TTC after D&C (Soon)

MJ, that should be soon, right? I need a cycle buddy!

I tend to O late between cd19-22, but the time I got my bfp I O'd on the 16th or the 18th (one of those 2 days), so I really hope it happens sooner than later as I think I have a better chance when I O sooner :winkwink:
I dunno about the better chance MJ :) I think it's all about catching the egg. My 3 kids are from a 60 day cycle, a 40 day cycle, and 33 day-ish cycle. Looks like I'm down to 33 days-ish again and I'm pretty sure I ovulated at some point between CD19 and CD20. :) GL either way :)
MJ, Yes, that means we have to put it off until at least January. We get to decide in 5 weeks whether or not to remove the fibroid with surgery or to try ttc again and hope the egg sticks farther away from the fibroid which sounds way too risky to me. I'm almost positive we will opt for removal, so then I would have to wait to heal from that too. So much for another baby by Christmas! :'( But it will all work out I guess. Trying not to get too down. The dr called today and my hcg level was 167, so I go back next Monday to see if it will have gone down by then. She wants me to have had af before my next visit. Not looking likely..

Castaway: Keep your head up. Give yourself time to heal emotionally. You'll get your baby when the timing is right. I know that's so hard to hear and understand, and I'm tired of people telling me the same thing, but it's true. Our hearts our hurting so badly right now that it's hard to believe or see any good. It just takes time. Praying for you and your family.
Niccole, it sucks that you have to wait but you should be able to find a lot of relief after the surgery knowing that everything is pristine.
Hey ladies! I'm Leah!
We've had a hard year and have decided to really start TTC. I just had a d&e on October 15. I was out on Provera a week later to stop bleedin and induce a period but that still hasn't happened. My levels as of last week were 14 so I'm hoping I can/have/will O! Anyone else going through this??
3minions - you give me so much hope :flower: I was just thinking my egg was too old after a certain point :haha:

Niccole - :hugs: I think if I was in your shoes I would probably opt to cut out the fibroid as well. It may delay TTC for a little while but at least you would have less to worry about....but of course it's up to you. I'm all about TTC at any time, take it from someone who will need to have her cyst cut off but hoping to get pg before then :haha: Glad to hear your hcg level is low though, maybe a week or 2 you'll be back to 0 and then you'll O!

Hey Leah- :hi: I had my d&c back in august but it took 6 weeks for AF to arrive for me. I think my hcg was completely gone after 4 weeks and then it took time to O and then for AF to finally show! You sound like you're soooooo close, you should probably O soon and get AF in about 2 weeks or less!!!:happydance: Hang in there :winkwink:
Hi Leah! Sounds like you're pretty close to being in the clear as far as your hcg levels are concerned. I know it seems like forever. I had a D&C so I'm not much help otherwise :)

MJ, I'm pretty sure that the follicles (or whatever) shoot out an egg when it's mature - our bodies just take their sweet time getting there.
Tella - I'm going to ask about the femera when I go in January if I don't get a bfp before then...but FX the only appointment I'll have in January is a pg appt :winkwink:

Castaway - when do you leave? tomorrow? Have lots of fun you deserve it!

Calvinzoey - :happydance: sounds like you're having O signs to me. FX crossed for you.

3minions - that last line made me nervous....your Dr didn't know what an opk was??? girrrl say it ain't so! and that I got it all confused lol

I truely hope neither of us need that doc appointment for drugs but rather for a scan to look at or forever beans.

Actually, Niccole.. my mother has it. And my aunt. I have signs of it, but it's hard to diagnose without exploratory surgery. It can cause infertility -- not miscarriages though, not that I can remember. I have periods so rough that I cannot do anything. I get sick and throw up from pain, sometimes.

Im assuming you talking about Endo? If so, i also had and they could only see it during my Lap for ovarian drilling. I also had insane sore periods where i would miss school and eventually work due to it. But since the Lap it is all a thing of the past. Yes it is sore but its like a pressure pain now, no longer that excrusiating pain like before. I can even go without taking painkillers now. where in the past i used to drink 30 pills in the 4day period. :wacko:

A Lap is really not hectic, it has a 3-4day recovery time and worth it to remove Endo and prevent any futher damages. As it can cause a cyst over your ovaries which inhibits O and block tubes as well.

FX for all of you!

I just left the doctor with news that just has me confused. I have a fibroid that has grown and started pressing down on my uterine lining and possibly a pollup that is right beside the fibroid. The dr says it could be where the placenta was and the fibroid could have gotten in the way of the baby's growth. I go back in 4 weeks for a checkup and to see if I've had an AF. If so, the next week they will go in with a camera to look at everything and decide about operating. An operation means only c-section in the future, but that's probably the best option. No trying until after all of this passes. MY CT scan from Thurs. also showed cysts on my ovaries that have ruptured now and swollen lymph nodes in my pelvic area. Feeling like I can't win.

