TTC after D&C (Soon)

I had a bit of a weird temp jump this morning. Hoping it's because I had some alcohol yesterday.
Hey ladies, sorry I've been MIA.

Ginger - was just looking at your chart, you are definitely covering your bases with all that bd! FX and lots of positive vibes for you.

Kelly and Tella - you guys are practically due the same time, 2 weeks difference, I'm so happy for you both. Kelly you're almost out of the 1st tri.....time is flying girl!

I'm 5 days into my med cycle, everything seems to be ok so far, just waiting it out. Next week I should know what is what for sure. No crazy side effects or anything though... thank goodness, just praying for the best. Bright is exactly a week behind me so we've been comparing notes along the way :)
Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing? This IVF stuff can consume you and have you missing out.

Kelly - how are you feeling? So excited to get all the updates on you pregnancy!!!

Tella - Hope you are taking it easy and enjoying the jelly bean!!!

Ginger -Are you doing anything different this cycle?

AFM - I took my last BCP yesterday:happydance:!!! Went to baseline appointment today and everything is a go for me to start me injections on Monday :yipee:!!! But I am scared to do the injections by myself :nope::sad2::brat::haha:. But I am sure I will be fine :shrug:. I have another appointment on Thursday to see how things are going and what needs to be done next, so things are moving along smoothly. And MJ and myself are IVF cycle buddies how cool, right? She is right we have been helping each other along and encouraging each other. She is such a Jewel:hugs:
The injections aren't bad bright oh get used to them and good at doing them! I remember sometimes having 4 or more a day.

Getting close to second tri! It still feels like it's dragging for me to be honest. I'm still exhausted and having ms more often then not. I can get babes heartbeat on the Doppler fairly easy now and it's been about 180 everytime. I'm having strong girl feelings and hope I'm right! Won't get another scan for 8-9 more weeks so just chilling and keeping busy.

I actually have a job interview for the first time in years on Thursday. Very nervous as I want this job but I'm also having issues getting a license to work for the province we live in so frustrated and stressed to.

MJ yay for starting meds already! You should mostly feel normal until a bit before collection then you'll likely feel tender or full in your abdomen and then some slight discomfort after collection as well as retained fluids for a bit after.

Wishing the both of you the best for your cycles!

Ginger have you ovulated yet?
Eek! I'm so excited for everything everyone has going on!

Haha, yes. Lots of BD! This weekend is our 6th anniversary, and we may not even have sex. :haha:

I think I am 1dpo today. As for if I'm doing anything different, I'll start on progesterone if/when I get a BFP.
Mj, its great that you not having side effects yet. I had horrible estrogen headaches but luckily they go once you stop injecting.

Bright, the easiest and best to ease into it is to put some ice on the spot then you dont even feel the needle.

Kelly, only realised now how close we are :happydance:

Ginger, fxd you start that progesterone in a week and bit!! :dust:
Mj, its great that you not having side effects yet. I had horrible estrogen headaches but luckily they go once you stop injecting.

Bright, the easiest and best to ease into it is to put some ice on the spot then you dont even feel the needle.

Kelly, only diffin now how close we are :happydance:

Ginger, fxd you start that progesterone in a week and bit!! :dust:

Tella - Thank you for the advice, I will definitely try it.
Tella o didn't realize it either till MJ mentioned it :)
Well, ladies. I am OUT for this cycle! Looks like the Clomid didn't work after all. I think I'm going to actually cancel my CD20 progesterone blood draw. I don't feel like wasting money on it.
Giger how do you know it didn't work? Maybe you'll just ovulate late? Clomid always had my ovulating around cd17-19 when taken cd3-5. Would the next step be injectible meds to get you to ovulate?
Hi, ladies! I'm glad I found this forum. I had a miscarriages about two weeks ago. :cry: I had a D&C on the 9th and a check up a week later. Doctor said that my recovery is perfect. I wish my emotional recovery was that good!:wacko: The doc recommended waiting until after AF to TTC but the I sont necessarily need to prevent anything either. I want to try ASAP! oven ever been so impatient. My hubby insists to wait until after AF though and he isn't budging.

I rally can't wait until AF comes so I can start trying again! I'm glad to join you ladies in this journey to get our rainbows!
Ginger - why do you think you're out. My temps are normally elevated while on clomid and then drop after I finish my last pill and then will go back up once I ovulate. I'm not too sure you're out just yet. BTW congrats on your 6 year anniversary!!! :)

Kelly - How you feeling? still having ms?

seaoftwilight - welcome! Sorry about you mc, I know how hard it can be. I didn't wait to try and neither did a lot of the other ladies. We basically said if our body was ready then it would happen, if not then there's always after af starts. It's just a little hard to figure out when you may be ovulating after your D&C because it's hard to tell when your hcg gets to 0 and your body is getting ready to O, but if you feel ready then I'd be the last person to tell you not to try. I completely understand :)
Mj2013, thank you so much! I want to try right away but DH insists on AF because last time, we got pg right after stopping the pill and didn't know when I ovulated. My dates were all over the place. My pregnancy wasn't progressing like it should have but the doctors didn't know for sure because I had no lmp to go by. It was beyond stressful and DH wants to wait until AF to avoid that stress again. I know in my heart he is right but it's just so hard to wait!
Sea, sorry for your loss! I would wait for dating purposes, and also to make sure your lining is better after the D&C. But I know how you feel. I probably would have tried again immediately after if it was possible for me. But my body doesn't ovulate, so it was impossible for me.

I know I didn't ovulate. My body is resistant to Clomid. I've been through 9 rounds and have only ovulated twice. I'll be asking my doc for 150mg next cycle. Or maybe ask about Femara.
Ginger I'd be asking about injectibles next to if only that few cycles of clomid worked. I hope they can figure out something to help you ovluate.
Put in a message with my doctor's office about trying Femara next cycle. I don't know if he'll go for it or not. I would like to try anything I can before I do injectables. They would probably want to monitor that with ultrasounds, which would be expensive. My insurance flakes at even the slightest whiff of infertility.
Ginger - I have heard that femara is better than clomid so hopefully he will try it with you to see how it works.
We had to pay for all ours as well the scans were worked into the cost of IVF for us.

Still having ms but not as often I get a day or two off from it every couple of days. I've had a horrible cold the past week though and through the worst of that I had ms so it wasn't fun. Right now I'm on a break day thank god cause I still feel like poo.

mj and bright have either of you had folly scans yet to see whats growing?

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