TTC After D&C/D&E Buddies

Twinkie-Good luck! Try to think positive, some girls don't get a bfp until 10 or 12 dpo so you got some time.

filipenko-Congrats hun, hope you've been :sex:
Hi Ladies can I join you? Had D&C (well the suction version ERPC) for a missed miscarriage at 10 and a half weeks (babies (yes twins) only measuring at 9 weeks). This was 10 days ago and I am still bleeding on and off - is this normal? I know they told me I could be bleeding for up to 2 weeks and that I should take a hpt after 2 weeks but i have already started taking them and they are still very dark. I just want to stop bleeding and start getting bfns (only time in my life I want to see one) so i can have some hope of trying again.
What I want to know is is this normal to keep bleeding and then stopping? I think it's stopped and then starts again for about an hour and then stops, v strange. Also got something that was like EWCM texture-wise but bright red blood (sorry tmi) - no idea what's going on.
When did you guys get bfns after D&C? And when did you stop bleeding? Did you ovulate soon after stopping bleeding? I don't always ovulate on my own and have really long cycles so desperate to start taking the clomid again.
Is it normal to be so desperate to be pregnant again? I just want to go back in time to when I got that bfp and how happy I was.
Anyway I see quite a few of you have already got bfps really soon after D&C, did you all have super regular cycles before all this? I don't have PCOS (had bloods done and scan and all is fine) so don't really know why i don't always ovulate and have long cycles.

Sorry for really long post and all the questions, I am just so devastated and getting pregnant again is the only thing giving me hope. Threads like this seem so positive and i would love to join. Massive congratulations to all of you who have got bfps so soon and good luck and baby dust to those who are still waiting. xxx
Hi Ladies can I join you? Had D&C (well the suction version ERPC) for a missed miscarriage at 10 and a half weeks (babies (yes twins) only measuring at 9 weeks). This was 10 days ago and I am still bleeding on and off - is this normal? I know they told me I could be bleeding for up to 2 weeks and that I should take a hpt after 2 weeks but i have already started taking them and they are still very dark. I just want to stop bleeding and start getting bfns (only time in my life I want to see one) so i can have some hope of trying again.
What I want to know is is this normal to keep bleeding and then stopping? I think it's stopped and then starts again for about an hour and then stops, v strange. Also got something that was like EWCM texture-wise but bright red blood (sorry tmi) - no idea what's going on.
When did you guys get bfns after D&C? And when did you stop bleeding? Did you ovulate soon after stopping bleeding? I don't always ovulate on my own and have really long cycles so desperate to start taking the clomid again.
Is it normal to be so desperate to be pregnant again? I just want to go back in time to when I got that bfp and how happy I was.
Anyway I see quite a few of you have already got bfps really soon after D&C, did you all have super regular cycles before all this? I don't have PCOS (had bloods done and scan and all is fine) so don't really know why i don't always ovulate and have long cycles.

Sorry for really long post and all the questions, I am just so devastated and getting pregnant again is the only thing giving me hope. Threads like this seem so positive and i would love to join. Massive congratulations to all of you who have got bfps so soon and good luck and baby dust to those who are still waiting. xxx

I had one week of bleeding followed by a week of spotting. My NP said to call if the bleeding lasted longer than 2 weeks and they would give me something to stop the bleeding. Yes it is completely normal to want to be pregnant again right away! I felt the same way and we decided to follow my Dr.'s advice and wait for one actual period. The waiting was so hard. AF returned exactly 5 weeks after my D&C and my cycles pretty much went back to normal right away. My cycles are fairly regular, but I tend to ovulate late in my cycle. It took me between 2 and 3 weeks to get a negative Hpt (I didn't test everyday so I don't know exactly when they went negative) and I O'd 24 days after the D&C, so not long after my HCG dropped to non pregnant levels.

I hope this info helps you some! I am currently in my second cycle TTCAL (we took one cycle off, so 3rd cycle after my D&C). I am currently in my 2WW, so I should know soon if we got lucky this time around!
Thanks so much for the info Twinkie, I guess I shouldn't be overly concerned that I'm still getting strong bfps then. Just want to be able to start the clomid again! I have EVERYTHING crossed for you this cycle, with my first BFP I didn't get it until about 13dpo and with this most recent one got at 9dpo (but it was twins so guess it registers earlier) so you have plenty of time to get your lovely 2 lines yet. Good luck! xxx
Thanks so much for the info Twinkie, I guess I shouldn't be overly concerned that I'm still getting strong bfps then. Just want to be able to start the clomid again! I have EVERYTHING crossed for you this cycle, with my first BFP I didn't get it until about 13dpo and with this most recent one got at 9dpo (but it was twins so guess it registers earlier) so you have plenty of time to get your lovely 2 lines yet. Good luck! xxx

Thanks! I got my BFP @ 10dpo last time, so I am trying to hold out until then!
I am so confused with my bbt charting right now lol. I haven't had a positive opk yet (could have missed my surge I guess) anyways I woke up this am at 4:15 and took my temp because I was confused I thought it was my alarm going off but I'm not sure what woke me up lol. I usually temp at 7am. My temp was higher than usual and I checked the bbt temp adjuster and it adjusts it way higher. Anyways since inputting my temp on fertility friend it gave me crosshairs and has me O'ing 4 days ago? I'm confused should I just disregard this mornings temp??

