TTC after D&C (Soon)

I don't know when I'm testing! :cry: :sad2: This is really the time that I see why charting is so nice. :haha: I guess I could test tomorrow just to see. Maybe I will. I'm just nervous to test too early and get a false negative. :shrug: I hate disappointment.

And I told you that you were still in the game! I knew it!! Fx for you too then.

Its so funny how different people are, I test all the time! :haha: I have even tested my husband, just for

Castaway - I'm with you on that one! I'm definitely a POAS addict too :blush::haha:

Ya know, it really is an addiction to me! LOL I wake up in the morning like, "What am I going to pee on today!?" lol
Lol @ Castaway. .... that's so me!!!!

So my update: based on today's temp, FF put my ovulation date at Saturday. That's the last day we bd'd so keeping my FX.

Also, another friend announced her pg on Facebook last night ugggh! I just have to tell myself to focus on me and not them!
Are any of you guys in the Midwestern USA? If so, I hope you're all okay after those storms!
Not me, I'm in South Florida. Are you 3minions?
Nope. I'm busy freezing my butt off in Canada. It is currently -15C/5F outside. Blegh. :)
O riiiight! I completely forgot you did mention that.
I had a d&c on the afternoon of the 8th... after I went in for a scan and found ni heart best at 13 weeks... I ended up in the hospital for an infection that Sunday evening and my uterus filling with blood and assessing... I'm 10 days past procedure and first day back to work I Ann still lightly bleeding but don't feel like waiting 3 months to have that feeling of pregnancy again... is it bad to start trying again right away? I was scared to dtd in fear it would hurt being when I had a pelvic exam at the hospital as week as internal ultra sound they hurt like hell however I have in to my husband needs yesterday and had no pain at all however about 4 hrs later I started bleeding heavily with cramps again but this has went away today... I miss the feeling if being pregnant and knowing our family would finally be starting after 10 years.of trying and 3 of those with medication. I finally conceived after 1 cycle using femara( which didn't work fir me)
Hi springmommy: I wouldn't worry about TTC right away unless the doctor gives you a GOOD reason not too. Most of the time they just don't want you to for timing purposes, or due to emotions. I'm really sorry for you loss!!! :hugs: My D&C was on the 15th of August. Still TTC. :shrug:

I'm in South Florida. NO weather problems, except for maybe too much hot weather. :cry: I miss seasons. Bit jealous of you 3minions. :haha:

So I took a test this morning, it came out negative. I'm not sure if it's just too early or if I'm really not pregnant. I think today is day #26 or #27 of my cycle, so I should find out soon enough. If no af in one week, I'll test again. :cry: TTC is exhausting.
Springmommy - I think most of us did NTNP right after our D&C. I personally don't see why not, but that's my personal opinion. If your body is ready and you feel ready then you'll get pg.

Calvinzoey - I still have my FX for you!!!!! It might just be too early. I plan to test next weekend, so we can test together. ..... that's my plan but I've always tested from 7dpo onwards so not sure if I will truly wait till next weekend but I'll try Lol. I'm also not going to bootcamp this week just doing light exercises, then if no bfp next weekend, I'm back at it Monday morning bright and early ;)
I think it depends on how you miscarried if you start right away if it would do more damage to you? I mean with a D&C they scrape it all away so I would give it at least 1 AF so you can build up a healthy lining for egg to attach sounds like you are still heavy bleeding, I would hold off until you are not bleeding anymore. IF you are bleeding you have a higher chance of infection. I bled/spot for 2 weeks then we were able to be intimate. I O'ed 3 weeks and 2 days after miscarriage....I only figured it out b/c I started to feel wet down there and figured I got to POAS to figure out if I was ovulating, sure was!

The sad and seriously just my luck incident of the week: On top of ovulating I have crazy yellow discharge, went to the doc and she is doing labs. Should know this week what the heck is going on and if I need to be treated :(
Castaway, I had brown goop after my first AF until I O'ed last week - they did a bunch of tests on me and it was absolutely nothing. Just brown goop. I'm hoping things are back to normal after this AF. I hope the same for you!
Castaway, I had brown goop after my first AF until I O'ed last week - they did a bunch of tests on me and it was absolutely nothing. Just brown goop. I'm hoping things are back to normal after this AF. I hope the same for you!

