TTC after D&C (Soon)

Kelly, whoop whoop officially in 2tri :winkwink: i don't have any frozen but have you considered what you would do with the frozen embies?

Bright, wjen is retrieval? Your chart confused me for a while there lol. Awesome to hear you getting a grand daughter! Het and this baby is gonna be super close! !!

Mj, how did the retrieval go? Yeah i also had ohss on my second cycle wjen i had 22 follicles. Hope you not getting it. Can't wait to hear your progress report!! And wjen transfer is/was. Bring on this tww followed by a bfp!!!!!
Not sure Tella id like to donate them but I honestly just don't think I could let someone else raise my genetic child so we'll likely have then destroyed as terrible as that sounds. I'll need to talk to someone first to rule out donation for sure. I'm not sure that my 6 remaining 3 day embies would result in a pregnancy anyway but the 3 blasts very well could so it's a big decision.

MJ how are you doing? How did it go?

Bright when is your collection or have you had it yet?
Not sure Tella id like to donate them but I honestly just don't think I could let someone else raise my genetic child so we'll likely have then destroyed as terrible as that sounds. I'll need to talk to someone first to rule out donation for sure. I'm not sure that my 6 remaining 3 day embies would result in a pregnancy anyway but the 3 blasts very well could so it's a big decision.

MJ how are you doing? How did it go?

Bright when is your collection or have you had it yet?
My boyfriend (now fiancé) & I found out on August 27th, 2014 in the emergency room that we were pregnant. I was only 3 weeks along. He took me in because I was having severe back pains and cramps. While we were confused, we were very happy. This being my first baby, he made it easy for me and reassured me that he wad going to stay with me.
We went in for check up at 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat. Our gummy bear was growing right on target. However I apparently had a rather big cyst on my ovary that wasn't mentioned to me. I started bleeding in my 7 weeks, and was rushed to the ER. I was placed on bed rest and told I'd had a threatened miscarriage. At 9 weeks. I went for a follow up to my regular Dr. They weren't concerned that I'd been bleeding at all! They did blood work and sent me on my way. I found out at this appointment I could request a copy of my previous ultrasound from 6 weeks. (This is how I discovered my cyst, because they put the report with the cd). I called the Dr and she seemed annoyed that I was asking and told me it was normal. (I have a history of ovarian cysts). Between my 9 weeks appt on 9.29.14 and my tenth week, I started having similar back aches and cramps. The Dr's said it was normal and they're was no way I was having a miscarriage because I wasn't bleeding. Finally, I wanted to just see that my baby was okay. I went to the ER on 10.9 14 and was told our horrifying dream came true: we had lost our baby at 9 weeks. The same day I'd been at My last appointment. I was supposed to be 10w5d. I got s copy of the ultrasound again and it said that my cyst was leaking and it was toxic to my baby. I had d&c done on October 13th, 2014. That was also the day my now fiancé proposed to me.
I went back for my post op appointment and was told there were no issues with the baby. We also found out our angel is a beautiful little girl we named Faith.

We didn't wait the two weeks (we got carried away, and I felt I needed the closure, sorry TMI). We haven't been trying to prevent it but not trying either. I'm still waiting for my period. 3 weeks from d&c today. We'll see what happens.
Faith - I'm so sorry honey. I too lost my pumpkin around that close to the 12 week mark. I didn't wait either, but took 6 weeks before my period finally showed up. Hugs and I hope you get your sticky bean soon.

Tella and Kelly - I love watching you ladies tickers! time is flying by and those babies are just growing away. I think castaway was to have had her baby last month so I'm sure her hands are full! I had my transfer yesterday, I'm officially 1dp5dt. We transfered 2, and out of the 19 that fertilized only 5 made it to crazy is that!? I feel like I lost so many, but am so happy for those that survived. I fly back home today, I've been away for 24 days, I can't wait to get back. Beta testing next wednesday :) Bright is exactly a week behind me, to the day/hour, we've had the exact same schedules and times.

Ginger - How are you? Did af show? if not, have we gotten provera as yet?
Good morning ladies,

How have you all been? Hope all is well.

AFM - I have been missing with school, work and appointments it's been hard to get on. Yesterday I triggered so ER is tomorrow Tuesday, November 4th at 10am. And transfer will be 3day(Friday - 11/7) or 5day(Sunday - 11/9).

10/17/14 - Estradiol - 8.7, evening meds150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/20/14 - Estradiol - 88.5, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/25/14 - Estradiiol - 202, 4 follicles on Right measuring 10mm/5 follicles on left Measuring 10-11mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/26/14 - Evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/27/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 423, Progesterone - 0.327, 5 follicles on the left 11-12mm/3 follicles on the right 10-11mm, evening meds 150Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/28/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, need to order more meds, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur.

10/29/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 844, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/31/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1635, Progestrone - 1.03, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

11/1/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1890, Progesterone - 1.12, 7 follicles largest 19.1mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 225 Menopur, Symptoms: sore boobs, vaginal pressure, left ovary pain, nausea and bloated

11/2/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 2465, Progesterone - 1.8, 9 Follicles 12 - 21mm, Lining 9.1mm, Trigger at 10pm - HCG 2ml with 10,000iu (NO MORE INJECTIONS)

11/3/14 - antibotics tonight, nothing to eat after midnight.

