TTC after D&C (Soon)

Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know it gets frustrating alot of times.

When they retrieved the eggs and merged them with the sperm, do they not pick the best of the batch to implant? wouldn't they know which embryos are best?

MJ that was my understanding, they try to pick the ones that would have the best chance to survive, however, you have to provide an egg that they feel can meet that standard...I have had friends who had issues with not producing eggs that they could use.

Also, if it is a lining issue, I don't think IVF can help with that, right?
Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know it gets frustrating alot of times.

When they retrieved the eggs and merged them with the sperm, do they not pick the best of the batch to implant? wouldn't they know which embryos are best?

MJ that was my understanding, they try to pick the ones that would have the best chance to survive, however, you have to provide an egg that they feel can meet that standard...I have had friends who had issues with not producing eggs that they could use.

Also, if it is a lining issue, I don't think IVF can help with that, right?

No IVF wouldn't help with a lining issue but I'm not too sure what it could be really. I'm going to try to still go for my mid cycle scan to see what my lining looks like and then do the blood clotting tests next month when we get back from colombia. If we did do IVF, it probably wouldn't be till towards the end of the year after I have done enough testing to rule out a bunch of things first.
How are you doing by the way? do know if baby is a boy or a girl??
Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know it gets frustrating alot of times.

When they retrieved the eggs and merged them with the sperm, do they not pick the best of the batch to implant? wouldn't they know which embryos are best?

They select the best ones on day of transfer but that is definitely far from a given that it will continue to grow or implant unfortunately. Like i say i had stunning embies and they still didnt implant.

MJ that was my understanding, they try to pick the ones that would have the best chance to survive, however, you have to provide an egg that they feel can meet that standard...I have had friends who had issues with not producing eggs that they could use.

Also, if it is a lining issue, I don't think IVF can help with that, right?

That is exactly the thing, they only work with the eggs you produce so if you have lots of DNA problems then the eggs quality will be lower. Also DNA fragmentation only tends to start showing after transfer.

They can do PGD to test that the embies are healthy but that means they must be frozen as the tests are done on 5dpo and then by the time results are back its to late for transfer so then you have to do a FET. But it is really expensive here so i havent done it.

No IVF wouldn't help with a lining issue but I'm not too sure what it could be really. I'm going to try to still go for my mid cycle scan to see what my lining looks like and then do the blood clotting tests next month when we get back from colombia. If we did do IVF, it probably wouldn't be till towards the end of the year after I have done enough testing to rule out a bunch of things first.
How are you doing by the way? do know if baby is a boy or a girl??

They are more helpful to assist with nourishing the lining during AR by means of estrogen, Lovenox etc as its controlled and lower risk.

I agree IVF is very taxing so make sure all your homework is done before hand. I can never understand why do we have to go through failed ivfs or Mc's before we get tested for somthing. Surely if you have fertility problems than blood clotting should be investigated as well as part as hormones not just for fertility but for general health.

I had a recurrent mc panel done after my 2nd ivf so i atleast know that, that isnt my problem either but again what if it was and i spend so much $$$$ on IVF but didnt treat an underling issue.
Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know it gets frustrating alot of times.

When they retrieved the eggs and merged them with the sperm, do they not pick the best of the batch to implant? wouldn't they know which embryos are best?

They select the best ones on day of transfer but that is definitely far from a given that it will continue to grow or implant unfortunately. Like i say i had stunning embies and they still didnt implant.

MJ that was my understanding, they try to pick the ones that would have the best chance to survive, however, you have to provide an egg that they feel can meet that standard...I have had friends who had issues with not producing eggs that they could use.

Also, if it is a lining issue, I don't think IVF can help with that, right?

That is exactly the thing, they only work with the eggs you produce so if you have lots of DNA problems then the eggs quality will be lower. Also DNA fragmentation only tends to start showing after transfer.

They can do PGD to test that the embies are healthy but that means they must be frozen as the tests are done on 5dpo and then by the time results are back its to late for transfer so then you have to do a FET. But it is really expensive here so i havent done it.

No IVF wouldn't help with a lining issue but I'm not too sure what it could be really. I'm going to try to still go for my mid cycle scan to see what my lining looks like and then do the blood clotting tests next month when we get back from colombia. If we did do IVF, it probably wouldn't be till towards the end of the year after I have done enough testing to rule out a bunch of things first.
How are you doing by the way? do know if baby is a boy or a girl??

