TTC after D&C (Soon)

OMG Castaway - I am counting down :) I can't wait to hear!

Yes men are definitely from another planet, and they learn the hard way lol. He can stay out in left field for now!!!
Any room for a new comer?

I had a D&C may 2 at 9 weeks 3 days for a blighted ovum. Just got my period today 5 weeks later. Ready to get back at it.
Any room for a new comer?

I had a D&C may 2 at 9 weeks 3 days for a blighted ovum. Just got my period today 5 weeks later. Ready to get back at it.

I am so sorry Kelly that you are going through that, I had the same thing but sadly didn't recover well and it took nearly 3 months to get back on cycle. Happily we conceived that first cycle so baby dust to you!
Happy to say we are Team Pink!!! :pink::pink::pink:

I am thrilled and feel this is a great thing...I was so concerned if we had another son people would forget about Christopher (I know that is just MY worry but I truly did not want to feel like his brother was a replacement in a sense.) So happy that we are having a total different experience.

I will have to show you a photo of the cake when I download it!
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Castaway!!! Congrats!!:pink:

Kelly9 - :hugs: so sorry hon, it's tough to go through it but we all understand and have been through it some more than once, but glad AF has started back for you! :thumbup: it took me 6 weeks to get mine and some of the girls took 9 weeks or more. My siggy shows all I've been through. Will you be trying right away? most of us did, but it's whatever you feel most comfortable doing.
Congrats on team pink.

We will be trying again right away, my husband has male factor infertility so it could be a while for us so don't want to waste a cycle though we more so take a NTNP kind of approach. I can detect ovulation most months from my symptoms so we have sex if we're in the mood and I don't test unless I'm late or having serious symptoms. This pregnancy that just ended happened on our 3rd cycle of my period returning from having my daughter (I'm breastfeeding) so we were shocked it didn't take long. Hoping for the same outcome this time. Our son was a surprise conception after being told we wouldn't have a baby without IVF but he took 18 months of timing sex properly every time.

I've also had a loss at 5 months gestation my first daughter Hannah passed away after in utero fetal surgery. This early mc was much easier to deal with but it brought back a lot of memories of loosing Hannah.

Sorry to dump so much but thats a large part of my story (and we did IVF for Hannah and our daughter Lexi). We're sooooo hoping for another natural surprise so seeing my period today made me happy for once. Bring it on!

I'm sorry for the losses you've all been through :hugs:
Congrats on team pink.

We will be trying again right away, my husband has male factor infertility so it could be a while for us so don't want to waste a cycle though we more so take a NTNP kind of approach. I can detect ovulation most months from my symptoms so we have sex if we're in the mood and I don't test unless I'm late or having serious symptoms. This pregnancy that just ended happened on our 3rd cycle of my period returning from having my daughter (I'm breastfeeding) so we were shocked it didn't take long. Hoping for the same outcome this time. Our son was a surprise conception after being told we wouldn't have a baby without IVF but he took 18 months of timing sex properly every time.

I've also had a loss at 5 months gestation my first daughter Hannah passed away after in utero fetal surgery. This early mc was much easier to deal with but it brought back a lot of memories of loosing Hannah.

Sorry to dump so much but thats a large part of my story (and we did IVF for Hannah and our daughter Lexi). We're sooooo hoping for another natural surprise so seeing my period today made me happy for once. Bring it on!

I'm sorry for the losses you've all been through :hugs:

I am so sorry you have experienced so much loss too! It can be heartbreaking....we lost our son at 32 weeks due to a doctors mistake and then experienced the miscarriage. TTC can be so difficult. I hope that you conceive quickly, they do say once a body has been pregnant it remembers so lets hope for that!
Kelly9 - we're all here for each other so feel free to dump as much stuff and/or vent. My daughters name is Lexi too! We plan to do IVF after some additional blood tests are complete and we do 2 IUI attempts.

Tella - where are you in your cycle? Is it test time yet?
:wohoo: :happydance: huge congrats on team pink!!!!!!!! I cant wait to see the cake!!! I understand completely why a girl is making you feel like ppl would remember your son and if no 2 is a boy then it will be different.

kelly, :welcome: :hugs: glad to see you over here again. the other thread has died down a lot. you must always say what you want to get of your chest, thats what we here for! love these ladies so mucb and im convinced we all will get those rainbows soon!!!!

mj, :haha: mrs test :rofl: im always scared to test... so I have bought 12.5 tests today and will test on 12dpo so that would be Wednesday morning. but this cycle is different and I believe we gonna be giving testimony in the next week of a bfp following a amazing encounter with the Holy Spirit last night!!!
loll Tella, I know, I'm horribly, I'm all about POAS! Now I'm counting down for wednesday for you to test. FF says I'm 4 dpo so I won't be 12 dpo till fathers day. What happened last night?
Castaway sorry I didn't see your siggy and didn't realize Christopher was an angel. We had a daughter after loosing Hannah and I wouldn't say people forgot but talking about her makes them feel uncomfortable so most sadly just ignore the situation or mention of her. There are others who are near me or talk to me often that realize I talk about her in my regular life often enough so it doesn't phase them so much.