11/4/14 - arrive at 8:30am and 10am ER
MJ congrats on being pupo with twins!!!!' Best of luck! Will you test early?

Bright good luck for collection tomorrow! I hope all goes well and super smooth!

Faith sorry you've joined us :hugs: we also did not wait but my first bleed after D&C I didnt ovulate I think it was a few weeks post d&c and then things got sort of back on track after that. Became pregnant again just 2 cycles of trying post d&c which was a shocker as my husband has poor sperm. It can and will happen.
Faith, sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't wait either but i did ovulate 21days after d&c. Good luck and take it easy. Your rainbow will be yours soon! !

Mj, wohoo congrats on being pupo wroth twins! !!!!!! Cam washout for your awesome beta and for your rainbow ticker to start moving along. We all need to be bump buddies! !!!!! Re the blast, my second ivf i also had like 21eggs but only got 3 blast. But they whee the best looking ones that the doc was so surprised they didn't take but obviously it had to do with immune system.

Bright, GL with your er tomorrow! ! Fxd for each follie to hold a eggie! Can't wait to hear your report.

Kelly, its a hard decision i can imagine. I also wondered what i would have done. Good luck with that decision :hugs:
I wish we didn't have any frozen so I wouldn't have to make the decision. I see why it's a big ethical debate that's for sure! They're my babies wether they are embryos or not so it's hard to think about. We don't have to make any decisions until next sept though as we've paid for an additional year of freezing just to be sure this baby makes it healthy into the world.

Tella are you due in May? There is a May rainbow baby group I'm apart of Thats pretty nice. I believe it's called "may rainbows" or something equally obvious as that lol.
Thanks ladies :) I am super happy and excited.

Kelly - not sure I'll test early to be honest, I'm too scared. It's so crazy, I've never been scared to poas but now I am lol

Ginger - Where are u? :flower:
Here I am! :haha:

Faith, I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs: We didn't wait the two weeks either. I don't remember how long it took for AF to come back after the D&C. Wishing you luck, honey!

Kelly, that sounds like a scary decision! I'm glad you don't have to make it right now, so you can think about what would be right for your family.

Bright, good luck with ER today! Sending tons of healthy embie dust your way!

MJ, congrats on your twin PUPOness! My fingers are crossed so hard for you!

AFM, still no AF. I'm supposed to call for Provera if she hasn't shown up by Friday. But I have two pills left over from last time, so I'm going those tomorrow and Thursday, then call for more on Friday. I'll go ahead and pick up my Femara then, too.

We got approved by the kitten adoption agency, so we're going to look at the kittens tomorrow. They won't be ready to go home until right after Thanksgiving, which is fine as we were going out of town anyway.
Thanks Ginger - I'm praying very hard over here.
You're just like me, I'd be starting early too and calling for more. Will he give you the prescription for femara at the same time? I think femara may just do the trick for you to be honest, I have a good feeling about it.

Yayyy for cute kittens! I can't wait to see the pics.
I don't see why he wouldn't give it to me. I don't really mind if he doesn't. I just would rather make one trip.
Can't wait to hear about all the upcoming events!
Kelly, great that you dont have to decide now. GL when it comes to it. Yes I'm due 25 May. I'm waiting for second tri before i join any other groups. I hardly have time for my current threads so in the new year things will calm down a bit.

Ginger, i completely understand wanting to kickstart af quicker. I also have a great feeling for the femara!!!! My advise would be to take them at night to limit the side effects bit its not to bad.

Mj, i totally understand the hesitation and also please don't test to early incase is still the trigger thats in your body. I used to test the morning of beta.

Afm, Just loving my pregnancy, still sounds strange lol, amd counting down the days to our 12 week nt scan on the 14th.
Tella, that's the same way I took the Clomid. Was planning to do it that way. :)

Kitten visit today! So excited!
Hi Ladies...unfortunately and fortunately stumbled upon you guys. We lost our little bean almost a month ago at around 11 weeks. I opted for a D&C since I needed to emotionally heal and couldn't bare to "wait it out" (as the doctors said). A day after the procedure I got really sick and was admitted to the hospital for a while - blot clots, internal bleeding, fever, body chills, etc. It was my body's way of reacting to everything. I was so close to getting a second D&C, but thankfully I avoided one. So what should of been a quick recovery, ended up being a few weeks! Regardless, I'm on the mend and am just waiting for AF to come. Some questions for you guys - I did not go back very far in the forum to read as it is quite lengthy!

1) How long did your doctors tell you to wait before TTC again? I've heard so many mixed messages from waiting 1 cycle, to 3 cycles, to starting right away.

2) I see some of you guys are pregnant on here - CONGRATS!!! What is your story? I'm looking for a ray of hope. This is our second loss and I'm not sure I can handle a third!

Thank you ladies! I am so interested in hearing your stories and hope we can lift each other up in this crazy journey!

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