TTC after D&C (Soon)

I hope we get our sticky beans soon too. This is my first AF post D&C and I'm on day 10!!!!! It's only been spotting for the last 3 days, and it kinda shows up out of nowhere, and then it's mostly only when I wipe unless we DTD and then it comes back for an hour or two, but wth?! And it's bright red, which is weird.
Dear Body,
PLEASE get your act together.
MJ: I have a lot of respect for you doing that!!! I think I would probably opt out of it on the morning of before. -- And oh Miami! Practically where I live! (it's what I tell people because it's close enough :winkwink: Takes me 5 minutes to get to South Miami)

Castaway: Well I'm glad it's slowing down a lot. :hugs: And I'm sorry you had a tough day! :hug:

Turns out my neighbor (who has a 2 year old) is pregnant. Her due date? February 20th... mine was Feb 28th. :cry: I wonder why she got to keep her pregnancy and I didn't. :shrug: I wish I could move!

3Minions: 10 days? Ugh! I hate how our cycles are all F'd up!!!! :growlmad: Enough is enough. Our bodies need to be normal again. :hissy: --- I hope your af end soon. But this story might help in the mean time. A nurse I work with told me her story. She was in the same boat as you. She would get so tired of the bleeding and want to start doing it - she would just jump in the shower and do it. She actually ended up getting pregnant! So you never know! :winkwink: You still might ovulate soon.

I don't even know anymore with my cycle. I'm just sorta going with the flow of things, and dtd often. :blush: Problem is, my dh is at work 3 days of the week (and does 16 hour shifts!). Nothing happens those days because there just isn't time! So hopefully I ovulate on his days off!
MJ: I have a lot of respect for you doing that!!! I think I would probably opt out of it on the morning of before. -- And oh Miami! Practically where I live! (it's what I tell people because it's close enough :winkwink: Takes me 5 minutes to get to South Miami)

Castaway: Well I'm glad it's slowing down a lot. :hugs: And I'm sorry you had a tough day! :hug:

Turns out my neighbor (who has a 2 year old) is pregnant. Her due date? February 20th... mine was Feb 28th. :cry: I wonder why she got to keep her pregnancy and I didn't. :shrug: I wish I could move!

3Minions: 10 days? Ugh! I hate how our cycles are all F'd up!!!! :growlmad: Enough is enough. Our bodies need to be normal again. :hissy: --- I hope your af end soon. But this story might help in the mean time. A nurse I work with told me her story. She was in the same boat as you. She would get so tired of the bleeding and want to start doing it - she would just jump in the shower and do it. She actually ended up getting pregnant! So you never know! :winkwink: You still might ovulate soon.

I don't even know anymore with my cycle. I'm just sorta going with the flow of things, and dtd often. :blush: Problem is, my dh is at work 3 days of the week (and does 16 hour shifts!). Nothing happens those days because there just isn't time! So hopefully I ovulate on his days off!

16 hour days, ouch! What does he do?

I am now with that heavy brown bleed, i probably have a day or two more and it should be gone....just in time for our getaway! Yay! I am going to wait and see when I ovulate and how I feel. I want to give myself a good 4 weeks before we try to catch an egg I think :wacko:
He works at a children's shelter - good father training!! :haha: He chose to do 16 on Friday, 8 on Saturday, and 16 on Sunday to get 40 hours in 3 days. I work Saturday morning, and he works the afternoon, so we never see each other Friday - Sunday. -- Except when we sleep, of course lol.

Oh that's good! :happydance: I'm glad the bleeding seems to be coming to an end. That's a good idea to give yourself the break. I wanted to jump right back into TTC - which I kinda did (I didn't prevent). But I have to admit, if I would have gotten pregnant right after my D&C, it would have been really emotional. I'd probably be waiting to lose it. :shrug: But in the end, it's all a personal decision. :hugs: Do whatever you feel the best doing!

He works at a children's shelter - good father training!! :haha: He chose to do 16 on Friday, 8 on Saturday, and 16 on Sunday to get 40 hours in 3 days. I work Saturday morning, and he works the afternoon, so we never see each other Friday - Sunday. -- Except when we sleep, of course lol.