Sorry to hear about the fibroid, i went for a Hysteroscopy in Jan to make sure everything was clean and no growths. However if there was anything then they can remove it immediately which is great. And i believe it most probably contributed to my bfp in April as they say it makes you more fertile. If No bfp by Feb, im gonna ask my FS to do another one especially after the mc.

Keep faith, you just need to get your body in tip top condition and you will get that forever bean!!! If i may ask, why do you have to do a Csection? surely they can remove the cysts with a LAP?

Hi Castaway - So happy to hear you had such a good time with DH! The cruise will be awesome too, I've doe quite a few with my DH and we love them. So does this mean you won't be trying until after the cruise in January?

Awww Niccole :hugs:if you have to wait 4 weeks for your next appt that means you have to put TTC on hold till January? is that right? :hugs::hugs: it's going to be ok, hopefully some of it goes away. After my d&c my Dr found a cyst on my ovary, he said I may have to operate to get rid of it but he rather I get pg first and hopefully it doesn't grow rapidly. If I don't get pg by January I have to go in and do an u/s to see how big it is. If it's grown a lot I will have to get it cut off but if not then he'll give me meds to assist with getting pg as he knows that's what I ultimately want. I know it's always something else, but try to keep positive and also research some natural supplements you could take in this 4 week period that would decrease or help with what's going on right now. We're here for you! :hugs:

TO be honest MJ with our son in heaven and this failed pregnancy I was quite ready to throw in the towel. My doctor said to wait till I cycle and then he will prescribe birth control if I want it. I just don't want to be pregnant, if I do get pregnant I will avoid thinking about it and will go to the doctor just to make sure I am progressing. It is so sad but the joy of pregnancy is not there anymore for me. My husband is distraught and asked for one more try so I will be doing just that, one more try. I try to think positively but then feel like Why? I just feel like nothing I am doing is working and don't want this to consume my life anymore...

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I also only know a similiar pain but i do belief you need time to heal. Maybe a longer break from TTC is in good idea. I can honestly say i only feel 100% ready to TTC now and that is 6months after my MC. Thinking about you and pray for strength for you.

Temps went up for a second day in a row - I'll bet they will tomorrow too. So I'm ovulating. Yay! :) Now c'mon AF! 10-12 more days. I don't think I've ever been so excited, lol. And then a 40+ week vacation, right?

That 40+week vacation sounds awesome, fxd you qualify for it :winkwink:

MJ, that should be soon, right? I need a cycle buddy!

I tend to O late between cd19-22, but the time I got my bfp I O'd on the 16th or the 18th (one of those 2 days), so I really hope it happens sooner than later as I think I have a better chance when I O sooner :winkwink:

These late Oing is annoying, wish it could just get sooner. Im the same as you and also had a bfp on cd18 O, hope we can get there again!

Hey ladies! I'm Leah!
We've had a hard year and have decided to really start TTC. I just had a d&e on October 15. I was out on Provera a week later to stop bleedin and induce a period but that still hasn't happened. My levels as of last week were 14 so I'm hoping I can/have/will O! Anyone else going through this??

Sorry for your loss, i didnt have any bleeding nor AF till 5 weeks after D&C. Fxd your body starts sorting itselfd out quickly and that you can start the healing process and get a forever bean soon!!!

AFM > Just waiting for fertile period to come closer now. CD11 so minimum 8days till O and max 10days :nope: its annoying. I cant wait to start with Femara to start Oing sooner.
Tella: Yeah, talking about endo. It's not actually been a big bother too me. My periods can be painful, but normally only for 2 days. The first day is the worst, and I take ibprofen like crazy. Doesn't help a lot, but I get through it.

Leah: Hi! And welcome! :happydance: I had my D&C in August, AF 6 weeks 1 day after. My cycle has been messed up since, but :shrug: it's as expected I guess.

So I think I'm feeling the implantation. I'm having a pinching feeling in my low abdomen I haven't felt since last time I found out I was pregnant. It gets a little strong though. It's not on the sides, right in the low, middle - maybe 4-5 inches below my belly button. Sounds positive?
Calvinzoey - OMG!! :happydance: I'm getting excited for you! When will you test?

UPDATE FOR ME: My opk's are now positive, I'm surging!!! :happydance::happydance: this is so not the norm for me because I am cd15 today, it's way earlier than expected but I am excited. FX I catch the egg :)
I'm excited for you too, MJ! :happydance: Get to the :sex: !!!