They are more helpful to assist with nourishing the lining during AR by means of estrogen, Lovenox etc as its controlled and lower risk.

I agree IVF is very taxing so make sure all your homework is done before hand. I can never understand why do we have to go through failed ivfs or Mc's before we get tested for somthing. Surely if you have fertility problems than blood clotting should be investigated as well as part as hormones not just for fertility but for general health.

I had a recurrent mc panel done after my 2nd ivf so i atleast know that, that isnt my problem either but again what if it was and i spend so much $$$$ on IVF but didnt treat an underling issue.

I totally agree on this, if they are going to recommend such a costly procedure should they have not ruled everything out prior?!

Odd enough, my insurance covers it in full. 3 attempts, I know a few girls at work who did it. They put two eggs in, one girl did three. For all those girls all eggs took so I do feel they try to put the best eggs possible in there!
Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know it gets frustrating alot of times.

When they retrieved the eggs and merged them with the sperm, do they not pick the best of the batch to implant? wouldn't they know which embryos are best?

MJ that was my understanding, they try to pick the ones that would have the best chance to survive, however, you have to provide an egg that they feel can meet that standard...I have had friends who had issues with not producing eggs that they could use.

Also, if it is a lining issue, I don't think IVF can help with that, right?

No IVF wouldn't help with a lining issue but I'm not too sure what it could be really. I'm going to try to still go for my mid cycle scan to see what my lining looks like and then do the blood clotting tests next month when we get back from colombia. If we did do IVF, it probably wouldn't be till towards the end of the year after I have done enough testing to rule out a bunch of things first.
How are you doing by the way? do know if baby is a boy or a girl??

Scan is this Friday BUT we are getting a sealed envelope, with the gender in it. I am having my co worker email it to the baker so she will have time to bake it for pick up that following Friday, big bar b q here June 7th to do the big reveal!

Sadly this is when I am going to start getting anxiety as my son's heart murmur was diagnosed at 23 weeks. Due to them not watching it we lost him at 32 weeks...the weeks in between were a lot of being pushed off on different doctors and just overall a horrible experience. I have a whole new team BUT the anxiety is still definitely there. I am of the mind set now, Just get through the anatomy scan......
Thanks Tella & Castaway. I agree with you both 100% Castaway - that is awesome your insurance covers it, I wish ours did but we will be out of pocket if we did do it but I've been doing my research. I'm just glad DH is willing to go all the way if needed, I didn't think he would agree to but he did so I'm happy about that.

Tella - let us know how your hsg today goes. Is it an hsg or a sis? I really think I need to get the camera test done where they look for any adhesions inside the uterus. I've pretty much gotten a bfp every 3 months, but it just doesn't stick for some reason.

Castaway - I can't wait to hear. Awww don't be too anxious, this is it for you! this one is going to be perfect in every way!
Cast, they definitely choose the best embies with the microscope but there is somethings that cant be seen obviously and like i say if you on a IVF thread the majority reasons for failure is egg quality. Dont know why.

Like MJ says, this is your rainbow and he/she is perfect in every way. Every pregnancy is different and this little person is gonna meet you in a little bit more than 20weeks!!

Oh i wish we had cover for 3 attempts, our insurance overall in SA is horrible there isnt 1 that cover it. And all fertility treatments is out of pocket.

MJ, It was a hysteroscopy where they look inside with a camera. It was worse than the first one due to a slight blockage/growth (fibrosis) in the top of my cervix leading into my uterus. So he broke that open and my uterus itself is looking perfect, no issues at all. He said it is very healthy and both my tubes are also open. He did say that could be the reason for the light AF and we will have to see if my next AF is heavier and more like it use to be.

Must say im actually bleeding this time, i dont know if it is from the growth he removed or the excess AF blood that was still in my uterus. Any way im happy it is coming out and that i hope fully will have a decent AF and sample to send to the Immune doctor.

I asked the FS if it could have stopped sperm and he said they are so tiny they can get through the smallest hole and there must be a hole as i do have AF even if it is light.

I asked about Lovenox and he said that there is very little scientific evidence that it works but alot of people use it. I will be more pushy about it if my lining doesnt build up like it should again.