Uhhh I hope so. I should have NEVER used condoms, I think they screw up my ph levels :( Oh well, waiting on the test results and told hubby he can't touch me :haha: I am just hoping it is that but I kinda feel like I smell funny too...:blush:

My ovulation sticks are fading, I am assuming my O window is closed anyway. I am still in shock my body O'ed with a positive pregnancy test lol
Oh no if you actually smell funny... On the plus side, if it is BV and you're not pregnant it's super easy to get rid of! :)
Oh no if you actually smell funny... On the plus side, if it is BV and you're not pregnant it's super easy to get rid of! :)

Apparently she said if it is BV or thrush she said both are easy and safe to get rid of when pregnant. She thinks I am pregnant again already just to early to test. My breasts are covered in all these little red veins and she said my ovaries were still swollen from releasing an egg. She told me to test this weekend lol I told her we have been pulling out and she was like welllllll I don't think it worked :haha: I am unsure of anything at this point just can't wait to have some answers...she said if I am smelling anything it can be from sperm left behind....I only let my husband finsih twice inside me but they were back to back days, she says that can be the cause? I am just not sure :nope:
Lol @ Castaway. .... that's so me!!!!

So my update: based on today's temp, FF put my ovulation date at Saturday. That's the last day we bd'd so keeping my FX.

Also, another friend announced her pg on Facebook last night ugggh! I just have to tell myself to focus on me and not them!

:hugs: FB announcements are so hard, I for one will not announce it on FB!!!! I will tell all that is important after 12 weeks and only after that will i post on FB scans etc but nothing hectic, hell i dont even know if i will post scans im really not sure yet.

Are any of you guys in the Midwestern USA? If so, I hope you're all okay after those storms!

Im in South Africa, hoping everyone there is ok.

I had a d&c on the afternoon of the 8th... after I went in for a scan and found ni heart best at 13 weeks... I ended up in the hospital for an infection that Sunday evening and my uterus filling with blood and assessing... I'm 10 days past procedure and first day back to work I Ann still lightly bleeding but don't feel like waiting 3 months to have that feeling of pregnancy again... is it bad to start trying again right away? I was scared to dtd in fear it would hurt being when I had a pelvic exam at the hospital as week as internal ultra sound they hurt like hell however I have in to my husband needs yesterday and had no pain at all however about 4 hrs later I started bleeding heavily with cramps again but this has went away today... I miss the feeling if being pregnant and knowing our family would finally be starting after 10 years.of trying and 3 of those with medication. I finally conceived after 1 cycle using femara( which didn't work fir me)

So sorry for your loss :hugs:

My FS told me i can try when ever i feel ready to try again. There was no reason to prevent so we to only NTNP for the first month and since then i have been TTC again but not really fully. THis month is my last month of just going with the flow. I have a final race the end of next week then i will be back on the TTC wagon 100%.

I think it all depends on you, if you feel like trying then do it. If your body isnt ready it wont fall yet, so just have fun and hope for the best at the moment.

Hi springmommy: I wouldn't worry about TTC right away unless the doctor gives you a GOOD reason not too. Most of the time they just don't want you to for timing purposes, or due to emotions. I'm really sorry for you loss!!! :hugs: My D&C was on the 15th of August. Still TTC. :shrug:

I'm in South Florida. NO weather problems, except for maybe too much hot weather. :cry: I miss seasons. Bit jealous of you 3minions. :haha:

So I took a test this morning, it came out negative. I'm not sure if it's just too early or if I'm really not pregnant. I think today is day #26 or #27 of my cycle, so I should find out soon enough. If no af in one week, I'll test again. :cry: TTC is exhausting.

Sorry for the Bfn they are so annoying. But im good i dont like testing early as it always drives me up the walls wondering and i try and find a line all the time. I will test next Friday and Saturday morning before the race just to make sure im not and if i am then i wont race.

Springmommy - I think most of us did NTNP right after our D&C. I personally don't see why not, but that's my personal opinion. If your body is ready and you feel ready then you'll get pg.

