TTC after D&C (Soon)

Mj, don't worry too much. It was the just walk in, lol. Dude was pretty clueless overall. :)
calvinzoey: You are so sweet! Thank you :)

castaway: My heart just breaks for you. I can't imagine carrying my baby that long to have something go wrong. I am terrified of being pregnant again, but I know I won't get a baby without trying. NTNP before the first AF sounds like a good plan! Can't wait to hear about you BFP! Then I will have some hope too!

I went to the dr today to check up on the infection. My CBC came back looking good, so the infection from the D&C is almost gone!! :thumbup: But she did say that I have endometriosis which is what is causing all the pain. Anyone else have this? I was too out of it (and hungry!) after all the testing today to even ask what that meant today.
Actually, Niccole.. my mother has it. And my aunt. I have signs of it, but it's hard to diagnose without exploratory surgery. It can cause infertility -- not miscarriages though, not that I can remember. I have periods so rough that I cannot do anything. I get sick and throw up from pain, sometimes.
Yes! I always have too. My periods seem to be so much worse than others. My DH knows just to get the heating pad and meds if he comes home and I'm curled up crying! Hoping my hormones get back to normal soon so the pain can go away! I finally stopped bleeding completely, so it shouldn't be too much longer! Ready for AF now :)
Yayyy Niccole - FX AF will come for you soon! but at least the bleeding has stopped.

Calvinzoey - how's it going? do you think you O'd yet? are you in the tww?
DH's mother tells me and him that I'm overreacting and I just have no pain tolerance. :growlmad: And DH listens to her about everything - call it the only troubling area I have in this relationship. :haha: He plays it good, and lets me relax and take it easy, and he brings me everything I need. He's good like that, but I think he has doubts about how bad the pain is.

My AF before my pregnancy was terrible. I remember it hit me out of the blue, and I got dizzy, cold sweats, nauseous, and was in extreme pain. I couldn't walk. I tried to get into the shower because sometimes the heat helps, but it didn't. I had already taken two Ibprofen, with no luck. That pain was nearly the worst pain I have ever experienced. Sometimes I wonder if I was having a MC though. :shrug: No way of knowing now.

MJ: Last nigh and today, the pinching was at it's peak. Haven't felt it since this morning, so I'm sure I ovulated. What getting me is I've been so bloated for 3 days now, with no explanation. I remember my last tww, I started getting bloated midway through, but this seems a bit early.

I have a feeling it's my month though.

If it is, I hope some of you other girls will join me!!! :thumbup:
Calvinzoey - I used to have AF's like that before I had DD, after DD they got much lighter.....but I know the feeling of being hit my cold sweats, pain, wanting to throw up and the whole 9 yards....your dh's mom has probably never experienced anything like it and so cannot relate!

OMG!!! I'm glad you're so positive! I hope it's your month too...I have my FX crossed for you. What cd are you now? I am cd12 so I should O in about a week but hoping it will be sooner :)
Always good to know I'm now the only one who experienced such pain. And also good to know that it got better!

I'm cd18, so I'm sure I ovulated a few days ago. I feel like I did - I have very sensitive nipples... which happened last month after I ovulated. :blush: So it's wait and see if implantation happens! :happydance:

- You and me broke off our very alike schedules! My af's have gotten shorter, so I think I ovulated around 14-15 days. Fx for you too!!!!
HI ladies!! :hi:

Back from our weekend get away and we had a blast! It was nice to relax with my husband, I did not realize how much we needed it. A miscarriage can take such an emotional toll.

i actually thought about it and told my husband at this point I would be OK not trying again and just not having children. I am feeling emotionally and physically spent. This was NOT met husband has agreed one more try, that is it. I cannot keep getting pregnant, it is just physically exhausting. The loss of son was just too much....

My doctor has agreed, and we are now pondering, putting two fertilized eggs in so I can have ONE pregnancy. This will then allow the doctor to tie my tubes at delivery as we can opt for a C section and have that done. I am thinking of going this route....I dread pregnancy now as I don't trust it. :cry: It has brought so much heartache and I want to have our baby home with us....sigh.