Oh that's good! :happydance: I'm glad the bleeding seems to be coming to an end. That's a good idea to give yourself the break. I wanted to jump right back into TTC - which I kinda did (I didn't prevent). But I have to admit, if I would have gotten pregnant right after my D&C, it would have been really emotional. I'd probably be waiting to lose it. :shrug: But in the end, it's all a personal decision. :hugs: Do whatever you feel the best doing!


I am a Social Worker, have done long hours in the field as I did child protection it is a very hard and thankless job! Kudos to hubby!!

See the not trying not preventing really doesn't work we get pregnant if I sneeze funny! :haha: I think when we are away we are going to use condoms (i despise them by the way! lol) and then when I ovulate at the end of the month it is free game. That will give me a few weeks to make sure my lining is ok I am also not sure if the medication is still in my system and that makes me leary.

I have seen that your first couple cycles after a MC/D&C can often lead to twinning. I would LOVE it! :crib::crib:
Hey ladies, it's been a long day for me. I ran the race and crossed the finish line very muddy!!! I have a huge bruise on my knee to show for it too lol, that's what I get for crossing a Lake by running on floating boards on the water lol - it was madness!!

Castaway it sounds like it's coming to an end soon!!! A couple more days I think. Sorry you were feeling bummed ((hugs)). I hope you're feeling a bit better now. I have heard about possible twinning too... that would be so awesome. I would love to have twins!!

Calvinzoey your dh has a heck of a schedule there. ... but I know you'll find a way to make it work. If you found a way while on a trip with grandma, then you're unstoppable Lol

3minions - I understand the frustration. FX it ends soon. Calvinzoey said you could possibly still ovulate even with bleeding.
Hey ladies, it's been a long day for me. I ran the race and crossed the finish line very muddy!!! I have a huge bruise on my knee to show for it too lol, that's what I get for crossing a Lake by running on floating boards on the water lol - it was madness!!

Castaway it sounds like it's coming to an end soon!!! A couple more days I think. Sorry you were feeling bummed ((hugs)). I hope you're feeling a bit better now. I have heard about possible twinning too... that would be so awesome. I would love to have twins!!

Calvinzoey your dh has a heck of a schedule there. ... but I know you'll find a way to make it work. If you found a way while on a trip with grandma, then you're unstoppable Lol

3minions - I understand the frustration. FX it ends soon. Calvinzoey said you could possibly still ovulate even with bleeding.

MJ congrats on finishing the race, what an accomplishment!!!
Thanks Calvinzoey and MJ... I would like to say that things have quit now, but we'll see what the morning holds. DH and I are taking a break this cycle anyway, so hopefully whatever needs to get sorted out does so, and then we'll be good to go for a Christmas BFP :)
MJ, all I can think of is the sunshine where you are :) We're expecting 15cm/7(ish inches) of snow tonight and tomorrow. It's already coming down pretty good. I'm glad your race went well!
And Castaway, I hope you get your twins :)
Castaway: That's a difficult, selfless job - from what I have heard. Kudos to you too!

MJ: Good job on the race! :thumbup: Definitely a smart way to relieve all this TTC stress.

3 Minions: Sounds positive! Maybe the bleeding is over! :thumbup: --- And do you know what I would give to see snow right now? :xmas8: I've lived in South Florida with no seasons since I was 14, and I'm getting close to 26. Personally it's just a better place to vacation than to live. But to each their own! :winkwink:

Hayley + Hilslo: How are you guys doing?
Hi guys, hope you dont mind me joining. Im looking for some ttc buddies that understand what im going through. However my mc was back in April. Till now we have been trying but not really hard, im feeling now that im ready to get back into it completely.

Im praying for a rainbow as my bfp was after 6 failed rounds of ART and then a natural bfp so im positive that it can happen again.

My hcg was down to 0 within a week after d&c. And had a normal cycle immediately afterwards. But since then they have been getting longer again. So im seeing my FS in Dec for femara just to help o along.

Have you guys looked into ph levels effecting fertility?
3minions - Has the bleeding stopped? I am spotting now, day 6 for me and usually AF is completely gone on for me on day 5. So weird but I guess our bodies are trying to straighten themselves out :wacko:

Hilslo/Hayley - where are you guys? any updates?