I also asked what do we stand to do on ensuring i build a decent lining again and he said he will put me on estrogen again along with Femara and some injectables. So i asked him if we can skip the Femara and just go for Injectables straight with Femara. Will still do the Intralipids but will ask for it one CD3 as well instead of CD12.

Told the FS nurse whom i got to know very well by now and she is very sweet that the one thing that i keep going back on that i did different that cycle was i took the metronidazole antibiotics and im wondering if that couldnt have made a difference and she asked why dont i take it again, so i said i need a script for it and she said she will organise me the script with our next cycle :thumbup:

We briefly also chatted about this immune testing and she said the FS doesn't believe it makes a difference but they have had another woman who went to him and also had success after the treatment plan, so she says as well if it cant do any harm why not try it.

So did a CBFM stick today and it was low as expect. Did have a bit of water CM before the procedure so will test with a OPK tomorrow and CBFM stick EOD till Peak.

Our pastor last night said something in church that has stuck with me:

God is never late, just on time!
Tella - well that's 1 less thing you have to worry about, your uterus is clear of any adhesions so ashermans is not a thought anymore. So is it the next cycle that you will start with the femera and injectibles?

afm cd9 today, I probably won't O this weekend without the clomid, so my O date will be around cd17/18. Didn't hear back from my Dr today so I will be hunting him down tomorrow. I found out my insurance covers another FS but only stuff like visits, u/s and blood work but none of the actual treatments, so I requested to have all my charts sent over to him. I am meeting with him next wednesday. I also want his opinion on this dermoid cyst and how to proceed. If we do surgery I want to try to do it asap as we have a couple of trips planned for July and June would give me enough time to get it over with and recover, if not, then I will have to wait till august. We plan to try 2 IUI cycles and if that doesn't work then IVF. I have also been researching the IVF and think we would do it in Cancun. It's half the price there and the thought of 3 weeks with no work, on the beach and possibly getting my rainbow sounds too good to resist lol. Anyway, trying not to get ahead of myself, have to hear what the OB says tomorrow and then what this new FS says next week and then go from there. Other than that I am just counting down for our trip to Colombia this weekend :)
Tella - well that's 1 less thing you have to worry about, your uterus is clear of any adhesions so ashermans is not a thought anymore. So is it the next cycle that you will start with the femera and injectibles?

afm cd9 today, I probably won't O this weekend without the clomid, so my O date will be around cd17/18. Didn't hear back from my Dr today so I will be hunting him down tomorrow. I found out my insurance covers another FS but only stuff like visits, u/s and blood work but none of the actual treatments, so I requested to have all my charts sent over to him. I am meeting with him next wednesday. I also want his opinion on this dermoid cyst and how to proceed. If we do surgery I want to try to do it asap as we have a couple of trips planned for July and June would give me enough time to get it over with and recover, if not, then I will have to wait till august. We plan to try 2 IUI cycles and if that doesn't work then IVF. I have also been researching the IVF and think we would do it in Cancun. It's half the price there and the thought of 3 weeks with no work, on the beach and possibly getting my rainbow sounds too good to resist lol. Anyway, trying not to get ahead of myself, have to hear what the OB says tomorrow and then what this new FS says next week and then go from there. Other than that I am just counting down for our trip to Colombia this weekend :)

Sounds like a great plan MJ. :)
MJ, Im not really sure yet when i want to do it, I asked the immune doctor yesterday and he said we should wait till my bloods are where it should be otherwise we just wasting money. So i will follow his advise.

Gonna send another sample at the end of this month, fxd its not the same problem.

Ive been spotting since Monday and Monday was light bleeding, so i think alot of the old AF blood is coming out.

Booooo on the doctor not coming back to you yet, that is just horrible!! I hate it that they loose their human factor. Its great that you get a FS that is covered, atleast you can do all the tests you have to.
Ok so I hunted down my ob this morning, radiologist says "may" be a dermoid get mri. Really? I waited all this time for that? ????? Wtf! So they gave me a prescription for mri and I'm scheduled for next week after we get back.

Tella - how long is the protocol to get your bloods where they should be?
Ok so I hunted down my ob this morning, radiologist says "may" be a dermoid get mri. Really? I waited all this time for that? ????? Wtf! So they gave me a prescription for mri and I'm scheduled for next week after we get back.

Tella - how long is the protocol to get your bloods where they should be?

