TTC after D&C (Soon)

Tella - I usually O late too but since my D&C in August I'm not too sure what's what right now lol. You'll have to let me know about your experience on Femera. FX you'll get your bfp soon.

To the rest of you ladies - :hi::shipw: hang in there! CD7 for me, still waiting on my opk's to come in the mail, hopefully today. Off to the of the few things that helps me not constantly be thinking about TTC :bodyb::haha:
Ladies took another pregnancy test and well, its getting lighter! Hoping for it be a negattive by next week! I am thinking I will O as early as this weekend but most likely next week! I usually O around CD 8-10 so I would assume my body will O as soon as it gets a chance!

I am off from work today and been hustling getting things done around the house. I love days off! :happy dance:

I cleaned the car out, waiting for our heat to be maintenanced and then off to get my car washed/vacuumed. Now to start on the house and then pack! I am so glad to be doing a get away with hubby this weekend!
Great news Castaway :)
We dtd last night and stuff was FINALLY clean so I'm guessing yesterday was the end of the gunk. I'm CD14 right now. My cycles are usually 30-35 days (the post D&C cycle was 36 days) but last cycle was the first time I had ever tracked with OPKs and my LP was 11 days, so maybe I'll ovulate some time in the next 5 days? Maybe? Sitting back to wait for the end of this cycle and the start of the next one.
Great news Castaway :)
We dtd last night and stuff was FINALLY clean so I'm guessing yesterday was the end of the gunk. I'm CD14 right now. My cycles are usually 30-35 days (the post D&C cycle was 36 days) but last cycle was the first time I had ever tracked with OPKs and my LP was 11 days, so maybe I'll ovulate some time in the next 5 days? Maybe? Sitting back to wait for the end of this cycle and the start of the next one.

Are you in your first cycle, after D&C? I am hoping this brown stuff is almost finished. It makes me feel so grimy lol
MJ, my cycle buddy - when do you normally ovulate? I also o later than the normal cd14. It has varied from 19-28 (ignoring first cycles after ectopic and d&c). Maybe we'll o on the same say too!
Tella - does femera bring forward o then? I'm slightly scared to take anything as I don't want to give my body an excuse to screw itself up any more but I'm also worried that late o is causing duff eggs!
It was my 33rd birthday yesterday and it hit me really really hard. I never thought I wouldn't even be pregnant by now. So depressing!!!

Castaway- so glad the tests are getting lighter and fingers crossed the spotting will have disappeared for your weekend away. Enjoy a glass or two of wine and relax - you deserve it!

3minions - O is just around the corner for you now - when are you starting to try again?

Hayley - how are you doing hon? Where are you in your cycle now?
Castaway, my D&C was on Sept 17. AF started Oct 22? 23? I had a few days of clotting after the D&C but that was about it. I'm hoping this is my body making up for it and I'll be back on track right away. I hope you clear up soon because this stuff is just ick.
Hilslo, we can't ttc until after Nov 17, lol, so if I ovulate before that we have to wait until next month which is fine... And I would also like to see if my LP is usually 11 days like it was last month. That would explain a lot about why I always figured I ovulated late with my pregnancies, lol.
Hilslo - Happy happy belated birthday!!!! :friends::cake: I completely understand, but think positive! you're that much closer to your bfp :winkwink: I tend to O later in my cycle too, usually between cd18-23. The cycle I got pg I O'd cd18 so I think when I O later in my cycle my eggs are probably too old or my lining is already starting to break down. FX we O earlier than later!

3minions - happy to hear you've stopped spotting. I haven't spotted since yesterday so looks like AF is definitely gone and now we wait :coffee: FX you will O later so that you won't be out this cycle.

Castaway - sounds like you had a busy day! you sound so excited about your trip, hope you have a blast!!!
Just a quick post... (not much time on my hands today)

I'm testing in the AM for pregnancy. I thought I was getting sick on Saturday night. I have a post nasal drip, fatigue, shortness of breath, overall weird feeling. I noticed today I feel a bit nauseous. Have no appetite. I figure.. it's worth a check. :shrug: I've heard people who had "period-like bleeding" and ended up pregnant.

But maybe I'm just kinda sick.

Hilslo: Happy late birthday!!! :cake:
I just had a D&C 5 days ago. I went in for my 10 week check up to find out my Jelly Bean stopped growing at 7w3d. :'( After reading so many posts about people trying again after 1 cycle, my husband and I have decided to do that as well... If only I could stop bleeding now so my regular af can come! It only took us two tries for this past pregnancy, so I'm hoping we'll have fast success again, that lasts this time!
Hi everyone!

Welcome Niccole and Tella, sorry for your loss both of you :hugs:

Hilslo happy belated birthday! Hopefully 33 will be a better year for you!

CalvinZoey... I hope it's a positive how amazing would that be!

Castaway have a great trip you deserve it after the few weeks you've had!

3minions glad to hear you're no longer spotting... hopefully Dec will be your month :flower:

Mj ... hiiiii keep bding to your hearts content you sound as positive as ever!:thumbup:

No news from me I'm cd14 so just doing plenty of bd and hoping for the best!
Morning girls!

Tella and Niccole, sorry for your losses.

Hayley, we're totally on the same cycle :) Except I hope you get your bfp this month :)
Morning ladies,

Niccole - welcome! sorry for your loss. We have all been through it here. It took me 6 weeks and 1 day before AF showed up again after my d&c. Hopefully you won't have to wait so long. Are you testing out your hcg levels?

Hayley - so happy to hear from you :flower: keep bding, FX you get your bfp this cycle!