Calvinzoey - what day are you now?

Castaway - How are you doing? has the bleeding stopped as yet?

Hi Tella - welcome:flower: Where are you in your cycle now? I've heard lots of good things about femera!! When's your FS appointment?
Im CD2 today, my FS said i must come in next cycle for a CD3 scan and then i just want Femara. Ive been on it before so know it works just a question of getting the rest of my body ready for implantation.

My cycles has also been strange since the mc, but the BComplex has helped to get it better quickly
Mj - I *think* Saturday was the last day. I'm glad to hear other people are screwed up too and that I'm not broken... I hope yours is over soon.
Tella - welcome. And good luck.

Now I'll just wait and see how everyone answer's MJs questions, lol. :)
Welcome Tella! I'm glad you could join us. :hugs: It's also good to know you've had strange cycles since the MC. Mine have been so wacky, I don't even recognize myself.

I'm on day 12 of this cycle, so should be ovulating soon. But, like I said, my body has been so wacky I have no idea what's going on. :shrug:

3Minions: I'm glad yours seemed to have ended. No bleeding since Saturday? Sounds like good news to me.
Calvinzoey, I guess I spoke too soon. AAAH. I phoned the health nurse and they said to give it another 72 hours. If it hasn't stopped by then I should go see a doctor. Sigh.
3Minions: :hug: Oh noes! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Was it red? Or brown? Maybe it's the last horrah. :shrug:
Tella - Does femera thin your lining like clomid does? My dr says if we don't get pg on our own again by the end of the year then he's going to put me on meds. My appt is set for the 1st week of January just in case. I'm not too far ahead of you, I'm cd6. Do you temp or use opk's?

3minions - ((hugs)) I hope it stops soon and straightens out, better for it to straighten out this cycle since you're preventing, so hopefully next cycle will be like clockwork ;)

Calvinzoey - this might be your week! especially since you only had a 25 day cycle last time! Get to work girl! I have my FX for you :)
It's mostly brown now. Hopefully this is it.

Mj, me too. Or maybe if this screws me up enough I'll ovulate reaaaaally late. That would be okay too. Anytime after the 17th :)
Still spotting MJ but only when I wipe! Making progress! :thumb up:

I just hope and pray it is done by this weekend. We have a weekend get away and well, its been awhile! :haha:
Tella - Does femera thin your lining like clomid does? My dr says if we don't get pg on our own again by the end of the year then he's going to put me on meds. My appt is set for the 1st week of January just in case. I'm not too far ahead of you, I'm cd6. Do you temp or use opk's?

3minions - ((hugs)) I hope it stops soon and straightens out, better for it to straighten out this cycle since you're preventing, so hopefully next cycle will be like clockwork ;)

Calvinzoey - this might be your week! especially since you only had a 25 day cycle last time! Get to work girl! I have my FX for you :)

No Femara doesnt thin your lining at all and it has a short half life in your body, it is out of your system within 24hrs from the last pill where as Clomid can linger for a few weeks. Also Femara doesnt increase chances of cervical cancer like Clomid does. Only thing is it is alot more expensive. Here by us a round of Clomid converted costs like $10 and Femara $50-75 depending on the dosage.

I o on my own but so late, only around cd 21 lately which is really annoying and i wonder if its not causing my eggies to go overripe and not great quality. My bfp cycle i o'd on CD18 which i would be happy with if it could just stay there but it has been becoming later and later every cycle.

I dont temp but i use my CBFM to track ovulation. Sometimes use cheapie OPKs just to save the CBFM sticks. I also do acupunture weekly to help with balancing everything. It helped alot after the mc. Hopefully it will help bring my bfp again.

It's mostly brown now. Hopefully this is it.

Mj, me too. Or maybe if this screws me up enough I'll ovulate reaaaaally late. That would be okay too. Anytime after the 17th :)

Sorry about the bleeding but alteast it is all out. Fx'd you only o after the 17th :hugs:

Still spotting MJ but only when I wipe! Making progress! :thumb up:

I just hope and pray it is done by this weekend. We have a weekend get away and well, its been awhile! :haha:

Fx'd the spotting will be gone by then , you must enjoy the weekend away. we also did it and it helped alot.

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