TTC after D&C (Soon)

Thanks mj2013 :winkwink: Waiting till friday to test again....Ancious !!:wacko:
Morning ladies! So I think I had ewcm for the first time yesterday! I was so excited to see it! lol, of course it would have to be the month that I am having my mri's and all this testing done, but still none the less was happy to know that my body does produce the stuff even if it's not constant. So I'm hoping to get my MRI results today and my appointment with the new FS is tomorrow. My temp jumped up a little this morning, not as high as it usually gets but I think I may have O'd in the evening yesterday so hoping tomorrow it will be higher and I can be pretty confident I O'd yesterday.

Brighteyez - have you tested?

Tella - when will you be testing?
We always end up going on spontaneous holidays. Very seldom that we plan it long in advance. However a friend asked about December and we might go to Mozambique which is a neighbouring country that you can only access by 4x4, it is so much fun there and the water is like luke warm and the most beautiful beaches ever. That is im not preggers as its a malaria area.

Cast, the time is coming closer and closer!!!! You better post quickly after you have found out!!!

Bright, sorry to see your temp dropped to below coverline. but this cycle passed super quickly. Here is to making that rainbow baby this coming cycle :winkwink:

ViandB, Good luck for tomorrow.

MJ, YAY for ECWM. Arent you allowed to TTC whilst doing MRIs? Its great taht you are producing it. Ive read that it doesnt mean that you dont see it that it isnt there. I hardly ever see mine as well, but get super excited if i do!!!

AFM > FF moved O on a day so this is my second day at 6dpo :hissy: I think i will wait it out till atleast 12dpo, im so tempted to start earlier but hate the wonder if it is to early or really over. I find it easier if the bfn is closer to the AF but this is my BFP month!!!!!!!! so this time will be different!

DH was so sweet on Tuesday, i wanted to pick up a box and he said no im not allowed to pick it up because im pregnant :cloud9:
Hello ladies!! How is everyone?

MJ - I did test and it is a BFN plus I dropped below coverline.

Tella - Thanks and it's ok, I enjoyed this cycle with hubby so on to the next on maybe. I think I may take a break and just enjoy the summer with the fam and start back up in the fall. I she FS on the 16th because I missed the on on the 2nd.

Any who, I thought I would share some of the pics with you ladies from the cruise.


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More pics:happydance:


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more pics again....


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last ones.


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Ladies I have a question. When do you think I o'd ff say the 23rd and countdown say the 26th. Can you take a peak and tell me your thoughts.


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Brighteyez - you guys look like you had a blast! I didn't take much pics in colombia but I'll upload a few shortly. As far as your chart, I think the 26th, I'm not sure how FF is coming up with the 23rd.

Tella - that trip sounds like my kinda trip, 4x4, warm water and beautiful beaches! right where I would want to be. My idea of heaven includes a beach lol. I can soooo understand when FF moves your O date the frustration! I hate being the same dpo for 2 days ugggh. afm with the mri, the dr told me we could try I just wasn't going to be strict because I had to do the MRI with and without contrast and the dye stuff they give you I'm not sure what side effects it has.
P.S. That was soooo sweet of DH, I would've just started crying at that comment, I'm such a sucker like that
bright, wow is evident you had a blast! !! I love the photo with the pink hat! !!!!

Try and remove the+opk from ff and see if they move your o date. I also think 26 is more likely.

mj, yeah a beach is my ultimate holiday as well amd retirement spot. Oh ok I suppose it's the best to do and a break is good for you! !!

I just smiled and had that warm feeling in side! !!!
Morning ladies, my temp went up to my normal after O temp this morning, so once it's still up tomorrow FF will put my O date as wednesday, so I'm 2dpo today :)
Yay, atleast you can get this cycle over with and try fully next cycle again. Will you be taking clomid next cycle?

Did you get your results and how did the appointment go with the new FS?
Yay, atleast you can get this cycle over with and try fully next cycle again. Will you be taking clomid next cycle?

Did you get your results and how did the appointment go with the new FS?

Haven't gotten the MRI results yet to see if I am going to try another clomid cycle or just operate and have it removed this month and then go back to clomid. FS appt is at 1pm so I'll let you know what he says :)
Yay, atleast you can get this cycle over with and try fully next cycle again. Will you be taking clomid next cycle?

Did you get your results and how did the appointment go with the new FS?

Haven't gotten the MRI results yet to see if I am going to try another clomid cycle or just operate and have it removed this month and then go back to clomid. FS appt is at 1pm so I'll let you know what he says :)

