Cast, they definitely choose the best embies with the microscope but there is somethings that cant be seen obviously and like i say if you on a IVF thread the majority reasons for failure is egg quality. Dont know why.
Like MJ says, this is your rainbow and he/she is perfect in every way. Every pregnancy is different and this little person is gonna meet you in a little bit more than 20weeks!!
Oh i wish we had cover for 3 attempts, our insurance overall in SA is horrible there isnt 1 that cover it. And all fertility treatments is out of pocket.
MJ, It was a hysteroscopy where they look inside with a camera. It was worse than the first one due to a slight blockage/growth (fibrosis) in the top of my cervix leading into my uterus. So he broke that open and my uterus itself is looking perfect, no issues at all. He said it is very healthy and both my tubes are also open. He did say that could be the reason for the light AF and we will have to see if my next AF is heavier and more like it use to be.
Must say im actually bleeding this time, i dont know if it is from the growth he removed or the excess AF blood that was still in my uterus. Any way im happy it is coming out and that i hope fully will have a decent AF and sample to send to the Immune doctor.
I asked the FS if it could have stopped sperm and he said they are so tiny they can get through the smallest hole and there must be a hole as i do have AF even if it is light.
I asked about Lovenox and he said that there is very little scientific evidence that it works but alot of people use it. I will be more pushy about it if my lining doesnt build up like it should again.
I also asked what do we stand to do on ensuring i build a decent lining again and he said he will put me on estrogen again along with Femara and some injectables. So i asked him if we can skip the Femara and just go for Injectables straight with Femara. Will still do the Intralipids but will ask for it one CD3 as well instead of CD12.
Told the FS nurse whom i got to know very well by now and she is very sweet that the one thing that i keep going back on that i did different that cycle was i took the metronidazole antibiotics and im wondering if that couldnt have made a difference and she asked why dont i take it again, so i said i need a script for it and she said she will organise me the script with our next cycle
We briefly also chatted about this immune testing and she said the FS doesn't believe it makes a difference but they have had another woman who went to him and also had success after the treatment plan, so she says as well if it cant do any harm why not try it.
So did a CBFM stick today and it was low as expect. Did have a bit of water CM before the procedure so will test with a OPK tomorrow and CBFM stick EOD till Peak.
Our pastor last night said something in church that has stuck with me:
God is never late, just on time!