Here is my chart in case someone wants to see it. The big dip was the night the fan was on so I am assuming that's why the big dip.
My Ovulation Chart
I would wait and see what tomorrow's temp is like and keep with the OPKs for a few more days. The temp shift doesn't look very clear to me either. FX'd for you!
jenna-what cd are you on?

:hi: welcome twinkle! Sorry you have to be here with us hcg went down pretty quick but that might have been because my baby died a week before we found out. I O'd about two weeks after my negative hpt and got af two weeks after that. I O'd really late after AF but i got my BFP! We are always here if you have questions or just need to talk about things, we all had it pretty rough at first and know what you're going through. :hugs:
Thanks so much guys for your support, it makes me feel so much better just to know i can post on here and talk to people who have been through/are going through similar things to me. big hugs to everyone and fingers crossed everything works out well for us all.
Twinkie did you crack and test yet or are you still holding out? xx
Yes, I took a test this morning. I did the $ Tree test and I broke down and did a FRER... both BFN :(

Last night I noticed some pink CM, just a small amount, so I might go ahead and test again tomorrow. At this point what do I have to lose? I am not holding out hope because spotting is not unusual for me, but this was different than my normal spotting. I have two more FRERs left, so if it is a BFN tomorrow I might try to hold out until Tuesday to test again. If AF doesn't show by then it will will be the longest LP I have had ever, but I am on Prometrium, so it still wouldn't mean that I am pregnant. I hate this part of my cycle!
Oh and my chart isn't looking so good either :( I am thinking I might be out anyway...
Ah, hon don't give up, it's not over until AF shows, 9dpo is still really early , will keep everything crossed for you! To be honest I find the waiting to ovulate part much harder than the 2ww, without clomid I can have up to a 70 day cycle (although that was straight off bcp it did go to 50 and then 40) so at least I know that the 2ww won't last too long and there is some hope then.
Will keep everything crossed for youxxx ps - are you on prometrium for luteal phase defect? xx
Ah, hon don't give up, it's not over until AF shows, 9dpo is still really early , will keep everything crossed for you! To be honest I find the waiting to ovulate part much harder than the 2ww, without clomid I can have up to a 70 day cycle (although that was straight off bcp it did go to 50 and then 40) so at least I know that the 2ww won't last too long and there is some hope then.
Will keep everything crossed for youxxx ps - are you on prometrium for luteal phase defect? xx

Yes, my LP isn't that bad, 11 days with spotting typically starting at 9dpo, but my progesterone was low before my MC, so my Dr. suggested trying Prometrium to see if it would keep me from spotting and lengthen my LP. The bad part is he had me start it before I typically O (which is CD 21is). He told me to start it CD16 and take it through CD35. Well I got a + OPK the night of CD16 (which is my earliest true + OPK). I got a temp rise 2 days later, but I don't know for sure if it is from O or the Prometrium! I am thinking I might ignore what the Dr. told me next month and take it after I see a temp shift so I can be sure. (My temp shift was huge so I am thinking it is from O, but I hate not really knowing, I might be stressing out about testing for no reason! UGH!)
hi ladies! sorry i've been mia so long. it's just been kinda hard coming up here the last several weeks, i guess b/c i'm trying to get over a little "outa sight, outa mind" sorta thing. but i'm not really sure any of that works anyway!

So round 2 of clomid failed:cry: the ol' :witch: got me this week, so starting round 3. i'm just so frustrated with everything. i just feel like we're doing everything right and it's still not working. and i'm just getting nervous that with each month that doesn't work due date (feb 11) is creeping up on me. not sure how i'm gonna handle it if there's no :bfp: before then.

i hope all of you ladies are doing well! congrats aunie!! so excited for you :happydance:

hoping for big fat :bfp: 's for the rest of us soon!!
Well I tested again this morning and BFN. I am pretty sure I am out for this month. I am not testing again until Wed (14dpo) If it is a BFN on Wednesday, I will be stopping progesterone and on to the next cycle.

So sorry AF got you nursekelly- I feel like my due date is creeping up too (March 18th). FX'd for you this round!

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