Good luck MJ!!!
Thanks ladies! - so here's the update, today didn't go as I wanted so was a bit emotional towards the end and ended up eating fried chicken and fries to drown my sorrows :cry: lol, but I'm ok now :)
My OB still hasn't called with the MRI results even though his office said they have them, really beginning to dislike this guy as I have to hound him to get my results. Anyway, went to new FS and he's ordered a bunch of blood tests and genetic testing for me and DH, happy about that. However, he looked at my MRI pics which the lab gave me the images on a CD and he said it's definitely dermoid and I need to have it removed before having any treatment.....but this is where the bad news comes in! He is fully booked for the month of June and leaves for Czech republic July 1 for the month, so he can't operate on me till August!!! I am so not prepared to wait till then, so he referred me to someone but they don't accept my insurance and so I started looking for a surgeon, think I found a good one but he can't see me for a consult until June the wait continues:coffee:, but hopefully when I see him on the 18th I can get a surgery scheduled for the end of June/beginning of July so that I can heal and be ready when my FS gets back. O but the good news! he did an u/s and said I won't lose my left ovary, he can definitely see where we can cut it and still save my ovary - thank God/the universe/Buddha/Allah/Jehovah!!!! :thumbup: Anyway, that's my update, sorry for the long read but the rollercoaster never ends....not to mention DH couldn't understand why I was so emotional :growlmad:
Thanks ladies! - so here's the update, today didn't go as I wanted so was a bit emotional towards the end and ended up eating fried chicken and fries to drown my sorrows :cry: lol, but I'm ok now :)
My OB still hasn't called with the MRI results even though his office said they have them, really beginning to dislike this guy as I have to hound him to get my results. Anyway, went to new FS and he's ordered a bunch of blood tests and genetic testing for me and DH, happy about that. However, he looked at my MRI pics which the lab gave me the images on a CD and he said it's definitely dermoid and I need to have it removed before having any treatment.....but this is where the bad news comes in! He is fully booked for the month of June and leaves for Czech republic July 1 for the month, so he can't operate on me till August!!! I am so not prepared to wait till then, so he referred me to someone but they don't accept my insurance and so I started looking for a surgeon, think I found a good one but he can't see me for a consult until June the wait continues:coffee:, but hopefully when I see him on the 18th I can get a surgery scheduled for the end of June/beginning of July so that I can heal and be ready when my FS gets back. O but the good news! he did an u/s and said I won't lose my left ovary, he can definitely see where we can cut it and still save my ovary - thank God/the universe/Buddha/Allah/Jehovah!!!! :thumbup: Anyway, that's my update, sorry for the long read but the rollercoaster never ends....not to mention DH couldn't understand why I was so emotional :growlmad:

Oh MJ that is such a mixed bag! I am happy you get to keep your ovary and pray that you will be able to get back to baby making by August, the latest!
wow some doctors are just so inconsiderate and dont care about you. I would so give them a piece of my mind for going to an appointment without results. It costs money and it's crap that they don't care because they don't pay it.

yay for getting the full blood panel done amd the genetic testing. It could be a reason for the mc and cps! It's awesome that he will be able to save your ovary! !!! makes your chances just so much better.

It's a real bummer about the fact that he won't able to assist you himself but the main thing is just get him to speak to the surgeon to ensure he preserve as much of the ovary add possible. Every surgeon is different and you don't want the new doc to be reckless and damage to much of the ovary.

:hugs: I know it's hard when our dhs don't see everything in the same light as we do but they do seem to start understanding it eventually.

thinking about you and do remember that you can still fall pregnant before then so don't give up.
wow some doctors are just so inconsiderate and dont care about you. I would so give them a piece of my mind for going to an appointment without results. It costs money and it's crap that they don't care because they don't pay it.

yay for getting the full blood panel done amd the genetic testing. It could be a reason for the mc and cps! It's awesome that he will be able to save your ovary! !!! makes your chances just so much better.

It's a real bummer about the fact that he won't able to assist you himself but the main thing is just get him to speak to the surgeon to ensure he preserve as much of the ovary add possible. Every surgeon is different and you don't want the new doc to be reckless and damage to much of the ovary.

:hugs: I know it's hard when our dhs don't see everything in the same light as we do but they do seem to start understanding it eventually.

thinking about you and do remember that you can still fall pregnant before then so don't give up.

Thanks Tella :hugs: definitely going to have him speak with the surgeon to make it is done according to how he described. As far as DH is concerned, I'm still pretty mad he doesn't get it, he's way out in left field somewhere and I have no intention of going out there to bring him in :growlmad::nope:
Going to the lab today at 10:30am for them to take all the blood they need for the tests, because some of it is genetic they said I probably won't get the results for 2-2.5 weeks, so I want to get it done asap! I have an appt scheduled with the new FS at the end of the month to go over the results with him before he leaves the country.
wow some doctors are just so inconsiderate and dont care about you. I would so give them a piece of my mind for going to an appointment without results. It costs money and it's crap that they don't care because they don't pay it.

yay for getting the full blood panel done amd the genetic testing. It could be a reason for the mc and cps! It's awesome that he will be able to save your ovary! !!! makes your chances just so much better.

It's a real bummer about the fact that he won't able to assist you himself but the main thing is just get him to speak to the surgeon to ensure he preserve as much of the ovary add possible. Every surgeon is different and you don't want the new doc to be reckless and damage to much of the ovary.

:hugs: I know it's hard when our dhs don't see everything in the same light as we do but they do seem to start understanding it eventually.

thinking about you and do remember that you can still fall pregnant before then so don't give up.

Thanks Tella :hugs: definitely going to have him speak with the surgeon to make it is done according to how he described. As far as DH is concerned, I'm still pretty mad he doesn't get it, he's way out in left field somewhere and I have no intention of going out there to bring him in :growlmad::nope:
Going to the lab today at 10:30am for them to take all the blood they need for the tests, because some of it is genetic they said I probably won't get the results for 2-2.5 weeks, so I want to get it done asap! I have an appt scheduled with the new FS at the end of the month to go over the results with him before he leaves the country.

Oh MJ it is so hard when it comes to our other halfs. My husband, at 32 weeks pregnant, would still say to me, "You really need to be pick that up?" I was like, when is this dude gonna realize I have his child in me?! When doctors would down play my concerns over Christopher he would chime in, they are the professionals....ummm, yeah and this is my SON. Honestly, till he had our son in his arms, he had NO clue what making a baby and carrying a baby was all about! I am just saying this b/c I really feel it is so abstract they just don't get it. They don't feel the bloat, the pressure to make O, the obsession to temp, etc. I hope he can understand, and know, that our maternal clock is REAL:haha:

As for Rob now, well, he is all aboard the train of questioning what the doctors say (finally, I always tell him to question everything so this is progress) but he is still giving me crap over doing stuff around the house. Doesn't matter how far along, he will never ever understand. :haha:

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