saw the temp spike and got so upset. I woke DH up and explained to him how upset I was and how I wish we had BDed last night and how I feel I missed my ovulation. He got mad at me for stressing!!! We have been moving and trying to change our duty station (military) and going through a lot and I haven't stressed once, and now he is mad at me for a moment of stress/upset/worry because I think I missed my ovulation! UGH, then he says I don't feel like it's up to us when we get pregnant, just let it happen. Ugh! I thought we were on the same page, he didn't mind me charting and taking opks... as long as I didn't stress... I'm just a bit upset... I guess only time will tell, I'm just ready to be pregnant, the longer it takes the more likely it is that he will be deployed for the majority of the pregnancy, or deploy before we get pregnant or we'll have another August bday (which isn't all that bad lol) or ugh, I just don't know. I'm just so ready to not feel empty anymore.
Also, I ALWAYS get extreme ovulation pains when I ovulate, but I haven't had ANY at ALL yet! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the temp spike be a fluke!
So I guess my temping/charting/opks will ONLY be used to make sure my body is "working" not as a tool to time sex... This is the plan DH agrees with. No seeing I have a positive opk and then asking for sex for the purpose of making a baby... apparently he sees that as too much of a job. So I guess we'll see... and hope.
Awww nostress, sorry for the difficult time that DH is giving you. TTC and moving at the same time would make any of us stressed. I think it is understandable. It took me and DH over 5 months to get prego when we weren't scheduling sex around O time (basically just doing it when he felt like it, which was hardly ever!) So I was able to convince him that we needed to do it more often this month if we were really TTC and he agreed. I am afraid if it doesnt' work then he will be back to his old ways next cycle!

I don't think they understand how upsetting it is to know that we probably missed our fertile window. Or how hard it is to not know for 2 weeks whether or not we are pregnant! Hopefully your temp spike was a fluke and you are still waiting to O.
Well my temp is still up so I am back to thinking I O'd. If they can make an Ovulation predictor kit, why can't the make an Ovulation confirmation kit? It would be so much easier than temping and waiting to see if your temps stay high for 3 days!
I'm all for ovulation confirmation kits! LOL, that would make both of our situations better!
nostress - I'm so sorry your dh is giving you a tough time. I am in almost the same boat, I have to practically beg for dh to bd. I get so frusterated like I am gonna miss my chance if we dont. He makes me crazy sometimes lol.

nursekelly - I have my fx for you to get a BFP! It's not over til AF shows up!

Twinkie - I know almost nothing about temping which is why I dont even know why I do it lol. I guess I figured I would just try it out.
OPKS are driving me crazy and I am really starting to get worried that something is wrong with me and I'm not going to O. I am still having stark white opks, not even a faint line and I am really starting to panic here. I don't understand what the heck is happening. I am trying to get DH to bed often (4 times in the past 4 days lol) , but I dont' think that will keep up for much longer lol. I think I'm pushing my luck but I'm so scared to miss my window! This is so stressful I hate it.
POSITIVE OPK TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! YES! So happy! And my temperature dipped back below the coverline again! Ok, just need to stay on DH's good side and try to not get stressed out!
WoooHooo Nostress! Make nice with DH and BD! (Ok, don't let him know it's BD...)

Jenna- don't lose hope yet, you could still get yor + OPK. Maybe give DH a break and just BD every other day until you see fertile CM or + OPK? I am hoping that worked for us.

Ugh I'm getting restless! This 2WW seems like it is going to last forever and I am only 3 days into it!
It's hard to not lose hope. Im on day 14 and still no second lines. I'm getting very depressed with it all. Me and dh bd this morning and now when I went to check my cm I had a bit of blood in it. I am so disappointed, I have no idea what that means, I have been having mild cramps on and off for the last few days but I am not really sure why. I am really hoping the spotting is from the bding and not AF coming back to depress me some more.

And on top of my messed up body , it is Thanksgiving next weekend here in Canada, and my dh said his family is having their annual Thanksgiving celebrations and I told him I am not going. He can go with our dughter but I just can't do it. His cousin will certainly be there with her big belly. She was due about a month before me and I know I can't handle seeing that. I am tearing up just thinking about it. He just doesn't understand why that would bother me, he says it's her not you. Like I swear, I know that I just don't need that in my face knowing what we lost. I am not ready for that.

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