I'm not sure when I'll test. Last month my cycle was 25 days (strangely short, as you know). 25 days for this cycle lands on Saturday. So I'm going to at least wait till then. I might push it a bit more. I only have one test. :shrug: And I don't want to have to make more purchases if I mistakenly test too early.
Tella: Yeah, talking about endo. It's not actually been a big bother too me. My periods can be painful, but normally only for 2 days. The first day is the worst, and I take ibprofen like crazy. Doesn't help a lot, but I get through it.

Leah: Hi! And welcome! :happydance: I had my D&C in August, AF 6 weeks 1 day after. My cycle has been messed up since, but :shrug: it's as expected I guess.

So I think I'm feeling the implantation. I'm having a pinching feeling in my low abdomen I haven't felt since last time I found out I was pregnant. It gets a little strong though. It's not on the sides, right in the low, middle - maybe 4-5 inches below my belly button. Sounds positive?

Keeping everything crossed that it is a super strong bean that is implanting for the long run!!!!

Calvinzoey - OMG!! :happydance: I'm getting excited for you! When will you test?

UPDATE FOR ME: My opk's are now positive, I'm surging!!! :happydance::happydance: this is so not the norm for me because I am cd15 today, it's way earlier than expected but I am excited. FX I catch the egg :)

Thats awesome that you oing earlier!!! Fx this is your magic bean, have lots and lots of :sex:

I'm excited for you too, MJ! :happydance: Get to the :sex: !!!

I'm not sure when I'll test. Last month my cycle was 25 days (strangely short, as you know). 25 days for this cycle lands on Saturday. So I'm going to at least wait till then. I might push it a bit more. I only have one test. :shrug: And I don't want to have to make more purchases if I mistakenly test too early.

You so disciplined, with those signs i would test earlier. Waiting for the great news!!!
What's the latest with everyone?

Calvinzoey - I wouldn't be able to wait lol, but I'm so going to be stalking you after tomorrow to see if you tested ;)

My temp went up a bit today so I think I may have O'd yesterday but not sure. We've been bding everyday this week, think tomorrow will be the last day though. So FX we do catch the egg.
What's the latest with everyone?

Calvinzoey - I wouldn't be able to wait lol, but I'm so going to be stalking you after tomorrow to see if you tested ;)

My temp went up a bit today so I think I may have O'd yesterday but not sure. We've been bding everyday this week, think tomorrow will be the last day though. So FX we do catch the egg.

Awesome, that is some decent BDing you got in! Do you get any AM Bd in? If not you must try they say the spermies are at their strongest then.

AFM > Just waiting for O which will only be sometime next week, so just gyming hard and hoping everything im doing is helping preparing a good place for a bean to want to implant.
What's the latest with everyone?

Calvinzoey - I wouldn't be able to wait lol, but I'm so going to be stalking you after tomorrow to see if you tested ;)

My temp went up a bit today so I think I may have O'd yesterday but not sure. We've been bding everyday this week, think tomorrow will be the last day though. So FX we do catch the egg.

Awesome, that is some decent BDing you got in! Do you get any AM Bd in? If not you must try they say the spermies are at their strongest then.

AFM > Just waiting for O which will only be sometime next week, so just gyming hard and hoping everything im doing is helping preparing a good place for a bean to want to implant.

Hey Tella

I actually am only getting BD in the morning lol, DH has some long days this week so usually in the evenings he is too tired, so it's always 1st thing in the morning. I didn't know the spermies were stronger in the morning, but that's good news for me!! :winkwink::thumbup:

I'm so jealous of your gyming! I do a bootcamp/crossfit everyday but I decided to go light this week, I'm just nervous about it affecting me even though there is nothing that says not to exercise. I went monday, tuesday and wednesday but when I started to surge I didn't go yesterday and I don't plan to go back till monday. It kills me to not go! I have a spin bike at home so I did workout moderately on it yesterday and will again until I get back to bootcamp monday. I'm even nervous about working out too hard in the tww :nope: but I miss my workouts sigh
Heavy workouts is definitely not recommended in the tww. It can effect implantation from dpo5 its advised to only do light running and no tummy excersises. Yoga is great in tww. At the moment we training for an obstacle race at the end of the month but after that im gonna chill out and just stay active but nothing as hectic as we doing now.

The general rule of thumb is your heart rate mustn't go more than twice your standard heartrate.

My bfp was of only 2 am bds in my fertile week.
That's awesome! How long is the race? I did one in Miami about 2 weeks ago, mine was a 5k with 25 obstacles. It was really fun but tough!

Sigh, I need to go light for the tww too? I guess it's better to do so and be on the safe side. I'll have to figure out what I'll do for next week. I lost 6lbs last month and was hoping to lose 5 more this month. I work out 6 to 7 days a week. ... I'm just addicted to it so it's going to be rough!

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