We are taking a break at the moment as it looks like we are going to take a last minute cruise out of Miami!! I found a deal for 189/pp for 4 nights! It is in January so for now my husband is pulling out. We tried Condoms but I felt like it was dragging inside, made me sore?? I was like forget that crap,just pull out lol So I suppose we may try next month....The cruise leaves January 6th so that would leave enough space that would be like 4/5 weeks which is fine. I also have a test at work they have not given me the date for yet, that I cannot miss :growl mad:. That is aggravating as I want to book this trip! lol

I hope you are all doing well....I was 2 weeks on Friday post miscarriage and today I had some period like cramping. Hoping it was O and my period will be here in two weeks, that would be about 4 weeks post miscarriage...

Fingers crossed for some BFP for you ladies!!!
FX for all of you!

I just left the doctor with news that just has me confused. I have a fibroid that has grown and started pressing down on my uterine lining and possibly a pollup that is right beside the fibroid. The dr says it could be where the placenta was and the fibroid could have gotten in the way of the baby's growth. I go back in 4 weeks for a checkup and to see if I've had an AF. If so, the next week they will go in with a camera to look at everything and decide about operating. An operation means only c-section in the future, but that's probably the best option. No trying until after all of this passes. MY CT scan from Thurs. also showed cysts on my ovaries that have ruptured now and swollen lymph nodes in my pelvic area. Feeling like I can't win.
Hi Castaway - So happy to hear you had such a good time with DH! The cruise will be awesome too, I've doe quite a few with my DH and we love them. So does this mean you won't be trying until after the cruise in January?

Awww Niccole :hugs:if you have to wait 4 weeks for your next appt that means you have to put TTC on hold till January? is that right? :hugs::hugs: it's going to be ok, hopefully some of it goes away. After my d&c my Dr found a cyst on my ovary, he said I may have to operate to get rid of it but he rather I get pg first and hopefully it doesn't grow rapidly. If I don't get pg by January I have to go in and do an u/s to see how big it is. If it's grown a lot I will have to get it cut off but if not then he'll give me meds to assist with getting pg as he knows that's what I ultimately want. I know it's always something else, but try to keep positive and also research some natural supplements you could take in this 4 week period that would decrease or help with what's going on right now. We're here for you! :hugs:
Hi Castaway - So happy to hear you had such a good time with DH! The cruise will be awesome too, I've doe quite a few with my DH and we love them. So does this mean you won't be trying until after the cruise in January?

Awww Niccole :hugs:if you have to wait 4 weeks for your next appt that means you have to put TTC on hold till January? is that right? :hugs::hugs: it's going to be ok, hopefully some of it goes away. After my d&c my Dr found a cyst on my ovary, he said I may have to operate to get rid of it but he rather I get pg first and hopefully it doesn't grow rapidly. If I don't get pg by January I have to go in and do an u/s to see how big it is. If it's grown a lot I will have to get it cut off but if not then he'll give me meds to assist with getting pg as he knows that's what I ultimately want. I know it's always something else, but try to keep positive and also research some natural supplements you could take in this 4 week period that would decrease or help with what's going on right now. We're here for you! :hugs:

TO be honest MJ with our son in heaven and this failed pregnancy I was quite ready to throw in the towel. My doctor said to wait till I cycle and then he will prescribe birth control if I want it. I just don't want to be pregnant, if I do get pregnant I will avoid thinking about it and will go to the doctor just to make sure I am progressing. It is so sad but the joy of pregnancy is not there anymore for me. My husband is distraught and asked for one more try so I will be doing just that, one more try. I try to think positively but then feel like Why? I just feel like nothing I am doing is working and don't want this to consume my life anymore...
Castaway: I'm sorry things have been so rough for you. I've only lost one pregnancy, and it was 11 1/2 weeks, not as far along as yours was. That being said, I can't imagine what it would feel like to be in that situation. I was wondering though, what if you just shrugged off all the stress of worrying about TTC. Just have sex, no supplements, no charting, no paying attention to anything? That way, either you get pregnant, or you don't. Just don't think about it. -- And then I understand that being pregnant is hard emotionally... so if you do, just try not to think about it. :shrug:

A couple stories, to help you or anyone else:

Hairdresser: My hairdresser I go to occationally had 15 miscarriages before she finally had her baby. Some of them, of course, were chemicals. Some where blighted ovum's. Some stopped growing. Most were before 10 weeks along. She told me that she "gave up", and would just have fun without stressing about it - but did go into a big period of depression. She now has a 23 year old girl, her one and only baby. She stopped "having fun" after that, and started preventing.