Calvinzoey - I still have my FX for you!!!!! It might just be too early. I plan to test next weekend, so we can test together. ..... that's my plan but I've always tested from 7dpo onwards so not sure if I will truly wait till next weekend but I'll try Lol. I'm also not going to bootcamp this week just doing light exercises, then if no bfp next weekend, I'm back at it Monday morning bright and early ;)

Im kinda torn at the moment, i want to excercise next week for the race but i also kinda dont want to....hmmmm what to do what to do. This week is still fine but next week is implantation week, and thats what im worried about.

I think it depends on how you miscarried if you start right away if it would do more damage to you? I mean with a D&C they scrape it all away so I would give it at least 1 AF so you can build up a healthy lining for egg to attach sounds like you are still heavy bleeding, I would hold off until you are not bleeding anymore. IF you are bleeding you have a higher chance of infection. I bled/spot for 2 weeks then we were able to be intimate. I O'ed 3 weeks and 2 days after miscarriage....I only figured it out b/c I started to feel wet down there and figured I got to POAS to figure out if I was ovulating, sure was!

The sad and seriously just my luck incident of the week: On top of ovulating I have crazy yellow discharge, went to the doc and she is doing labs. Should know this week what the heck is going on and if I need to be treated :(

Sorry about the discharge, it sounds like an infection. Hope she can sort it out quickly for you!

Castaway, I had brown goop after my first AF until I O'ed last week - they did a bunch of tests on me and it was absolutely nothing. Just brown goop. I'm hoping things are back to normal after this AF. I hope the same for you!

Uhhh I hope so. I should have NEVER used condoms, I think they screw up my ph levels :( Oh well, waiting on the test results and told hubby he can't touch me :haha: I am just hoping it is that but I kinda feel like I smell funny too...:blush:

My ovulation sticks are fading, I am assuming my O window is closed anyway. I am still in shock my body O'ed with a positive pregnancy test lol

The HCG can actually bring on Ovulation as it is used in ART to ripen the egg and bring on o, so it could be the reason for the strong O.

AFM > WOW is all i can say, something that im drinking this month has made a HUGE difference in my cycle. O has been around days 19-21 since the MC however this month i got my first High on my CBFM on CD 15, So i was thinking O around 19 wow i couldnt have been more wrong, i got a Peak on CD16 - Say what????? And i had hectic O cramps last night so im definitely sure i Od last night making my 1dpo but FF takes second day of Peak as O day. I actually Od on CD16, its insane!!!! but im sooooo excited, i seriously doubt that im gonna start with Femara and rather see if next month i get a similiar O day. It will be soooo amazing if my body actually is getting what it longed for all this time and now im having a fair chance each month :happydance:
Tella - It's going to be hard not to work out but this would be implantation week for me so I guess better safe than sorry. You should probably take it easy next week too. I didn't realize you were in S. Africa. I was there last it there! We went to Joberg and Cape was definitely one of the most amazing trips of my life.

Castaway - I hope it's nothing serious. OMG that would be something if you were pg again....your DH would be so happy!! :) FX for you!
When did you guys ovulate after the D&C? I had it last Friday and spotted for one day after. We are allowed to start trying again after 2 weeks. Given my age, I will not let any ovulation go past.
When did you guys ovulate after the D&C? I had it last Friday and spotted for one day after. We are allowed to start trying again after 2 weeks. Given my age, I will not let any ovulation go past.

I didn't have a DNC but used meds to naturally pass, 3 wks 1 day I ovulated...strange thing is I didn't feel it! I got kinda wet down there and peed on the ovulation stick and sure enough that's what it was...
Tella - It's going to be hard not to work out but this would be implantation week for me so I guess better safe than sorry. You should probably take it easy next week too. I didn't realize you were in S. Africa. I was there last it there! We went to Joberg and Cape was definitely one of the most amazing trips of my life.

Castaway - I hope it's nothing serious. OMG that would be something if you were pg again....your DH would be so happy!! :) FX for you!

We shall see. I am cautious this I not tell him? Wait for a heart beat? Uhh who knows. My chest has all these little red veins and my Aerolas are darkened...I have slight cramping too...I can test in 5 days bt even then it would be very early...
Driving280- I was 11 weeks at my d&c and ovulated 4 weeks later, AF at 6 weeks.

Castaway- I know how you feel. I may wait to tell my DH too when it does happen. I typically get an u/s at 6 weeks so I would wait till then. As for everyone else, when the baby is here they can know!

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