Tella I knew your name was familiar but I couldn't remember where I'd seen it. Best of luck testing!

Mj love Lexi's name we had it picked out for something like 7 or 8 years! Hopefully you won't need ivf and will get pregnant without or during your IUI's. Are you unexplained infertility or have you found a cause?

I know the body remembers being pregnant but with the issue being my DH that doesn't help me that much lol.

Day 2 of the witch already eager for her to leave.
loll Tella, I know, I'm horribly, I'm all about POAS! Now I'm counting down for wednesday for you to test. FF says I'm 4 dpo so I won't be 12 dpo till fathers day. What happened last night?

:rofl: Its cool, i want to test but im so scared of a false bfn so i would rather wait. My reasoning was that last time i got a super faint on 13dpo on a normal 25 test so this time i have a 12.5miu so 12dpo will surely show it.

We had a full weekend Holy Spirit Fire Conference for Pentacost and it was beyond amazing. On Saturday night, they prayed for the healing anointing and both me and i friend that both suffered a mc and infertility went up. They prayed and i fell under the power of the holy spirit. And i had this strange feeling in my stomach of being very light almost like when you look over a high ledge and your stomach kinda turns. Then last night they prayed for us again, so i truly believe that we will be blessed with a miracle and we gonna have a little gift to raise up in the power of God!
Hi ladies :wave: Mind if I join?

I lost my angel last week.....heavy bleeding and clotting on Wednesday. I had a D&C on Thursday June 5th at 12weeks 6 days. I have no answers as to what happened. I never got to see a baby or hear a heartbeat. I guess it could have been a blighted ovum or baby could have passed a few weeks back and I miscarried it the day before my ultrasound. My ultrasound on the 5th showed an empty uterus.

DH and I haven't really discussed out next steps. I still want one more baby.....not sure what he wants. I know we've both thought about it, just haven't discussed it yet. With his work we originally planned for a fall/winter baby. Trying now would put us in to late Spring.....I guess we will have to have a chat.

Sorry for the losses that of of you ladies have gone through. Far, far to common.
Hi ladies :wave: Mind if I join?

I lost my angel last week.....heavy bleeding and clotting on Wednesday. I had a D&C on Thursday June 5th at 12weeks 6 days. I have no answers as to what happened. I never got to see a baby or hear a heartbeat. I guess it could have been a blighted ovum or baby could have passed a few weeks back and I miscarried it the day before my ultrasound. My ultrasound on the 5th showed an empty uterus.

DH and I haven't really discussed out next steps. I still want one more baby.....not sure what he wants. I know we've both thought about it, just haven't discussed it yet. With his work we originally planned for a fall/winter baby. Trying now would put us in to late Spring.....I guess we will have to have a chat.

Sorry for the losses that of of you ladies have gone through. Far, far to common.

My heart goes out to you girl :hugs: Im so sorry that you have had to endure the loss. Its good that your body managed to take care of it before medical intervention was needed. Ive done loads of research in the last 2 months and are so sorry i went for a D&C.

I wish you all the strength and power to deal with it all. Hope you and DH is on the same page and you can try soon again. Do you fall easily normally?
Thank you Tella :)

Unfortunately I do not fall pregnant easily. I have PCOS and only have one or two cycles a year. This last pregnancy was conceived after I took left over femara from my third child. I do not have any left now so to get more I will have to start the whole fertility doctor process again (we moved provinces last year so all my old doctors no longer accessible). Luckily, I have gotten to know my body really well in the past few years so I do have a good idea when I'm about to ovulate. If DH is on board I'm thinking we will just go o'naturel from now until the new year....leave it in Gods hands. But come January I think I may seek medical intervention and get some more femara as I know it works for me.

Your siggy shows that you've been through do much. Sorry this journey has been so difficult for you. I hope you get your take home baby very soon!
Welcome, new ladies. Sorry about your losses.

My request for the HSN was denied on the grounds of it being an infertility service. It's $1000, and won't even go towards our deductible. So I've cancelled it, and want to submit an appeal.

As I was thinking about ways that it might get accepted by my insurance company, I suddenly remembered something.

With my second pregnancy, I had really intense painful cramps at 6 weeks and bright red blood. When we went in for an emergency scan the next day, things appeared okay, but I saw weird stuff on the ultrasound. When I asked the tech what it was, she said it looked like scarring.

I'd forgotten all about it, but now I'm scared I might have Asherman's Syndrome, since I had a D&C with the first pregnancy! Asherman's can be diagnosed with that same test I was denied for, so hopefully we can submit an appeal and get the test done with insurance backing it.
Tm sorry for your loss. Sounds like a blighted ovum or a very early loss that was missed. :hugs: I wish my body had of taken care of my blighted ovum naturally but at over 9 weeks my hcg was still rising considerably.

This first period has been heavy for me but not very much cramping which is good. I'd never hear of AS but I don't seem to be at risk for it based off other symptoms. Hopefully you don't have it ginger. What is an HSN?

Took my first dose of soy ISO today.

Tm you could take soy ISO to see if that helps you ovulate more frequently.

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