German Family Friend: She always acting like she never wanted kids and hated them. Currently in her 40's, it turns out she TTC and gave up because she never was able to. Then she told herself and everyone else that she doesn't want to have them. She got pregnant recently, had a MC. Then got pregnant soon after again and had her baby.

So I know it's rough, but there is positive stories out there. It might be grim now, but there still is that silver lining. :hugs: Of course, do whatever you feel like you emotionally can do.
Castaway: I'm sorry things have been so rough for you. I've only lost one pregnancy, and it was 11 1/2 weeks, not as far along as yours was. That being said, I can't imagine what it would feel like to be in that situation. I was wondering though, what if you just shrugged off all the stress of worrying about TTC. Just have sex, no supplements, no charting, no paying attention to anything? That way, either you get pregnant, or you don't. Just don't think about it. -- And then I understand that being pregnant is hard emotionally... so if you do, just try not to think about it. :shrug:

A couple stories, to help you or anyone else:

Hairdresser: My hairdresser I go to occationally had 15 miscarriages before she finally had her baby. Some of them, of course, were chemicals. Some where blighted ovum's. Some stopped growing. Most were before 10 weeks along. She told me that she "gave up", and would just have fun without stressing about it - but did go into a big period of depression. She now has a 23 year old girl, her one and only baby. She stopped "having fun" after that, and started preventing.

German Family Friend: She always acting like she never wanted kids and hated them. Currently in her 40's, it turns out she TTC and gave up because she never was able to. Then she told herself and everyone else that she doesn't want to have them. She got pregnant recently, had a MC. Then got pregnant soon after again and had her baby.

So I know it's rough, but there is positive stories out there. It might be grim now, but there still is that silver lining. :hugs: Of course, do whatever you feel like you emotionally can do.

I have never stressed over getting pregnant, both times first month we fell pregnant. I believe it was b/c the monitor told me when I would ovulate so we knew about when we did it. I just don't want to be pregnant. I have been there, done that and really don't want to do it again. Sigh. Its going to be tough but my husband is begging for one more try....
Castaway, why don't you give your heart some time to heal? It will never be whole, but as more time passes it might hurt just a teensy bit less. And when it stops hurting so very much, then give it a go?
Castaway, why don't you give your heart some time to heal? It will never be whole, but as more time passes it might hurt just a teensy bit less. And when it stops hurting so very much, then give it a go?

Not sure, I wish we could afford surogacy to be honest. The only way I see it working is if I can have two eggs done then one pregnancy and can opt for a c section, and tubes tied. Just over the whole pregnancy thing...sadly. Just too much I guess. My husband agrees though, we will not discuss it at all in the first tri. I will just go for my appts. Just get through it. One more shot then he agrees we can stop.....
Castaway - I'm going to take your DH's side on this one! :blush: 1 more try...I'm cheering you guys on. I know it must be hard, but I do believe that you will get your rainbow baby with no issues. I say give yourself 1 cycle just to relax and recharge and give hubby one more shot. I know deep down you want this baby (and based on what you said, so does hubby), you just don't want to go through the worry and the pain again....and that's understandable, but then you might wonder in the future what if? what if I did have a successful pg the 3rd time around? Ultimately it's your decision but I think you have 1 more attempt in you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :winkwink:
I think MJ and 3minions make good points. None of us feel exactly how you feel, that's impossible. But we've all been through the excitement to have a baby. It may be emotionally crazy to imagine choosing to get pregnant again. But it will get easier. That's how life works. :shrug: And I have a feeling that when it does, the thought may creep back into your head. So give yourself the time. Go have fun living, without the pregnancy. But don't rule yourself out for good. Just say, "I'm not ready yet". Regret is a terrible feeling. If you want a child once, you will again. Don't regret ruling yourself out for good.
Temps went up for a second day in a row - I'll bet they will tomorrow too. So I'm ovulating. Yay! :) Now c'mon AF! 10-12 more days. I don't think I've ever been so excited, lol. And then a 40+ week vacation, right?
Temps went up for a second day in a row - I'll bet they will tomorrow too. So I'm ovulating. Yay! :) Now c'mon AF! 10-12 more days. I don't think I've ever been so excited, lol. And then a 40+ week vacation, right?

Woo hoo! :happydance: Soon AF will be here and then you can get back to TTC!!!

I'm still waiting on my opk's to go positive :coffee: but I'm hanging in there too :winkwink:

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