Uhhhh why didn't they tell u to just go ahead and book an MRI!? Why make you wait? SMH
Ok so I hunted down my ob this morning, radiologist says "may" be a dermoid get mri. Really? I waited all this time for that? ????? Wtf! So they gave me a prescription for mri and I'm scheduled for next week after we get back.

Tella - how long is the protocol to get your bloods where they should be?

he gave me a 2 month script and im almost done with my first bottle. But i will be on it for like 2 and half cycles due to the lenght before we test again.

I really hope it isnt a dermoid!!!
Exactly Castaway! I was like ugggh, are you kidding me right now!

Tella I wish it wasn't a dermoid but if it is I want to just get confirmation asap so I can get it over with and move on....there's always something else creating an issue. So if you have to continue these meds for 2 cycles will you still be trying during this time? or not really?
No we are still trying, havent really stopped. I say i take break months but im only kidding myself :haha: always end up trying in some degree :lol:

I got my second high on my CBFM today and the LH line is much darker. So i will test this afternoon and im confident that i will get a +opk. Im happier this month as im actually getting 2 days of estrogen surge instead of 1 which is much better for my lining. Im even contemplating taking a few estrogen tabs for the tww just to boost my lining. I have from my previous cycles.

I agree, if there is something it is better to sort it out quicker than later. But i dont think the dermoid cyst really impacts fertility, in the sense that it has already caused damage and whether or not it is removed will have the same effect on your eggs. Hope im expressing that right and you understand what i mean:lol:
No we are still trying, havent really stopped. I say i take break months but im only kidding myself :haha: always end up trying in some degree :lol:

I got my second high on my CBFM today and the LH line is much darker. So i will test this afternoon and im confident that i will get a +opk. Im happier this month as im actually getting 2 days of estrogen surge instead of 1 which is much better for my lining. Im even contemplating taking a few estrogen tabs for the tww just to boost my lining. I have from my previous cycles.

I agree, if there is something it is better to sort it out quicker than later. But i dont think the dermoid cyst really impacts fertility, in the sense that it has already caused damage and whether or not it is removed will have the same effect on your eggs. Hope im expressing that right and you understand what i mean:lol:

I think I am the same way, I say I'm taking a break but somehow it's still in the back of my mind :haha::haha::haha: and I end up trying some how.

:happydance::happydance:hopefully you will get your positive this evening, what cd are you on? How I wish I had some type of estrogen tabs, I would love to boost my lining. I say go for it if you're used to using them already.

Yes my OB was saying it wouldn't affect my fertility, I just don't want to lose an ovary, it's already hard enough trying with 2 :nope:

I can't wait for us to leave, getting so excited! Even DH is counting down :cloud9:
I think I am the same way, I say I'm taking a break but somehow it's still in the back of my mind :haha::haha::haha: and I end up trying some how.

:happydance::happydance:hopefully you will get your positive this evening, what cd are you on? How I wish I had some type of estrogen tabs, I would love to boost my lining. I say go for it if you're used to using them already.

Yes my OB was saying it wouldn't affect my fertility, I just don't want to lose an ovary, it's already hard enough trying with 2 :nope:

I can't wait for us to leave, getting so excited! Even DH is counting down :cloud9:

Got my + OPK yesterday afternoon and Peak on CBFM this morning. So now im just waiting for my temps to confirm in the next 3 days and then i might take a break from temping as well.

yeah i don't think it can do any harm so i have taken them today aswell, hope it helps. I have another script for a refill so i will get that and continue with it for this cycle and see how my AF is.

I just want my damn results!! and willing to do whatever it takes to get everything in line for that BFP!!!

I understand 100% about not loosing a ovary, like you say its hard enough with two but i know so many girls that fall with one, as all that happens then is you ovulate form the one ovary all the time instead of the typical alternating pattern it follows when you have two. Like i always have stronger O from my left than my right.

a dermiod is just so scary. :hugs:
Tella - yayy for positive opk. What cd are you now? I got a positive opk mid morning today as well but I'm cd12, so I'm thinking wtf, it's not supposed to be positive yet. Without meds I don't O till cd17/18, so I don't know what to think. Packing up to go to colombia, I can't wait!! Just want to get away!
super sad and lots of worries ..I hope I can come back here with a nice chart and a BFP....I did a test today and It was BFN ..feeling discouraged :bfn::sad2:

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