Calvinzoey - did you test??? stalking you lol

Hilslo - I don't remember but are you temping or doing opk's?

3minions - :hi:
Sorry for your loss, Niccole! Join us! :hugs:

It was negative. I thought it would be, but I've never been sick like this before, so figured it was worth a shot before I start medicating myself with everything possible to make me feel better. :winkwink: Can't risk drugging a baby!

I have a feeling we'll get at least one BFP this month. November Positives! :thumbup:
Thanks everyone. Reading all of your posts really is helping me. I feel like a complete basket case right now and so lonely. My husband is a fireman and works a lot of nights at his second job also, so I've been by myself a lot. At least I have a sweet dog who likes to cuddle though!

mj-I don't really know anything about testing hcg levels or ovulation kits or anything really. This is all so new. We only tried for two months before getting pregnant, and we weren't really doing anything special. But now I'm becoming slightly obsessive and would love to know more about all that stuff.
Calvinzoey - yes we need to at least 1 bfp this month in the group! You could still get a bfp this month, have you felt any ovulation symptoms?

Niccole - Sorry you're alone hon, but sometimes it's easier alone. With me I rather be alone than have to listen to the comments and sorry's from all my family, up to last week my aunt in canada emailed me how sorry she was to hear....I was like ok ppl trying to move on please stop already......but that was just me, because if I think too much on it then I get all emotional, so I rather not.
As far as testing out your hcg, a few of us bought internet cheapie hpt's and basically tested until it went negative and then we knew our bodies were about to start over, meaning ovulate and then AF.
btw - it took us 5 months before we got pg, hoping it won't take so long again but since you got pg so soon you may get lucky very very soon again. Stay positive!
Thanks everyone. Reading all of your posts really is helping me. I feel like a complete basket case right now and so lonely. My husband is a fireman and works a lot of nights at his second job also, so I've been by myself a lot. At least I have a sweet dog who likes to cuddle though!

mj-I don't really know anything about testing hcg levels or ovulation kits or anything really. This is all so new. We only tried for two months before getting pregnant, and we weren't really doing anything special. But now I'm becoming slightly obsessive and would love to know more about all that stuff.

Hi there...I had a medically managed miscarriage on Oct 25th and we too are planning on trying but we are going to NTNP before my first AF. I would wait one cycle with a D&C though, you were scraped and need to get your lining back. :thumb up:

These cheapies are very good. I have been testing every two days to see the line very slowly going away. If I get pregnant I will be able to see the line getting darker versus lighter :)

I too got pregnant fast, both times on the first cycle. Sadly we have yet to take a child home even though my first pregnancy went until 31 weeks when we lost our son. This pregnancy never progressed into a baby, blighted ovum. We are hoping this time will be our sticky bean to a healthy bubs to take home. Best of luck!
MJ: I am feeling the twinging pains on my right side. Confusing enough, I felt it on my left side yesterday! :haha: I've been dtd daily, so hopefully I catch one!

Niccole: Yeah, I know how it is! I live with my DH, and his mother is the only close relative. My good friends are scattered not around my area. Not too many to share the low periods in when DH is at work. So, I based my work schedule off his, so we have Monday - Wednesday off together. I'm a nurse, and luckily we have very flexible schedules. Mostly I can tell them what I want, and I get it. -- And for the times in which your lonely with no one but your dog, come vent it out on here! :hugs:

Castaway: I need to get a pack of those! I have one clearblue test left. I'm hoping it'll come out as positive this month and that's all I need. -- Those strips are actually what they use at doctor's offices. I remember in my internship that I used those often. They work well. :thumbup:
Mj, im also a late O'er and thats why I want to use Femara. Ive used it before and it was 100 better than clomid. Slight side effects but nothing to hectic. Im also worried about egg quality when I o so late, and my bfp cycle i also od on cd18.

Hilslo, yes it stimulates fsh so you O earlier and has no effect on your lining and is out of your system in 24hrs. Far better than Clomid just more expensive.

3minions, a 11 day lp is not ultimate. Have you considered B6 to lengthen it a bit. Its helped me so for from 12 back to 13 day lp.
Thanks for your thoughts Tella. I actually bought some B6 and I just started taking it. My OPKs are getting darker now so I think I should O in the next couple days. I think I'll skip the B6 for the rest of the month and see if my LP is any longer this cycle - last cycle was the first one after my D&C so stuff is just out of whack right now. I don't think two days worth will have done anything.
I decided to start charting yesterday (at CD15 or something, lol) because I'm interested to see if I'm ovulating or not. I went to the doctor yesterday because I'm still getting some dark discharge once in a while. AFTER the doctor yesterday I figured out that it's probably CM. Anyway, he gave me a bunch of blood work to have done so I went and did that today. I don't really think he had too much of an idea what to do with me (I just wanted to know if the goop was normal) because he had them check my HCG (which I am 100% positive will be <5) and he gave me a sheet to go have an ultrasound to see if they missed anything.... I've had a period since the D&C and the discharge isn't constant - like I said, I think it's just CM. PLUS the guy didn't know what an OPK was. Whatever. Better safe than sorry.
Tella - I'm going to ask about the femera when I go in January if I don't get a bfp before then...but FX the only appointment I'll have in January is a pg appt :winkwink:

Castaway - when do you leave? tomorrow? Have lots of fun you deserve it!

Calvinzoey - :happydance: sounds like you're having O signs to me. FX crossed for you.

3minions - that last line made me nervous....your Dr didn't know what an opk was??? girrrl say it ain't so! and that I got it all confused lol

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